If you’re seeking for the collection of gross would you rather questions on the internet, you’ve come to the right place.
In remote meetings, gross would you rather questions are a terrific approach to break the ice. This list, in particular, is meant to disgust people. To get people on your team out of their comfort zone, ask them one of these nasty questions. It’s a great icebreaker and best for having a good laugh.
Nothing is more amusing than having friends choose between two heinous situations and these ideas for the most unsettling and gross would you rather questions are sure to go over well. For added naughty fun and laughs, include some alternatives, such as these amusing and dirty would you rather questions.
Check out this collection of disgusting would you rather questions for a never-ending list of questions you may play with your friends from anywhere in the world. It’s a fantastic way to have a good time while also pushing your creativity!
Table of Contents
Gross Would You Rather Questions 1-20
Do you want to play a game of gross would you rather with your friends over the internet? Here are some of the most frightening and gross would you rather questions that will make anyone squirm!
1. Would you rather be extremely allergic to your favorite food or forced to eat your least favourite food once a week?
2. Would you rather have to shave your head or to have your nose pierced?
3. Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
4. Would you rather never fart uncontrollably or never find a bathroom when you need one?
5. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?
6. Would you rather have no thumbs or no fingers?

7. Would you rather be the ugliest person in the world or smell the worst?
8. Would you rather never get tired or never have to go to the bathroom?
9. Would you rather constantly worry about germs or be terrified of a monster under your bed?
10. Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog?
11. Would you rather be someone’s pet goldfish or a wild lizard?
12. Would you rather grow a ponytail down to your ankles or have a huge Adam’s apple?
13. Would you rather never be able to shower again or not be able to shave your legs?
14. Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or go a year with no eyebrows?
15. Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your butt cheeks pierced?
16. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
17. Would you rather poop in the only toilet at a party knowing that you’ll clog it or poop in the bushes in the backyard?
18. Would you rather go through your whole life with one nostril or one ear?

19. Would you rather kiss a toad or get bit by a rattlesnake?
20. Would you rather lose the ability to pee or poop?
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Gross Would You Rather Questions 21-40
The best part of this game is coming up with the most repulsive and gruesome questions to make your friends gag at the prospect of having to go through with any of the scenarios you present. Check out this list of disgusting would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather smell really bad or have really bad taste in music?
2. Would you rather only be able to eat healthy foods or only eat junk food?
3. Would you rather go a year with only one nostril or go a year with only one earlobe?
4. Would you rather eat a chunk of hair or drink a glass of sweat?
5. Would you rather have all your clothes covered in skunk smell or all your shoes filled with cow dung?
6. Would you rather lick your own dirty underwear or lick your own dirty socks?
7. Would you rather sniff a dog’s butt or eat a bowl of dog food?
8. Would you rather have all your teeth fall out or have all your toenails fall out?
9. Would you rather have your eyes open or closed for the rest of your life?
10. Would you rather eat a moldy dead rat or drink a whole bottle of poison?
11. Would you rather sniff 10 dirty diapers or lick 1 dirty diapers?

12. Would you rather have to walk to work through a mile of mud or have to walk home from work through a mile of snow?
13. Would you rather have a dozen cockroaches run over your hands or run over your legs?
14. Would you rather sniff someone else’s sweaty armpit or have someone sniff your sweaty armpit?
15. Would you rather be constipated every day for a year or be farting every day for a year?
16. Would you rather smell the hood of a porta potty or smell the backside of a cat?
17. Would you rather have baby vomit on you or vomit on a baby?
18. Would you rather pull your own thumbnail off with a fork or put a toothpick under your big toe and kick a wall?
19. Would you rather bath a dead body or sleep beside a dead body?
20. Would you rather eat a dead pigeon or eat a dead dove?
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Gross Would You Rather Questions 41-60
The would you rather questions is a fun way to test others’ knowledge while having fun. In this section, we’ve gathered some best would you rather disgusting questions for you.
1. Would you rather get married to a zombie or give birth to a zombie?
2. Would you rather sniff a dog’s butt or lick a dog’s butt?
3. Would you rather lick a handful of sand or eat a handful of sand?
4. Would you rather pet a poisonous snake or run from a poisonous snake?
5. Would you rather have a tail or have two horns?
6. Would you rather run from a group of dogs or a group of cats?
7. Would you rather commit murder with your friend or watch your friend commit suicide?
8. Would you rather run across fire or rollover hot coal?
9. Would you rather find a dead body in your refrigerator or your closet?
10. Would you rather fall into a dark and smelly tank or fall into a dark and smelly well?
11. Would you rather poop your pants or use a dirty toilet to poop?

12. Would you rather find out someone spat in your food or someone spat in your water?
13. Would you rather drink muddy water or drink soapy water?
14. Would you rather lick a goat’s beard or lick a goat’s body?
15. Would you rather have a big stomach or a huge navel?
16. Would you rather sweat a lot on your back or under your armpit?
17. Would you rather lick a stranger’s wound or lick a stranger’s scabs?
18. Would you rather have sores on your tongue or sores on your gum?
19. Would you rather pee when you cry or pee when you laugh?
20. Would you rather swallow a worm or suck on a worm?
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Gross Would You Rather Questions 61-80
With a gross theme, the game’s fun is instantly twice, so if next time you’re feeling up to the task of handling some awful events, here is a terrific would you rather gross edition to start with!
1. Would you rather eat a gross meal or drink a gross drink?
2. Would you rather eat spaghetti made from worms or spaghetti made from hair?
3. Would you rather touch your eyeball or have someone touch your eyeball?
4. Would you rather chew on a piece of paper or chew on a piece of nylon?
5. Would you rather sleep in a dusty room or sleep in a dirty room?
6. Would you rather swallow maggots or poop out maggots?
7. Would you rather drink animal blood once a day or drink human blood once a day?
8. Would you rather throw up on your date or have your date throw up on you?
9. Would you rather have a bad breath or kiss someone with bad breath?
10. Would you rather have rashes on your butt or your genitals?

11. Would you rather have a hole in your gum or a gap in your teeth?
12. Would you rather help your grandparent shave or have your grandparent help you shave?
13. Would you rather wake up with bites all over you or cuts all over you?
14. Would you rather drink milk that smells weird or milk that looks weird?
15. Would you rather eat infected meat or eat rotten meat?
16. Would you rather stick your thumb up your crush’s nose or into your crush’s ear?
17. Would you rather clean adult diapers or baby diapers?
18. Would you rather lick pus from your pimple or lick pus from someone’s pimple?
19. Would you rather blend and drink a bug or chew on a bug?
20. Would you rather swim in a dirty looking pool or a smelling pool?
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Gross Would You Rather Questions 81-100
You can ask your opponent the following disturbing would you rather questions to make it difficult for them to pick. You can use these questions to create unique and amusing scenarios.
1. Would you rather dine alone or watch a good movie by yourself?
2. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
3. Would you rather smell someone’s armpit or smell their feet?
4. Would you rather lick someone’s d#rty palm or d#rty foot?
5. Would you rather drink someone else’s u#ine or have to drink their spit?
6. Would you rather lose your teeth or lose your fingernails?
7. Would you rather go to the grocery store in your underwear or go to the beach without sunscreen?
8. Would you rather p#op once a week in front of people or p#op alone but have no toilet paper?
9. Would you rather never be able to eat or only be able to eat other people’s chewed-up food?
10. Would you rather have to watch your parents be in a divorce or your siblings?
11. Would you rather have to smell farts all the time or have to smell garbage all the time?
12. Would you rather have to wear bums clothes or wear soggy clothes?
13. Would you rather have to have your best friend spit in your mouth or lick the sidewalk?
14. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of worms or have to eat a bowl of crickets
15. Would you rather get an enema or get a shot with a needle?
16. Would you rather have your dog fart all night long or have your dog p#e the bed every night?
17. Would you rather have to eat the family pet or have to eat a dead c#rpse?
18. Would you rather have to sit on needles or sit on a cactus?
19. Would you rather have all liquids taste like alcohol or have all food taste like water?
20. Would you rather have your girlfriend/boyfriend dump you or have to sit in silence for 7-days straight?
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Gross Would You Rather Questions 101-120
In this category, we have plucked some ridiculous would you rather questions for you. These are the most revolting, unpleasant, and heinous questions to the most brave and tough-hearted people. Dive in!
1. Would you rather have one tiny arm, or one tiny foot?
2. Would you rather your shoes were always too big, or always wet?
3. Would you rather have to eat rotten fruit for breakfast every morning, or drink expired milk?
4. Would you rather have thick veins all over your body, or a giant brain that made your head look like a beachball?
5. Would you rather all your hair turned green and smelled like barf, or a mad scientist glued a third arm to your back?
6. Would you rather always dream about spiders, or monkeys with rabies?
7. Would you rather every time you cracked an egg there was a baby chicken inside of it, or a human finger?
8. Would you rather drink tea brewed in the rotting stomach of a horse, or eat sushi made with 50-day-old salmon?
9. Would you rather eat 10 jars of mayonnaise, or 500 gooey tomatoes?
10. Would you rather drink a glass of sewage, or get peed on by 20 elephants?
11. Would you rather all the meat you ate was 20 days past expiry, or all your vegetables were?
12. Would you rather be a blood donor for a vampire, or a foot donor for a werewolf?
13. Would you rather your best friend was a creepy puppet, or a slime that smelled like toxic Mexican food?
14. Would you rather drink squid juice, or eat bird feathers?
15. Would you rather eat cardboard from a garbage can, or an apple core from the compost?
16. Would you rather eat an entire wineglass, or evergreen tree?
17. Would you rather cover your face in vegetable oil every night, or never moisturize again?
18. Would you rather pee your pants, or vomit in your lap in class?
19. Would you rather drink from a water bottle that has been in the car all summer, or eat a piece of charcoal?
20. Would you rather use one of your parent’s toothbrushes, or wear their underwear?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 121-140
The would you rather questions game is a fun party game that will keep your friends engaged. It’s a wonderful party activity to ask nasty would you rather questions. Let’s stroll down this list of best would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather eat a scab or burn your hair, on a candle?
2. Would you rather drink expired fruit juice, or eat moldy bread?
3. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
4. Would you rather go straight from the gym (drenched in sweat) to your bed, or to the office?
5. Would you rather stitch up a hole in your leg yourself, or pull out your own rotten tooth?
6. Would you rather fight one bear-sized duck or ten duck-sized bears?
7. Would you rather lick a public doorknob, or the floor of the subway station?
8. Would you rather have shrimp for fingers or screaming nipples?
9. Would you rather watch someone get eaten by a T-Rex, or a tiger?
10. Would you rather watch someone eat grass, or maple leaves?
11. Would you rather take a cup filled with someone else’s sweat or drink your urine?
12. Would you rather poop out of your mouth or have a wild animal poop in your mouth?
13. Would you rather have smelly feet or food stuck in your teeth all day?
14. Would you rather have your farts be super loud and without offensive smell or be silent and smell horrible?
15. Would you rather lick a homeless man’s toe or take a cup of coffee you see outside the compound?
16. Would you rather be in a cage with snakes or be in a cage with lions?
17. Would you rather find a being without ahead in your kitchen or on your bed?
18. Would you rather commit a crime and stay in jail for years or never commit a crime and die before 30?
19. Would you rather run across fire or roll across used needles?
20. Would you rather bleed from your nose or from your an#s?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 141-160
The disgusting would you rather questions act like “conversation starters”. Frequently, this leads to more debate about the subject. Play this game with your friends and have a lot of fun!
1. Would you rather get married to animal or give birth to an animal?
2. Would you rather hear voices from unknown sources or be able to see dead people who had a horrible death?
3. Would you rather chew someone’s hair from the armpit or lick the floor in a public place?
4. Would you rather taste your own bodily sour or run through a field of rotting corpses?
5. Would you rather have 5 genitals and one placed on your forehead or have not genitals at all?
6. Would you rather fart uncontrollably or have your date fart with a horrible smell on you?
7. Would you rather eat an entire bag of dead flies or have live flies come out every time you fart?
8. Would you rather cry bout sand instead of tears or sweat profusely all the time?
9. Would you rather poop in your hands or poop in someone else’s hands?
10. Would you rather be in a cage with reptiles or be in a cage with lions?
11. Would you rather be buried alive or be thrown into an evil forest?
12. Would you rather have a cat scratch your face or scratch your genitals?
13. Would you rather be hairy all over or be covered with feathers all over?
14. Would you rather be abducted by a cannibal or by an alien?
15. Would you rather drink dirty water every day or eat dirty food every day?
16. Would you rather roll around in the sand or roll around in wet cement?
17. Would you rather pour acid on your hands or pour acid on your feet?
18. Would you rather drink a bottle of mayonnaise or drink a bottle of jam?
19. Would you rather drink milk from a goat’s udder, or let a spider crawl around your mouth for a minute?
20. Would you rather your teacher a was a horse with ten eyes, or a giant snake that hissed in your ear all day?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 161-180
The “would you rather” game is as easy as 1 2 3. Simply host a game and invite your friends via the invite link. It’s the most convenient and entertaining method to ask you rather disgusting questions.
1. Would you rather it rained every day, or it was so cold you couldn’t be outside for more than 10 minutes?
2. Would you rather have to sleep in a swamp every night, or under a staircase that smelled like pee?
3. Would you rather you could only pay for things with greasy coins, or dead bugs?
4. Would you rather drop a carton of rotten milk on the floor, of a giant jug of hot sauce?
5. Would you rather eat an entire block of blue cheese, or drink water from a rain puddle?
6. Would you rather sidewalks were covered with ants, or caterpillars?
7. Would you rather eat a handful of wasps, or a wet dog fur?
8. Would you rather have a bucket of slime poured on your head before school, or a bucket of old milk?
9. Would you rather brush your teeth with lemon juice, or liquified Sour Patch Kids?
10. Would you rather barf in front of the entire class, or trip and fall in a mud puddle on your birthday?
11. Would you rather moths shoot from you mouth with you cough, or birds came out of your butt when you farted?
12. Would you rather pull out a hair from your arm and discover it’s a wire, or find a microchip buried in your foot?
13. Would you rather your fingernails were pulled off by baboons, or your hair was pulled out by a giant spider?
14. Would you rather your skin was covered in reptile scales, or was see-through?
15. Would you rather be transformed into a snake, or a JELL-O monster?
16. Would you rather have to eat beets instead of apples, or broccoli instead of oranges?
17. Would you rather everything you ate made you gain 10 pounds, or touching water made you melt?
18. Would you rather your bathroom smelled like a stinky ocean, or the greasiest part of a McDonald’s?
19. Would you rather your fingernails grew at 100x normal speed, or your eyebrows did?
20. Would you rather a giant tarantula was the mayor of your city, or a giant cobra was?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 181-200
Here is a would you rather gross edition to help you consider your options. Disturbing questions, of course, are one of the things that motivate you to do so. Enjoy it!
1. Would you rather have a second head but it’s a koala bear, or have four arms, but they’re spider arms?
2. Would you rather drop your phone in a sewer, or a toilet after a giant has just finished going number 2?
3. Would you rather do a belly flop into a pool of moldy cheese juice, or into a lake filled with dead fish?
4. Would you rather always fart during the most important part of a movie, or whenever someone kisses?
5. Would you rather drink a stranger’s blood, or throw up on stage at your graduation?
6. Would you rather have sweaty palms all the time, or bad breath?
7. Would you rather bathe in a tub of snakes, or crickets?
8. Would you rather hear someone spit on the ground, or burp after they eat?
9. Would you rather swim in a pool with water snakes, or play tennis on a rat-infested court?
10. Would you rather taste earwax whenever you eat, or pee whenever you drink?
11. Would you rather listen to your best friend confess their undying love for your parent, or sibling?
12. Would you rather roll down a hill covered in ticks, or sleep beside someone with head lice?
13. Would you rather chip your front tooth, or break your nose if you fell on a run in the forest?
14. Would you rather breathe in someone’s cough, or hug a very sweaty person?
15. Would you rather eat a bowl of pine needles, or a ladybug smoothie?
16. Would you rather eat a human bone, or human flesh?
17. Would you rather hike through a scorpion-infested desert, or sleep in a spider infested room?
18. Would you rather never wipe away dried drool, or eye gunk from your face?
19. Would you rather share a deodorant stick with a stranger, or lick a public water fountain?
20. Would you rather kiss a giant’s armpit 20 times, or pick their nose?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 201-220
These nasty would you rather questions below are meant to spark your interest. The approach to these concerns is fairly generally. And for newcomers to the game, it might be a terrific way to get started.
1. Would you rather juggle rotten eggs, or pineapples that have turned grey and moldy?
2. Would you rather the floor was always cold, or the walls were always dripping with slime?
3. Would you rather live by “Hakuna Matata” or “YOLO”?
4. Would rather have 100 duck-sized elephants or 1 elephant-sized duck?
5. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
6. Would you rather use boiling water as eye drops or gargle with sour milk?
7. Would you rather drink water from a vase that has 2-week old flowers, or eat a giant 3-foot spiderweb?
8. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life?
9. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
10. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?
11. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?
12. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?
13. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?
14. Would you rather wear a green leprechaun hat every day or fairy wings?
15. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
16. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper?
17. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?
18. Would you rather have to always wear heavy boots or have to never be able to wear shoes?
19. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?
20. Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 221-240
To start the discussion with your friends, choose one of these nasty would you rather questions. Then move on to the questions that provide more humiliating opportunities for sharing stories.
1. Would you rather date your best friend or someone you don’t know?
2. Would you rather have to wear a tuxedo shirt every day for a month or have to wear a tutu every day for a month?
3. Would you rather always hit a red light for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?
4. Would you rather have a slow car or a fast bike?
5. Would you rather have the ability to read the minds of everyone in the world or to be able to move objects with your mind?
6. Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?
7. Would you rather donate your body to science or donate your organs to people who need them?
8. Would you rather be on a game show or star in a soap opera?
9. Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie?
10. Would you rather do your own stunts in an action movie, or have a stunt person do them?
11. Would you rather be an actor/actress in a comedy or in a drama?
12. Would you rather be a character in the movie Gone with the Wind or The Wizard of Oz?
13. Would you rather be a famous movie star or a member of your favorite popular music group?
14. Would you rather be a stand-up comedian or a concert pianist?
15. Would you rather be completely bald or covered from head to toe with hair?
16. Would you rather eat a small can of cat food or eat two rotten tomatoes?
17. Would you rather always have to skip everywhere or run everywhere?
18. Would you rather hold a snake or kiss a jellyfish?
19. Would you rather have your grandmother’s hairstyle or first name?
20. Would you rather drink all your food from a baby bottle or wear visible diapers for the rest of your life?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 241-260
These disturbing would you rather questions can both challenge the mind and provide an opportunity to laugh. The multiple-choice questions will present an interesting challenge to each player while also providing plenty of opportunities to crack a laugh.
1. Would you rather suffer from spontaneous shouting or unpredictable fainting spells?
2. Would you rather have your dog kiss you or your grandma kiss you?
3. Would you rather wear winter clothes all year long or summer clothes all year long?
4. Would you rather have a freakishly huge smile or freakishly small nose?
5. Would you rather be A clown who distracts the bull or the cowboy who rides the bull?
6. Would you rather be without elbows or without knees?
7. Would you rather eat the same meal for the rest of your life or never use Instagram again?
8. Would you rather have to get up at dawn or stay up at 3 am everyday?
9. Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
10. Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny Rhino?
11. Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
12. Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good-looking?
13. Would you rather be super fast or super strong?
14. Would you rather it be summer forever or winter forever?
15. Would you rather have a brownie or a cheesecake?
16. Would you rather have curly hair or straight hair?
17. Would you rather let it go or get even?
18. Would you rather have hail rocks or rain arrows?
19. Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
20. Would you rather have your body age or your face age?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 261-280
These ridiculous would you rather questions can either set the tone for a pleasant evening or cause you to burst out laughing. These questions may also cause your friends to squirm.
1. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
2. Would you rather be really funny or really smart?
3. Would you rather burp constantly or fart all of the time?
4. Would you rather live in an arcade or live in a treehouse?
5. Would you rather eat ice cream every day or chocolate every day?
6. Would you rather have your eyes change color depending on your mood or your ears twitch when you sense danger?
7. Would you rather create a new holiday or design new toy ideas?
8. Would you rather eat ice cream flavored steak or banana flavored hamburgers?
9. Would you rather do yoga or workout every morning?
10. Would you rather go on a biking trip with your family or a sailing trip with your family?
11. Would you rather lick dirty trash cans around the school or lick the bathroom floor?
12. Would you rather ride on a horse or on a dolphin?
13. Would you rather be able to fly through the sky or have invisibility?
14. Would you rather live with your mom or your dad for the rest of your life?
15. Would you rather speak every language decently or speak two languages extremely well?
16. Would you rather live longer or shorter than your friends?
17. Would you rather fly in a hot air balloon or a helicopter?
18. Would you rather have beautiful butterfly wings or a cool horsetail?
19. Would you rather have one eye right in the middle of your head or two noses?
20. Would you rather ride roller coasters for a full day or play games for a full day?
More Gross Would You Rather Questions
In would you rather game, these are the kinds of questions that send shivers down your spine. It’s not because they’re frightening, but because they’re simply disgusting. Who will think about to ask such questions?!
1. Would you rather live in the clouds or underwater?
2. Would you rather have purple hair or green hair?
3. Would you rather find a treasure map or magic beans?
4. Would you rather fly a kite or sail a boat?
5. Would you rather eat a watermelon or a mango?
6. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
7. Would you be rather a monkey or a gorilla?
8. Would you rather never listen to music or never watch TV?
9. Would you rather be able to stop time or go back in time?
10. Would you rather like it to rain marshmallows or jelly drops?
5 Tips for Playing Gross Would You Rather Questions Game
Try out this list of nasty would you rather questions with someone who claims to be strong-willed and can handle any type of would you rather question. It’s a delightful parlor game that gets people talking and allows them to get to know one other. The gross would you rather questions are ideal for first dates, couples, friends, best friends, coworkers, and many other situations.
It is not a game for everyone, regardless how interesting would you rather disgusting questions might be. Make sure you play it with someone who knows what a “gross would you rather question” is or who is completely free to sit with you and have a good time playing the most disgusting would you rather games.
Here are 5 tips for you.
1. Make it a fun – The purpose of the game “Would you rather” is to have fun, speak about your favorite things, and learn about the preferences of your friends. This game is also a great way to break the ice and get to know your family and friends better!
2. Offer two option to questions – You give your opponent exactly two options that are as opposed as possible in the game “Would you rather.” They must then decide which option they prefer. You will discover a little more about the other person through play. It’s easy to answer “Would you rather” questions, and it’s also a lot of fun!
3. Eliminate your boredom – On dating sites, these types of questions are becoming increasingly common. The statements are an interesting way to begin a conversation. It’s the ideal icebreaker! When boredom sets in, would you rather questions are a great way to pass the time with friends.
4. Play it in a group – The game has a variety of variations and can be played in a variety of ways. You don’t need anything else but nice company and a pleasant mood. This game is ideal for a group or a pair of people. The minimum number of players necessary is two.
5. “Would You rather” drinking game – You’ll need at least three players to play the drinking game version. The rules are the same for everyone. A “Would you rather” question is posed. Then you count to three and have everyone express their choice aloud. Those who choose the least popular choice must drink.
Final Thoughts on Gross Would You Rather Questions
We hope so you enjoyed this article of gross would you rather questions. When you’re with your friends or a special someone, try these nasty and disgusting would you rather questions. It’ll be the most hilarious and disgusting hour you’ve ever experienced!
Imagine how your friends will feel if they have to choose between these disgusting and disturbing questions just by reading them!
These questions reveal surprising information about each participant, and very good Would You Rather questions prompt players to consider what they value most, whether it’s love or money, integrity or ego, privacy or freedom, or even salt or sugar.
We’ve compiled a list of the top gross would you rather questions that run the gamut from serious to funny. Prepare to learn more about your friends and family than you ever imagined during your next party (or family home quarantine).