Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to spark conversation with your friends and family?
Look no further than the classic “would you rather game“!
With over 250 thought-provoking and entertaining would you rather questions provided in this article, you’ll surely keep the conversation flowing and uncover some deep secrets of your friends.
So, gather your loved ones and get ready to have fun now.
Table of Contents
Best Would You Rather Questions
Get ready to ignite the conversation with the most intriguing ‘Would You Rather’ questions that will leave your friends and family guessing. Perfect for parties, family gatherings and game nights.
1. Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
2. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
3. Would you rather go on a cruise with friends or with your spouse?
4. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
5. Would you rather have more time or more money?
6. Would you rather lose your keys or your cell phone?
7. Would you rather eat a meal of cow tongue or octopus?
8. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
9. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing?
10. Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?
11. Would you rather work more hours per day, but fewer days or work fewer hours per day, but more days?
12. Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
13. Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
14. Would you rather listen to music from the ’70s or music from today?
15. Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
16. Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
17. Would you rather become someone else or just stay you?
18. Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
19. Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
20. Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman?
21. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
22. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?
23. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
24. For your birthday, would you rather receive cash or gifts?
25. Would you rather go to a movie or to dinner alone?
Funny Would You Rather Questions
Are you looking for a good laugh? This collection of interesting would you rather questions will have you and your friends in stitches.
1. Would you rather be forced to dance all day, every day, until you get a perfect score on “Dancing with the Stars”, or be forced to eat mashed potatoes until you get a perfect score on “Beat the Chefs”?
2. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?
3. Would you rather be forced to listen to the same 10 songs on repeat for the rest of your life or forced to watch the same 5 movies on repeat for the rest of your life?
4. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
5. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?
6. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?
7. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?
8. Would you rather have to use chopsticks every day for the rest of your life or use a fork?
9. Would you rather take care of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast for the rest of your life or have Gaston as your boyfriend?
10. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?
11. Would you rather grow a ponytail down to your ankles or have a huge Adam’s apple?
12. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?
13. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?
14. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
15. Would you rather wear a green leprechaun hat every day or fairy wings?
16. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
17. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
18. Would you rather live in a country with a low cost of living but horrible weather or live in a country with a high cost of living and amazing weather?
19. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
20. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?
21. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper?
22. Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet lion?
23. Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?
24. Would you rather be famous on the internet or in real life?
25. Would you rather be physically stronger than most people or be able to fly?
26. Would you rather eat foods that have never been cooked or only eat cooked foods?
27. Would you rather go one month with only a tank top on or go one month with only a thong on?
Hard Would You Rather Questions
Get ready to think deeply and defend your choices. These difficult would you rather questions will make you think deeply about your priorities, and spark intriguing discussions among you and your friends.
1. Would you rather get locked in a room with a lion, a tiger, a bear, and a monkey, or get locked in a room with 100 creepy little spiders?
2. Would you rather never be able to play a musical instrument again or never be able to sing again?
3. Would you rather be able to fly with a damaged plane or travel with a slow boat?
4. Would you rather die in a horrible accident or live to 100 and never move or be able to talk again?
5. Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a perfect memory or be able to have perfect focus?
6. Would you rather be completely physically disabled or be diagnosed with a terminal illness?
7. Would you rather live to 100 years old or live to 500 years old?
8. Would you rather spend a year completely alone or have a serious illness?
9. Would you rather be extremely allergic to your favourite food or forced to eat your least favourite food once a week?
10. Would you rather never take the easy way out of anything ever again or stop procrastinating?
11. Would you rather read the first draft of the most popular book of all time or an obscure book that has just a handful of fans?
12. Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?
13. Would you rather only be able to find jobs that start at 1am or jobs that start at 5am?
14. Would you rather only be able to live in a small city your entire life or only be able to live in a big city your entire life?
15. Would you rather have access to all the music ever written, but no way to play it, or be able to play any piece of music ever written on any instrument, but never be able to listen to any music again?
16. Would you rather not care about what people thought about you or care about what people thought about you?
17. Would you rather live in a world where there is no crime or no privacy?
18. Would you rather have a guaranteed good job for the rest of your life or win the lottery and have a 50/50 chance of losing it all?
19. Would you rather have a good memory or be able to learn a new language easily?
20. Would you rather lose all of your memories from your childhood or lose all of your memories from the last few years?
21. Would you rather live in the country or live in the city?
22. Would you rather live in the Middle Ages or the future?
23. Would you rather get a credit card with a $10,000 limit or $1,000 cash?
24. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island or trapped in a room?
25. Would you rather have to choose to live on your own island or be forced to live with your entire family on an island?
26. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions
You will undoubtedly discover much about the quizmaster and other participants due to these hypothetical questions. Here we have pretty filthy, dirty would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather go after a beautiful face or sexy body?
2. Would you rather have a bedroom injury or a heartbreak?
3. Would you rather date a bedroom bully or Mr. Shy Guy/Girl?
4. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or wait for another 6 months?
5. Would you rather have it raw with a playboy or a random guy/girl you met the other day?
6. Would you rather swallow or spit?
7. Would you rather make out on the kitchen counter or dining table?
8. Would you rather have balls under your chin or nipples on your nose?
9. Would you rather have s#x for money or for fame?
10. Would you rather have your bullz kicked or your d#ck bitten during orals?
11. Would you rather date your current boyfriend/girlfriend or their best friend if there were no consequences?
12. Would you rather work in the broth#l or as a stripp#r?
13. Would you rather give or receive orals?
14. Would you rather date Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres?
15. Would you rather make out with Megan Thee Stallion or Nicki Minaj?
16. Would you rather have your text messages exposed or your smartphone gallery leaked?
17. Would you rather date a good lady or a bad girl?
18. Would you rather have loud mourns or silent nights?
19. Would you rather receive pity s#x or walk of shame where your best friends see you?
20. Would you rather have bad breath or smelly private parts?
21. Would you rather experience a bad walk of shame or an embarrassing public breakup?
22. Would you rather have a bald head or very long pubic hair?
23. Would you rather lick a random stranger’s behind or their dirty toes?
24. Would you rather date a s#x addict or a p#rn addict?
25. Would you rather do it with the lights on or off?
26. Would you rather have a 3#sum with a stranger or have it with your best friends?
Would You Rather Questions for Icebreakers
Breaking the ice can be challenging. But with these would you rather questions for conversation starters, it can be easier.
1. Would you rather be the funniest person or the smartest person in the room?
2. Would you rather have unlimited pizza for life or unlimited tacos for life?
3. Would you rather be known for your intelligence or for your good looks?
4. Would you rather live forever or be remembered forever?
5. Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted ten years from now?
6. Would you rather have out-of-control body hair or out-of-control body odor?
7. Would you rather be magical, but life on earth, or live in a magical land but be normal?
8. Would you rather have an unlimited gift card to a restaurant or a clothing store?
9. Would you rather be on an airplane between two arguing passengers or sit next to a screaming infant?
10. Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?
11. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?
12. Would you rather babysit a crying infant for a day or have an unwanted houseguest for a week?
13. Would you rather live a long life in poverty or a short life with wealth?
14. Would you rather be completely bald or covered from head to toe with hair?
15. Would you rather live in a world where you dance instead of walk or sing instead of talk?
Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Would you rather adults only questions are fun and engaging ways to spark conversation with friends. But be careful that everyone is comfortable with these questions.
1. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
2. Would you rather have to spend the next 20 years as a student, or spend the next 20 years as an employee?
3. Would you rather be one of the world’s leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world?
4. Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
5. Would you rather have to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness or live out the rest of your life in jail?
6. Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
7. Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
8. Would you rather give up your salary for the next five years or give up everything you have in the bank right now?
9. Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you but tasted horrible or eat something that tasted great but was bad for you?
10. Would you rather have a peaceful existence where you never had to worry about the troubles of life, or live a more “normal” life full of risk and challenge?
11. Would you rather live in a country where the government is almost always doing the right thing or live in a country where they have to listen to you?
12. Would you rather get to witness something once in your lifetime that few others will ever see or get to witness something once in your lifetime that many others have seen?
13. Would you rather have a job that pays $70 an hour but lets you work from home or a job that pays $100 an hour but requires you to be physically present?
14. Would you rather live in a country where you could speak the language fluently or would you rather be able to teleport?
15. Would you rather have a huge imagination or a photographic memory?
16. Would you rather live in a world where everyone ignores you or in a world where everyone is mean to you?
17. Would you rather go through life unable to forget anything ever or go through life unable to remember anything?
18. Would you rather find a dead body or be a witness to a deadly assault?
19. Would you rather eat a live worm or be locked in a room with a tarantula for an hour (but not know where the tarantula is)?
20. Would you rather only be able to wash your hair twice a year or only be able to check your phone once a day?
21. Would you rather be stranded on an island with no food with you dog and your sibling, would you kill your dog to feed your sibling or let your sibling die of hunger?
22. Would you rather have s#x with your cousin in secret or not have s#x with your cousin but everyone thinks you did?
23. Would you rather give up cursing forever or give up ice cream for 10 years?
24. Would you rather always have tangled hair or always have wet underarms?
25. Would you rather wake up in the middle of a good dream every time and not be able to fall back to sleep or never be able to wake yourself up from a nightmare?
26. Would you rather get a pimple the night before important dates or get sick every time after an important date is over?
Would You Rather Questions for Couples
Take your relationship to the next level with these would you rather questions for couples. These questions will give you and your partner a deeper understanding of each other.
1. Would you rather have your partner tell you what they want as a gift or surprise them?
2. Would you rather be 25 or 45 for the rest of your life?
3. Would you rather be the couple that everyone is jealous of or the couple everyone wants to be friends with?
4. Would you rather cook for your significant other or cook as a couple?
5. Would you rather have children or a dog?
6. Would you rather your partner always be late or always be early?
7. Would you rather swim with dolphins or go whale watching together?
8. Would you rather have the life of a cat or a beaver?
9. Would you rather argue all night to resolve a conflict or end the argument unresolved before bed?
10. Would you rather go to the theater or the movies as a couple?
11. Would you rather your partner be rich and cocky or broke and a sweetheart?
12. Would you rather ask your partner for help or figure it out yourself?
13. Would you rather attend a dog show or horse race together?
14. Would you rather know all the people your partner has been with or know known of them?
15. Would you rather go zip lining or bungee jumping together?
16. Would you rather be a power business couple or a famous movie star couple?
17. Would you rather attend a car race or a baseball game together?
18. Would you rather have a picnic with your partner or go to a fancy dinner?
19. Would you rather your partner be very active on social media or not have any social media accounts?
20. Would you rather be in lust forever or be in love forever?
21. Would you rather learn a sexy couple’s tango dance or go to a hip hop club together?
22. Would you rather be caught cheating or catch you spouse cheating?
23. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read you lovers mind?
24. Would you rather be dumped or do the dumping?
25. Would you rather have/have had a big wedding or elope?
26. Would you rather be an attractive adult or intelligent?
27. Would you rather be in a bad relationship or alone for the rest of your life?
28. Would you rather your partner be besties with your boss or your best friend?
29. Would you rather be with someone famous or rich?
30. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who never says “I Love You” or who never hugs you?
31. Would you rather be failures together or become successful apart?
32. Would you rather go out on a double date or have a romantic dinner for two at home?
33. Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your in-laws or your partner’s boss?
34. Would you rather be proposed to on the jumbotron at a baseball game or in a parking lot?
35. Would you rather have your forever home in a tiny town or a big city?
Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
This collection of fun and flirty questions will give your insight into your crush’s interests, preferences, and personality. From light-hearted hypothetical scenarios to deeper dilemmas, these questions will encourage conversation.
1. Would you rather take a bus around or take a train?
2. Would you rather live somewhere quiet or somewhere lively?
3. Would you rather study abroad or work abroad?
4. Would you rather work in a group or work independently?
5. Would you rather work all day or work all night?
6. Would you rather drink hot chocolate or a cold sundae?
7. Would you rather sleep in on a Saturday or go out?
8. Would you rather live alone or with your best friend?
9. Would you rather date someone with good manners or a great dress sense?
10. Would you rather eat home-cooked meals or fast food?
11. Would you rather buy a house or build it from the ground up?
12. Would you rather have work from home or the office?
13. Would you rather live alone in a big house or a crowded small home?
14. Would you rather watch a romantic movie or an action movie?
15. Would you rather use a shower or use a hot tub?
16. Would you rather go on a lunch date or a dinner date?
17. Would you rather have visitors over or visit someone?
18. Would you rather cook dinner or do the dishes after dinner?
19. Would you rather spend the entire day scrolling through Instagram or Twitter?
20. Would you rather eat chips with ketchup or eat chips with mustard?
21. Would you rather eat something sweet or eat something spicy?
22. Would you rather live somewhere hot or live somewhere cold?
23. Would you rather participate in sports or watch sports?
24. Would you rather have an extroverted friend or an introverted friend?
25. Would you rather have a pet parrot or a pet dove?
26. Would you rather have brilliant friends or gorgeous friends?
27. Would you rather listen to Jazz or Reggae?
Would You Rather Questions for Coworkers
From hypothetical scenarios to more profound dilemmas, this office would you rather questions that will encourage conversation. Also, will give your insight into your coworkers’ values and beliefs.
1. Would you rather do something you love and make just enough money to get by or do something you hate but make billions of dollars?
2. Would you rather have a job where you talk to people all day or a job where you stay at your desk by yourself all day?
3. Would you rather be good at any new skill you tried but always work on new things or work with the same skills and specialize your work?
4. Would you rather work longer but fewer days a week or shorter but more days of the week?
5. Would you rather work in a big city or a small town (if you could have the same job both places)?
6. Would you rather have a job where you don’t write at all or a job where you write all the time?
7. Would you rather have plenty of time to work on an eventually unused project or frantically rush to finish a surprisingly important project?
8. Would you rather bike or drive to work?
9. Would you rather have a constant supply of the best coffee in the world at your office or a constant supply of the best snacks in the world at your office?
10. Would you rather work 80 hours one week and have the next week off or work 40 hours for the week (spread across seven days including weekends) for two weeks?
11. Would you rather be the CEO of a company or another executive?
12. Would you rather get paid your entire salary plus benefits all at once for the year or get paid little by little throughout the year?
13. Would you rather be the manager whose job is to delegate or the worker who gets to do the actual work?
14. Would you rather receive catered lunch every day at work but never get to choose what you order or pack your own lunch every day?
15. Would you rather work an extra hour but get an hour of break time or work with no breaks but leave an hour earlier?
16. Would you rather have your dream job but you can’t retire for 50 years or a terrible job, but you get to retire in 10 years?
17. Would you rather have way more work than you could ever accomplish in a day and be stressed or have hardly any work at all and be bored?
18. Would you rather have an office where you could wear pajamas to work or work in a really fancy office?
19. Would you rather work on a big team or just with one other person?
20. Would you rather come in late to work and leave late or come in early and leave early?
21. Would you rather have a very stressful job but have a lot of responsibility or have a minimally stressful job but with little responsibility?
22. Would you rather run a country or a business?
23. Would you rather work for a very small company or a very large company?
24. Would you rather work in Los Angeles or in New York City?
25. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?
26. Would you rather commute two hours to your dream job or live two minutes from a mediocre job?
Would You Rather Questions for Friends
Are you looking to strengthen your bond with your friends? Check out these, would you rather questions! This collection of fun and thought-provoking questions is designed to help you.
1. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
2. Would you rather watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with Andrew Garfield or the Bachelorette with Demi Lovato?
3. Would you rather your crush be able to read your mind or have access to your internet history?
4. Would you rather have Zendaya’s 2022 Oscars look or Timothée Chalamet’s 2022 Oscars look in your closet?
5. Would you rather have to pass out at 9:30 p.m. every night or fall asleep at 3:30 a.m. every night (no in-between)?
6. Would you rather kiss your crush after not brushing your teeth for a week or know you won’t kiss them at all for the next year?
7. Would you rather swim in the ocean at night knowing a shark could be nearby or spend the night in a house you believed was haunted?
8. Would you rather spend a Friday night out with Lil Nas X or Miley Cyrus?
9. Would you rather be brought back as a dog or as a cat in your next life?
10. Would you rather have been the oldest or youngest child in your family?
11. Would you rather go a year without desserts or have to eat a spoonful of wasabi every single day?
12. Would you rather have a photographic memory or the ability to read minds?
13. Would you rather have six months of spring or six months of summer?
14. Would you rather have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
15. Would you rather let a spider climb over you or let a snake slither across you?
16. Would you rather travel only by train or only by boat?
17. Would you rather spend a bunch of money on your wedding or on your honeymoon?
18. Would you rather have to follow the Rock’s fitness plan for a month or get one of Pete Davidson’s (remaining) tattoos?
19. Would you rather live in a ritzy hotel or live in a cabin in the woods?
20. Would you rather watch only scary movies or only rom-coms for the rest of your life?
21. Would you rather have to give up coffee or give up pizza for a year?
22. Would you rather be known for always being honest or always being kind?
23. Would you rather live solo on an uninhabited island or live in a city apartment with six roomies and one bathroom?
24. Would you rather be an extra in an acclaimed, Oscar-winning movie or star in a so-bad-it’s-good flick?
25. Would you rather sing well and dance poorly or sing poorly and dance well?
26. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or listen in on every conversation that’s about you?
27. Would you rather be a contestant on Love Island or Love Is Blind?
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, would you rather questions are a great way to spark interesting conversations and get to know others better.
From silly and light-hearted options, we have all type of questions in the list.
Also, these questions will bring out the unique perspectives of those you’re playing with.
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article and found some fun and interesting questions that you can’t wait to try.
Please comment below with your favorite fun would you rather questions or share any fun experiences you’ve had using these questions.
Thanks for reading, and happy question-asking!