Have you ever wondered that if you ever get a chance to meet your forever adored person, what could be the possible flirty questions to ask your crush?
Well, if you don’t have any clue, stick to the end of this article for a better idea.
When to Flirt with Your Crush
As a normal human being, there will be a point in life where you will have crushes on individuals, and people will have crushes on you. And it’s all about timing and platonic fondness. You cannot just flirt around with them any moment, there has to be an appropriate place and event where you can approach to your crush and have a nice chit-chat with them. Mind that, you don’t have to just throw flirty questions to ask your crush, instead make them comfortable first.
How to Flirt with Your Crush
Out of many ways, a few ways to impress your crush are:
- Make eye contact with them, smile, shake hands, wave, or say ‘Hi,’ that’s one of the easiest ways to start the conversation and break the ice.
- If you are just too shy to meet in person then you can send flirty questions to ask your crush on text messages or on social media apps.
- Now, that you are already in a conversation you can invite them to a party or a hang-out to get into the zone which can help you to know more about each other.
What Are Good Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Coming to the main part, i.e flirty things to talk about with your crush, interacting with your crush is the next step in expressing your interest, yet gathering the courage to do so can be a bit difficult because you never know that, how would the other person behave. Hence, to lower your nervousness, we have categorized the flirty question to ask you crush in the most synchronized way. Let’s seep into it.
Table of Contents
Best Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Having a crush on someone is nothing wrong! If you are on your way to confess it, then do give heed to these best flirty questions to ask your crush before you make the first move.
1. Have you ever written something to me, but didn’t send it?
2. What do you think about before you fall asleep?
3. How is someone like you single?
4. What makes for a perfect first date?
5. What turns you on?
6. What traits would your ideal partner have?
7. What’s your favorite thing about being in a relationship?

8. Would you rather never be able to kiss or never be able to cuddle?
9. How often do you think about me?
10. What’s something you’ve never told anyone else?
11. How would you respond if I asked you out tonight?
12. How do you feel when we are together?
13. Have you ever dreamt of me?
14. What makes someone sexy to you?
15. Do you even realize how much I like talking to you?
16. What do you wear when you sleep?
17. Is everyone else in your family also really good-looking?
18. What would you do if I called you in the middle of the night?
19. What do you like the most about yourself?
20. How would you want to know if someone likes you?
21. Can you see us spending more time together?
22. How do you feel about meeting my friends?
23. Would you ever do a long-distance relationship?
24. What helps calm you down when you feel stressed?
25. Are you usually pretty open about feelings or more guarded?
26. Can I see you right now?
27. How long does it take for you to feel comfortable with someone?
28. Do you feel lucky that we met each other?
29. What excites you the most about the future?
30. What’s one thing you really want to know about me?

31. What does trust mean to you, and how do you know when you trust someone?
32. How would you get on my pet’s good side if you came over right now?
33. What scares you the most about being in a relationship?
34. Why are you single right now?
35. What frustrates you the most about modern dating?
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Fun Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
The best way to avoid awkwardness and discomfort in your first meetup is by keeping the conversation fun and light. Below are a bunch of fun flirty questions to ask your crush.
1. What would you immediately do differently if you knew no one would judge you?
2. If you won a trip to go anywhere on earth, where would you take me?
3. What’s the largest animal you think you would be able to knock out with a single punch?
4. If real life was like a video game, what level are you now?
5. If you inherited a billion dollars, what would you do with your life?
6. What is something you’re terrible at that you wish you were good at?
7. If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you give up?
8.Would you rather have three horrible years followed by the best year of your life or four mediocre years?
9. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
10. If you could be fluent in one language, what would it be and why?
11. If you have the power to read someone’s mind who would you choose?
12. What do you think is the greatest TV show of all time?
13. If you could become the number one expert in one niche field, what would it be?
14. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were young?
15. What do you like to do that is traditionally considered feminine?
16. What would be the consequences of a scientific discovery that extended the life span of humans to 500 years?
17. If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be?
18. When was the last time a random stranger made your day?

19. What’s your phone wallpaper right now?
20. Would you rather always say everything that goes in your mind or never speak a word again?
21. If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?
22. What is the color of your underwear right now?
23. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
24. What is your favorite place to be massaged?
25. If you want me to do anything to you right now, what would it be?
26. Do you think about me a lot at night?
27. What kind of things make you jealous?
28. How do I put you in a good mood?
29. Do you miss me?
30. Do I make you happy?
31. What would you do to make me fall for you?
32. Do you like how my lips taste?
33. How do I make you feel when I’m around you?
34. Do you prefer to give or receive?
35. Have you been working out? Your body looks so good.
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Cute Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Before you approach any cute guy or girl, take into account that you hit them with the right questions. For this reason, we have covered a lot of cute flirty questions to ask your crush.
1. What is your biggest deal-breaker in a relationship?
2. What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever heard of?
3. What is the craziest thing that happened to you during your childhood?
4. Who is your celebrity crush?
5. If you could ask me anything, and I had to be truthful, what would you ask me right now?
6. What’s something you’ve tried that you’ll never do again?
7. What is your favorite place in the world?
8. Would you rather be called sexy or smart?
9. What if I asked to see you right now?
10. What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to dating?
11. How do you feel about girls making the first move?
12. What always makes you laugh?
14. What nickname did you have when you were younger?
15. Do your plans this weekend include me?
16. Would you rather I ask you fun questions or deep questions?
17. What are you wearing?
18. What memory always makes you cringe?

19. What’s the most embarrassing item that you own?
20. Do you prefer showering with someone or showering alone?
21. Do you think your pet will like me?
22. What does your bed feel like?
23. On a scale from 1-10, how nervous are you to play this game right now?
24. Do you think we see each other too much, just enough, or not enough?
25. On a scale from 1-10, how much do you enjoy texting me?
26. Do you already know some of the questions you want to ask me?
27. Do you think we text too much, just enough, or not enough?
28. If you were in charge of planning the best day of my life, what would we do?
29. Would you change anything about us right now?
30. What two words most describe me?
31. What question are you hoping that I ask you?
32. How satisfied do you feel with your overall life right now?
33. Do you feel like we understand each other?
34. What do you think is missing from your life?
35. What’s your favorite inside joke that we have?
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Cheeky Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
If you are struggling to find the cheeky flirty questions to ask your crush, then you have arrived at the correct place, because this page is offering a good amount of questions to interact with your crush.
1. Do you have any regrets about past partners?
2. Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever had s#x?
3. How did you lose your virginity?
4. How do you make sure that you please your partner in the bedroom?
5. What makes s#x really good for you?
6. What does making love mean to you?
7. Are you a big kisser?
8. What was the worst sexual experience you’ve ever had?
9. What’s something you never want to do during s#x?
10. Can a friends-with-benefits ever become something more?
11. Do you like to listen to music during s#x?
12. What kind of p##n do you like to watch?
13. How do you feel about lingerie?
14. Have you ever been caught having s#x?
15. What do you think about role-playing?
16. Do you consider yourself more submissive or dominating?
17. How often do you prefer to have s#x?
18. Have you ever watched your partner mast##bate?
19. How direct are you with what you want in the bedroom?

20. In your opinion, what’s the best thing to do just after s#x?
21. What kind of s#x toys do you enjoy using?
22. Would you ever have a threesome or orgy?
23. Do you like when your partner uses dirty talk?
24. Do you have any fetishes you want to share with me?
25. What’s your favorite s#x position?
26. What celebrity would you love to have s#x with if you had the chance?
27. Would you rather have s#x in the morning at night?
28. What do you think you’re most skilled at in the bedroom?
29. What do you think about one-night stands?
30. Would you rather s#x be slow and sensual or fast and rough?
31. If you could only kiss me in one place, where would it be?
32. What does it feel like when I go down on you?
33. What would turn you off right away in the bedroom?
34. If I told you I was h##ny right now, what would you say?
35. Do you like making eye contact during s#x?
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Good Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
For some people, it’s really weird to take help from their friends when it comes to their crush, maybe they are just shy to accept it. But, if you are one of those then you don’t have to worry about it, as we have got you covered with good flirty questions to ask your crush.
1. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without having s#x?
2. How do you like your partner to groom themselves down there?
3. What was the last dirty dream that you had?
4. What does commitment mean to you?
5. What is something romantic you’ve always wanted to try?
6. What’s your favorite cheesy love song?
7. What couple in your family has the best relationship?
8. If you could take me to any restaurant in the world, where would it be and what would you order?
9. When it comes to liking someone, what would you say is your greatest weakness?
10. Do you think true love exists?
11. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
12. Would you say that you are more introverted or extroverted?
13. What do you think you would do if I kissed you the next time I saw you?
14. Who comforts you the best when you’re feeling sad?
15. How do you define love?
16. What’s something you wish you were good at?
17. Would you rather be the little spoon or big spoon?
18. Who inspires you to be a better person?
19. What kinds of things keep you up at night?
20. What is important to you in a best friend?
21. Would you rather spend a whole day with me or a whole night with me?
22. What instantly makes someone attractive to you?
23. What is the best gift someone has ever gotten you?
24. What things do you most enjoy doing alone?
25. How do you feel about the holidays?
26. Do you fear rejection?
27. Would you rather chase someone romantically or be chased?
28. What did you think when you first saw me?
29. Where would you get a tattoo and what would it say?
30. Your mom and dad are super good looking right?
31. Do you think tattoos and piercing are sexy?
32. Is there anything you’re wondering about me?
33. Who was your first ever crush?
34. What do you feel is the cutest part about yourself?
35. What’s your guilty pleasure snack, dessert, or junk food?
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Mildly Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
We’ve all had crushes at some point in our lives but to strike a conversation with them is the hardest part of all. Take a glance over these mildly flirty questions to ask your crush and let your apprehension fade away.
1. What would you do if I suddenly put my hands under your clothes?
2. If I bought you pretty lingerie, would you model it for me?
3. Will you allow me to sit on your face?
4. Have you ever tried undressing me in your mind?
5. What do you do when you get extremely horny in public?
6. Would you ever send me a nude picture of yours?
7. What are the signs that you’ve fallen in love with someone?
8. I am rich, hot, and bored. What should we do about it?
9. Don’t you ever get tired of running in my head?
10. Will you marry me?
11. What was your very first impression of me?
12. Would you consider yourself naughty or nice?
13. What sexy question do you want me to ask you?
14. Your lips seem lonely. Would they like to meet mine?
15. Do you want to see me without my shirt on?
16. Do you want me to find out where your tickle spots are?
17. How many licks does it take to reach the center of your heart?
18. What’s your favorite way of being seduced?
19. How many million times do you think about me when I’m away?
20. What emoji do you usually use when you’re flirting?
21. My flirting skills have become quite rusty. Can I practice them on you?
22. I have a boo-boo on my lip. Will you kiss it to make it feel better?
23. Hello, I’m currently writing a phone book. Can I have your number?
24. Was that an earthquake, or was it you who just rocked my world?
25. Where do you feel the most relaxed?
26. What’s one thing it’s okay to lie to your partner about?
27. What is the weirdest place you’ve hooked up with someone?
28. Who do you admire the most in your life?
29. What is the most romantic movie scene?
30. Do you think you have a good judge of character?
31. What do you love most about traveling?
32. If you could change one thing about modern dating culture, what would it be?
33. Do you believe in love at first sight?
34. What did you like most about school?
35. What do relationships need in order to survive?
Random Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Need some random flirty questions to ask your crush? We got you! Here is an amazing list of random questions to help you make the first move easy for you. Mark the ideal ones before it’s too late.
1. What is the best present you’ve ever received?
2. When was the time you laughed the hardest?
3. Have you ever lived with a partner?
4. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
5. What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?
6. What road trip would you love to take?
7. What foreign country would you love to live in?
8. Have you ever been engaged or married?
9. Do you like talking on the phone?
10. If you were going to start a charity, what would it be for?
11. Do you watch, read, or listen to the news?
12. Are you satisfied with the emotional intimacy that we share?
13. Are we enabling each other’s bad habits?
14. Are we changing each other in positive ways?
15. What hobby or skill would you like to learn together?
16. Do you think we fight fair?
17. What have you always wanted tell me, but never had the guts to?
18. How do you like to celebrate anniversaries?
19. Would you ever quit your job or move to a new city for your partner?
20. What would be the perfect Valentine’s Day?
21. In case you had three wishes, what would they be?
22. What is your idea of a romantic honeymoon destination?
23. What does your dream wedding look like?
24. If the world was going to end tomorrow, how would you make our last day together memorable?
25. If you could be famous, what would you want to be famous for?
26. What’s your favorite thing about the outdoors?
27. Are you a roller coaster person or a ferris wheel person?
28. Would you ever go on a silent retreat?
29. What is the one movie you’ve seen more times than you can count?
30. Have you ever pranked anyone?
32. Have you ever snooped on a partner?
33. If you were going to invent a cocktail, what would it be?
34. Have you ever won a contest or a raffle?
35. Guess what I like about you the most?
Dirty Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Glad, that you have reached a position in your relationship where you could ask dirty questions without making each other ill at ease. Thereby, be ready to note down the questions as we are going to take you through a series of dirty flirty questions to ask your crush.
1. Do you prefer a passionate kiss or a long warm hug?
2. In an ideal world, how many times would you have s#x in a week?
3. How do you feel about p##n?
4. What is your favorite part about s#x? (Foreplay, teasing, penetration, oral s#x, pillow talk, etc.)
5. If we were going to role play, who would you want me to dress up as?
6. Have you ever been walked in on during s#x?
7. What are your most sensitive erogenous zones that don’t always get attention? (Nipples, ears, neck, etc.)
8. Where is your favorite place to have sex outside of the bedroom?
9. What s#x toy have you been dying to try?
10. Do you like the French kiss?
11. Does the idea of getting caught during sex excite you?
12. Can you resist the temptation to want s#x?
13. Do you like it when I taste your c#m?
14. Who is more likely to survive the Hunger Games—me or you?
15. Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
16. What do you enjoy most when I go down on you?
17. What’s the most reliable way for you to org##m with a partner?
18. What do you think is your best attribute as a boyfriend?
19. Are you interested in incorporating s#x toys into partnered s#x?
20. If I was feeling down, what would you do to lift my spirits up?
21. Which historical figure would you like to get drunk with?
22. Would you ever dress up funny and go out with me in public to make fools out of each other?
23. What do you value most, friends and family or romantic relationships?
24. If you want children, how many children do you want?
25. Would you ever be interested in going to a s#x club together?
26. Would you Netflix and chill with me, but the only condition is to watch adult movies all night?
27. Would you rather live in a cave or under the sea?
28. Can you undress me with just your mouth?
29. If you could have s#x in any location in the world, where would it be?
30. Which do you prefer more—kissing in the dark, under the Sun or in the rain?
31. If I were to make you breakfast in bed, what would you want it to be?
32. When you’re having a bad day, what makes you feel better?
33. What cartoon character do you think is the hottest of all time?
34. Where is your favorite placeto be kissed?
35. What do you miss the most when we’re not physically together?
Intimate and Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Now, that you guys have spent a lot of time getting to know each other, it’s the perfect time to take a second step with the given flirty and intimate questions to ask your crush.
1. What is the sexiest quality a partner can have?
2. Do you own a vibrator?
3. Have you ever made a s#x tape?
4. What is the hottest thing a lover can say in bed?
5. What are your favorite places to be touched?
6. Ideally, how long should s#x last?
7. Have you ever made a booty call?
8. Do you read erotica?
9. What is the sexiest book you’ve ever read?
10. What words or sexy phrases turn you on?
11. Do you like it when I choke you?
12. Will you choose to have s#x on the bed or on the kitchen counter?
13. What sexual adventures do you want to go on in 30 years?
14. How high is your s#x drive?
15. What is the best and most satisfying comment you have ever gotten after the action?
16. What are your views on bedroom toys?
17. Dо уоu рrеfеr gіrlѕ who have lаrgе brеаѕtѕ оr a lаrgе bоttоms?
18. If we were in a movie theater, and I wanted to do it, what would you want me to do?
19. Do you mind sending me a sexy photo of you?
20. Can you explain to me the process of menstruation and why it occurs?
21. Would you say you’ve been on Santa’s naughty or nice list most?
22. Have you ever watched adult content just before making out?
23. What’s the most number of times you’ve done it in a row?
24. Have you ever had s#x?
25. What’s one of the biggest failures in your life?
26. If I were handcuffed to the bed, what would you do to me?
27. What would be more thrilling: angry s#x or makeup s#x?
28. When was the last time you thought about me in the shower?
29. Do you like to use your tongue when you kiss?
30. What is your preference between men taking the lead vs. women taking the lead?
31. How many fingers did you try to put inside when you were masturbating for the first time?
32. Have you ever had s#x with someone you just met?
33. Would you let me push you against the wall and make out with you?
34. Is there anything that bothers you while sharing an intimate moment with me?
35. What’s the hottest s#x dream you’ve ever had?
Deep and Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Are you fed up with being stumped for deep and flirty questions to ask your crush or someone you genuinely care about? Well, you don’t have to anymore because we have brought you a slew of questions to keep the conversation going.
1. When I am on top of you, what’s your favorite part of me to watch?
2. Have you ever ripped the condom from your teeth?
3. What are two s#x positions that we haven’t tried in a while that you’d like to bring back into rotation?
4. Is there anyone that you would not like to allow to check your browser history?
5. If you could give a professional body massage, who would you like to give it to first?
6. Would you ever surprise me with lingerie?
7. Have you ever faked an org##m with me?
8. When was the last time you received a bl##job?
9. Would you rather use a colorful or crazy-patterned condom?
10. Have you ever taken a body shot?
11. What is the maximum number of times you’ve had s#x in 24 hours?
12. Have you ever seen a dirty picture on your parent’s phone?
13. Do you prefer s#x when you’re in love or when it’s a hot hookup?
14. Have you ever called someone “Daddy” or been called “Daddy” while having s#x?
15. What’s the hottest thing I can call your p##is or vag##a when we’re having s#x?
16. Do you prefer your women shaved or all natural?
17. Can you fake an org##m right now?
18. What is the most difficult s#x position you did in your car?
19. Would you play oily Twister with me?
20. Would you rather taste a blueberry-flavored condom or a banana-flavored condom?
21. When was the last time you cried really hard?
22. Have you ever tried to do a hardcore session?
23. Have you ever been part of group s#x?
24. Do you have any spicy pictures or videos saved on your phone?
25. Would you rather kiss someone with cherry-flavored Chapstick or cake batter-flavored Chapstick?
26. Do you like experimenting with different positions?
27. What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done during s#x?
28. What is your favorite body part to lick ice cream from?
29. Have you ever made out in a smelly bathroom?
30. Who has the potential to become a p##n star?
31. Can you moan for 5 hours, if the s#x happens that long?
32. Want to try s#x as quietly as possible, as if we’re trying not to get caught?
33. Would you like to do something dirty in the bathtub?
34. Have you ever worn a slutty dress to seduce someone?
35. Do you want me to put whipped cream over your butt and lick it?
Would You Rather Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
Isn’t it amazing that your crush has accepted the invitation to come to your party? Of course, it is! Then don’t forget to avail this golden opportunity with ‘would you rather flirty questions to ask your crush.’
1. Would you rather spend a snow day in with your crush, or lay on the beach with your crush?
2. Would you rather pay for a meal or have someone pay for you?
3. Would you rather exchange a kiss under the stars or while watching the sunset?
4. Would you rather write a love letter or get a love letter?
5. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?
5. Would you rather make the first move on a date or let your date make the first move?
6. Would you rather have spaghetti for legs or muffins for hands?
7. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme or riddles for the rest of your life?
8. Would you rather have hot fudge or ice cream licked off of you?
9. Would you rather give a lap dance in public or get a lap dance in public?
10. Would you rather be blindfolded or handcuffed?
11. Would you rather fool around in a sauna or a hot tub
12. Would you rather fool around in a sauna or a hot tub?
13. Would you rather give oral s#x or get oral s#x?
14. Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid
15. Would you rather be covered in scales or covered in fur
16. Would you rather live somewhere quiet or somewhere lively?
17. Would you rather work all day or work all night?
18. Would you rather buy a house or build a house?
19. Would you rather watch a romantic movie or an action movie?
20. Would you rather sleep in on a Saturday or go out?
21. Would you rather eat something sweet or eat something spicy?
22. Would you rather use an iPhone or a MacBook?
23. Would you rather drink smoothies or drink milkshakes?
24. Would you rather stand all day or sit all day?
25. Would you rather spend the entire day scrolling through Instagram or scrolling through Twitter?
26. Would you rather know how to dance salsa or dance hip hop?
27. Would you rather eat fruits for breakfast or eat cereals for breakfast?
28. Would you rather listen to Jazz music or listen to Reggae music?
29. Would you rather use glasses or get contacts?
30. Would you rather be a fashion designer or a fashion model?
31. Would you rather wear a shoe with a hole in it or a shirt with a hole in it?
32. Would you rather wear a pair of trousers that are too baggy or wear a pair of trousers that are too tight?
33. Would you rather be chased by a group of cats or a group of dogs?
34. Would you rather have a big smile or an infectious laugh?
35. Would you rather sneeze on a child or sneeze on an old lady?
Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush Over Text
You’re too nervous to meet your crush one-on-one? No worries, because these flirty questions to ask your crush over text can do wonders for you! Also, mind that you end the chat on a great note.
1. What is your pop culture guilty pleasure?
2. Have you ever been to a palm reader?
3. What fictional character do you relate to the most?
4. Would you rather be hot or cold?
5. What word do you hate?
6. Have you ever spent the night in jail?
7. If you won the lottery, would you still work?
8. Have you ever boycotted or protested anything?
9. Do you enjoy “childish” activities, like playing seemingly innocent pranks on your partner?
10. Which do you crave the most: stability or adventure?
11. What would you say is the type of love between you?
12. Is there anything you dislike about me?
13. Should your relationship be a “comfort spot”, or should it be filled with excitement?
14. Do you get butterflies when you read my notes?
15. What is your favorite city?
16. What has been the best year of your life so far?
17. Would you rather be unique or understood?
18. Are relationships meant to last forever?
19. What is your most prized possession?
20. What’s something you miss about your ex?
21. Who usually says ‘I love you’ first in your relationships?
22. In case you had three wishes, what would they be?
23. What couples Halloween costume have you always wanted to do?
24. Would you ever go to your high school reunion?
25. If you found out you were pregnant right now, how would you react?
26. What’s your favorite meal to cook for date night?
27. Were you ever attracted to a teacher in school?
28. Did you ever get arrested or get into trouble with the police?
29. What’s the best/worst part about dating?
30. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?
31. Would you move to a new city for your partner?
32. Are we a positive influence on each other?
33. What is something little I do that makes you smile?
34. What are three key elements in a successful relationship?
35. Would you ever go bungee jumping with me?
Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush While Texting
Ever pondered that, what are the flirty questions to ask your crush while texting? No? Then check out the questions for your favorite person, written below because this could not get any better. Enjoy!
1. Do you believe anyone should be able to get married?
2. Have you ever been in love before me?
3. Do you find me the kind of girl you’d take home to your parents?
4. If you could describe my personality in 5 words, what would they be?
5. Do you love doing a mouth-f##k?
6. Would you rather kiss someone who always wears lots of lip gloss or who always has chapped lips?
7. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
8. What’s your favorite social media site?
9. Will you send me a screenshot from your favorite show?
10. Will you send me a gif that captures your current mood?
11. Can I call you when I feel like hearing your voice?
12. How would you describe me in one paragraph?
13. What is your favorite thing about us as a couple?
14. How important do you think s#x is in a marriage?
15. What should people in a healthy relationship get out of it?
16. Do you think money can buy happiness?
17. When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?
18. Did you go to summer camp?
19. What is your idea of a perfect Sunday afternoon?
20. If you had only 2 minutes with me, what would you want to do?
21. How does it feel to kiss me on the wrist?
22. Do you believe in miracles?
23. What event made you mature as a person the most?
24. What’s one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
25. Would you hold my hand in public?
26. What’s the best way to earn somebody’s respect?
27. Have you been tested for STDs/HIV?
28. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
29. What’s your favorite thing to do at a party?
30. What story cliché do you actually like?
31. Would you ever write a poem/story about me?
32. What song makes you think about me?
33. What song makes you think about me?
34. Is there any flower that reminds you of me?
35. What’s more important, sexual chemistry or spending time together?
Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush in Person
How many times you have ruined your first meet-up with your crush by asking nonsensical questions? I am pretty sure, at least twice! But, as you can’t let that happen again, have a look at these flirty questions to ask your crush in person and make the upcoming date a better one.
1. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
2. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?
3. What do you think my superpower is?
4. What does your ideal weekend look like?
5. What is something that people misunderstand about you?
6. What is your go-to karaoke song?
7. Who is your celebrity crush?
8. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
9. Can you sum up your life’s philosophy in one sentence?
10. Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?
11. What type of instrument reflects your personality?
12. What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
13. Would you rather have x-ray vision or have the power of invisibility?
14. What would you do if you accidentally saw me naked?
15. What do you do for fun when you want to relax?
16. Would you rather be incredibly intelligent or incredibly happy?
17. Are you a mountain or beach person?
18. When you read the newspaper, what section to immediately skip to?
19. What was the most frightening experience you’ve ever had?
20. f you had to get your Mom one present and you could spend an unlimited amount, what would you get?
21. What is one event that completely changed your perspective on life?
22. How does your favorite music make you feel?
23. Do you think religion has been a good thing or a bad thing for the world?
24. What Jeopardy! category would you clear, no problem?
25. Do you prefer to apologize for something you did after the fact or ask permission first?
26. f you started a band, what would it be called?
27. Do you like small gatherings or big parties?
28. Do you wish we would go back to a time before the internet?
29. Would you rather live in a big subdivision style home or a tine lake house?
30. What is the one thing you hate about your family?
31. I need some quick answers for my math homework. What’s your number?
32. Mind if you grab my arm so that I can tell people that I’ve been touched by an angel?
33. Do you think we’ll both look cute on a wedding cake together?
34. Where do you work to get that amazing body
35. Do you want to go out with me this Friday?
Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush about You
The greatest way to learn how well your significant other knows about you is by bombarding them with some interesting questions. Catch a glimpse of the provided ‘flirty questions to ask your crush about you’ and comment below which one can be hard for your partner to answer.
1. What did you first notice about me?
2. What’s one question you’re dying to ask me?
3. Do you want to test them out with me?
4. Will you allow me to take a picture of you so that I can prove to my friends that angels really exist?
5. If I was under your complete control, what are the things that you would ask me to do?
6. Hello, I’m currently writing a phone book. Can I have your number?
7. Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?
8. I have a boo-boo on my lip. Will you kiss it to make it feel better?
9. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?
10. My parents told me never to talk to strangers. So, how about we become friends?
11. How many million times do you think about me when I’m away?
12. If nothing lasts forever, then will you be my nothing?
13. Should I make the first move, or do you want to do it?
14. Is it just me or are we destined for one another?
15. Would you like me to give you a massage?
16. What are the three things that I can do right now to make you mine?
17. I am searching for the love of my life. Can you please show me the way to your heart?
18. Your lips seem lonely. Would they like to meet mine?
19. What would you do if you woke up and suddenly found me lying on your bed next to you?
20. How would you react if I kissed you right now?
21. I’m cold. Could you hold my hand for a moment?
22. Would you like to grab some grub with me?
23. If you were a cop, would you detain me right here and now?
24. Would you hug me tight if I asked you suddenly?
25. Would you like to know how I feel about you?
26. How did you discover that you already love me?
27. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about me?
28. Would you ever send me a nude picture of yours?
29. Would you let me kiss you anytime?
30. Could you please lend me a hand for a moment?
31. How often do you dream about me?
32. My name is trouble. Do you still have room for a little trouble in your life?
33. Do you see me in your future?
34. Hey, I just got a new phone. I haven’t figured out how it works. Can I call you to test it?
35. Can I call you bae?
5 Tips for Flirting with Your Crush
Having a crush on someone is very exciting—your heart skips a beat, butterflies in your stomach, palms become sweaty, and much more. Therefore, we have shared the five best tips to keep yourself cool and calm while thinking of sexy questions for the person you’re crushing on. Have a squint.
- Dress decently:
First of all, the way you dress is very important! People judge on the basis of dress sense that whether you are according to the dress code or not. So, you better be dressed nicely because it would the first move towards the seductive inquiries for your crush. I mean who would like to leave a dull impression on the initial encounter. Think about it!
- Compliment them:
It wouldn’t be flirting if there weren’t a few compliments thrown in. Complimenting your crush shows that you are aware of and appreciate what they do. Also, if you are not on friendly terms with them, do not tease or touch them because that would be a bit inappropriate.
- Ask about their lives:
Before you jump on to the next step, that is ‘flirty questions to ask your crush,’ have a light conversation about each other lives and try to make an impact on their mind. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself and let them give their space to speak up. For instance, “Oh, so I have heard that you have been working with an organization, how is that going?”
- Be casual:
Yeah, be very casual! Especially when you are complimenting them. Your calm and composed nature should definitely be right on the mark.
- Close dialogue on a positive note:
It’s best to keep the flirty conversation brief and leave your crush wanting more. Find a way to end the conversation on a high note and may exchange numbers or social media accounts to keep a check, but make sure you do it in a casual way because no one wants to sound desperate!
Final Thoughts on Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush
While thinking of some flirty questions to ask your crush, bear in mind that these should be similar questions through which someone can approach you if they have a crush on you! It’s the ideal way to know your limits and all the do’s and don’ts which you can take into consideration before hitting on anyone.
There are a lot of flirty things to talk about with your crush but there are only a few things that can actually leave a decent impression on the other person. Thereby, sit tight, take your time and choose the suitable flirty questions for crush ahead of the first move.
With that being said, share these flirty questions to ask your crush in your circle as well and comment down which question was new to you!