If you are looking for some best questions girls are afraid to ask guys, then you have landed at the right place. As far as communication between men and women is concerned, we all know how difficult it can be.
Women frequently feel misunderstood and get the sense that their partners are uninterested in their opinions. This leads to relationship problems, when communication appears to be broken and there appears to be nothing that can be done to feel seen and heard.
If both men and women could honestly share their feelings and thoughts, everything would be so much easier. Only then we will be able to appreciate the diversity and accept our partners for who they are, with all their flaws!
Have you ever dreamed you could read another person’s thoughts? Of course, we’re referring to your partner’s thoughts! Because we don’t have such superpowers, we’ve compiled a list of questions girls are afraid to ask guys that every woman wishes she could ask a man but is too bashful or uncomfortable to do so.
Even if you don’t get a particular response to your questions, the goal for all women is to acquire confidence and stop embarrassing when it comes to speaking their minds!
Remember to be fully prepared for the replies whenever you feel like asking any of these questions girls are afraid to ask guys!
Table of Contents
Best Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
We all have questions we wish to ask but are afraid to, and it appears that girls have a lot of similar questions to ask guys. Here are some best questions girls are afraid to ask guys to make their head clear.
1. Why do men hate romantic movies?
2. Do you think my stretch marks are unattractive?
3. Why are women considered the weaker s#x, when they are the ones giving birth to men?
4. What do you think about marriage?
5. Why do you always think we are on our period when we are in a bad mood?
6. Why do you think a serious relationship would take away your freedom?
7. Why are men ashamed when a woman makes more money than a man?
8. Is it that hard to make your girlfriend/wife happy?
9. What is your greatest s*xual fantasy?
10. What do you think about cheating?
11. Are you going out with me only to have s#x?
12. Why did you break up with your ex?
13. Are you talking to other girls since we started dating?
14. Would you leave all your friends to spend time with me?
15. How many women have you slept with?
16. Do you expect to have s#x on a first date?
18. What is something you don’t like about me?
20. Have you ever thought about your ex while spending time with me?
21. How much does it take to get you in the mood for s#x?
22. Is s#x always on your mind?
23. Who should pay for the first date?
24. Do you believe/fall in love?
25. Is more makeup or less/no makeup better?
26. What’s the most attractive feature of a girl?
27. Do you mind if your girlfriend has a lot of guy friends?
29. What’s the perfect first date?
31. Is it important for a girl to be a virgin?
32. Should a girl ask you out?
33. Do you care about how a girl dresses?
34. Is it annoying to receive messages while out with friends?
35. Why aren’t guys more in touch with their feelings?
37. What makes a girl “slutty”?
38. Should your girlfriend share your passions?
39. Is taking “too long” to get ready to leave annoying?
40. What do you do if you’re uninterested in a girl?
41. Did you ever s#x with someone who is your father’s age?
42. Do you enjoy being asked these naughty questions?
43. Do you like playing sexy games?
44. What is the most vulgar thing you ever said during s#x?
45. Have you ever flirted online with someone you barely knew?
46. What are the hottest places you’ve done it, outside of your home?
47. What are your suggestions to spice up our s#x life?
48. Do you like it when I pull your hair during s#x?
49. Do you want us to have a code word?
50. Do you like it when I come inside you?
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Funny Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
In this section, we’ve gathered few funny questions girls are afraid to ask guys for you. These funny questions have often been on the heads of many girls. While the answers to these questions may be embarrassing, they may be surprisingly enlightening as well.
1. Have you created a rumor about yourself just so people will talk about you?
2. What’s the most creative insult you can think of?
3. What’s the craziest drunken experience you’ve had?
4. What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?
5. Which one of your friends totally reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
6. What’s your favorite conspiracy theory?
7. What’s your most treasured possession?
8. What would peanut butter be named if it wasn’t called peanut butter?
9. If you could become any mythical creature, what would it be and why?
10. What would your stage name be if you became famous?
11. What is the strangest Amazon purchase you’ve made?
12. What fashion trend would you bring back?
13. Do you ever cry while watching a sad movie?
14. What is your favorite candle scent to light when you’re home?
15. What kind of photos dominates your Instagram feed?
16. What is the weirdest food combination people eat that you just can’t stand?
17. Do you secretly bring home stuff like tiny bottles of shampoo out of a hotel room?
18. Would you label your farts as the ‘loud and proud’ type or the ‘silent but deadly’ type?
19. Have you ever met your doppelgänger?
20. What’s the sexiest name you’ve ever heard?
21. What soap do you dislike the most and why?
22. If you were a dog, which breed would you want to be?
23. Have you ever gone a day without wearing underwear?
24. Who was your first ever crush?
25. How does our hair know when to stop growing?
26. What television or movie character do you feel a close connection with?
27. If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
28. If you worked at a circus, what job would you like to have?
29. What childhood cartoon do you still like to watch?
30. What’s one show, movie, or book, you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy?
31. What’s the weirdest app you have on your phone?
32. Are you more of a romantic comedy or action-packed blockbuster type of person?
33. Would you rather be fluent in all languages or be a master at every instrument?
34. What’s the worst time period that you could possibly travel back to?
35. If past lives existed, what do you think yours was?
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Deep Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
The good questions for guys are an important aspect of getting to know him and assessing whether or not the relationship can survive on mutual trust and honesty. In this category, we have assembled some deep questions girls are afraid to ask guys to help you out.
1. What are big turn-offs for guys?
2. Do guys talk about girls like girls talk about guys?
3. Do you care if a girl shaved or not?
4. What are some questions you’ve always wanted to ask girls but never had the courage to ask?
5. What would you want a girl to do (inside or outside the bedroom) that you wouldn’t ask her?
6. If a girl told you she’s never had s#x, would it freak you out?
7. Do you like when girls make the first move?
8. Do you care about a girl’s body count?
9. Is there such a thing as a good pu#sy?
10. What do you notice first about a girl?
11. Do you like it when girls text you goodnight/good morning?
12. Do guys value compliments like girls do?
13. How do you compliment a girl (like a coworker or friend) without him thinking you are flirting?
14. Do guys brag about their girls with their friends?
15. How often do you imagine the women you see day-to-day naked?
16. Do you imagine getting intimate with women that are just your friends?
17. What do you do when you get “excited” in a bad environment (church, work, school)?
18. Do you crush your nether regions when you wear skinny jeans?
19. When you “play with yourself” do you think about your partner or someone else?
20. Do your nether regions bounce when you run?
21. Do you have to hold your member in order to pee?
22. Can you still run when you get “aroused”?
23. Do your nether regions get crushed when you ride a bicycle?
24. Does it really hurt when guys get kicked “down there”?
25. Does your member float when you are in the bathtub?
26. When a girl sends you nudes, do you save them?
27. Would guys get offended if a girl asked them to shower before they get intimate?
28. Do you show your girl’s nudes to your friends?
29. Do you keep ex-girlfriend’s nudes?
30. Do all guys watch adult videos online?
31. What is this thing about most guys wanting threesomes?
32. Do guys really think about certain things in order to not climax too soon?
33. Do guys have a favorite position?
34. Is the concept of “post-climax clarity” real?
35. Do guys prefer to be the “Big Spoon” or the “Little Spoon” while laying in bed?
36. Do guys like it when girls ask them out first?
37. Do guys really care if girls don’t wear makeup?
38. Do guys get offended if a girl asks to split the bill on a date?
39. Do guys get intimidated if your girl makes more money than you?
40. Can guys be friends with a girl without developing feelings?
41. What do you think is currently the biggest threat to marriage?
42. What is something everyone always gets wrong about you?
43. What have you done that you’re really not proud of?
44. What do you think the best thing about being in a relationship is?
45. What’s something on your bucket list you really want to do soon?
46. What is one thing that always makes you angry?
47. Have you ever had a crush on someone who didn’t like you back?
48. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
49. What flavor combination is kind of weird but you really like it?
50. What’s the most romantic movie you can think of?
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Interesting Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
While asking these interesting questions girls are afraid to ask guys, you may find yourself cringing. However, be prepared for some extremely intriguing responses in an unexpected way that could reveal a lot about the individual in front of you.
1. How can you tell if a girl is interested in you?
2. What’s your go-to flirting move?
3. Why do guys go ghost all of a sudden?
4. How many girls are you talking to right now?
5. Do you stalk girls’ social media profiles?
6. What makes you want to commit and be exclusive?
7. Does s#x on a first date mean she’s not girlfriend material?
8. Is it true that guys can’t be just friends with girls?
9. What’s your idea of a successful first date?
10. How would you react if a girl told you she’s a virgin?
11. Do you ever lie to get what you want from girls?
12. When you have a crush on someone, do you get the butterflies too?
13. What’s the number one deal-breaker for you?
14. Would you rather win 1 million dollars or fall in love?
15. Do you ever worry about what your friends think of the attractiveness of your girlfriend?
16. How do you feel about friends of the opposite s#x?
17. What’s your s#x drive?
18. What’s your favorite feature of a woman?
19. Do women’s periods make you uncomfortable?
20. What is essential for sexual compatibility?
21. Do you like giving or receiving gifts?
22. Is it rude to be on the phone on dates?
23. Is it okay for girls to pursue guys?
24. Do you have a clothing preference for girls you date?
25. What do you consider promiscuous behavior?
26. How important is it to share common interests?
27. Do you like regular contact throughout the day?
28. What do you do if you’re not interested in a girl?
29. Would you mind in shifting to another house after marriage?
30. Can you leave me for another girl?
31. Would you mind giving your car to me and I can drive it for you?
32. What do you think on girls expressing their feelings to a guy at the first moment?
33. What if I don’t know how to cook?
34. Will you allow me to hang out with my friends after we get married?
35. Will you allow me to work after marriage?
36. What you will do if I’m not able to conceive?
37. Is there any other girl in your house except your mother?
38. What you will do if someone in the public try to insult me?
39. What do you think of children in schools getting into a relationship?
40. What if I don’t like your current job position?
41. Who do you think spends more time in the mirror: the guy on your left or on your right?
42. Has someone told you that they loved you, and you didn’t love them back?
43. When was the last time you had a professional / good massage?
44. How many partners have you been with?
45. Have you ever felt stupid on a date?
46. Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
47. Should marriages have end dates that can be renewed?
48. How long does intercourse typically last for most people?
49. Have you ever had s#x that was so good you woke the neighbors?
50. Who in this circle would win The Hunger Games?
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Juicy Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
These questions may not be as serious for boys, but girls are hesitant to ask them. You have some important questions for this guy you’re serious about, but you’re hesitant to ask them. These juicy questions girls are afraid to ask guys can help!
1. Are you getting married with me just because of the family pressure?
2. Do you think you are matured and settled enough to take care of me?
3. What you will do if ever you get to know something about me which I have never told you?
4. Do you respect my mom the same you respect your mom?
5. If I ever did some mistake then will you correct me or just choose to leave me all alone?
6. Will you leave your smoking habit for me?
7. How do you know so much of things about the girl’s dresses?
8. What if I not inform you and just simply go to my house?
9. What if I don’t want any more kids after the two?
10. What are your thoughts on girls who ride a bike?
11. Do you think height of the girl really matters and what are your thoughts on short girls?
12. Will you ever allow me to travel alone?
13. What do guys think about when they are in the shower?
14. How do men decide who to date?
15. Do men like to cuddle, and if so why don’t they admit it?
16. What is the most exotic dream you’ve ever had?
17. What’s your favorite pair or underwear?
18. How do you feel about kissing in public?
19. Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?
20. Have you ever flirted with a stranger online?
21. Do you invite someone in on the first date?
22. If I could take you on a date anywhere, where would you want to go?
23. Do you like to give or receive hickeys?
24. What are three places you’d do it outside of a home?
25. Have you ever wanted to role-play?
26. Do you think lovemaking should happen anywhere, not just in a bed?
27. Would you ever use bondage?
28. Are there any moves that you’ve never tried but always wanted to?
29. What kind of props do you like to use in the bedroom?
30. Have you ever peeped in on me changing?
31. If I bought you lingerie, would you model it for me?
32. Would it drive you wild if I whispered naughty things into your ear?
33. Would you ever send me a naughty picture?
34. Are you interested in Netflix and chill?
35. Would you pick up the game Twister while you’re out?
36. If you come home stressed, what can I do to help you unwind?
37. Can you send me a link to something sexy you would wear for me?
38. What could I bring you that would make you especially grateful?
39. What is one word that describes how you’re feeling right now?
40. If you came home to find me waiting for you naked, what would you say?
41. Have you ever slept with the boyfriend of a good friend?
42. Do you like having s#x drunk or drugged?
43. What according to you is the best aphrodisiac in bed?
44. Have you ever made love under the open sky?
45. What is the craziest p##n film that you have ever seen?
46. On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being least sexual and 10 having a high sex drive, how sexual a person are you?
47. Have you ever made love in a car?
48. Have your parents ever caught you having s#x or making out with an inanimate object?
49. What is the dirtiest sexual fantasy that you would want to fulfill soon?
50. Have you ever had sexual fantasies about a relative?
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Intimate Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
So you don’t overlook any dealbreakers later in the relationship, you need to know the right questions to ask your man. If you’re too afraid to ask now, you might be disappointed later on when your heart has been invested. Check out this list of intimate questions girls are afraid to ask guys to choose from.
1. What’s the best s#x you’ve ever had?
2. What’s your favourite part of my body?
3. If you could choose what I was wearing right now, what would you choose?
4. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
5. Have you ever been caught having s#x?
6. Have you ever slept with someone you work with?
7. What was your best org##m ever?
8. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be?
9. If we were out for dinner and I said I wanted to have sex right now, what would you do?
10. Would you / have you had group s#x?
11. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
12. Do you think you could take off my underwear with no hands?
13. Have you joined the mile high club?
14. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
15. Would you say you have any fetishes?
16. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
17. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
18. What’s the most s#x you’ve had in a day?
19. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever mast##bated?
20. If I ever caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
21. Do you prefer eye contact or not during s#x?
22. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during s#x?
23. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without s#x?
24. S#x with lights on or lights off?
25. What’s a surefire way to turn you on?
26. Do you prefer to take control or be submissive?
27. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
28. Quickie or marathon session?
29. What’s the best thing about our s#x life?
30. Do you like sexting?
31. How would you make me have an org##m?
32. What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an org##m?
33. What’s your favourite part of foreplay?
34. What’s your favourite time of day to have s#x?
35. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
36. Do you get tired after s#x?
37. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
38. What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?
39. What would you like to do more of in bed?
40. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
41. You like it when I’m shy and sexy or daring and sexy?
42. Do you like your man to be aggressive and rough or gentle in bed?
43. At what age did you have s#x for the first time?
44. What you absolutely won’t do in bed?
45. Would you like to see a p##n film with me?
46. Do you like giving or receiving oral s#x?
47. Would you like to have s#x with multiple men at the same time if given a chance?
48. Have you ever had voyeuristic fantasies?
49. What sexual position do you hate the most and why?
50. At what age did you lose your virginity?
Awkward Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
There are a lot of awkward questions to ask a guy, but a few are more common. Take a look at this list of awkward questions girls are afraid to ask guys. With responses to certain awkward questions, you might find common ground with guys.
1. What desire do you feel guilty about?
2. What’s your favorite sensation to feel?
3. How do you feel when I hug you?
4. What was your last intimate thought about me?
5. What’s the best part, physically, about being female?
6. What clothes do you sleep in… if any?
7. What parts of the male body do you like the most?
8. What’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever worn?
9. What do you see when you look into my eyes?
10. Have you ever made out with someone just because you felt h##ny?
11. What’s the most inappropriate thought about me you’ve ever had?
12. What movie character do I remind you of?
13. What do you think a massage from me will feel like?
14. If we were in an underwear store and there was only one fitting room, who would go first?
15. If you had to kiss me anywhere below the shoulders, where would it be?
16. Do you think we look like a couple?
17. How would you feel if I blindfolded you?
18. Want me to eat some cream off of you?
19. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
20. What’s your favorite way to be seduced?
21. Have you ever mast##bated in a public bathroom?
22. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
23. Have you ever had s#x with someone whose name you never knew?
24. What’s your favorite thing about a quickie?
25. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to f##k them?
26. Have you ever fantasized about f##king one of your teachers?
27. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
28. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
29. What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during s#x?
30. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x with their permission?
31. When’s the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
32. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
33. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
34. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
35. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
36. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while hooking up?
37. Do you prefer professional or amateur p##n?
38. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
39. What’s your favorite bl#wj#b technique?
40. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
41. Which part of a girl’s body do you think tattoos look best?
42. How old were you when you first French kissed and did you dribble?
43. Have you ever had phone s#x?
44. Have you ever dreamed about s#x?
45. Have you ever 69’d with a girl?
Common Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
Girls are typically apprehensive about asking guys questions they want to be answered. What can be the worst thing he could say? This section is for girls interested in learning more about what it means to be a man and how guys think. Check out this list of common questions girls are too afraid to ask guys.
1. Have you ever had a bedroom injury?
2. Do you miss my touch?
3. What is the #1 thing you’d love to try before you die?
4. Do you check me out when I walk away?
5. What is your one secret that you rather die than tell?
6. How serious are you treating your s#x life?
7. Can I have a look at your Tinder profile?
8. What would you love to experiment on but fear suggesting?
9. Have you ever thought of inviting a third party to your bedroom?
10. What are your thoughts on double penetration?
11. At what age did you first have s#x?
12. How do you think dp will feel?
13. Have you ever given thought to us trying it on the rear?
14. What is your favorite s#x style and position?
15. Can I have a look at one example of your best adult videos?
16. What s#xual position satisfy you the most?
17. Have you ever been cat-fished?
18. Have you ever been caught in the middle of the action?
19. Have you ever recorded something before and watched it together after?
20. Which celebrity or actor do you find irresistible?
21. What is your take on friends with benefits?
22. How young is the youngest person you have ever made out with?
23. What is the nastiest thing you can do to a girl you love bed-wise?
24. How old is the oldest person you have ever had a crush on?
25. Do you like me in boxers or briefs?
26. What are your views on “50 Shades of Grey”?
27. Have you ever found yourself in someone’s bed and wondered how you got there in the first place?
28. What s#x style or position do you feel is overrated?
29. What is the one thing that girls really want but never say?
30. Have you ever purposely or accidentally peeked other people making out?
31. Which part of your body gets you in the mood fast?
32. Have you ever walked in on someone in the shower?
33. What is your most favorite place to get intimate: bed or on the floor?
34. Next time I go shopping with you, would you sneak into the fitting room with me?
35. Does size matter to you sometimes?
36. How do you feel when I bite your neck or ear tips?
37. Do you scream, mourn, or just sob?
38. What is the one thing you hesitated for long but ended up loving it nevertheless?
39. Which adult toys have you tried?
40. How much do you like your down there licked?
41. How likely would you suggest these dirty questions to ask your girlfriend to a close friend?
42. What’s the boldest thing you’ve done through texting?
43. Do you like it when I touch you slowly all over your body?
44. If you had to choose one position for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
Final Thoughts on Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys
We hope that reading this article of questions girls are too afraid to ask guys was a true value for your time. Boys are generally more complicated for girls! They can’t figure out what’s going on inside a man’s head or what will irritate him?
Guys toughen up their expressions and keep such a close eye on their words that the girls are unable to penetrate into their heads! Leaving everything up to their own interpretation! As a result, you may be hesitant to ask the most essential questions that will make or destroy your relationship!
Girls are curious about everything, even what goes on in a man’s mind. But to ask the most vital question of their guys is the most challenging task for them. If you’re too hesitant or afraid to ask these questions to boys, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with this amazing collection of questions girls are afraid to ask guys!
Thanks for going through this incredible compilation of questions girls are afraid to ask guys. Enjoy your love!