As parents, we want to find ways to connect with our kids and help them open up.
But sometimes it’s tough to think of things to talk about. That’s where questions to ask kids come in handy!
We’ve put together a list of over 250 questions to ask kids to help get them talking.
The questions are divided into categories, so you can find the perfect question for any situation.
So go ahead and give them a try!
You may be surprised at how much your kids will share once they get started with questions for kids.
Table of Contents
Questions to Ask Kids to Get to Know Them
In order to get to know your kids better, you need to ask them questions. Lots of questions. Here are some basic questions to get you started.
1. Who is your favorite character, and why?
2. What would you say is your biggest strength?
3. If you could pick any name for yourself, what would it be?
4. What’s your biggest fear?
5. How do you overcome your weaknesses?

6. What superhero powers would you want to have?
7. If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
8. What’s your favorite color?
9. What’s your favorite TV show, and why is it the best?
10. Are you excited about your life?
11. What’s your happiest memory?
12. What are you thankful for?
13. What makes you sad?
14. What’s the best thing in your life?
15. If you could create a new color, how would it look, and what would you call it?
16. What is the one place you hope to travel to one day?
17. Do you prefer eating sweet foods or savory?
18. What has been the worst day of your life?
19. If you could change anything about your family, what would you choose?
20. What can we do to be better parents?
21. What do you hope to be when you grow up?

22. If you could change any rule, which one would it be?
23. If you could choose any animal to be your pet, which one would you pick?
24. What’s your motto?
Would You Rather Questions for Kids
Would you rather questions are a great way to get kids talking. They’re fun, and kids love giving opinionated answers. Plus, they can be a great way to learn more about your child’s interests and personalities.
1. Would you rather slide down a slide or swing on a swing?
2. Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?
3. Would you rather play football or tennis?
4. Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park?
5. Would you rather sit with a group in school or sit alone?
6. Would you rather be smart or incredibly funny?
7. Would you rather brush your teeth with toothpaste or water?
8. Would you rather have a tall neck like a giraffe or a long nose like an elephant?
9. Would you rather be a good singer or an amazing guitar player?
10. Would you rather watch fireworks or go to a circus performance?
11. Would you rather be a painter or a sculptor?
12. Would you rather play in the rain or snow?
13. Would you rather be a captain of a ship or a pilot of an airplane?
14. Would you rather be a famous writer or a famous performer?

15. Would you rather create your own holiday or a new sport?
16. Would you rather have the ability to jump like a frog or make loud sounds like an elephant?
17. Would you rather ride a horse or an elephant?
18. Would you rather be six years older or three years younger?
19. Would you rather look after a pet or a baby?
20. Would you rather have oatmeal for breakfast or lunch?
21. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or find all your lost stuff?
22. Would you rather have long hair like Rapunzel or be blue like Smurfette?
23. Would you rather be able to create webs like Spider-Man or have heat vision like Superman?
24. Would you rather spend your day in a zoo or a garden full of trees and flowers?
25. Would you rather crawl like a crab or walk on all fours?
26. Would you rather see things up close or far away?
27. Would you rather be a fast swimmer or a fast runner?
28. Would you rather sail the seas or climb a mountain?
Funny Questions to Ask Kids
Asking funny questions is a great way to get the conversation flowing. Kids love to laugh and it’s a perfect way to bond with them! Here are some fun questions for kids you can ask:
1. If you could be invisible for one day only, what would you do?
2. If you had your own restaurant, would you rather serve gross or delicious food?
3. Would you rather not shower ever again, but you’d have to wear wet clothes, or shower every day?
4. What makes you feel like dancing?
5. If you were a book, what would your title be?
6. How many stars exploded in the galaxy today?
7. Would you rather be as small as an ant or as tall as a giant?
8. Do you want boogers or spaghetti for dinner?
9. What’s the silliest thing you can think of?
10. If you found a genie, what would you wish for?
11. If you could only celebrate one holiday for the next ten years, what would it be?
12. If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?
13. If you could rename fruits, what would you call them?

14. What’s the grossest thing you have ever seen?
15. Would you rather have jiggly legs for a day or the biggest arm muscles for a week?
16. If you could visit one planet in the universe, which one would it be?
17. Do unicorns fart rainbows?
18. If you could become any cartoon character for one day, who would you be?
19. If you had a secret hideout, where would it be and what would you keep inside it?
20. What’s the funniest sound you’ve ever heard?
21. What’s the worst name you’ve ever heard someone call their dog?
22. How old do you think mommy/daddy is?
23. Who makes the smelliest farts?
24. What does a fox say?
25. If you could go back in time, where would you travel to?
26. If you were a fart, would you prefer to be silent but deadly or loud and proud?
Silly Questions to Ask Kids
Now it’s time to get silly! Kids love funny and unexpected questions, so why not break out of your comfort zone and give these silly questions for kids a try?
1. What would you do if you had four arms?
2. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
3. If you found a genie in a bottle, what would your three questions be?
4. What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?
5. Who makes you laugh the most?
6. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
7. Can you show me the craziest face you can make?
8. Can you tell me the funniest joke ever?
9. If you had to rename the color blue, what would you call it?
10. If you grew to be 40 feet tall, what would you do?

11. If you got to meet the president, what would you ask him?
12. What is the craziest thing you could take a shower in?
13. If you had a store, what what would you sell in it?
14. If you had a time machine that could go into the future, what would you bring back?
15. What person from history would you like to talk to?
16. What is worst thing you could wear to school?
17. If you woke up and you were green what would you do?
18. If you could make up a word what would it be and what would it mean?
19. Which character from a video game would you be?
20. If you had to change your name to what you had for supper last night, what would your new name be?
21. If you were in the circus, what would your act be?
Questions to Ask Younger Kids
Questions are a great way to get conversation flowing with younger kids, who may be shy or unsure how to start talking. Here are some ideas to get you started:
1. Would you rather eat raisins every day or peas?
2. Would you rather have a pet snake or a pet scorpion living in your room?
3. Would you rather have a hole in the back of your pants or a broken zipper?
4. Would you rather be a sports star or a pop star?
5. If you could draw anything right now, what would you draw?
6. What do you think animals say?
7. What dreams do you think you’ll dream tonight?
8. Would you rather eat Starbursts or chocolate for the rest of the day?
9. If your toys could talk, what would they say?
10. Would you rather swim with a shark or a crocodile?
11. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
12. What’s your favorite snack?
13. What would you rather have stuck on your shoe — gum or dog poop?
14. What’s your favorite outfit?
15. What’s your favorite animal?
16. Would you rather take a shower or have a bath?
17. Would you rather get in trouble with your teacher or your parents?
18. Who’s your favorite book character?
19. Would you rather eat salad or liver?
20. Do you like it when people share with you?
21. What makes someone smart?
22. If you were a teacher, what would you teach your students?
23. What makes you awesome?
24. What would you do if you made the rules at home?
25. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re outside?
26. What do you take to bed with you every night?
27. What do you love to eat for breakfast?
28. What should we make for dinner on your birthday?
Questions to Ask Older Kids
Questions for older kids can help you understand their perspective on life and the world around them. Some questions you can ask include:
1. What do you think is the best part about getting older?
2. Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of this year?
3. What are you least looking forward to when you get older?
4. What do you think your life will be like ten years from now?
5. If you could change the world, how would you do it?
6. What’s one mistake you’d wish you could go back and change?
7. Who would you most like to be? Why is that?
8. What are the five best traits in you? Why those?
9. What do you love doing?
10. Do you feel ready to leave middle school? Why is that?
11. Why do you think some kids smoke or take drugs?
12. Out of everything you learned as a kid, what do you think you’ll find most useful as a teenager?
13. What are your worries about becoming a teenager?
14. What privileges are you looking forward to the most about growing up?
15. Name two of your strengths and two weaknesses. Why did you pick those?
16. Is there a question you always wanted to ask me?
17. What do you think the meaning of life is?
18. What’s the difference between smart and wise?
19. What does success mean to you?
20. What is something that you always wanted to tell me?
21. What’s the hardest part about being a child/teen?
22. What is your biggest worry?
23. What is your biggest dream?
24. Who are your three best role models, and why?
25. What is the most important decision you will ever make?
26. What has been the proudest moment of your life?
Questions to Ask Kids about School
Do your kids complain about school? Make it a fun chat instead by asking them questions about their school life.
1. What or who made you smile today?
2. Did anyone say something that surprised you?
3. Give your day a rating of one to ten — why did you choose that number?
4. What challenged you today?
5. What book did your teacher read for the class today?
6. What was your favorite part of your school day?
7. Did anyone show an example of unkindness? What did you do?
8. What examples of kindness did you see today?
9. Did anyone in your class get in trouble?
10. Do all the class play together at recess?
11. What was the worst part of your day?
12. How were you brave today?
13. What questions did you ask your teacher today?
14. What are you reading in class?
15. Did someone or something inspire you today?
16. Did someone get in trouble today? What happened?
17. Who did you share your snacks with today?
18. What was the most challenging rule you had to follow?
19. If you could go back and change one thing about today, what would that be?
20. What made you proud today?
21. What new things did you learn?
22. Did you help anyone in class today?
23. Did someone make you laugh?
24. Who sat next to you at lunch?
25. If you could sit anywhere in class, where would that be?
26. What’s your favorite subject?
Questions to Ask Kids about Family
Talking to kids about their families can be a great way to get them talking. You don’t have to limit yourself to simple question. Here are some best questions to ask.
1. What is your favorite family tradition and why?
2. If you could change the bedtime routine, what would you change?
3. If what made your family special was a flavor of ice cream, what would it be, and why?
4. What family rule don’t you like but will also apply in your home one day?
5. If you could ask your mommy or daddy one question, what would it be?
6. If your family was a movie or TV show, which one would it be, and why?
7. Is there a rule at your best friend’s house that you think should be a family rule for your family?
8. What is your favorite dinner table memory?
9. Which one of your family members would you like to be famous and why?
10. If you could change places with a parent on a school day, who would it be, and what will happen?
Questions to Ask Kids about Life
As parents, it can be difficult to get kids to open up and talk. That’s why asking questions to children about life can be so important.
1. What do you do first thing in the morning, after you wake up?
2. Who do you sit by on the bus to school?
3. What do you do when you get to school?
4. How often do you brush your teeth?
5. Do you like breakfast?
6. What do you like to talk about during dinner?
7. What do you do to relax at night?
8. Do you like to talk while you eat dinner?
9. Do you like to play games with family at night?
10. What do you like to do before bedtime?
11. How do you make sure you’re ready for school on time?
12. How do you get to school?
13. What’s your favorite way to help clean up after dinner?
14. Do you like to spend time with family at night?
15. What’s your favorite thing to do at school?
16. What is your least favorite thing to do at school?
17. How long do you spend doing homework?
18. When do you watch TV?
19. How long do you watch TV after school?
20. Do you like to hang out with friends after school?
21. Do you ever study with your friends after school?
22. Do you practice any instruments after school?
23. What’s your schedule like on a typical school day?
24. Are you a morning person, or a night person?
25. When do you do homework?
26. Do you have any special hobbies you do after school?
27. How often do you play video games?
28. When do you get dressed for your day?
29. What’s your favorite after-school snack?
30. How often do you look at social media?
31. What’s your favorite way to help with dinner?
32. Do you have a favorite dinner?
33. When you get home from school, what’s the first thing you do?
34. What do you look forward to doing most after school each day?
35. Do you like to watch shows while you eat dinner?
36. What books do you like to read before going to sleep?
Open-Ended Questions to Ask Kids
When it comes to getting kids to open up and have a conversation, start with open-ended questions that allow them to answer in ways they find most natural.
1. Do you enjoy any sports, and why did you choose those?
2. What does this remind you of, and why is that?
3. What happened next?
4. What foods do you love and why?
5. Why did you choose to read that book?
6. What are you looking most forward to this month?
7. How are these different?
8. How does this work?
9. What could we have done instead?
10. What makes you laugh the most, and why?
11. What’s your favorite thing about school?
12. How did this happen?
13. Can you tell me about what you’re doing?
14. What does this represent to you?
15. What’s the first thing you want to do when you’re at the beach?
16. What did you enjoy the most about this weekend, and why?
17. If you had a magic power, which one would it be and why?
18. What other tools can you use?
19. What do you think this book is about?
20. Why did you decide to draw that picture?
21. If you could do any activity in your free time, which one would you choose?
22. What makes a nice friend?
23. Why is that your favorite toy?
24. Are there other solutions to the problem?
25. How did you create this color?
26. What do you think about school?
27. What can you do differently next time?
Final Thoughts
It’s so important to create those special moments with your kids when you can talk and connect with each other.
With these questions to ask kids, you’re sure to have plenty of conversation starters to get your kids talking – from toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners.
We hope these 250+ questions to ask kids to get them talking will help you have fun together and also help your kids reach their full potential.
We would love to hear about how these questions work for you.
Or if you have any additional questions to share or would like to ask us something, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!