‘Would you rather’ is a classic game. It is ideal for any social event, whether bored, trying to get to know someone, or just passing the time.
It might be difficult to come up with a discussion subject at times. These clean would you rather questions solve a basic problem.
This collection of clean questions is ideal for everyone.
Keep reading to find out.
Table of Contents
Best Clean Would You Rather Questions
If you’re searching for clean and appropriate would you rather questions to ask on a first date or when hanging out with your buddies, this list should come in handy.
1. Would you rather experience the world beginning or ending?
2. Would you rather have more money or more time?
3. Would you rather attend a hip-hop event or a rock concert?
4. Would you rather be a drunk or a junkie?

5. Would you rather be a famous person with fake friends or a dork with real friends?
6. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
7. After a bad day, would you rather hug your Mom or Dad?
8. Would you rather be able to walk through doors or be able to teleport?
9. Would you rather be alone when sick or have a lot of friends around?
10. Would you rather be a fashion designer or a fashion model?
11. Would you rather be an adult already or be a child again?
12. Would you rather be able to live a long boring life or a meaningful but short life?
13. After a stressful day, would you rather have hot drinks or cold drinks?
14. During an Alien invasion, would you rather stay indoors or outdoors?
15. For a first date, would you rather go on a dinner date or movie date?
16. In the event of a divorce, would you rather live with your father or your mother?
17. Would you rather go on road trips or fly to a different country?
18. Would you rather be a fast writer or a fast reader?
19. Would you rather be a talk show host or a runway model?
20. Would you rather end world hunger or stop crime all over the United States?
21. Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small?
22. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
23. In your million dollar mansion, would you rather have an indoor pool or outdoor pool?
24. Would you rather act as the villain in a movie or be the hero?

25. Would you rather adopt cats or dogs?
26. Would you rather be an online influencer or be a talk show host?
Funny Clean Would You Rather Questions
These fun questions to ask should have you laughing in no time. One of the most effective methods to connect with a new person is via humor.
1. Would you rather live by “Hakuna Matata” or “YOLO”?
2. Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of your life?
3. Would you rather watch a movie with someone who keeps rewinding or with someone who keeps fast forwarding?
4. Would you rather whisper all the time or shout all the time?
5. Would you rather have embarrassing parents or parents who claim you embarrass them?
6. Would you rather sleep on a cold floor or sleep on a hard floor?
7. Would you rather not be able to go out in the day time or not be able to go out in the night time?
8. Would you rather talk really fast or talk really slowly?
9. Would you rather wash your hair with dirty water or not wash your hair for six months?
10. Would you rather be rich and chubby or be poor and trim?
11. Would you rather laugh uncontrollably when sad or cry uncontrollably when happy?
12. Would you rather get bored easily or get distracted easily?

13. Would you rather have a dog that’s scared of cats or a dog that behaves like a cat?
14. Would you rather have a roommate that eats a lot or one that sleeps a lot?
15. Would you rather always be overdressed or always be underdressed?
16. Would you rather have feathers or have scales?
17. Would you rather fetch water with a basket or with a spoon?
18. Would you rather sleep in a doghouse when it’s raining or sleep under the rain?
19. Would you rather have hands for feet or have feet for hands?
20. Would you rather walk funny or talk funny?
21. Would you rather get famous for doing something stupid or staying unknown all your life?
22. Would you rather get in trouble for something you didn’t do or have your friend get in trouble for something you did?
23. Would you rather eat only cheese for 1 year or not be able to eat cheese for 1 year?
24. Would you rather have really short legs or have really long feet?
25. Would you rather have really weird dreams every single night or never have dreams again?
26. Would you rather live in a place where it’s always raining or a place where the sun never goes down?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Below you will find clean would you rather questions for adults. These questions are sure to stump your group.
1. Would you rather swim in a pool of jam or a pool of Nutella?
2. Would you rather climb up to your crush’s window to serenade them or climb up to their balcony?
3. Would you rather have a night out with someone goofy or with someone freaky?
4. Would you rather marry a complete stranger or marry the last person you dated?
5. Would you rather take terrible selfies of yourself or have friends that always take terrible pictures of you?
6. Would you rather wake up to a new life or to new friends?
7. Would you rather spend your day cleaning the house of an annoying neighbor or cleaning the house of a total stranger?
8. Would you rather live a disorganized life or live a life that never goes as you plan it?
9. Would you rather hop around or moon-walk around?
10. Would you rather your parents were able to read your thoughts or your crush was able to read your thoughts?
11. Would you rather live caged up in a Zoo or free in a forest?
12. Would you rather have to dance every time a song came up or have to sing every time a song came up?
13. Would you rather wet your pants or sit in a wet chair?

14. Would you rather kiss a frog or turn into a frog?
15. Would you rather eat raw meat or eat dead fish?
16. Would you rather dance around your house in your SpongeBob underwear or naked?
17. Would you rather sing every time you tried to talk or rap every time you tried to talk?
18. Would you rather wear your grandmother’s wig or wear your grandfather’s clothes?
19. Would you rather have to shake hands with everyone you walk past or have to salute everyone you walk past?
20. Would you rather get a dollar every time someone had good thoughts about you or every time someone had bad thoughts about you?
21. Would you rather hibernate for 6 months or not get any sleep for 6 months?
22. Would you rather be a broke stand-up comedian or a wealthy clown?
23. Would you rather get married on the moon or have your honeymoon on the moon?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Kids
“Would you rather” questions are fantastic to ask children and may be added to any kid-friendly school activity. Put these questions to the test in your classroom.
1. Would you rather kiss a frog or lick a slug?
2. Would you rather have wings to fly or gills to breathe underwater?
3. Would you rather have a red nose or red eyes?
4. Would you rather live in a house of straw or a house of sticks?
5. Would you rather drink chocolate milk or strawberry milk?
6. Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
7. Would you rather be the world’s best actress or singer?
8. Would you rather have cookies or cake?
9. Would you rather have good grades or be good at sports?
10. Would you rather buy 100 one dollar toys or buy one 100 dollar toy?
11. Would you rather have water that tastes like your favorite drink or vegetables that taste like your favorite dessert?
12. Would you rather sneeze chocolate or have your tears taste like cheese?
13. Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?
14. Would you rather it rain marshmallows or skittles?

15. Would you rather have 10 fingers on each of your hands or 10 toes on each foot?
16. Would you rather have to fight 100 pigeon-sized zebras or one zebra-sized pigeon?
17. Would you rather not ever have to go to school or never have to do chores for the rest of your life?
18. Would you rather have a horses tail or a unicorn horn?
19. Would you rather have to wear dirty underwear all week or eat off of dirty plates all week?
20. Would you rather fly to space or visit every country?
21. Would you rather have wings or a mermaid tail?
22. Would you rather be forced to say everything that was on your mind or to never speak unless someone spoke to you?
23. Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
24. Would you rather it snow every single day or rain every single day?
25. Would you rather only be able to drink apple juice or milk for every meal of the day?
26. Would you rather turn into your mom or your dad for one day if you could only choose one?
27. Would you rather only be able to celebrate Christmas or only be able to celebrate your birthday?
28. Would you rather always need to shout whenever you speak or always have to whisper?
29. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
30. Would you rather have 5 good friends or 1 best friend?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Couples
Whether in a new relationship or celebrating years of marriage, couples might occasionally run out of things to say. These questions for couples help to fill those uncomfortable silences.
1. Would you rather plan a surprise vacation for your partner, or have your partner plan a surprise vacation for you?
2. Would you rather have a partner who is a thrill seeker or a partner who prefers a more low-key lifestyle?
3. Would you rather do a couples photoshoot or create a scrapbook together?
4. Would you rather find true love for 1 year or be in a stale relationship for 100 years?
5. Would you rather be stuck with your spouse in a tree house or in a tent on a rainy day?
6. Would you rather work a morally questionable job that makes a lot of money or a job that helps a lot of people but doesn’t make much money?
7. Would you rather have date night every week or date night every month?
8. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
9. Would you rather meet your partner’s siblings first or their closest friends first?
10. Would you rather have a partner who is a good listener, or a partner who is always there for you emotionally?
11. Would you rather have a partner who is always honest or a partner who always tells white lies to spare your feelings?
12. Would you rather have a partner who is always open to trying new things or a partner who sticks to their comfort zone?
13. Would you rather have a partner who is a night owl or a morning person?
14. Would you rather have a partner who is a good cook, or a partner who is always willing to try new recipes with you?
15. Would you rather have a partner who is a neat freak or a partner who isn’t so particular about cleanliness?
16. Would you rather have an arranged marriage or marry someone you’re not attracted to?
17. Would you rather go to a bar, a club, a house party for a good time, or just stay home for quiet TV dinners?
18. Would you rather share your deepest secrets with your partner or keep them to yourself?
19. Would you rather have a long, meaningful conversation or a fun, playful activity with your partner?
20. Would you rather show affection through physical touch or words and actions?
21. Would you rather go without your cell phone for a week or without your partner’s cell phone for a week?
22. Would you rather have a partner who is always on time or a partner who is always late?
23. Would you rather have a partner who is a good dancer, or one who can sing beautifully?
24. Would you rather have a partner who is a great listener, or a partner who is always ready to give good advice?
25. Would you rather have a partner who is always willing to try new things or a partner who is more traditional in their activities and experiences?
26. Would you rather make a huge salary but have to give everything above minimum wage to charity, or have a mid-range salary and be able to spend it on whatever you want?
27. Would you rather have a lover who’s obsessed with pets or one who doesn’t like pets?
28. Would you rather have a partner who is a good public speaker, or a partner who is a great writer?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Work
The ideal list for team building activities, or test them out when you start your team meeting. ‘Would you rather questions’ are excellent discussion starters.
1. Would you rather do something you love and make just enough money to get by or do something you hate but make billions of dollars?
2. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
3. Would you rather be in your pajamas or a suit all day every day?
4. Would you rather have a physical meeting with other coworkers or have an online meeting with other coworkers?
5. Would you rather be the CEO of a company or another executive?
6. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?
7. Would you rather have a job where you talk to people all day or a job where you stay at your desk by yourself all day?
8. Would you rather work in a big city or a small town (if you could have the same job both places)?
9. Would you rather bike or drive to work?
10. Would you rather have a constant supply of the best coffee in the world at your office or a constant supply of the best snacks in the world at your office?
11. Would you rather have an office where you could wear pajamas to work or work in a really fancy office?
12. Would you rather work for a very small company or a very large company?
13. Would you rather work in Los Angeles or in New York City?
14. Would you rather get paid your entire salary plus benefits all at once for the year or get paid little by little throughout the year?
15. Would you rather have way more work than you could ever accomplish in a day and be stressed or have hardly any work at all and be bored?
16. Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love, or rich and work at a job you hate?
17. Would you rather receive catered lunch every day at work but never get to choose what you order or pack your own lunch every day?
18. Would you rather live in New York City or London?
19. Would you rather go for a company with thousands of staff or go for a company with just a few hundred staff?
20. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
21. Would you rather work 80 hours one week and have the next week off or work 40 hours for the week (spread across seven days including weekends) for two weeks?
Final Thoughts
Clean would you rather questions are fantastic because people appreciate them.
They allow individuals to be creative without having to think too much. After all, you’re only giving them two options.
Their simplicity is their beauty. You should be ready for almost any social scenario by now.
These would-you-rather questions convert any gathering into a smart party.
You can either remember your favorites or store them on your phone for a rainy day.