We have compiled a list of fascinating and dirty questions to ask your girlfriend in this post. Do you want to know your girlfriend’s sexual cravings, crazy dreams, and what she wants but never has the confidence to ask? This post has the greatest collection of dirty questions to ask your girlfriend at any moment to elicit an answer. They are well-curated and perfect for in-person chats over drinks, as well as text conversations in the case of a long-distance relationship or a busy schedule.
Why to Ask Your Girlfriend Dirty Questions
People are generally the happiest during the start of a relationship. Sure, you’re discovering new things about the other person, which is thrilling, but there’s another reason why relationships are more interesting in the beginning: flirting. There’s flirtation and spicy comments, as well as the satisfaction of trying to come up with something witty and watching how she reacts.
These elements are frequently overlooked in long-term relationships, resulting in a lack of spark, attraction, and, ultimately, a girlfriend. Sexy questions to ask girlfriend are a fun way to learn about your and your partner’s tastes, and how you can combine them to create the most sexually intimate relationship imaginable.
When to Ask Your Girlfriend Dirty Questions
When you start dating someone new, it always takes some time before you feel comfortable with sexual questions to ask your girlfriend. You don’t want to come across as too direct, but you do want people to know you’re into her in that sense.
How to Ask Your Girlfriend Dirty Questions
It’s a good idea to start with some basic flirting questions, see how they respond, and then go all-in if it’s a turn-on for them. Dirty questions to ask your girlfriend are an excellent way to begin the flirting process, but you must know how to do it without seeming desperate while yet appearing highly interested.
On a first date, you also don’t want to cross the line and be too vulgar by inquiring about their ugliest sexual desire. Finding the perfect questions that strike a balance between being inquisitive and being overly eager is critical. After all, you want to project a good image of yourself.
Table of Contents
Best Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
This list, which includes some of the best dirty questions to ask your girlfriend, will undoubtedly meet the demands of both you and your girlfriend. It will also provide you with some suggestions that will stimulate both of your minds.
1. Can you describe your ideal dick?
3. When did you realize you liked me this much?
4. Do you like being kissed in public?
5. Do you want to spice up our s#x life?
6. What is your favorite part of a man?

7. What are your thoughts on s#x in public places?
8. How often do you think about me when you pleasure yourself?
9. What was your most recent exotic dream, and was I in it?
10. What is the sexiest outfit you own, and would you wear it tonight for me?
11. Do you like sending and receiving sexy messages?
12. What is your favorite position, and do you want us to try it tonight?
13. When was the first time you realized you wanted to have s#x with me?
14. Have you ever had a one-night-stand, and how do you feel about them?
15. What is the naughtiest text you ever sent, and how was it received?
16. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
17. What is your sexiest guilty pleasure?
18. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x?
19. How happy are you with our s#x life?
20. If I was with you right now, what would you like me to do to you?
21. Do you enjoy being asked these naughty questions?
22. How happy are you with our s#x life?
23. Does talking dirty turn you on, and do you want to try it with me?
24. Do you enjoy being on top?
25. Are you into phone s#x, and do you want to try it?
26. Have you ever role-played?
27. Do you like playing sexy games?
28. What is your favorite part of your body?
29. Have you ever flirted online with someone you barely knew?

30. If you could have s#x anywhere in the world, where would it be?
31. How do you feel about s#x on the first date?
32. Where do you enjoy being touched the most?
33. I bought you some lingerie and I would love for you to model it for me. Will you?
34. What are the hottest places you’ve done it, outside of your home?
35. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
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Fun Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Do you have a burning need to learn more about your girlfriend’s sexual preferences and dreams but are too hesitant to question them out of the blue? Maybe you should go for fun dirty questions to ask your girlfriend. They will assist you in determining what you want without being too direct.
1. What’s something dirty you’ve always been too shy to say to me in bed?
2. What’s your favorite s#x toy to use on me?
3. What parts of the male body do you like the most?
4. When I am on top of you, what’s your favorite part of me to watch?
5. What’s the hottest s#x dream you’ve ever had?
6. What do you prefer the most, kissing or hugging?
7. What is the funniest thing you have heard someone say to you when they were talking dirty?
8. Has the p##is ever touch the last point of your vag##a?
9. What are two s#x positions that we haven’t tried in a while that you’d like to bring back into rotation?
10. Where was the strange location you ever had s#x?
11. Would you ever surprise me with lingerie?
12. Have you ever faked an org##m with me?
13. What is your opinion on love bites, do you want to give me any?
14. Do you like when I make the first move in bed?
15. Which clothing item is your most favorite and why?

16. Do you feel h##ny right now?
17. Do you like oral s#x?
18. If you could get a million dollars, which are the things that you would like to buy with that money?
19. Would you forgive me if I had s#x with another guy and regretted it?
20. Would you rather have s#x in your childhood bedroom or your childhood basement?
21. What if am being asked to have s#x with my boss, how will you feel?
22. Before me how many times did you have s#x per week?
23. Do you like playing rough?
24. Which clothing item do you feel most comfortable in?
25. Have you ever been in a friends with benefits situation?
26. Do you like sexting?
27. At what age did you lose your virginity?
28. Have any of you sent your nude selfie before coming here?
29. What is the maximum number of times you’ve had s#x in 24 hours?
30. What is your wildest sexual desire?
31. Would you rather have the best s#x of your life once or mediocre s#x every day?
32. Have you ever seen a dirty picture on your parent’s phone?
33. Have you ever been to a brothel?
34. What do my lips taste like?
35. Have you ever tried edible underwear?
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Super Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Use this fantastic list of super dirty questions to ask your girlfriend to open up to you. These questions will work their magic; all you have to do is ask them correctly.
1. Are you the explorer type in the bedroom?
2. Can you fake an org##m right now?
3. Do you prefer to keep your pubic hair or trim it?
4. What is the most difficult s#x position you did in your car?
5. If you got to have a threesome with people in this room, who would you do it with and why?
6. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done at school?
7. Would you play oily Twister with me?
8. Would you rather taste a blueberry-flavored condom or a banana-flavored condom?
9. Do you prefer doing it in the morning or night?
10. What’s the longest you’ve gone without doing it?
11. When was the last time you cried really hard?
12. Have you ever been part of group s#x?
13. Have you ever bumped into someone right in the action?
14. Is having s#x while still wearing underwear wilder?
15. Have you ever tried to do a hardcore session?
16. Which celebrity couple would you choose to have a threesome with?
17. Do you have any spicy pictures or videos saved on your phone?
18. When was the last time you pooped or peed your pants?

19. Do you like experimenting with different positions?
20. Do you like the lights on or off during s#x?
21. Do you want to know what I’m wearing?
22. What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done during s#x?
23. Do you like to moan loud?
24. Have you ever rubbed your c#m on your partner’s face?
25. Do you like the French kiss?
26. Are you fond of second rounds?
27. Can you resist the temptation to want s#x?
28. Do you like being lightly caressed after play?
29. Have you ever made out in a smelly bathroom?
30. Have you ever taken money from someone for having s#x?
31. Would you rather lose your s#x orgns forever or gain 200 pounds?
32. Have you ever had s#x in the balcony?
33. Does laughing in the bedroom make things kinkier?
34. Have you ever wanted to try LARP?
35. If you could have s#x in any location in the world, where would it be?
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Sexual and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
With these sexual questions to ask your girlfriend, you can reawaken the sexual chemistry between you and your girlfriend and learn all of their dirty secrets. You know you want to, don’t you? So make wise use of these dirty questions to ask her.
1. Want to try s#x as quietly as possible, as if we’re trying not to get caught?
2. If you could only have s#x in one position for the rest of your life, which would it be?
3. Would you like to do something dirty in the bathtub?
4. Do you like to look me in the eye when we are doing it?
5. Have you ever played strip poker?
6. Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
7. Are you a good kisser?
8. What is your “moment of weakness” experience that you swear will never repeat itself again?
9. Is there a sexy scene from a movie that you want to recreate with me?
10. What is the largest age gap between you and someone you have ever done it with?
11. Who has the potential to become a p##n star?
12. Can you moan for 5 hours, if the s#x happens that long?
13. Would you Netflix and chill with me, but the only condition is to watch adult movies all night?
14. Do you like to smell your partner while having s#x?
15. What is a s#x position you have never tried, but would love to try?
16. What’s your favorite way to be seduced?
17. What sexual adventures do you want to go on in 30 years?
18. Have you ever worn a slutty dress to seduce someone?

19. What would you do if I told you I am alone at my house?
20. What nickname have you given to your partner’s private parts?
21. Will you choose to have s#x on the bed or on the kitchen counter?
22. Who is most likely to have s#x on a beach under the moon?
23. Have you ever fantasized about f##king one of your teachers?
24. When did you watch adults-only videos for the first time?
25. Do you like it when I choke you?
26. What’s the most adventurous s#x position you’ve ever tried?
27. Do you like it when I go down on you for hours?
28. What will you choose for a better s#x drive, coffee or chocolate?
29. Who else has seen you naked apart from the person you were in a relationship with?
30. Who did you have the longest kiss with?
31. What’s an “imperfection” on my body you find sexy?
32. What’s your most hardcore fantasy?
33. Have you ever been to a s#x party?
34. Do you prefer hair down there or all bare?
35. If you could only have one type of s#x for the rest of your life, what would you choose: oral, an#l or regular?
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Naughty and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Here are some naughty questions to ask girlfriend. You’ll discover many intriguing and insightful questions in this collection of naughty questions to ask your girlfriend, ranging from innocent and sweet to more sensual in nature.
1. Have you ever wanted to try BDSM?
2. Do you like to close your eyes when I kiss all over your body?
3. Would you rather never have oral s#x again or never have penetrative s#x again?
4. Do you love doing a mouth-fuck?
5. Would you rather have a great s#x life but not get along well, or get along great but rarely have s#x?
6. How would you feel if I made you breakfast while wearing only an apron?
7. I heard kissing burns a lot of calories. Want to help me exercise?
8. How often do you think couples should have s#x to keep the relationship strong?
9. What’s something about me, besides my body, that turns you on every time?
10. What would you do if I had an affair with someone you were attracted to?
11. If you could only have one romantic night every year, what would you do?
12. What are your memories of the best s#x ever in your life?
13. Have you ever had someone too big that you wondered if they can fit in there without causing much damage?
14. Have you ever heard or felt like you have heard your parents doing it?
15. Do you have any secret places where you really like to hang out?
16. What’s the soonest after meeting someone you’ve slept with them?
17. What do you wear to bed if you are in the mood?
18. Have you ever mast##bated in the public washroom?
19. Can I smell your panties?
20. What’s the strangest adult film category you’ve ever searched for?
21. What makes you climax the most during s#x?
22. Have you ever ghosted someone right after s#x and never gave a reason as to why you did it?
23. If you walked in on me watching a sexy movie, what would you do?
24. What s#x position do you think is awesome when done right that most people underrate?
25. Have you ever had feelings for your best friend?
26. Have you ever borrowed a costume for role-playing?
27. What body types or shapes do you find most exciting in bedroom matters?
28. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during s#x?
29. Do you like to bite on my nipples?
30. Have you ever made out when you were totally drunk?
31. Have you ever had s#x so loud the neighbors had to intervene?
32. Have you ever fantasized about a coworker?
33. Have you ever recorded yourself having s#x?
34. What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite gender?
35. What is your horror s#x story?
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Spicy and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
You never know what you’re missing out on if you don’t dare to try spicy questions to ask your girlfriend. Ask away and experience the benefits of seeing how dirty your partner is. You know you want to, don’t you?
1. What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an org##m?
2. Quickie or marathon session?
3. What’s your favourite time of day to have s#x?
4. Do you prefer to take control or be submissive?
5. What’s a surefire way to turn you on?
6. Can I have a look at your Tinder profile?
7. What would you love to experiment on but fear suggesting?
8. What are your thoughts on double penetration?
9. Have you ever given thought to us trying it on the rear?
10. What s#xual position satisfy you the most?
11. When last did you try giving excuses for wanting to go to a guy’s place for a night?
12. Have you ever been caught in the middle of the action?
13. Do you like your man aggressive or tender?
14. Which celebrity or actor do you find irresistible?
15. What are your views on “50 Shades of Grey”?
16. What s#x style or position do you feel is overrated?
17. If you could develop the ability to see a specific part of a man’s body, which part would it be?
18. Which part of your body gets you in the mood fast?
19. How much do you like massages?
20. What is your definition of a sexy man?
21. How much do you like s#x in the shower?
22. How much do you like your b##bz touched?
23. Apart from masturbation, how else do you make yourself happy?
24. How do you feel when I bite your neck or ear tips?
25. What is the one thing you hesitated for long but ended up loving it nevertheless?
26. How much do you like naked photos of yourself?
27. What is the compliment you have ever gotten in your life?
28. What is the most daring thing you have ever tried bed-wise?
29. How serious are you treating your s#x life?
30. What’s your definition of amazing s#x?
31. Is there a sexy song that tends to get you in the mood?
32. Where’s the wildest place you’ve ever hooked up with someone before?
33. Which do you like more—sending dirty texts, or dirty talk in person?
34. Have you ever thought about trying tantric s#x?
35. Would you rather have s#x on a plane, or on a moving train?
Sexy and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Use these sexy questions to ask your girlfriend to discover each other’s hidden erotic dreams and luxuriate in the newfound degree of connection you’ll undoubtedly generate. These sexy questions for girlfriend are just for your amusement, so enjoy yourself and have some sensual fun!
1. Have you ever had cybersex?
2. Do you like being the dominated one or the submissive one in the bedroom?
3. Have you ever gifted your previous boyfriends with something in order to extract a sexual favour from them?
4. Have you ever filmed yourself having s#x with someone?
5. Have you ever been in bed with a man and fantasized about another?
6. Have you ever thought about having s#x in front of a mirror?
7. You like it when I’m shy and sexy or daring and sexy?
8. Do you like being kissed on your back?
9. What you absolutely won’t do in bed?
10. Do you like watching p##nographic films?
11. Would you like to have s#x with multiple men at the same time if given a chance?
12. Would you participate in an orgy, given a chance?
13. What sexual position do you hate the most and why?
14. Have you ever slept with the boyfriend of a good friend?
15. What do you like to do after a healthy bout of s#x in bed?
16. Have you ever made love under the open sky?
17. Do you like having s#x in the water?
18. Do you ever wonder if you have a drinking problem?
19. Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
20. Is there anything you want to know about me, but didn’t want to ask?
21. If you were Ellen Degeneris for a day, who would you have on your show?
22. Should marriages have end dates that can be renewed?
23. During your last sexual encounter who performed better: you or the guy?
24. If you have a bigger clit##is, is it easier to org##m?
25. Do you think s#x should be fun or romantic?
26. What do you consider the sexiest outfit in your collection?
27. Do you prefer to sleep with or without clothes?
28. Would you prefer food before s#x or s#x after food?
29. What is your favorite pair of lingerie?
30. Have you ever imagined me naked?
31. Would it drive you crazy if I whispered naughty things in your ear?
32. What is in your s#x bucket list?
33. Would you be open to trying the Kama sutra?
34. What does it feel when I’m inside you?
35. Do you prefer classy lingerie, or fuzzy, pink handcuffs and blindfold?
Freaky and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Don’t be afraid of freaky questions to ask your girlfriend. Some individuals don’t mind them since they demonstrate that you care enough to say something possibly weird and dirty simply to impress them.
1. How would you rate our s#x life from 1 to 10?
2. How do you relax when stressed?
3. Would you make out on the rain with me?
4. Has anyone ever walked on you naked?
5. If I was out shopping for clothes, would you mind sneaking into a fitting room with me?
6. What do you think is your strength in the bedroom?
7. Do you like listening to music when doing it?
8. Do you like to play around with extreme temperatures in the bedroom, like wax or ice?
9. Will I get lucky tonight?
10. Are there times you go without panties?
11. Do you enjoy when I watch you change clothes?
12. Have you ever done it while blindfolded?
13. If I were at your house right now, what would you like to do?
14. What do you love the most about us when we are together?
15. If we had 20 minutes alone, what do we do?
16. Do you want to see me without my shirt on?
17. Would you prefer a glass of wine or a 6 pack of beers?
18. If you came home and found me naked, what would you do?
19. If I showed up at your house, would you invite me in?
20. If I was at your window at the moment, would you let me in?
21. What one word describes how you are feeling right now?
22. Can we exchange sexy photos?
23. How long can you go without making love?
24. Have you ever had intimacy without feeling it?
25. What is the craziest position you have ever tried?
26. What would you feed me with as breakfast if you were to be my wife?
27. Have you ever told a lie just to get someone to bed?
28. Do you prefer someone older or younger than you?
29. At what point are you driven to extremity in s#x?
30. Should we try having a sexual code?
31. What were your thoughts when I first approach you?
32. Would you go on a date night with me?
33. How would you feel If I plant a kiss on your lips now?
34. Could you hug me before my friends?
35. After our first nightstand, what nickname would you suggest for me?
Hot and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
If you’ve been looking for some hot and dirty questions to ask a girl, go no further than the list below. There are some nice questions to ask to get your girlfriend to open up to you.
1. Do you enjoy making sexual sounds?
2. How do you feel when my hands slide down your body?
3. Do you know you always do it as a professional?
4. Do you know I was thinking of your curving shape?
5. After your first night, did you long for another night to come?
6. S#x under the sun, in the rain, or in the pool; choose one?
7. If I was to be your only character in your dream, what would we act?
8. What is your ideal pattern of starting good s#x?
9. How did you feel when I undress you?
10. Without saying it, would you know when I feel like having it?
11. If we had only 1hr left, what would we do together?
12. When last did you have unforgettable s#x?
13. Do you like fingering s#x?
14. Have you ever lusted over a stranger who’s sexually attracted?
15. How did you learn about s#x?
16. On your birthday, would you love s#x as a birthday gift (offer)?
17. Would you say sexual stuff to a guy when you’re not ready to try it?
18. Would you permit me to take off your panties now?
19. Do you prefer romance first or straight to the point?
20. Do you like it raw or with a condom?
21. Medically, what do you know about love and romance?
22. After the first round, would’ve you ask for another?
23. Would you say frequent sexual passion is normal?
24. Where was your first s#x experience?
25. Do you like to stay in one position for too long?
26. Would you prefer a busy place or a very calm and serene place?
27. Does banana depict something sexual to you?
28. What would you say is the perfect and standard age for an adolescent to break his virginity?
29. Can s#x help in forgetting painful memories?
30. Have you ever imagine having food, s#x, and sleep for like a day without doing anything else?
31. Is s#x with wet body thrills you?
32. While waiting for you to come out, is it sexy to come out with only pants and a bra or only a nightgown?
33. Would you love teaching a virgin how to make love?
34. Are you loud or quiet in s#x?
35. Have you tried s#x more than once a day?
Kinky and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
These kinky questions to ask your girlfriend will not make her hot for you, but they will help you connect on a deeper level and make her feel secure around you, where she can talk about anything.
1. What does giving a fainting smile on the bed all about?
2. Have you ever been guilty after s#x?
3. What do you think is your best physical feature.?
4. What is your position on premarital s#x?
5. What is the first feature you noticed of mine?
6. If you had to choose your least attractive feature of mine what would it be?
7. What part of your body do you enjoy the most on a women?
8. Would you ever sleep with your ex’s best friend?
9. Have you ever slept with someone, then woke up wishing you never have?
10. Is laughing in the bedroom okay, or it has to be serious?
11. Would you send your nudes to a stranger or send your nudes to an ex?
12. What is your favorite place to be massaged?
13. Do you like it when someone pulls your hair?
14. Are relationships meant to last forever?
15. Do you like it when I wear cologne?
16. Do you prefer a passionate kiss? Or a long, warm hug?
17. Have you ever had an unrequited love?
18. How do you like to celebrate anniversaries?
19. What are your feelings about our first kiss?
Interesting and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Depending on how close you are to your lover and how far along you are in your relationship, pick wisely and gradually progress from the cute to the dirty ones. With this wonderful collection of interesting and dirty questions to ask your girlfriend, you can take sexting to the next level!
1. Have you ever made a s#x tape?
2. If you got pregnant today, what would you do?
3. Would you like to spend the weekend with me?
4. What is that movie you watch and wish to watch in real life?
5. What sweet moment would you like to remind?
6.What was your last thought last night?
7. What’s that thing you wish to happen in our relationship in the future?
8. Do you wish to be called the most beautiful woman on the planet earth?
9. Do you wish to be called the most beautiful woman on the planet earth?
10. How should a guy express his feelings over you?
11. Are you into passionate s#x or warm slow love making one?
12. Have you ever fantasized about a famous person, who was it and why?
13. I wonder what your milk taste like?
14. I feel electricity here, do you feel like plugging it somewhere?
15. Do you want to play dirty truth or dare?
16. Can I hear your sexy voice when you’re sleepy?
17. If our s#x was a certain season or a natural disaster, what would it be?
18. Does your package have a name or do you want me to give it one?
19. How would you describe your latest sexual experience?
Flirty and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Do you know how to flirt with your girlfriend? If you don’t, you should learn all you can about it. Flirting is a great approach to get to know your partner in depth while still having fun. With these flirty questions to ask your girlfriend, you may test her boundaries, spark her creativity, and enhance your relationship all at the same time.
1. If I were handcuffed to the bed, what would you do to me?
2. What would be more thrilling: angry s#x or makeup s#x?
3. Do you like to use your tongue when you kiss?
4. What is your preference between making out on bed vs. on the floor or chair?
5. Have you ever had s#x with someone you just met?
6. Is there anyone that you would not like to allow to check your browser history?
7. Would you rather have s#x in your childhood bedroom or your childhood basement?
8. When was the last time you flashed someone intentionally?
9. Would you rather have s#x with someone 20 years older or 20 years younger?
10. What’s the least amount of time you’ve gone between having s#x with two different people?
11. Have you ever lived with a partner?
12. Do you want to have children?
13. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?
14. What makes you super happy in our relationship?
15. What words or sexy phrases turn you on?
16. Would you ever take a bath with me?
17. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
18. Would you love to do doggy style with me?
19. Will you send me a screenshot from your favorite show?
Intimate and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Part of the enjoyment of flirting with your girlfriend is seeing how far you can push yourself while getting to know her on a new, deeper, and more intimate level. If you have a girlfriend try these intimate questions to ask a girl.
1 Would you rather be in a loveless marriage or a sexless marriage?
2. What makes for a perfect first date?
3. Are you usually pretty open about feelings or more guarded?
4. Do you feel lucky that we met each other?
5. What frustrates you the most about modern dating?
6. How do you like your partner to groom themselves down there?
7. What is something romantic you’ve always wanted to try?
8. What would you do if I suddenly put my hands under your clothes?
9. I am rich, hot, and bored. What should we do about it?
10. Would you consider yourself naughty or nice?
11. My flirting skills have become quite rusty. Can I practice them on you?
12. Does the idea of getting caught during s#x excite you?
13. Are you interested in incorporating s#x toys into partnered s#x?
14. Would you ever be interested in going to a s#x club together?
15. If you could have s#x in any location in the world, where would it be?
16. What cartoon character do you think is the hottest of all time?
17. Where is your favorite placeto be kissed?
Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to Turn Her On
Dirty questions to ask girlfriend may take a relationship to a whole new level of intensity. If you’re having trouble rekindling the spark in your relationship, or if you simply want to spice things up, consider these sexy questions to ask your gf.
1. Would you somewhat rate yourself as a kisser?
2. What would you think if I blink at you?
3. You are in the mood to have some action, but your partner is unwilling. How would you seduce?
4. What’s something that’s made you feel unexpectedly excellent in bed?
5. What’s one point that you was reluctant to try throughout s#x but wound up loving?
6. What would you do if you accidentally come across me while I’m naked?
7. What you absolutely won’t do in bed?
8. Have you ever sexually cheated on someone in your life?
9. What is the craziest po#n film that you have ever seen?
10. Have you ever had s#x in a bar or a restaurant?
11. What do you think is currently the biggest threat to marriage?
12. How many times a day can you have s#x before your dick hurts?
13. Where are you most likely to find a sexual partner?
14. Did you ever sleep with two guys in one night?
15. How many p##ises you have been sucking till now?
16. Did you ever think to s#x with same gender?
Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend over Text
There’s no need to worry if you’re currently separated. You may simply do this by naughty questions to ask your girlfriend over text. You may use these naughty questions to ask your girlfriend something you might be scared to ask, but this way, it will be simpler and less stressful.
1. What is the most romantic trip you dream of going on?
2. What would be the perfect Valentine’s Day?
3. What’s the most romantic date you’ve ever been on?
4. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them?
5. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
6. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a s#x goddess?
7. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
8. Have you ever been to a strip club?
9. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
10. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x with their permission?
11. What is the sexiest quality a partner can have?
12. What’s your favorite bl##job technique?
13. When’s the last time you had a vivid s#x dream?
14. What physical action or gesture do you find romantic?
15. What values do you think are most important in a relationship?
16. What’s your most scandalous memory of us?
5 Tips for Flirting with Your Girlfriend
Just because you’ve finally landed the girl of your dreams doesn’t mean the joy of flirting has to come to an end! By flirting with her on a daily basis, you can keep your girl interested—and more into you than ever before. Here are some helpful hints to help you learn the art of flirting with your girlfriend.
1. Show her that you’re attracted to her:
Make an effort to touch her, stare at her, and attract sexual attention. Make her feel desired! You could find that you’re not doing these things because you’re ashamed, insecure, or worried about how she’ll react. You don’t have to hold back if she’s your girlfriend, you’ve been intimate with her, and you’re attracted to her. Make use of dirty questions to turn you both on. This is one of the finest ways to let her know you like her.
2. Be confident:
Make no apologies about flirting with your partner. If you want to flirt use dirty questions to ask your girlfriend. She’s your girlfriend since the two of you made a verbal agreement, therefore there’s a strong probability she likes you and wants your attention. Many people find self-assurance appealing. Take charge of it!
3. Declare your feelings for her:
A romantic declaration may not always be as playful as other flirting methods, but it can make your girlfriend feel warm, safe, and loved. She could even reply to your comments with a physical manifestation of her affection! It’s usually a good idea to check in with your girlfriend and confirm your sentiments, especially if you suspect she’s insecure about the condition of your relationship. Tell her you adore her, or that you like her a lot, or that you think she’s amazing. Say it while you’re feeling it!
4. Write notes:
Send flirtatious text messages to her. Put a tangible message on her bathroom mirror, vehicle window, or school locker. Tell her you adore her, that she’s amazing, or that you’re thinking about her. The medium and the content are less important than the act of telling her that you care.
5. Try flirting over text:
Why not get a little flirty via text to spice things up a little? Hey, we’re in our twenties, therefore if you want to know how to flirt with your partner, you should surely utilize technology. You may make her laugh by asking her what she expects you to do to her when you come home. You can make use of sexy questions to ask gf over. This is a great way to initiate flirting.
Final Thoughts on Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Thank you for going through the dirty questions to ask your girlfriend. Everything from their first date to their favorite sex position is a fascinating puzzle to unravel about the other person when you’re just passed the first date with someone new. After a couple has been together for a while, they frequently consider their partner to be less of a mystery and more of a book that has been read so many times that there are no surprises left.
Dirty questions to ask your girlfriend may be a hot way to learn what a new partner enjoys, as well as how to get them on, and a terrific game to spice things up for long-term couples. This is what makes these sexual questions to ask your girlfriend so unique.
Sexy questions to ask girlfriend are more than simply a verbal foreplay idea—you could be shocked by the responses to the dirty questions. It’s all about falling in love with her over and over again.