The set of fun questions to ask your girlfriend will help you keep the conversation functioning perfectly! It can play a significant role in improving your relationship and increasing your chances of intensifying intimacy.
We believe we have run out of topics to discuss, but the truth is that you haven’t given much thought to the categories that exist for fun questions to ask your girlfriend.
By asking these fun questions for girlfriend, she will be flattered especially you master the types of questions and the appropriate time to ask them. When you’ve just started dating the girl you’ve had your eye on, there’s much more to learn about your relationship.
You can have a pleasant time laughing and tighten your bond with the help of our fun questions to ask girlfriend.
Table of Contents
Best Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
The best fun questions to ask your girlfriend can pave the way for a shy or introverted guy who wants to make his girlfriend laugh so hard that she forgets about her previous unpleasant experiences.
1. If you had a knock-knock joke that would certainly knock at my heart’s door, what would it be?
2. What’s your credit card number, and what are the numbers on the back?
3. What mildly annoying curse do you wish you could curse people with?
4. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done around someone you had a crush on?
5. Do I make your heart race when I walk into the room, or should I try harder?
6. If you had to take a pie to the face, what flavor would it be?

7. When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?
8. What fake rumor would I actually believe about you?
9. What’s the most hilarious thing that somebody has walked in on you doing?
10. What do you wish people would stop asking you again and again?
11. Whenever you go to the movie theaters, do you take the left armrest or the right armrest?
12. If you were to choose the most amazing person in the world right now, why would you choose me?
13. Would you rather kiss me for 1 second or hug me for 1 minute?
14. What is the most creative insult you can come up with?
15. Why does your lingerie look better on me than you?
16. When’s the last time you acted immature to get what you wanted?
17. If a stranger gave you candy, would you accept it?
18. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, why the wildlife magazine?
19. What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
20. If it was acceptable to cannibalize your boyfriend, which of my body parts would you eat first?
21. What always sounds like a good idea but actually isn’t?
22. If there was a perfume that was based on your natural scent, what would it be called?
23. What is something your parents or siblings would warn me about you?
24. If you could “right-click” people, what options would appear?
25. If you had to smell like food for the rest of your life, which food would you want to smell like?
26. Have you ever done something so crazy and out-of-character that I wouldn’t believe it?
27. What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?
28. What was the last thing I did that made you cringe really hard?
29. If I suddenly died, would you collect the dragon balls to bring me back to life?
30. Would you rather have an annoying short-term memory or a dreadful long-term memory?
31. What’s the funniest pick-up line anyone has ever used on you?
32. If I suddenly caught fire and you happened to be drinking a glass of water, would you throw the water on me?
33. Why should you be banned from taking selfies forever?
34. If you won a million dollars tomorrow, what would you first do?
35. What is one similarity between us that you absolutely love?
36. What is one difference between us that you absolutely love?
37. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
38. If you could live as one fictional character for a day, who would it be?
39. Do you think there’s life on other planets?
40. What’s better: a penthouse condo in Manhattan or a castle in rural England?
41. What would you rather have: a mansion, a private plane, or a private yacht?
42. Have you ever been/would you ever go to a nude beach?
43. If you could take a single pill to get all the nutrients you need, and never eat a meal again, would you do it?
44. Do you remember the name of your first crush?
45. What’s the best lesson you learned growing up?
46. Tell me about your first kiss – when was it, who was it with, what were the circumstances?
47. What’s one toy you used to play with as a kid that you wish you could still play with as an adult?
48. What’s the best experience you ever had while working?
49. What unhealthy food is your biggest guilty pleasure
50. What song always – or almost always – brings you to tears?
51. What’s the one destination you most want to visit?

52. What do you do when you want to feel sexy?
53. If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
54. What was your favorite movie when you were growing up?
55. Who’s your favorite fictional character of all time?
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Random Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
During a heated argument, you can drop a few fun random questions to ask your girlfriend. There’s a chance you’ll both forget about the conflict and have a good giggle together.
1. Which side of the bed do you like?
2. Would you rather have a sports car, a private jet, or a boat?
3. What fictional character do you wish was your best friend?
4. When was the last time you sent a letter or postcard?
5. What fitness craze, popular TV show, or other cultural phenomenon do you not understand?
6. What fictional world do you wish actually existed?
7. What is the most embarrassing phase you ever went through?
8. Would you ever go to your high school reunion?
9. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever overheard?
10. If you were going to invent a cocktail, what would it be?
11. What is the lamest pick-up line anyone has ever used on you?
12. Would you chug a can of beer for 10 dollars?
13. What are five things that you can not live without?
14. If someone had something on their face, would you tell them?
15. Is there anything unusual that you’re addicted to?
16. If you could be a superhero and fight crime, what crime would you fight?
17. What alcoholic drink best describes your personality and why?
18. If you found out I slept every night with a stuffed animal, what would you do?
19. Would you still like a guy if he was a foot shorter than you?
20. What would you do if a girl asked for your number and hit on you?
21. If your s#x life could be described in ice creams, what kind of ice cream would it be?
22. What’s the strangest gift you’ve ever received?

23. What’s the worst you’ve seen someone screw up on social media?
24. What is something you just can’t believe some people actually enjoy?
25. What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve ever overheard?
26. If I could have one superpower, what would it be?
27. If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
28. If you could have anything you wanted in the whole wide world, why would you specifically choose me?
29. On a scale from 1 to Chris Hemsworth, how attractive do you think I am?
30. How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
31. What’s the weirdest crush you’ve ever had?
32. Are you having fun with our relationship right now?
33. Do you feel it’s something that you can continue doing until you grow old?
34. Have you ever tried doing something crazy on a whim?
35. Is there something you haven’t done that you regret now?
36. Once you are old, do you think you would regret not giving it a try?
37. Is there anything in your life that’s preventing you from doing it?
38. Do you still want to try it with my support/help/participation?
39. What crazy thing do you want to do but haven’t found the courage to do?
40. Have you thought about taking it a step further?
41. What gave you the courage to go through with it?
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Cute Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Girls have an aww factor when it comes to cute little things. It can also be fun cute questions to ask your girlfriend. It wasn’t cute if she didn’t get puppy eyes while listening to your question.
1. When did you realize you needed someone like me in your life?
2. If I had a doppelganger who showed up at your door, how would you know it wasn’t me?
3. If you had a warning label attached to you, what would it say?
4. When was the last time you burned something, and what was it?
5. If you had to wear one type of shoe for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
7. What weird habit did you have as a kid and never give up?
8. If you could have an actual two-way conversation with God, how would it go?
9. If you had to Marie Kondo your kitchen, what would remain?
10. What are your thoughts on getting a tandem unicycle?
11. What’s the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever told?
12. If you were a man for a day, what would you do?
13. Do you think I’m as sexy as I think I am?
14. If you could give your dog/cat/pet a superpower, what would it be?
15. Can a cemetery raise its prices and blame it on the cost of living?
16. What would be the cutest infestation your home could possibly have?
17. If flying is supposed to be safe, why do they call the airport a terminal?
18. What disease did cured ham actually have?
19. What animal would look the strangest without hair?

20. How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
21. If you could replace your hands with anything, what would they become?
22. If you were a bird, would you steal people’s shiny things or poop on their cars?
23. Are there daddies as well as mummies in the pyramids of Egypt?
24. If you had to smell like a food for the rest of your life, what would you want to smell like?
25. If you had to have either horns or a tail, which would you choose?
26. What’s one exercise you never want to do again?
27. If you could learn to make one thing really well, what would it be?
28. What is one physical trait you’ve always been proud of?
29. Would you rather live in a mansion but be poor or a shack but be rich?
30. Do you, or have you ever had, a fear that seems silly?
31. What’s the best joke or surprise you’ve ever pulled on someone?
32. If you could have tickets to any play or musical, what would you see?
33. If you could speak another language, what would you choose?
34. If you could drive any type of vehicle, what would it be?
35. What is one historical event you wish you could have been present for?
36. If you could be good at any sport, which would you choose?
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Flirty Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Girls have some dirty scenarios in their heads as well, but they prefer to keep them hidden. The fun flirty questions to ask your girlfriend can help you figure out what she likes in the bed.
1. How do you feel about kissing or making out in public?
2. Would you ever consider having a first kiss on the first date?
3. What do you feel whenever you look me straight in the eyes?
4. What do you say is the sexiest outfit that you own?
5. What would be the naughtiest thing you would do for me?
6. What would you feel if I whispered a naughty thing in your ear?
7. How would you react if I ate some cream off you?

8. What do you think a full-body massage from me would feel like?
9. What do you say was the most inappropriate thought you’ve ever had about me?
10. If there is one sexiest outfit you would like to see me in right now, what would it be?
11. Have you ever had any kind of naughty dream about one of your close friends?
12. Do you ever watch porn when you’re alone?
13. What are your go-to clothes to sleep in, if any?
14. Do you ever fantasize about having s#x with someone else besides me?
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Dirty Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
The discussion of fun dirty questions to ask your girlfriend should take place daily so that you can get to know the dirty little freak inside her. Girls also have certain expectations when it comes to making love.
1. What’s one thing you’ve been wanting me to do to you in bed?
2. What’s the hottest memory you have of us?
3. Do you have any kinks, fetishes, or guilty pleasures?
4. Which part of your body do you want me to touch more?
5. Would you ever have s#x in a public place?
6. If you could hook up with any celebrity in the world, who would you pick?
7. Which do you enjoy more: oral or penetration?
8. What’s a s#x position that you’ve never tried that you’re curious about?
9. What would you do if I stole a kiss from you right now?
10. What do you think can make someone a good kisser?
11. Which one do you prefer most days, cuddling or kissing?
12. Do you want us to continue this conversation somewhere quiet?
13. When was the last time you had an intimate thought about me?
14. Have you ever considered having friends with benefits?
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Deep Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
You can get your sweetheart to talk about things she never talks about. Take a chance with one or two fun deep questions to ask your girlfriend to delve deeper into her thoughts.
1. What is the weirdest fact you know?
2. What’s your favorite memory of us together?
3. What’s the first thing you do when you have the house all to yourself?
4. If you had a warning label, what would it say?
5. What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed in your pajamas in the day?
6. Do you have a phone voice or a puppy/baby voice?
7. What world record do you think you could set?
8. If we started a band together, what would you want us to be called?
9. What body part do you think best defines your personality?
10. If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
11. Have you ever been discriminated against?
12. What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
13. What one change do you wish you could make in the world?
14. If you got pregnant today, what would you do?
15. Who have you been friends with the longest?
16. What social causes do you feel passionately about?
17. What would be the perfect Valentine’s Day?
18. What was your first sexual experience like?
19. What do you look forward to the most when you think about getting old?
20. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
21. Which do you like better: giving or receiving gifts?
22. What is the oddest thing you have kept for sentimental reasons?
23. Have you ever received a random act of kindness?
23. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
24. When you were a kid, what did you imagine your life would be like as an adult?
25. Which do you like better: sunrise or sunset?
26. Would you rather go a day without your phone or without toilet paper?
27. Why did you choose this color to paint your nails?
28. What is the best advice your parents ever gave you?
29. Do you have a mantra or a saying that gets you through difficult times?
30. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from a past relationship?
31. If you had to switch careers, what career would you choose?
32. What moment from your life would you love to relive?
33. How would you like to be perceived by other people?
34. What’s your favorite “make a rule” in drinking games?
35. What do you have a strong opinion on that is unimportant in the grand scheme of things?
36. Why do you think it’s illegal to sleep naked in Minnesota?
37. Will robots take over our jobs in the future?
38. How would you react if a stranger whispered in your ear?
39. What is the longest distance you’ve traveled by car without sleeping?
40. Why did you choose to wear your hair this way?
Juicy Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Discover her obsessions by using our list of fun juicy questions to ask your girlfriend below. She will never open up about it, but you can, and you will compel her to do so.
1. Have you ever flirted with a stranger online?
2. What would you do if I kissed you right now?
3. If you were to give me a pet name, what would it be?
4. What is the most exotic dream you’ve had about me?
5. What is one thing that gives you butterflies?
6. Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?
7. How did your last relationship end?
8. What do you wear when you sleep?
9. What’s the most spontaneous dirty thing you’ve ever done?
10. What have you done s*xually with someone else?
11. What is the longest relationship you’ve been in?
12. Which celebrity do you have the biggest crush on?
13. What is the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you?
14. What’s the most random thing that has turned you on?
15. Would you still want to be in a relationship with me if I didn’t want children?
16. If you had to make out with someone from the Harry Potter cast who would it be?
17. What do you think about long-distance relationships?
18. What are you most afraid of in a relationship?
19. What do you consider a red flag when you’re in a relationship?
20. Do you prefer making the first move or for me to make the first move?
21. Would you rather have no intimacy for a year or give up alcohol for a year?
22. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done or said on a date?
23. Do you ever feel like you’re in the mood but don’t say anything?
24. Have you ever farted while doing the no-pants dance?
25. Do you have a colour preference for the lingerie I wear?
26. What’s something I do that gets you in the mood?
27. Do you prefer me to be clean-shaven or hairy?
28. Do you prefer I wear lingerie or be naked in the bedroom?
29. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in front of a mirror?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a boss or teacher?
31. What’s the most inappropriate time you’ve ever laughed?
32. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
33. What’s the biggest prank you’ve ever played on someone?
34. When’s the last time you wanted to hit somebody?
35. Have you ever been caught checking someone out?
36. Would you marry someone rich even if you weren’t in love with them?
37. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in a movie theater?
38. Who would you consider to be ‘the one that got away?’
39. What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
40. Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom?
41. When was the last time you hooked up with someone?
42. What’s the most scandalous photo on your phone?
43. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done while you were drunk?
44. What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve been given?
45. What was the last lie you told?
Romantic Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Begin with a few fun romantic questions to ask your girlfriend, and then allow her to take over the conversation. You’ll get to know your self-conscious sweetheart’s passion and love.
1. What should anniversary celebrations be like?
2. Would you want to hang out with the girls or would you want us to be together all the time?
3. Have you ever fantasized about something you want to do together?
4. What’s your favorite part about a date?
5. What are some things that turn you on when you think about them?
6. Which one of our dates did you have the best time?
7. What’s something that often reminds you of me?
8. What was your first thought when we met?
9. What are the three things you’re most thankful for in life?
10. Do you have any unfulfilled fantasies?
Personal Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
You can start your conversations with these fun personal questions to ask your girlfriend that will encourage her to open up. You will learn about many topics that she never mentioned.
1. What is the biggest decision you’ve had to make?
2. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
3. What do you think is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen or experienced?
4. What does it mean to you to make a difference in the world?
5. What do you believe is true about human nature?
6. What is the most surprising fact you’ve learnt about yourself?
7. What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary?
8. Do you like being able to communicate with others through social media?
9. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
10. What is the biggest regret you have in your life?
Intimate Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Following fun intimate questions to ask your girlfriend while maintaining eye contact can get her excited as to what is coming next. Put forth the effort to carry out something unexpected.
1. If you had to kiss me anywhere below the shoulders, where would it be?
2. If you accidentally find a nude picture of me, what would you do?
3. What do you think a massage from me will feel like?
4. If you could see me in any outfit right now, what would it be?
5. When was the last time we played strip poker?
6. Have you ever given thought to us trying it on the rear?
7. What would you love to experiment on but fear suggesting?
8. Have you ever thought of inviting a third party to our bedroom?
9. What is your one secret that you rather die than tell?
10. What is the #1 thing you’d love to try before you die?
11. Have you ever kissed or touched a guy just because you were h##rny?
Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend about You
There are numerous fun questions to ask your girlfriend about you that will reveal what she thinks of you. Do not be offended if she says something unexpected; she just expressed her feelings.
1. What was the most memorable moment of my life?
2. What is my favorite mobile brand?
3. Do I have a hidden talent no one knows about?
4. Have I ever participated in a competition?
5. Which is the best gift I have ever received?
6. How many times do I go on vacation every year?
7. What is the most adventurous thing I have ever done?
8. What do I love doing on weekends?
9. What is my favorite type of music?
10. Which is the place I would love to go on vacation?
Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend about Your Relationship
If you’re curious whether your interaction is on track, these fun questions to ask your girlfriend about your relationship can help. It can help you get a sense of your connection.
1. Do we get each other’s feeling without the need to say anything?
2. What do you love the most about the way your life is right now?
3. Who’s your oldest friend, and what do you love about them?
4. In your opinion, what makes a date really good?
5. What was your first impression of me, and what do you think about me now?
6. Why are you excited to move in together?
7. How will we know that our relationship is working?
8. How often will you need time to yourself?
9. What are some of your dreams?
10. What’s something I do that always turns you on?
Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to Know Her Better
Our examples of fun questions to get to know your girlfriend can help you learn more about her. What kind of person she is and how she has changed over the years?
1. What’s the cheesiest pick-up line you’ve ever heard?
2. What is your worst getting trolled story?
3. What is the most humiliating thing that has happened to you?
4. What is the one thing you admire about your best friend?
5. Are you obsessed with anything right now?
6. Which celebrity do you have the hots for?
7. What is the best meme you have seen recently?
8. What’s the best pic of you with your cute pet?
9. Do you wish we would go back to a time before the internet?
10. What is the one makeup item you couldn’t live without?
11. Where do you think you got your sense of humor?
12. Which rules do you think are made to be broken?
Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend Over Text
Texting is your first step toward a relationship. You can make a good first impression by using our fun questions to ask your girlfriend over text. You might be able to get a date the following week.
1 What was your favorite birthday party you had as a kid?
2. What’s some place you’ve always wanted to visit, but haven’t seen yet?
3. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
4. If reincarnation exists, what would you like to come back as?
5. What’s the best prank you’ve seen played on someone?
6. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
7. What do you find funny that most people don’t?
8. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
9. If you were a talented rapper, what would you want to rap about?
10. If you were a performing artist, what would you title the first album?
11. If you could try to break any world record, what would it be?
12. What would be your favorite profession – even if it’s totally stupid?
13. If a biopic is made based on your life, which celebrity would you like to play your character?
14. If you had a warning sign on your forehead, what would it say?
15. If you could be the opposite s#x for one day, what would you do?
Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend in Person
Making small talk is never easy. Following are some fun questions to ask your girlfriend in person to get you started on your first date night. You have to keep that funny guy’s impression.
1. What would you say if I was moving away tomorrow?
2. Do you like to be single or would you like to always be in a relationship?
3. What is the craziest thing you have done for someone else?
4. If you could only live with one person for the rest of your life starting now, who would it be?
5. What is the thing that is holding you back from achieving your goals?
6. If I was arrested, what would you think the reason was?
7. What are the top 5 songs in your playlist right now?
8. Would you prefer small groups of friends or big parties?
9. Do you like texting or talking on the phone better?
10. What is the best thing about your childhood that you will never forget?
11. Do you have any deal-breakers when it comes to dating?
12. How do you feel about the public display of affection?
13. What was the last show you binge-watched?
14. What are three things that always make you laugh?
15. Do you tend to follow your heart or your head?
5 Tips for Choosing Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Never again be left in uncomfortable pause. Here are some tips and tricks for selecting amusing questions to ask your girlfriend to make her laugh.
1. Pick the best
You must have the best choices for any fun questions you plan. It makes it simpler to pick a response, and if the options are humorous, so will the answers be.
For instance, you should pick the best fun questions to ask girlfriend when it comes to selection otherwise, you won’t be able to know much about her.
2. Cartoon-related questions
It’s something we remember from our childhood. Everyone’s favorite has always been cartoons. What if your entertaining questions revolve around this theme?
We guarantee lots of laughs as well as flashbacks to when you were younger. You can ask questions related to cartoon characters. Maybe you can structure these questions around these memories for her!
3. Pick questions relating to funny embarrassing moments
We can all relate to this. We all burst out laughing when we recall any of our embarrassing moments from the past. You can customize your fun questions for girlfriend by inquiring about their most embarrassing experience.
While speaking, she will be holding back their laughter.
4. Don’t get into the sad memories
Worst you can do is touch upon those memories of her life which hurt her. So don’t ask questions related to her sad memories, instead ask her questions which relate to her fun moments of life.
You can pick from our categories and mix and match. You can make fun questions for your girlfriend about the best moments of fun you both had together!
5. Pick generalized questions
The best thing to do is, pick questions which are more generalized. You can start off with generalized questions and then move onto specific ones. This will build up the momentum and you both will enjoy this a lot!
Final Thoughts on Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
It’s finally over. Here are some excellent examples of fun questions to ask your girlfriend to strengthen your bond and deepen your understanding.
It is difficult to strike up a conversation with a girl if you have just started dating but these questions are your best bet!
You can try making small talk with our crazy questions to help your relationship climb the stairs faster. The whole point of coming up with fun questions for girlfriend is that you can use them on different occasions.
Fun romantic questions for date nights, fun deep questions for serious conversations, including a sense of humor in all questions can be a game changer.
It assists you in portraying yourself as a funny guy who is well-liked by everyone. You have a good chance of quickly impressing the girl you like.
You share these fun questions to ask your girlfriend with your home boys, who are hesitant and not very good at starting conversations. They will thank you later, and you will be able to thank us later.