If you’re establishing a new acquaintance, you’re going to discover a lot about them anyhow, so why not accelerate the process? Exciting, isn’t it?
Favorite things questions may reveal a lot about someone, so use this as an opportunity to learn about whatever you’re interested in!
Allow us to walk you through some incredibly fascinating questions regarding someone’s favorite items. Do I have your attention?
Let’s dive in.
Table of Contents
Random Favorite Things Questions to Ask
Some questions don’t fit precisely into a category but can be asked during random conversations. Try this list of favorites questions for fun.
1. What’s your favorite thing to do all day?
2. What’s your favorite to spend a Friday night?
3. What’s been your most favorite decade of life so far?
4. Who is your favorite person?
5. What’s your favorite way to relax?

6. What’s your favorite way to dress up?
7. What’s your favorite color?
8. What’s your favorite feeling?
9. What’s your favorite texture?
10. What’s your favorite cousin?
11. What’s your favorite thing to do first thing in the morning?
12. What’s your favorite thing to do when you feel stressed?
13. What’s your favorite thing to do when you feel sad?
14. What’s your favorite day of the week?
15. What’s your favorite time of the day?
16. What’s your favorite safe place?
17. What’s your favorite way to spend weekends?
18. What’s your favorite midnight snack?
19. What’s your favorite way type of sushi?
20. What’s your favorite healthy food?

21. What’s your favorite pattern?
22. What’s your favorite sound?
23. What’s your favorite hobby?
Favorite Things Questions about Food and Drinks
Knowing about your friend’s or partner’s favorite food and drink items may be an enjoyable experience. Let the ball rolling with these favorite food questions.
1. What’s your favorite fruit?
2. What’s your favorite meat?
3. What’s your favorite thing to bake?
4. What’s your favorite café?
5. What’s your favorite place to get coffee?
6. What’s your favorite type of cheese?
7. What’s your favorite type of wine?
8. What’s your favorite cocktail?
9. What’s your favorite pizza toppings?
10. What’s your favorite vegetable?
11. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
12. What’s your favorite fast-food restaurant?
13. What’s your favorite type of cookies?
14. What’s your favorite meal to cook at home?
15. What’s your favorite food?
16. What’s your favorite restaurant?
17. What’s your favorite local cuisine?
18. What’s your favorite take out or delivery food?

19. What’s your favorite dessert?
20. What’s your favorite sea food?
21. What’s your favorite pasta?
22. What’s your favorite Christmas food?
23. What’s your favorite flavor of potato chips?
24. What’s your favorite snack?
25. What’s your favorite appetizer?
26. What’s your favorite junk food?
27. What’s your favorite birthday food?
28. What’s your favorite childhood meal?
29. What’s your favorite Chinese meal?
30. What’s your favorite cake?
31. What’s your favorite type of tea?
32. What’s your favorite soft drink?
33. What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
34. What’s your favorite cooking smell?
35. What’s your favorite thanksgiving food?
36. What’s your favorite food to eat while watching your favorite show?
37. What’s your favorite type of pie?
Favorite Things Questions about Animals
You love animals, don’t you? Then, this category is for you. These favorite things questions will help you comprehend your friend’s or possible partner’s mindset about animals.
1. What’s your favorite native animal?
2. What’s your favorite animal?
3. What’s your favorite pet accessory?
4. What’s your favorite thing to do with your pets?
5. What’s your favorite small mammal?
6. What’s your favorite sea creature?
7. What’s your favorite type of bear?
8. What’s your favorite animal at the zoo?
9. What’s your favorite insect?

10. What’s your favorite memory of a pet you have lost?
11. What’s your favorite aquarium fish?
12. What’s your favorite food for your pet?
13. What’s your favorite bird?
14. What’s your favorite extinct animal?
15. What’s your favorite breed of dog?
16. What’s your favorite farm animal?
17. What’s your favorite type of pet?
18. What’s your favorite reptile?
19. What’s your favorite dinosaur?
20. What’s your favorite cat breed?
Favorite Things Questions about Entertainment
Thinking about what to do this weekend and what your special someone could enjoy? This list of favorite things questions might put you and your friend or partner at ease.
1. What’s your favorite movie?
2. What’s your favorite book?
3. What’s your favorite series?
4. What’s your favorite director?
5. What’s your favorite play?
6. What’s your favorite marvel movie?
7. What’s your favorite childhood movie?
8. What’s your favorite song?
9. What’s your favorite song to dance to?
10. What’s your favorite 80’s song?
11. What’s your favorite actor?
12. What’s your favorite actress?

13. What’s your favorite way to have fun?
14. What’s your favorite painter?
15. What’s your favorite painting?
16. What’s your favorite musical?
17. What’s your favorite form of art?
18. What’s your favorite art gallery?
19. What’s your favorite singer?
20. What’s your favorite band?
21. What’s your favorite concert of all time?
22. What’s your favorite sport to play?
23. What’s your favorite sports team?
24. What’s your favorite author?
25. What’s your favorite character from a book?
Favorite Things Questions about Music
Who doesn’t love music, isn’t it? If you want to know about the music preferences of your special someone, make use of this favorite things questionnaire.
1. What is your favorite song from your childhood?
2. What is your favorite concert you have been to?
3. What is your father’s favorite song?
4. Who is your favorite drummer?
5. Who is your favorite vocalist?
6. What is your favorite musical instrument?
7. What is your favorite piece of music?
8. What is your mother’s favorite song?
9. What is your favorite guilty pleasure song?
10. Who is your favorite songwriter?
11. What is your favorite album?
12. What is your favorite song about love?
13. Who is your favorite guitar player?
14. Who is your favorite classical composer?
15. What is your favorite song about heartbreak?
16. What is your favorite rap song?
17. What is your favorite cover song?
18. What is your favorite band?
19. What is your favorite song to play in the car?
20. What is your favorite song to play in the club?
Favorite Things Questions about People and Family
This favorites questionnaire about your friend’s or partner’s family will strengthen your bond. So, make a good use of it and see its magic bringing you two closer.
1. Who is your favorite family member?
2. Who is your favorite parent?
3. What is your favorite family vacation?
4. What is your favorite gift that you have received from your family?
5. Do you have a favorite friend?
6. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
7. What is your favorite family tradition?
8. What is your favorite family recipe?
9. Who is your favorite celebrity?
10. Who is your favorite historical figure?
11. What is your favorite activity to do with your friends?
12. Where is your favorite place to go with your friends?
13. Who is your favorite cousin?
14. Who is your favorite inspirational figure?
15. Who is your favorite sports player?
16. Who was your favorite crush?
17. Who is your favorite author?
18. Who is your favorite illustrator?
19. Who is your favorite chef?
20. Who is your favorite neighbor?
Favorite Things Questions about Traveling and Outdoors
Many of us like travelling to new places and experiencing new things, or simply getting away from the daily grind. But what is your vacation companion’s favorite part? Find out by using this favorite things quiz.
1. What’s your favorite place you have been to?
2. What’s your favorite place to travel to for vacation?
3. What’s your favorite childhood memory of traveling?
4. What’s your favorite sunbathing experience?
5. What’s your favorite place for summer vacation?
6. What’s your favorite place for Christmas vacation?
7. What’s your favorite place for spring break?
8. What’s your favorite place for skiing?
9. What’s your favorite travel accessory?
10. What’s your favorite type of vacation?
11. What’s your favorite thing to do on vacation?
12. What’s your favorite thing about traveling?
13. What are your favorite people to travel with?
14. What’s your favorite way to travel?
15. What’s your favorite solo-travel experience?
16. What’s your favorite travel journal or book?
17. What’s your favorite country?
18. What’s your favorite town?
19. What’s your favorite beach/lake?
20. What’s your favorite place with nice view?
21. What’s your favorite length of vacation?
22. What’s your favorite place to go with family?
23. What’s your favorite food to carry while traveling?
24. What’s your favorite thing about new countries?
25. What’s your favorite thing to do while traveling?
26. What’s your favorite souvenir?
27. What’s your favorite road to travel on?
28. What’s your favorite sightseeing you saw on a trip?
29. What’s your favorite place to stay in the world?
30. What’s your favorite college trip experience?
31. What’s your favorite thing that makes traveling better?
32. What’s your favorite island for a trip?
33. What’s your favorite travel tip?
Favorite Things Questions about Childhood and Memories
When you want to know about someone, you first ask them questions about their childhood and favorite memories. What’s your favorite questions given below will help you know about it.
1. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
2. What’s your favorite toy?
3. What’s your favorite smell you associate with from the place you grew up?
4. What’s the best gift you have ever received?
5. What’s your favorite memory about going to school?
6. What’s your favorite memory about going to university?
7. What’s your favorite season?
8. What’s your favorite thing to do on your birthday?
9. What’s your favorite birthday present ever?
10. What’s your favorite special moment?
11. What’s your favorite memory of your maternal grandparent’s house?
12. What’s your favorite funny memory of your childhood?
13. What’s your favorite accomplishment in your career so far?
14. What’s your favorite thing to do on New Year’s Eve?
15. What’s your favorite and unique trait as a teenager?
16. What’s your favorite thing to do on Valentine’s day?
17. What’s your favorite thing about Christmas?
18. What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
Favorite Things Questions about Clothes and Accessories
Everyone has his favorites when it comes to clothes and accessories. So, it is necessary to know about them. For your convenience, we have compiled these questions for favorite things.
1. What is your favorite outfit to wear on a lazy day?
2. What is your favorite backpack/handbag?
3. Do you have a favorite pair of earrings?
4. What is your favorite sweater?
5. What is your favorite type of formal wear?
6. Do you have a favorite pair of glasses?
7. Do you have a favorite bracelet?
8. What is your favorite swimsuit?
9. Who is your favorite fashion icon?
10. Where is your favorite place to go shopping for clothes?
11. What is your favorite clothing brand?
12. What is your favorite fashion show?
13. What is your favorite outfit?
14. What is your favorite hat?
15. What is your favorite hairstyle?
16. What is your favorite hair color?
17. What are your favorite pair of shoes?
18. What is your favorite jacket?
19. What is your favorite sweatshirt?
20. What is your favorite makeup item?
Favorite Things Questions about Relationships
If you want to get to know your partner better and connect with them on a deeper level, try questions about favorite things with them. These questions will benefit you greatly in that regard.
1. Where would be your favorite place to get married?
2. What’s your favorite thing about me?
3. What is your favorite position?
4. What moment is your favorite with me?
5. What is your favorite thing about your ex?
6. What is your favorite memory about our relationship?
7. What’s your favorite thing about being in a relationship?
8. What would be your favorite dating place with me?
9. What is your favorite fictional relationship?
10. What is your favorite way to get to know each other?
11. What are your favorite things to talk about?
12. What is your favorite way to show someone you love?
13. Who is your favorite extroverted friend?
14. Who is your favorite introverted friend?
15. What is your favorite unexpected relationship?
16. What is your favorite relationship advise?
Favorite Things Questions about Career and Achievements
Every person is conscious about his or her career. Therefore, you must give importance to their career and achievements. One way of doing that is asking them their favorite achievements. Or simply try these questions.
1. What is your favorite story from work?
2. Where would be your favorite place to work?
3. What is your favorite benefit from work?
4. What is your favorite job that you have had so far?
5. What is/was your favorite thing to do at that job?
6. What is your favorite goal you’re currently working on?
7. What’s your favorite memory from college?
8. Who are your favorite coworkers?
9. Who are your favorite former coworkers?
10. Who is your favorite boss?
11. When is your favorite time to work?
12. What was your favorite thing you learned in college/trade school?
13. Where would be your favorite place to live?
14. What would be your favorite way to spend a million dollars?
15. Where would be your favorite place to retire?
16. What is your favorite thing to do after work?
17. What is your favorite goal you’ve achieved?
18. What is your favorite thing on your bucket list?
19. What is your favorite language to study?
Final Thoughts
Voila! That was a great journey, isn’t it? Hopefully, you took notes when asking what’s your favorite questions!
Knowing about someone’s favorite things is not only a terrific way to get to know them, but it’s also a simple method to find out what makes this person smile. Isn’t that what all of us want?
Think about it, this may also come in useful when buying gifts or doing pleasant things for them!
And beware! Avoid asking rapid-fire queries since they will irritate the other person. And, you must actively listen to the responses.
If you liked these questions, please leave a comment. We will be grateful.