Friends has amused generations of comedy lovers, whether you saw it when it originally aired or binge-watched every episode on Netflix.
Everybody loves this show!
When you finish these Friends quiz questions, you’ll be sure to learn something new about whichever Friends character is your soulmate.
Are you the greatest Friends fan?
If so, gather your friends and take the ultimate Friends trivia test to test your knowledge about Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe.
We’ve gone ahead and prepared questions that only a real, die-hard fan would know the answers to, much like Ross in The One with the Embryos.
Let’s jump right into it!
Friends Quiz Questions and Answers
Have you seen Friends? So, you believe you’re a die-hard fan of the TV show? Why not put your knowledge to the test with this Friends trivia quiz?
1. What is the name of Phoebe’s twin sister?
Answer: Ursula.
2. What are the names of Ross and Monica’s parents?
Answer: Jack and Judy Geller.
3. How many seasons of Friends are there?
Answer: 10.
4. How many pages was Rachel’s letter to Ross?
Answer: Eighteen pages (front and back).
5. What song makes Ross and Rachel’s daughter Emma laugh for the first time?
Answer: Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back.”
6. How many roses did Ross send Emily?
Answer: 72.

7. Joey played Dr. Drake Ramoray on which soap opera show?
Answer: Days of Our Lives.
8. What does Rachel’s ex-fiancé Barry do for a living?
Answer: He is an orthodontist.
9. What is Rachel’s favorite flower?
Answer: Lillies.
10. Who pees on Monica after she is stung by a jellyfish?
Answer: Chandler.
11. Who was the maid of honor at Monica’s wedding?
Answer: Rachel.
12. What is the name of Joey’s stuffed penguin?
Answer: Hugsy.
13. Which of Joey’s sisters did Chandler fool around with?
Answer: Mary Angela.
14. What dessert does Rachel make on Thanksgiving that turns out totally disgusting?
Answer: A trifle.
15. How many times did Ross get divorced?
Answer: Three.
16. Who said, “I have no idea what’s going on, but I am excited”?
Answer: Chandler.
17. What caused the fire at Rachel and Phoebe’s apartment?
Answer: Rachel’s hair straightener.
18. Phoebe’s scientist boyfriend David worked in what city?
Answer: Minsk.
19. Which of Joey’s sisters punches Chandler?
Answer: Cookie.
20. What was the occupation of Rachel’s fiancé Barry Farber?
Answer: Orthodontist.
21. What’s the name of the animal control woman who went to high school with Monica and Rachel?
Answer: Luisa.
22. What store does Phoebe hate?
Answer: Pottery Barn.
23. Chandler told Janice he was moving where to avoid her?
Answer: Yemen.
24. Who was Joey’s imaginary childhood friend?
Answer: Maurice.
25. Monica dated an ophthalmologist named?
Answer: Richard.
26. Why does Chandler end up in the hospital while babysitting the triplets?
Answer: He swallows a toy.
27. Rachel got a job with which company in Paris?
Answer: Louis Vuitton.
28. What game show is Joey a contestant on?
Answer: Pyramid.
29. Phoebe is a surrogate for who?
Answer: Her half-brother Frank Jr. and his wife Alice.
30. What was the profession of Joey’s imaginary friend?
Answer: Space cowboy.
31. Which Sprouse brother played Ross’ son Ben?
Answer: Cole.
32. What is the inappropriate song Ross sings to Emma?
Answer: “Baby Got Back”.
33. What is Chandler Bing’s middle name?
Answer: Muriel.
34. Why do Joey and Janine break up?
Answer: She doesn’t like Monica and Chandler.
35. What was Monica’s nickname when she was a field hockey goalie?
Answer: Big Fat Goalie.
36. Which Friend entered a Vanilla Ice lookalike contest and won?
Answer: Chandler.
37. What was the name of Ross and Rachel’s male nanny?
Answer: Sandy.
38. What color is Monica’s apartment?
Answer: Purple.
39. What does Rachel guess Chandler’s job is?
Answer: A transponster.
40. Who was (accidentally) Monica’s first kiss?
Answer: Her brother Ross.
41. Who speaks the last line in the entire series?
Answer: Chandler.
42. Monica categorizes her towels into how many categories?
Answer: 11.
43. Ross worked as a professor at what school?
Answer: New York University.
44. Phoebe thought “Kenny the Copy Guy” was who?
Answer: Ralph Lauren.
45. Who came on to who in The One With The Videotape?
Answer: Rachel came on to Ross.
46. What is Richard’s daughter’s name?
Answer: Michelle.
47. Who is Joey’s agent?
Answer: Estelle.
48. What is the name of Chandler’s married girlfriend?
Answer: Aurora.
49. Ross and Rachel’s wedding dinner was held where in Vegas?
Answer: A Pizza Hut.
50. Who mistakenly threw a woman’s wooden leg into a fire?
Answer: Joey.
51. Phoebe finds what in her soda can?
Answer: A human thumb.
52. What was Rachel’s bra size?
Answer: 32C.

53. Which character is Phoebe’s delivery room doctor obsessed with?
Answer: Fonzie.
54. What was the name of Chandler and Ross’ college band?
Answer: Way, No Way.
55. In “The One Where No One’s Ready,” what does Phoebe spill on her dress?
Answer: Hummus.
56. How many sisters does Joey have?
Answer: 7.
57. Who helps Chandler shop for Monica’s engagement ring?
Answer: Phoebe.
58. Joey and Chandler’s TV guide is addressed to who?
Answer: Miss Chanandler Bong.
59. Which character famously said, “PIVOT?”
Answer: Ross.
60. In what fashion does Monica eat her Tic Tacs?
Answer: In even numbers.
61. What’s the name of the bakery that made the cheesecake Chandler and Rachel devour?
Answer: Mama’s Little Bakery.
62. Rachel goes on Ross’ honeymoon by herself where?
Answer: Athens, Greece.
63. What was the name of Ross’ pet monkey?
Answer: Marcel.
64. Who dated a college student named Elizabeth Stevens?
Answer: Ross.
65. Joey doesn’t share what?
Answer: Food.
66. Chandler and Joey both dated an actress named?
Answer: Kathy.
67. According to Monica, a woman has how many erogenous zones?
Answer: 7.
68. Who had a pony and a boat at age 15?
Answer: Rachel.
69. Monica worked as a waitress at what diner?
Answer: Moondance Diner.
70. What holiday does Chandler hate?
Answer: Thanksgiving.
71. What do Monica and Chandler name their twins?
Answer: Erica and Jack.
72. What does Phoebe legally change her name to after her wedding?
Answer: Princess Consulea Banana Hammock.
73. What did Monica want from Phoebe as an engagement present?
Answer: Her grandmother’s cookie recipe.
74. What word did Rachel misspell on her resume?
Answer: Computer.
75. What are the names of Rachel’s sisters?
Answer: Jill and Amy Greene.
76. Does Ross get his tan done before or after he gets his teeth done?
Answer: After.
77. Ross and Carol were busted having sex on which Disney ride?
Answer: It’s a Small World.
78. Who is Santa’s friend that Ross invents to teach Ben about Hanukkah?
Answer: The Holiday Armadillo.
79. Ross’ first wife Carol leaves him for who?
Answer: Susan Bunch.

80. What phenomenon scares the bejesus out of Chandler?
Answer: Michael Flatley, “Lord of the Dance”.
81. What form of self-defense does Ross try to teach Rachel and Phoebe?
Answer: Unagi.
82. Phoebe attempts to teach Joey what language?
Answer: French.
83. Ross, Susan and Phoebe got stuck where before Ben’s birth?
Answer: A closet.
84. Who was Rachel’s prom date?
Answer: Chip Matthews.
85. What is the first wedding gift Monica opens?
Answer: A tiny salt shaker.
86. Rachel was in which sorority?
Answer: Kappa Kappa Delta.
87. Monica couldn’t tell time until what age?
Answer: 13.
88. What is the name of Chandler’s father’s Las Vegas all-male burlesque?
Answer: Viva Las Gaygas.
89. Who is the youngest Friend?
Answer: Rachel.
90. Rachel’s sister Amy decides she wants to become what after babysitting Emma?
Answer: A baby stylist.
91. What are the names of the triplets Phoebe gives birth to?
Answer: Frank Jr. Jr., Leslie and Chandler.
92. Where did Ross and Rachel have their first date?
Answer: The planetarium.
93. What city is Friends set in?
Answer: New York City.
94. What was the name of Ross and Monica’s dog when they were kids?
Answer: Chi-Chi.
95. Chandler told Janice he was moving where to avoid seeing her again?
Answer: Yemen.
96. Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. got stuck in what?
Answer: A foosball table.
97. Joey’s stalker Erika Ford was played by which actress?
Answer: Brooke Shields.
98. What is Monica’s biggest pet peeve?
Answer: Animals dressed as humans.
99. Who said, “See, he’s her lobster!”
Answer: Phoebe.
100. Who was married to a supposedly gay Canadian ice dancer named Duncan?
Answer: Phoebe.
101. Who said, “We are dessert stealers; we are living outside the law”?
Answer: Rachel.
102. What actor played Phoebe’s husband Mike Hannigan?
Answer: Paul Rudd.
103. In an effort to get over Richard, Monica started making what?
Answer: Jam.
104. Where is Rachel’s first fashion job?
Answer: Fortunata Fashions.
105. What is the name of Joey’s barcalounger?
Answer: Rosita.

106. Phoebe created a three-dimensional picture of a woman named?
Answer: Gladys.
107. What fruit is Ross allergic to?
Answer: Kiwi.
108. What was Joey’s nickname when he was working at Alessandro’s?
Answer: Dragon.
109. What review was written about Monica’s cooking?
Answer: “The mahi-mahi was awful-awful.”
110. What ingredient did Rachel mistakingly put in her Thanksgiving trifle?
Answer: Beef.
111. What’s significant about the cat that Phoebe finds?
Answer: She believes it’s the spirit of her mother.
112. What meaningful gift does Ross buy Rachel in the season finale?
Answer: An antique pin.
113. Who said, “Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.”
Answer: Monica.
114. Who was the last Friend to find out about Monica and Chandler’s relationship?
Answer: Ross.
115. Which state does Ross accidentally list twice when trying to name all 50?
Answer: Nevada.
116. How old was Chandler when he first touched a girl’s breast?
Answer: 19.
117. What does Rachel have a fear of?
Answer: Swings.
118. In which season were Ross and Rachel “on a break”?
Answer: 3.
119. What is Joey’s favorite food?
Answer: Sandwiches.
120. What was Science Boy’s superpower?
Answer: A superhuman thirst for knowledge.
121. What’s the name of the main character in Rachel’s “dirty” book?
Answer: Zelda.
122. Does Chandler spend Thanksgiving in a box before or after the Thanksgiving episode with Brad Pitt?
Answer: Before.
123. Who said, “Just so you know, it’s not that common, it doesn’t happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!”
Answer: Rachel.
124. Which of these was NOT a memento Rachel kept from her relationship with Ross?
Answer: A juice box.
125. What’s the name of the poem that Monica’s brief love interest Julio wrote about her?
Answer: “The Empty Vase”.
126. Which pet or pets were on the show first: the chick and the duck or Marcel?
Answer: Marcel.
127. What was Rachel’s New Year’s resolution?
Answer: To stop gossiping.

128. In the pilot episode, Rachel says that her whole life, people have always told her she is what?
Answer: A shoe.
129. What book does Joey read while Rachel reads The Shining?
Answer: Little Women.
130. Who said, “Come on, Ross, you’re a paleontologist; dig a little deeper”?
Answer: Phoebe.
131. Who said, “Oh, I wish I could, but I don’t want to.”
Answer: Phoebe.
132. What song does Monica sing at karaoke after “Delta Dawn”?
Answer: “I’m So Excited”.
133. Chandler speaks the last word of the whole series. What is it?
Answer: “Where?”.
134. Of all six friends during the show’s run, who never owned a pet?
Answer: Monica.
135. Who said, “You’re over me? When were you…under me?”
Answer: Ross.
136. Which of these couples gets married first: Mike and Phoebe or Monica and Chandler?
Answer: Monica and Chandler.
137. Who said, “I say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all day”?
Answer: Chandler.
138. After Phoebe misses out on the London trip, where does the group try to plan a trip to?
Answer: Atlantic City.
139. What is Chandler’s mother’s name?
Answer: Nora.
140. What is Rachel’s daughter’s name?
Answer: Emma.
141. What does Phoebe decide to name Frank Jr.’s third child?
Answer: Chandler.
142. What accent does Ross fake in front of his students at his new job?
Answer: British.
143. What did Phoebe find in her soda can?
Answer: A thumb.
144. Does Monica begin dating Pete before or after she starts dating Richard?
Answer: After.
145. Which of Phoebe’s biological parents does she meet first: her mom or her dad?
Answer: Her mom.
146. Which trip happens first: the Vegas trip or the England trip?
Answer: England trip.
147. Which friend quits their job first: Rachel or Chandler?
Answer: Rachel.
148. In Season 6, what did Monica get Chandler for Christmas?
Answer: A water purifier.
149. What name does Jack Geller accidentally call Chandler?
Answer: Chauncey.
150. How many times was Ross divorced?
Answer: 3.
151. How much money does Phoebe get after finding a thumb in her soda?
Answer: $7,000.
152. What are the only things Monica lets Phoebe handle for Rachel’s birthday party?
Answer: Cups and ice.
153. Who ends up keeping Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.?
Answer: Joey.
154. Which of these Monica love interests is NOT in Season 1: Paul the wine guy, Richard Burke, Fun Bobby, or Alan?
Answer: Richard Burke.
155. Why do Phoebe and Mike break up?
Answer: He says he never wants to get married again.
156. Which friend’s parents got divorced when they were a kid?
Answer: Chandler.
157. Which actor’s haircut does Monica want?
Answer: Demi Moore.
158. What part of Monica’s body does she get a pencil stuck in?
Answer: Her ear.
159. Which friend gives birth first: Phoebe or Rachel?
Answer: Phoebe.
160. When Phoebe legally changes her name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock, what name does she want her friends to call her?
Answer: Valerie.
Friends Quiz Questions Multiple Choice
We’ve put up the finest Friends trivia questions out there to see if you’re a Friends and Central Perk expert or simply a Smelly Cat.
1. Which famous actor’s butt does Joey play in a shower scene?
A. Al Pacino
B. Jeff Goldblum
C. Bruce Willis
Answer: A.
2. What is Ross’ profession?
A. Geologist
B. Paleontologist
C. Astronomer
Answer: B.
3. What instrument did Ross intend to play at Monica and Chandler’s wedding?
A. Keyboard
B. Bagpipes
C. Drunks
Answer: B.
4. What item does Ross purchase for himself as part of his 1999 New Year’s Resolutions?
A. Leather pants
B. Digital camera
C. Arcade machine
Answer: A.
5. Which Stephen King book did Joey hide in his freezer?
A. Carrie
B. The Shining
C. Pet Sematary
Answer: B.
6. Which of Joey’s sisters does Chandler kiss?
A. Mary Therese
B. Dina
C. Mary Angela
Answer: C.
7. Where does Ross spend the night with Emily after they first meet?
A. A hotel in Poughkeepsie
B. A bed and breakfast in Vermont
C. A park in Atlantic City
Answer: B.
8. What famous actor does Rachel go on date with after meeting him on a movie set?
A. Bruce Willis
B. Brad Pitt
C. Jean-Claude van Damme
Answer: C.
9. What is the name of Joey’s Cabbage-Patch kid?
A. Maurice
B. Hugsy
C. Alicia May Emory
Answer: C.
10. Which toe does Chandler lose when Monica drops the knife on his foot?
A. Left foot big toe
B. Right foot pinkie
C. Left foot pinkie
Answer: B.
11. What is the name of Joey’s character in the commercial for opening milk cartons?
A. Tommy
B. Drake
C. Kevin
Answer: C.
12. What song does Ross’ monkey, Marcel, keep playing?
A. Tiny Dancer’ by Elton John
B. The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens
C. Careless Whisper’ by George Michael
Answer: B.
13. What instrument is played at Phoebe and Mike’s wedding?
A. Steel drums
B. Acoustic guitar
C. Recorder
Answer: A.
14. How many embryos did Phoebe have planted inside of her?
A. 5
B. 3
C. 9
Answer: A.
15. What is the name of Chandler’s favourite Baywatch star?
A. Yasmine Bleeth
B. Kelly Slater
C. Pamela Anderson
Answer: A.
16. What happens to Rachel’s boss, Joanna, the night before her promotion goes through?
A. She moves to Paris
B. She gets hit by a taxi
C. She goes on a date with Chandler
Answer: B.
17. What was the name of the neighbour’s dog who’d chase Phoebe as a child?
A. Clunkers
B. Candy
C. Satan
Answer: C.
18. What was the abbreviation of the first stock Monica invested in?
Answer: C.
19. What does Chandler have to do to get Joey to forgive him, after having kissed Cathy?
A. Lie in a wooden box for six hours
B. Move to Yemen
C. Wear blue lipstick
Answer: A.
20. How do Rachel and Monica end up getting their apartment back from Chandler and Joey?
A. They give them their mattresses
B. They swap it for Knicks tickets
C. They kiss for 1 minute
Answer: C.
21. What is the name of the hairless cat Rachel gets for herself?
A. Fluffy
B. Mrs Whiskerson
C. Mozzarella
Answer: B.
22. What did the Ukrainian kid that Monica would hang out with at school have on all his snacks?
A. Sour cream
B. Mayonnaise
C. Salad cream
Answer: A.
23. Monica briefly dates billionaire Pete Becker. Which country does he take her for their first date?
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. France
Answer: A.
24. What film character did Rachel dress up as to fulfil Ross’ fantasy?
A. Cat Woman
B. Princess Leia
C. Supergirl
Answer: B.
25. What is Monica skilled at?
A. American football
B. Bricklaying
C. Cooking
Answer: C.
26. What does Chandler think is in the email he opens that releases a virus onto Ross’ laptop and wipes it?
A. A message from Janice
B. Nude photos of Anna Kournikova
C. A bid for a secret teapot
Answer: B.
27. How much did Pete Becker tip her at the diner Monica worked at?
A. $20,000
B. $7,000
C. $50,000
Answer: A.
28. What ridiculously expensive gift did Ross get Carol when he fell in love with her?
A. A $500 dollar watch
B. A shop window brooch
C. A crystal duck
Answer: C.
29. What random object of Julie’s sent Ross into a shame spiral after kissing Rachel for the first time?
A. Birth Control Pills
B. Saline Solution
C. Cat Toys
Answer: B.
30. What is the ‘Gellar Cup’ made of?
A. A troll doll nailed to a two by four
B. A sock puppet shaped like a bunny
C. A fruit bowl found in the garbage
Answer: A.
31. Which cartoon character was on Phoebe’s thermos that Ursula threw under a bus?
A. Bullwinkle
B. Pebbles Flintstone
C. Judy Jetson
Answer: C.
32. What is Janice most likely to say?
A. No way!
B. Oh… my… God!
C. Talk to the hand!
Answer: B.
33. What’s the name of Joey’s penguin?
A. Huggsy
B. Waddle
C. Snowflake
Answer: A.
34. What song is Phoebe best known for?
A. Smelly Rabbit
B. Smelly Worm
C. Smelly Cat
Answer: C.
35. What’s the name of Janice’s first husband?
A. Gary Litman
B. Nick Layster
C. Sid Goralnik
Answer: A.
36. What is the name of Phoebe’s alter-ego?
A. Regina Phalange
B. Elaine Benes
C. Phoebe Neeby
Answer: A.
37. Rachel was popular in high school. Her prom date Chip ditched her for which girl at school?
A. Emily Foster
B. Amy Welsh
C. Sally Roberts
Answer: B.
38. What does Joey never share?
A. His DVDs
B. His information
C. His food
Answer: C.
39. What’s the name of the grumpy person who works at the coffee shop?
A. Frasier
B. Gunther
C. Eddie
Answer: B.
40. Which Friends character plays Dr. Drake Ramoray on the show Days Of Our Lives?
A. Joey Tribbiani
B. Eddie Menuek
C. Ross Geller
Answer: A.
41. When Ross and Rachel were “on a break,” Ross slept with Chloe. Where does she work?
A. Xerox
B. Domino’s
C. Microsoft
Answer: A.
42. Who sang the Friends theme?
A. The Da Vinci Band
B. The Rembrandts
C. The Banksys
Answer: B.
43. What kind of uniform does Joey wear to Monica and Chandler’s wedding?
A. A baseball player
B. Soldier
C. Chef
Answer: B.
44. Chandler’s mom had an interesting career and even more interesting love life. What’s her name?
A. Jessica Grace Carter
B. Priscilla Mae Galway
C. Nora Tyler Bing
Answer: C.
45. Monica and Chandler met on Thanksgiving in 1987. She pursued her career as a chef because Chandler complimented her on which dish?
A. Macaroni and cheese
B. Green bean casserole
C. Meatloaf
Answer: A.
Final Thoughts
Are you a fan of Friends?
What’s not to love about the NBC hit that has everyone wishing they could move to New York City with their besties?
Not to add, it’s difficult to find somebody who doesn’t want to play an air guitar once they hear:
“I’ll be there for you.” LOL!
The Friends trivia quiz we shared with you may verify how much you loved Friends, whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual observer.
Have fun Friends’ fan!
If you liked this quiz, please leave your valuable feedback at the end. Thanks.