Funny dares are a great way to break the ice at any party and add a bit of excitement to any gathering.
From truth-or-dare to never have I ever, funny dares have been around for centuries and continue to be popular today.
According to the study by University of Cambridge, over 85% of people surveyed said they’d participated in some kind of truth of dare game in their lifetime.
So don’t be afraid – get out there and try something new!
As Albert Einstein once said, In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity, so why not seize this chance and give it a go?
Funny Dares for Friends
Whether you’re looking for creative ways to challenge your friends or just trying to spice up a dull evening, this list of funny dares is excellent to make any occasion more enjoyable.
1. Sniff everyone’s feet and rank them in order of freshest to stinkiest.
2. Sing instead of speaking for the next two rounds of the game.
3. Call a random number and sing Happy Birthday.
4. Open your front door and loudly sing Hallelujah!

5. Call a NY-style pizza place and ask them what the difference is between NY pizza and real pizza.
6. Take a picture of a tampon and post it on Instagram.
7. Call a random number, and when someone picks up, immediately start singing the national anthem.
8. Change your relationship status on Facebook to it’s complicated.
9. Call Target and ask them if they deliver popcorn.
10. Call McDonald’s and ask if they sell Whoppers.
11. Go outside and try to summon the rain.
12. Sing the Star-Spangled Banner in a British accent.
13. Call a Chinese restaurant and ask if they have sushi.
14. Call Macy’s and tell them you’re interested in buying them.
15. Call a car part store and tell them that you need a part for your Model T.
16. Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online.
17. Send a Snapchat of you pretending to cry because you just found out you were adopted.
18. Go outside and pretend you’re cutting the grass with an invisible mower.
19. Call a pizza place and ask if they use cruelty-free wheat in their dough.
20. Call your mom and tell her you can’t find a girlfriend in a very panicked voice.
21. Go outside in the driveway and do the disco without music.

22. Call a pizza shop and ask if you can return a pizza.
Funny Dares for Adults
Who says dares are just for kids? Spice up your next gathering with this funny dares list, humorous ideas that will keep any adult entertained!
1. Kiss the person to your right on the back of their neck.
2. Read two paragraphs from a book of someone’s choice.
3. Smear peanut butter all over your face for a 30-minute facial.
4. Hop on one foot wherever you have to go.
5. Do 20 push-ups.
6. Make fart noises with your armpit.
7. Crack an egg over your head.
8. Act like Elvis.
9. Tie your shirt up to expose your midriff and twerk.
10. Stick your bare foot in the toilet for a minute.

11. Chug a cup of milk.
12. Eat a handful of uncooked rice.
13. Call a random guy and flirt with him in a girly voice.
14. Lick the toilet seat.
15. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce without drinking anything after.
16. Tape your mouth shut.
17. Wear women’s clothing and walk down the street. Then, take a selfie and post it to your social media accounts.
18. Knock on your neighbor’s door and ask if they have a spare condom.
19. Wet your socks and freeze them.
20. Take embarrassing pictures and Snapchat them to people.
21. Use your feet as your hands, picking up anything you need with your toes.
Funny Dares for Kids
Looking for ways to bring the fun with your kids? Check out these hilarious dares – guaranteed to have everyone giggling away!
1. Make noises like your favorite animal for one minute.
2. Use a straw to pick up Skittles and sort them by color.
3. Create a dress out of toilet paper and do a model walk.
4. Do a cartwheel in the front yard.
5. Let someone draw purple freckles on your face with a (washable) marker.
6. Drink from a baby bottle.
7. Close your eyes, then someone gives you either an olive or a cherry. You must eat whatever it is.
8. Put your shoes on the wrong feet and walk around.
9. Allow someone to give you a manicure with marker or white-out.
10. Sing opera out the window.

11. Walk around the block and sing Christmas carols to those you pass.
12. Fake cry like a baby.
13. Take a picture making the scariest face possible.
14. Tie your shoes blindfolded.
15. Sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star backward.
16. Fold an origami frog.
17. Eat a teaspoon of peanut butter without taking a drink of water.
18. Hide in a dark space for 5 minutes.
19. Make a basket with a ping-pong ball.
20. See how many mini-marshmallows you can fit in your mouth.
Funny Dares for Guys
Party getting a bit dull? Spice it up with these dares for guys! They’re sure to bring some laughs and help break the ice.
1. Send a romantic text message to a girl of the group’s choosing.
2. Wear lipstick for the rest of the game.
3. Eat 10 Oreo cookies that are filled with mayo.
4. Drink a soda and belch as loudly as possible.
5. Walk like a crab for the rest of the game.
6. Cover your whole face in blush.
7. Eat a spoonful of sugar and act like you’re really hyper.
8. Snapchat a picture of your elbow and caption it: My favorite part of my body.
9. Pluck a single nose hair.
10. Draw a tattoo with a marker on your bicep.
11. Give yourself a mohawk.

12. Shave off all the hair on one leg.
13. Mix orange juice and milk and drink it.
14. Trim all of your toenails by biting them.
15. Put on colorful mascara.
16. Lick peanut butter off of someone’s armpit.
17. Post something embarrassing on Facebook for one minute, then delete it.
18. Put all of your clothes on backward.
19. Hold hands with the person next to you.
20. Eat a spoonful of wasabi.
21. Exchange shirts with the player to your right.
22. Call a random girl from your class and tell her you want to break up.
23. Let someone in the group cut a piece of your hair.
Funny Dares for Girls
Want to break the awkwardness at your next gathering? Try some of these hilarious dares for girls and get everyone laughing!
1. Take your bra off under your shirt, and don’t put it back on until the end of the game.
2. Get on your knees and walk like that until the end of the game.
3. Silently do the macarena.
4. Stuff ice inside your bra and leave it there for 60 seconds.
5. Let everyone rummage through your purse.
6. Post a really long and serious Facebook status confessing your love for chocolate.
7. Attempt to breakdance.
8. Do the worm.
9. Give yourself a 10-second manicure. Every nail must be painted.
10. Brush the teeth of the person sitting next to you.
11. Text your crush and tell them you love them.
12. Lick a doorknob.
13. Be blindfolded for the rest of the game.
14. Let each person in the group crack an egg on your head.
15. Have a full conversation with yourself in a mirror.
16. Put your shoes on the wrong feet and keep them there.
17. Do a hula dance.
18. Lick the wall.
19. Give everyone in the room a hug.
20. Do as many squats as you can. On the front lawn.
21. Go outside and hug a tree.
22. Sing the I Love You Barney song.
Embarrassing and Funny Dares
Let the fun begin! These embarrassing dares are just the right mix of embarrassment and humor – perfect for making sure everyone has a great time.
1. Let each player choose one word, then attempt to form a sentence with them and post it to Facebook.
2. Empty your purse, backpack, or wallet, and let everyone see what you have.
3. Let your friends pose you and stay like that until the next round.
4. Someone has to dip their finger in the trash can, and you have to lick it.
5. Go to the bathroom. The person to your left has to be in there with you the whole time.
6. Allow the person to your right to tickle you.
7. Whoever’s name begins with an A in the group must call your parents and tell them what a bad friend you are to them.
8. Close your eyes and let your friends put whatever food from the fridge they want in your mouth.
9. One by one, make up a title for each player’s movie about their life.
10. Trade socks with the person to your right.
11. Have the person to your right do 10 squats while you lie underneath them.
12. Do your best impression of someone in the room and keep going until someone correctly guesses who it is.
13. Let the person next to you wax you wherever they want.
14. Sniff another player’s armpit for 10 seconds.
15. Take a selfie with the person next to you, and post it on social media along with a deep and emotional paragraph about what they mean to you.
16. Let the person across from you give you a wedgie.
17. Give your phone to another player to send a text message to their contact of choice.
18. Let the other players go through your phone for a minute.
19. Let another player throw flour in your face.
20. Sing a song chosen by the group while eating spoonfuls of peanut butter.
21. Be blindfolded and let someone feed you something.
22. Serenade the person next to you.
23. Eat a single spaghetti like in Lady and the Tramp with the person to your left.
24. Hold hands with the person to your left for the rest of the game.
25. Hand your phone to the person across from you and let them post whatever they want to your social media accounts.
26. Take the socks off the feet of the person across from you and wear them like gloves until your next turn.
Funny Dares Over Text
Need to lighten the mood? Try out some dares over text for your friends – surefire ways to get a few laughs, no matter where you are!
1. Record yourself singing a song and post it on YouTube.
2. Cut a piece of your hair.
3. Put ice cubes down your pants and try to shake them out and send me a video.
4. Take a video of yourself doing a crazy dance and post it to social media.
5. Pick the third number on your contacts list and message them a silly poem.
6. Open up all your windows and sing an entire song as loud as you can.
7. I dare you to order me $10 worth of food for delivery.
8. Send me a screenshot of your messages with the last person besides me you texted.
9. Try to take a bite out of a bar of soap.
10. Try to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon.
11. Find something spicy in your fridge and take a big bite out of it.
12. Go into your kitchen, find an onion, and take a big bite.
13. Make a sandwich with potato chips and take a bite.
14. Run into your brother or sister’s room and scream.
15. Tell your brother or sister that you have a disorder and then try to fart in front of them.
16. Ask a neighbor if they have fifty cents.
17. Walk around the block and talk to yourself the entire time, even when people are around.
18. Try to lick your foot!
19. Do a three-way prank call to somebody so that I can listen.
20. Fill up the bath and get in with your current outfit still on.
21. Mix a drop of every condiment in your house and drink/eat it.
Final Thoughts
Now that you have a list of funny dares to get the party started, it’s time to start planning your next gathering!
Throw caution to the wind and try out some of these daring activities with your friends.
We guarantee you’ll all be laughing hysterically in no time.
These hilarious dares are sure to make your truth or dare game even more fun!
And if we missed any of your favorite funny dares, let us know in the comments section below!