The holiday season is coming and this is the best time to pop question games in get-togethers!
So check our list of hardest questions to answer you can use.
Although these questions are hard, they are fun as well, and they can transform us into more knowledgeable persons!
Keep reading and noting the hardest ones!
Table of Contents
Hardest Questions to Answer for Yourself
We adopt quite a lenient attitude toward ourselves. We try to live in a comfort zone. You can try these hard questions to ask yourself to know better about yourself.
1. What is something that happened in my childhood that still bothers me?
2. What hopes and dreams did I have as a child that I have given up on?
3. What relationship gives me the most meaning?
4. Who in my life am I my most authentic self with?

5. What primary coping strategy did I develop as a child that I still use today?
6. What messages did I receive about what I needed to do to receive love?
7. What gives me a deep and profound sense of joy?
8. What do I lose track of time doing?
9. How can I be a better friend/partner/family member? Where do I fall short?
10. What do I need to feel trusted in my relationships?
11. When do I feel lonely in my life (even if I’m surrounded by people)?
12. What do I feel most proud of?
13. If I could map out a perfect day, what would it consist of?
14. What helps me recharge my energy levels?
15. What lesson from childhood has stuck with me the most?
16. Who had the biggest influence on me as a child?
17. What day-to-day tasks fill me with purpose?
18. How do I define a purposeful life? How is my definition influenced by others?
19. What am I adding to the lives of others? To the greater world?
20. What did I not like about my childhood that I want to change for my adult life?
21. When have I failed in life?
22. How did I handle each failure in my life? What was my reaction to failing?
23. How was failure treated in my upbringing?
24. What am I most afraid of?
25. What do I have trouble trusting about myself?
26. How often do my emotions interfere with what I want for myself?
27. Where in my life do I feel like I’m not living up to my full potential?
28. What am I most grateful for in my life?

29. When in my life have I repeated the same mistakes over and over again?
30. What do I feel most shameful about in my life?
Hardest Questions to Answer about Life
Life is unpredictable. Some people don’t take it seriously. If you are also among one them, then check this list of deep questions that will make you think about life.
1. Can a mother be friends with her teenage daughter?
2. Does money really buy happiness?
3. Can spenders and savers stay married?
4. Is money the root of all evil?
5. What do you do if you see a parent berating a child?
6. By what age should you know what you want to do with your life?
7. Where do traffic jams come from?
8. When is your future behind you?
9. Can love really last a lifetime?
10. Why do married folks begin to look like one another?
11. Can a marriage survive betrayal?
12. Why does summer zoom by and winter drag on forever?
13. Do animals really have a sixth sense?
14. Why does the line you’re in always move the slowest?
15. How do you know when to end a friendship?

16. Why do we turn into our parents when we swore we wouldn’t?
17. Can a half-empty person become a half-full person?
18. When do kids become adults?
19. Why is it so hard to say you’re wrong?
20. When should you reveal a secret you said you wouldn’t?
21. Do you have to love your job?
22. Can a man and a woman ever just be friends?
23. When do you take away Grandpa’s car keys?
24. Do siblings who fight really end up liking each other?
25. Does the toast really always fall buttered-side down?
26. Is there anything that you should’ve let go of a long time ago but are still holding onto?
27. If this was the last day of your life, would you still do the same things that you did today?
28. What worries you the most about the future?
29. Do you think there’s a difference between living and existing?
30. If you really learn from your mistakes, why are you so afraid of making them?
Hardest Questions to Answer | Philosophical
In philosophical discussions, people exchange philosophical questions and answers with one another. So here is a list of such questions to make your gatherings memorable.
1. Do people really have free will?
2. Is love different from sexual desire? Passion? How?
3. How much freedom should people be allowed to have?
4. Would you kill ten people to save 1?
5. Is there such a thing as free will?
6. How do you know that God exists? Doesn’t exist?
7. What is the meaning of life?
8. Is there such a thing as absolute morality?
9. Does nature or nurture form a person’s personality?
10. Should governments have penalties for those who live unhealthy lifestyles?
11. Should the government make organ donation compulsory?
12. Should people be allowed to sell their organs and should organ donors be financially compensated?
13. Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or country boundaries?
14. Does democracy work for every country?
15. Since the birthrate is down in the U.S., should people be required to have at least one child?
16. Which is more important, to be respected or liked?
17. What exactly is self esteem and where does it come from?
18. Are emotions rational or irrational?

19. Are there universal human rights? What are they?
20. What rights, if any, do animals have?
21. Do computers have the ability to be creative?
22. Is preservation of a country’s culture a good reason for limiting immigration?
23. Is there a difference between fair trade and free trade? What is it and which is of greater importance?
24. Is defining people according to race a social construct or a biological category?
25. Will it ever be possible to travel through time? Space?
26. Should terminally ill people be allowed or encouraged to commit suicide?
27. Is it ever okay to break the law? Why and when?
28. What are dreams and why do we have them?
29. Do wars ever solve the problems of countries and governments?
30. Is there a cause for every event?
31. Is torture ever justified?
32. Is it always good to have choices?
33. Which is more important, justice or mercy?
34. Can a person be “educated” without a formal education?
35. Which is better, to play a good game and lose, or cheat and play a “bad” game and win?
36. Is there such a thing as honor in today’s society? How would you define honor?
37. How relevant is the family in today’s world?
Hardest Questions to Answer | Unanswerable
Sometimes people turn on our mute mode by asking us unanswerable questions. You can also do the same by checking out our collection of such questions.
1. What is freedom? Is true freedom possible?
2. Can we know what happiness is without sadness?
3. If God is “good,” why is there so much evil in the world?
4. When do you think the world will “end”?
5. When does human consciousness begin?
6. What are thoughts and where do they come from?
7. Why are people told to respect the dead?
8. What is the purpose of life?
9. Is everyone’s life of equal value?
10. Are religion and science compatible? Why or why not?
11. Is the most important purpose in life happiness? If not, what is?
12. Which is more real, mind or matter?
13. What is love?
14. How do you know what is real and what isn’t?
15. Is there a reason for life and what is it?
16. What happens to a person after they die?
17. Can we understand good without evil?
18. What is the truth and is it the same as reality?

19. Is there such a thing as truth, or is it relative?
20. Can a person be happy if they have never experienced sadness?
21. How and when did everything begin?
22. What is gravity and how does it work?
23. How much control does a person have over their life?
24. Is it always wrong to lie? When (if ever) is it okay?
25. Do humans have a soul? Do animals have a soul?
26. Does what a person observe alter what actually occurs?
27. Must we have evidence to know the truth?
28. How do you know what is real?
29. Is it okay to do something “wrong” if no one sees it or knows about it?
30. Do you shape your own destiny or does everything happen by fate?
31. Do numbers really exist or are they something man has created?
32. What is the soul? Does it exist before life and continue after?
33. Do parallel universes exist?
Hardest Questions to Answer for Interview
If you are going to conduct an interview soon, then you can try these hardest interview questions to find the best candidate for your organization.
1. If you were a flavour of ice cream, what would you be and why?
2. What has been your greatest achievement?
3. What are your strengths?
4. Describe a time when you have failed?
5. If you were a fruit or vegetable what would you be and why?
6. What attributes do you have that will support you in this role?
7. Are you a competitive person?
8. What are you hoping to get out of life?
9. Why should we choose you for this role?
10. Why did you apply for this job?
11. How would your friends describe you?
12. Describe a situation where you have had others follow your lead?
13. How will you contribute to the team?
14. Describe a situation where you have gone above and beyond?
15. Describe a project you have handled?
16. What do you think the chief executive thinks of the company?
17. What attracted you to this company?
18. Name a time where you have worked under pressure?
19. What are your weaknesses?
20. Describe yourself in three words?
How to Use These Hard Questions
Are you wondering how to use these hard questions?
If so, we are going to resolve this mystery as we are going to share multiple tips and tricks with you about the usage of these questions.
- To Break the Ice
You can use these questions to start a conversation.
When everyone is sitting silent or passing time on their cell phone, ask any hard question and let them compel to think about it.
- To end the discussion
Use these questions to end a discussion so people may get enough time to think about it and answer it in the next sitting.
- To do meaningful conversation
Questions that are impossible to answer, urge us to think deeply. Utilize these questions to compel others to think meaningfully.
Final Thoughts
In a nutshell, these toughest questions to answer introduce us to the purpose of life.
They help us in setting our goals and aims.
In this materialistic age, people just follow their routines and don’t bother to think out of the box. So these questions can urge them to take a break from their hectic life.
They can spend a few moments thinking about other aspects of life.
Don’t forget to inform us of your precious views regarding our tremendous collection of hardest questions.
If any important question is missing, feel free to let us know!
We heartily welcome all sorts of recommendations!