Hello friends! Are you planning a hen party and searching for a very entertaining game that will keep everyone entertained?
Then you must plan the game of Mr and Mrs questions!
This game is sure to please the crowd and is a great way to break the ice and put the bride and groom on the spot before the big day.
We’ve compiled a list of some fascinating Mr and Mrs questions to get the party started. Isn’t that what you want?
These questions will expose some amusing, risqué, and perhaps previously undisclosed facts about the soon-to-be-married pair.
Let’s get the party started, shall we?
Table of Contents
How to Play Mr and Mrs Quiz Game
Here is how you can play the Mr and Mrs game.
1. Select a few questions from the list below or add your own to match the couple in question.
2. Print two copies of the questions and give one to the groom to respond honestly.
3. You then give the bride a second copy of the questions during the hen party and ask her to answer them honestly as well.
After each response given by the bride, disclose the groom’s answer to check whether it is right.
4. The goal of the game is to assess how well they know each other and to match as many responses as possible with the groom!
5. It is critical that the questions you select are neither too serious or too complex. You don’t want to humiliate the couple or make them feel awkward.
Classic Mr and Mrs Questions
Begin the fun with these traditional Mr and Mrs questions, which will get everyone in the spirit for the fun and wicked questions that will follow.
1. What’s his/ her favourite film?
2. What did they wear on the first date?
3. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
4. When is your anniversary?
5. Who’s the better kisser?

6. What’s his/ her favourite pizza topping?
7. Who is the tidiest?
8. Who always has the last word in an argument?
9. What is your partner’s favourite book?
10. What his/ her favourite alcoholic drink?
11. What are you most likely to argue about?
12. Which Disney character are they most like?
13. What is their star sign?
14. What is their pet name for you?
15. Where was your first date?
16. What’s his/ her favourite meal?
17. Embarrassing crush?
18. What three words would your he/she use to describe you?
19. What is his/her favourite food?
20. Who is the best cook?
21. What’s his/ her favourite song?
22. Where did you first meet?
23. What’s their weirded quirk?
24. If he/ she could take one thing on a desert island what would it be?
25. What are your pet/ nick names for each other?
26. What shoe size is she/he?
27. Who is most likely to deal with a spider?

28. What is their worst habit?
29. How many children does she/ he want?
30. What was their first impression of you?
Funny Mr and Mrs Questions
Here are some funny Mr and Mrs quiz questions. These questions are likely to elicit some amusing responses.
1. Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
2. What would your partner say are your worst habits?
3. Who is the most annoying when drunk?
4. What was the best present they ever gave you?
5. Which item of his/her clothing do you hate the most?
6. What is his/her most annoying trait?
7. What one job in the house he/she is not allowed to do?
8. Who takes longer to get ready?
9. What three words would they use to describe you?
10. If they had to take one thing to a desert island, what would it be?
11. Which guest is most likely to embarrass themselves at the wedding?
12. What three words would you use to describe your partner?
13. What are their worst habits?
14. Who made the first move?
15. What would they grab first in a fire?
16. Who would play them in a movie of their life?
17. Who will be most hungover after the wedding?
18. What are your nicknames for each other?
19. What are they most scared of?

20. What is their guilty pleasure?
21. What is his/ her worst habit?
22. Who is their celebrity crush?
23. What is his/ her guilty pleasure?
24. What is their most embarrassing moment?
25. What is their proudest moment?
26. What were their exact words when they proposed?
27. What is he/she most scared of?
28. What is his/ her most embarrassing moment?
29. Which celebrity do they think they look most like?
30. What’s the first thing he/ she does in the morning?
31. If you compared yourself to any celebrity couple, who would it be?
32. Who would play them in a film about their life?
33. What celebrity does he/she think they most look like?
34. If your partner could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
35. Which one of you would fetch more in an auction?
36. What’s the one thing (apart from you) they couldn’t live without?
37. You, their favourite sports team, their mates, their job – order these in priority (use ones relevant to their partner)
Naughty Mr and Mrs Questions
Before you ask these Mr and Mrs game questions regarding the private facts of the couple’s relationship, consider your audience and the couple.
1. Which of your friends do you think they fancy the most? And which one fancies him/her?
2. What item of clothing in their wardrobe do you hate the most?
3. Who is the loudest in bed?
4. Which part of your body does <name> love the most?
5. Where’s the riskiest place you’ve ever had sex?
6. Do they prefer boxers or briefs?
7. Are they a boob or bum person?
8. What is their favourite position?
9. Who has the weirdest orgasm face?
10. In which room do they most like to have sex?
11. Where is the strangest place you’ve had sex?
12. Are they a boob or a bum person?
13. What is the bride’s bra size?
14. Where’s the most unique place you’ve ever had sex?
15. What is your partner’s favourite sex position?

16. What is their favourite part of your body?
17. What is his/her biggest turn-on?
18. What do they think your bra size is?
19. Who is the loudest in the bedroom?
20. Who is the most adventurous in the bedroom?
21. Which of your friends do you think he/she fancies the most?
22. How many dates did you go on before you did the deed?
23. If they had a free pass, which celebrity would they choose to sleep with?
24. What’s her bra size?
25. Who gets horny the most?
26. How many dates did you go on before you slept together?
27. Which celebrity, should they meet, would your partner be allowed to sleep with?
28. What is his/ her favourite position?
29. Which celebrity would the bride choose to join you in a threesome?
30. How many dates did it take before you slept together?
‘Who Is’ Mr and Mrs Questions
Add some excitement into the hen party with these questions. It’s especially hilarious when both sides believe they’re the most handsome or funny!
1. Who is the funniest?
2. Who’s the best dancer?
3. Who is the better driver?
4. Who takes the longest to get ready for a night out?
5. Who is best at keeping secrets?
6. Who is better a saving money?
7. Who’s the one to remove the spider from the room?
8. Who takes up the most room in bed?
9. Who is the most attractive?
10. Who is more likely to eat something off the floor?
11. Who gets the last word?

12. Who is the vainest?
13. Who is more likely to go skinny dipping?
14. Who does most of the cooking/housework?
15. Who has the last word in an argument?
16. Who is the first to apologise?
17. Who is more dramatic?
18. Who is more intelligent?
19. Who is more attractive?
20. Who is more stubborn?
21. Who is lazier?
22. Who is the better cook?
‘Most Likely to’ Mr and Mrs Questions
Add these ‘most likely to’ Mr & Mrs questions to your Hen Party Quiz is a fun, fabulous, and absolutely free way to make your party memorable.
1. Most likely to see a pile of washing up and not do it?
2. Most likely to lose their phone on a night?
3. Most likely to flake on a date night to see their mates?
4. Most likely to compliment the other one?
5. Most likely to make the bed?
6. Most likely to pull a sickie from work?
7. Most likely to take the bins out?
8. Most likely to drop food down themselves?
9. Most likely to buy the other a present?
10. Most likely to spend longer in the bathroom?
Mr and Mrs Questions about Him
If you are specifically looking for Mr and Mrs questions about him, this list will help you a lot since it contains some amusing questions.
1. What’s his biggest phobia?
2. Who does he do the best impression of?
3. What’s his favourite movie?
4. What was his first job?
5. What’s his biggest claim to fame?
6. What’s he most proud of?
7. What’s the naughtiest thing he ever did at school?
8. Which three celebs would be at his dream dinner party?
9. What was his first impression of your parents?
10. Which three celebs would he kill off?
11. What’s his most prized possession he’d save in a fire?
12. What’s his favourite takeaway?
Mr and Mrs Questions about Her
These ‘Mrs’ questions are ideal for any brides-to-be you want to put on the spot during the hen party.
1. What is her most embarrassing moment?
2. What perfume does she like to wear?
3. What’s her favourite film?
4. If she won the lottery, what would she buy first?
5. What would be her dream car?
6. If she could have one superpower, what would it be?
7. Heels or flats?
8. What is her guilty pleasure?
9. If she could take one thing on a desert island what would it be?
10. Which of your friends do you think he fancies the most?
11. How many kids does she want?
12. What size shoe is she?
13. Who would play her in a film of your life?
Tips for Throwing the Best Mr and Mrs Game
Here are some tips for throwing the best Mr and Mrs game.
1. Consider the game’s delivery
The simplest approach to organize the game is to send an email with a set of best Mr and Mrs questions to the groom and ask him to respond.
Then you print out the responses to show to the bride after she’s finished answering at the hen do.
2. Create penalties for incorrect and correct answers
If you’re not a huge drinker, it’s a good idea to transform the quiz into a drinking game or forfeit game to get everyone interested.
For every incorrect response, the bride must take a shot, and for every correct answer, the rest of the hens must.
3. Make the quiz as unique as possible
While the above questions are a great place to start, you should modify them or add additional questions based on your understanding of the couple.
Final Thoughts
Voila! We’ve shared with you the best collection of humorous, elegant, raunchy, and downright nasty Mr & Mrs questions for your next hen party.
Just keep the inquiries lighthearted; you don’t want to wreck the marriage before it even begins.
So be cautious!
If the bride’s mother is present, you might want to skip some of the more juicy questions.
And, if the bride is willing, you may make her drink after every incorrect response.
If you know some more exciting Mr and Mrs questions please let us know in the comment section. We would love to add them to our list. Thanks.