If you want to spice up your Tinder talks, you’ve come to the correct spot!
Whether you’re seeking for a serious or casual relationship, learning how to keep potential matches engaged is critical.
We’ve collected a massive list of questions to ask on tinder to help you get to know your matches and establish chemistry.
So without any further ado, here are some tinder questions for you.
Table of Contents
Best Questions to Ask on Tinder
You’ve met a fantastic Tinder match, but worry sets in since you’ve been here before. No more worrying with these best tinder questions.
1. Have you ever cheated in an exam?
2. Were you popular in high school?
3. Do you have any phobias? What are they?
4. How was your worst date ever?
5. If you can eat only one food item for a week, which one would you choose?
6. When did you last go on a date?
7. What is your idea of a perfect date?
8. Have you ever drunk dialed your ex?
9. What is your most annoying habit?
10. If you had to choose between being a supermodel and a rockstar, what would you choose?
11. Are you superstitious?
12. Do you believe in karma?
13. Would you prefer the superpower to fly or be invisible?
14. How many days can you go without your phone?
15. Which is your favorite romcom?
16. Have you ever been ghosted?
17. How many languages can you speak?
18. If today was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
19. Would you do something illegal to save your closest friend?
20. Are you good at keeping secrets?
21. Have you ever Googled yourself?
22. Have you tried any TikTok trend?
23. What does your favorite breakfast look like?
24. Do your close friends have a pet name for you? What is it?
25. What is your negative attribute?
26. Have you ever done waitressing? Were you good at it?
27. Which is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
28. Which movie can you watch every day and still not get tired of?
29. What was your New Year’s resolution? How is it going?
30. Have you ever slept off during a lecture?
31. Which is your spirit animal?
32. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
33. What is the craziest wish on your bucket list?
Funny Questions to Ask on Tinder
You don’t have to be a dating guru to realize that keeping things interesting is a smart approach to have an engaging discussion with a Tinder user. To keep people engaged and interested in you, use these funny tinder questions.
1. Who is the funniest TV character, according to you?
2. What is the most embarrassing fashion faux pas you have committed?
3. What is the silliest belief you had as a child?
4. What is the cheesiest way someone has asked you out?
5. Have you ever laughed out loud at the wrong time?
6. Do you think aliens would be more like ET or War of the Worlds if they existed?
7. What is the most awkward way you have hurt yourself?
8. Would you rather quit alcohol for a year or turn vegan for a year?
9. Would you rather never have pizza or have pizza with pineapple topping for a month?
10. Have you ever tried to repair something on your own to save money and have ended up spending more because you worsened the situation?
11. Which movie or TV show scene still makes you laugh even after watching it multiple times?
12. If you were to make a movie based on your life, what would you call it?
13. Would you rather have a roommate who snores or farts?
14. If you wake up as Justin Bieber, what would you do?
15. Have you laughed so hard that you have spilled water or food on someone?
16. Have you ever accidentally liked an old picture or a post of your crush while surfing their profile?
17. What is the ridiculous story you have made up for being late for work?
18. What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done on a dare?
19. Do you have any mortifying quirks?
20. What is the cringiest love song you have ever heard?
21. Have you ever been caught passing love notes in class?
22. Would you be rather caught with your clothes inside out or your shirt buttoned the wrong way?
23. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while you were drunk?
24. If you accidentally entered a gay bar, what would you do?
25. What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever done as a child?
26. Have you ever dated someone with a hilarious personality trait? What was it?
27. What is the most embarrassing nickname you have ever been called?
28. What are you most likely to get arrested for?
29. What is the most awkward experience of your life?
30. What is the most ridiculous Halloween costume you have ever worn?
31. Have you ever walked into the restroom of the opposite gender by mistake? What did you do?
Flirty Questions to Ask on Tinder
Here are some flirty tinder questions. These are engaging and make for great starting statements, which can lead to some interesting talks.
1. Do you like to dance?
2. Netflix or club?
3. Can you sleep while cuddling?
4. In your opinion, what’s illegal but shouldn’t be?
5. What would you do if I asked for a date?
6. What is your phone number, btw?
7. At what time would be best for me to call you?
8. How do you come to know that I’m your type of guy?
9. Are you really into me?
10. Which movie has the perfect kiss scene that you want to do once?
11. Have you ever hit on a guy?
12. How ready are you for the Netflix and chill?
13. Do you think I could be your soulmate?
14. Would you rather tell your parents that we met on tinder or give another reason?
15. How excited are you about our first date?
16. Is there anything you’d like to do with your date?
17. What can I do to impress you?
18. What is something that people found sexy about you?
19. Share the most flirty pickup line someone used on you.
20. So, what makes you swipe right on my profile?
21. How far you can go to get the love of your life?
22. What is the most special compliment you have ever received?
23. Is there anything you want me to know before we start dating?
24. Do you have any 50 shades of grey fantasies?
25. What I can do to turn you on?
26. What style of kiss do you like best?
27. What activity do you want to do with your dating partner?
28. Do you believe that is it possible to find a soulmate on tinder?
29. If we are stranded on the lonely island before we are rescued, what will we do?
30. What’s the first thing you noticed about my profile?
31. Do you sleep in pajamas or naked?
32. Any fantasies you’d like to try?
Deep Questions to Ask on Tinder
On Tinder, all you need is a fantastic opening message and questions to ask a person that will not only keep discussions going but will also help you develop a deep connection. Here are some deep tinder questions.
1. Do you believe in God?
2. Do you pray?
3. Do you like talking about politics?
4. Do you think sarcasm is healthy in a relationship?
5. What’s the biggest red flag for you?
6. People talk a lot about red flags. But what’s a green flag for you in a relationship?
7. What is something about yourself that you would never change?
8. Do you believe in the date of the first match?
9. Do you have patience with love or are you crazy about it?
10. When talking about relationships, what do you look for in a guy?
11. I don’t understand, why are girls so crazy about guys with dogs?
12. When dating, do you prefer hot or cool dudes?
13. When you first saw my profile, what was the first thing that came to mind?
14. Which fictional character best suits your personality?
15. Are you still convinced that Tinder dating works?
16. Would you rather listen to rock songs or soulful songs?
17. Want to dance to music beats or relax listening to songs with deep lyrics?
18. What is something that you’re really great at, but no one notices?
19. Are you a yoga fan, which is your favorite pose?
20. According to your best friend, why are you still single?
21. Do you have a song that reminds you of your crush?
22. Have you ever stalked someone on social media or anywhere else?
23. What movie would you like to suggest watching together if we had the chance to see one?
24. On a scale of 1-10, how spiritual are you?
25. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
26. If your ex comes back into your life, will you leave me?
27. At what point do you believe our match is meant to be a long-term commitment?
28. Would you rather have love or unlimited money?
29. Do you prefer cuddling up or having a make-out session?
30. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
31. What do you think happens after we die?
32. Do you like/understand art?
Intimate Questions to Ask on Tinder
So, you’ve gotten off to a terrific start, and things are going great. Now you require naughty questions to truly strengthen your connection and test the chemistry. Here are some of them.
1. What embarrassing thing you did do to make someone love you?
2. Have you ever been pranked and responded with a tight reply?
3. Are you insecure when your friends get married and have children?
4. Why is a girl so hesitant to ask a guy out? And what is something stopping you to make a move?
5. What would you do to get me on a date?
6. Which personality type do you think matches you well?
7. What is the meaning of your name?
8. What activity brings a smile to your face when you are feeling sad?
9. Do you believe in soulmates?
10. Do you enjoy watching anime shows? Which is your favorite?
11. What makes a woman sexy in your eyes?
12. Have you ever been stood up on a date?
13. What is the weirdest date you have ever had?
14. If given a chance, which celebrity would you like to date?
15. Are you a bibliophile?
16. What kind of books do you read?
17. Do you enjoy socializing, or are you reserved?
18. Do you know what you were in your former life?
19. What do you think you would be in your next life?
20. Which is your greatest fear, lizards or cockroaches?
21. What makes you so happy person?
22. Which food item would you never have even if you were hungry?
23. Are you still friends with your childhood buddies?
24. How comfortable are you with a girl asking you out?
25. When did your last relationship end?
26. Would you like to gain fame by doing what?
27. Have you ever consider to change something about yourself?
28. Netflix or working on yourself?
29. One-night stand or a serious commitment?
30. What did you learn from your ex-boyfriend?
31. Which worst hobby do you seriously want to get rid of?
32. Are you still the same from the beginning or has something changed you?
33. Which romantic song made you laugh?
Questions to Ask on Tinder for Girls
So you have met a girl on Tinder and are unsure how to take things further. The next time you’re at a loss for words, try one of these questions to ask a girl on tinder and see where the discussion leads you!
1. Are you a cat or a dog person?
2. Have you ever been in love?
3. What is the one thing you would want to change about yourself?
4. What quality in a guy is the biggest turn-off for you?
5. Which movie or TV character can you relate to the most?
6. Would you rather sit and watch Netflix or party with friends?
7. Would you rather go on a relaxing vacation or an adventure?
8. Are you an optimist or a cynic?
9. If you had to choose between sleeping late and waking up early, what would you prefer?
10. Which is your favorite Friends character?
11. Do you believe in love at first sight?
12. What is the first thing you notice about a guy?
13. What made you swipe right on my profile?
14. What, according to you, is the most attractive quality in a guy?
15. Do you prefer texting or calling?
16. Have you ever been on a blind date?
17. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
18. What is your best physical feature?
19. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
20. Have you ever stayed up all night talking to someone?
21. Who is the most important person in your life right now?
22. What is your go-to song when you are sad?
23. Do you prefer skirts or jeans?
24. Which is your most preferred emoji?
25. Did you ever make the first move? How did it go?
26. What is the cringiest pick-up line someone has used on you?
27. What are you passionate about?
28. What is the weirdest place where you kissed?
29. Are you an emotional or a practical person?
30. What is your dream holiday destination?
Questions to Ask on Tinder for Guys
When you sense that a guy interested in you and want to continue the conversation, you should know what to say on Tinder and have the perfect question ready. Here are some questions to ask a guy on tinder.
1. What is the stupidest thing you have ever said or done on a date?
2. Have you ever been hit on by a woman much older than you?
3. Who was your inspiration growing up?
4. What made you interested in my profile?
5. What is the last thing you searched on the internet?
6. Which feature of a woman is a huge turn-on for you?
7. What is the first thing that women usually notice about you?
8. Did you play any sport in high school? Which one?
9. What genre of music do you enjoy listening to?
10. How would you describe your dream girl?
11. How would you rate your personality on a scale of 10?
12. What is the best thing you have ever done to make a woman feel special?
13. Which is your go-to pick-up line?
14. Has a woman ever asked you out?
15. Have you ever engaged in a one-night stand?
16. Have you ever had feelings about someone who did not like you back?
17. Which superhero would you want to be reincarnated as?
18. Do you prefer outdoor games or video games?
19. How would you describe your first kiss?
20. Would you rather be with a beautiful girl or a girl with a great sense of humor?
21. Which is your most favorite TV show of all time?
22. Have you ever been in a committed relationship?
23. What is the most precious thing you own?
24. Do you prefer a girl with long or short hair?
25. Do you believe in destiny?
26. Have you ever played a prank on a girl?
27. Have you ever teased a girl because you liked her?
28. Do you have a go-to joke that you always tell women to make them laugh?
29. Do you play any musical instrument?
30. How old were you when you had your first crush?
Improper Questions to Ask on Tinder
Sometimes we’re terrified of saying the incorrect thing and appearing strange or harsh. Yes, there are certain questions that shouldn’t be asked. Here are some questions not to message.
1. How much money do you make?
2. What’s your bra size?
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Have you ever been arrested?
5. What’s your political affiliation?
6. Why are you single?
7. What’s your real name?
8. How much do you weigh?
9. Are you in a relationship right now?
10. What’s your sexual orientation?
11. Do you have any mental health issues?
12. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
13. What’s your home address?
14. Are you a feminist?
15. What’s your credit score?
16. What’s your opinion on abortion?
17. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
18. Do you have any kids?
19. What’s your religion?
20. Are you a fan of [politician/party]?
21. What’s your opinion on immigration?
22. Have you ever had plastic surgery?
23. Do you have any criminal record?
24. What’s your opinion on gun control?
25. What’s your salary?
26. Do you have any STIs or STDs?
27. Do you like being dominated or submissive in bed?
28. What’s your stance on climate change?
29. Have you ever had an abortion?
30. What’s your opinion on the death penalty?
31. Do you do drugs?
32. What’s your sexual experience like?
33. Have you ever been a victim of sexual assault?
Final Thoughts
When it comes to initiating a discussion on Tinder, keep in mind that you’re dealing with someone who has a short attention span.
Sure, they may be browsing through their match while brushing their teeth or waiting in line at the supermarket.
However, chances are they will just read your message for a few seconds before deciding whether to answer or go on.
So ask them something that fascinates them. This is where these questions to ask on tinder will come in handy. So make a good use of them.
And if you know some questions yourself, drop them in the comment section below. Thank You!