To all the smartypants out there, do you think you know the answers to all the trick questions? Well, we doubt that!
Trick questions with answers are undoubtedly, one of the best activities for children who are in their formative years. Kids at such an age are naturally very inquisitive and they keep asking questions to their parents until they don’t get a suitable answer.
Thereby, if you want your kids to think out of the box and be occupied for a longer duration, keep them busy with a few trick questions.
These trick questions, unlike trivia questions, do not need a great deal of information or expertise. They are just tricky and by that, we mean that the questions trap you to give an incorrect answer, though the right answer is hidden in the question itself.
Also, if you got succeed in hitting these trick questions right out of the park, we would be convinced that you are the smartest person in the room. So, are you ready? Let’s face it!
Table of Contents
Best Trick Questions
Want to trick your smartypants? Well, then get yourself hooked to this page because we are going to take you through the best trick questions you will ever come across. Check it out.
1. What happened when the wheel was invented?
Answer: It caused a revolution.
2. If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which would you light first?
Answer: The match.
3. What goes up and down, but always remains in the same place?
Answer: Stairs.
4. Imagine you’re in a room that’s filling up with water quickly. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?
Answer: Stop imagining.
5. What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?
Answer: chair, a bed, and a toothbrush.
6. What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t actually alive?
Answer: glove.

7. What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?
Answer: widow.
8. How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it?
Answer: the something is a hole.
9. Uncle Bill’s farm had a terrible storm and all but seven sheep were killed. How many sheep are still alive?
Answer: Seven.
10. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
Answer: Neither. They both weigh exactly one pound.
11. “The attorney is my brother,” testified the accountant. But the attorney testified he did not have a brother. Who is lying?
Answer: Neither one, because the accountant was his sister.
12. Thanks to me, you can see straight through the wall. What am I?
Answer: window.
13. Some months have 31 days, others have 30 days, but how many have 28 days?
Answer: All 12.
14. What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?
Answer: Day breaks and night falls.
15. How many seconds are there in a year?
Answer: Twelve. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc.
16. How was it possible that every single person in an airplane crash died, but two people survived?
Answer: The two survivors were married.
17. I start out tall, but the longer I stand, the shorter I grow. What am I?
Answer: candle.
18. If an electric train is moving north at 100mph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10mph, which way does the smoke blow?
Answer: An electric train has no smoke.
19. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
Answer: A clock.
20. How could a man go outside in the pouring rain without protection, and not have a hair on his head get wet?
Answer: He is bald.
21. How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?
Answer: He kicked it up.
22. What will you actually find at the end of every rainbow?
Answer: The letter ‘W’.

23. If Mrs. John’s one-story house is decorated completely in pink, with the walls, carpet, and furniture all shades of pink, what color are the stairs?
Answer: There are no stairs.
24. What two keys can’t open any door?
Answer: A monkey and a donkey.
25. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?
Answer: No, but since he is dead it would be hard to do so.
26. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. How is that possible?
Answer: His horse is named Friday.
27. If you spell “sit in the tub” s-o-a-k, and you spell “a funny story” j-o-k-e, how do you spell “the white of an egg”?
Answer: E-G-G W-H-I-T-E.
28. What’s greater than God and more evil than the devil. Rich people want it, poor people have it. And if you eat it, you’ll die?
Answer: Nothing.
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Funny Trick Questions
Jokes and puns are always a good way to lift up your mood. But do you know what’s more interesting than this? Funny trick questions! Below are multiple trick questions to cheer you up.
1. What type hair does an ocean have?
Answer: Wavy.
2. Where is an ocean with no water?
Answer: On a map.
3. What did the ocean say to the beach?
Answer: Nothing; it waved.
4. What becomes wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A towel.
5. Why do fluorescent lights hum?
Answer: Because they cannot remember the words.

6. What is the biggest problem with snow boots?
Answer: Snow boots melt.
7. What is white and black, but red all over?
Answer: The newspaper is “read” all over.
8. Why are movie stars considered cool?
Answer: Because they have so many fans.
9. Why can’t a woman living in the Europe be buried in Canada?
Answer: A living woman cannot be buried anywhere.
10. Why did the clown visit the doctor?
Answer: Because he was feeling a bit funny.
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Mind Trick Questions
Solving difficult trick questions every day is an excellent approach to keep your mind busy and interested. To assist challenge your minds, we have compiled the ideal mind trick questions to let your brain do some workout.
1. If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
Answer: The four you took.
2. You spot a boat full of people but there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?
Answer: Everyone on board is married.
3. If it takes eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men?
Answer: No time, because the wall is already built
4. How can a girl go 25 days without sleep?
Answer: She sleeps at night.
5. If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?
Answer: Survivors aren’t buried.
6. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?
Answer: An envelope.
7. If you have one, you want to share it. But once you share it, you do not have it. What is it?
Answer: A secret.
8. A girl fell off a 50-foot ladder but didn’t get hurt. How come?
Answer: She fell off the bottom step.
9. What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?
Answer: Normal, because people usually have half their fingers on one hand.
10. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?
Answer: Your cellphone.
11. What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink?
Answer: Fire.
12. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?
Answer: Incorrectly.
13. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?
Answer: An umbrella.

14. Name four days of the week that start with the letter “t”?
Answer: Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.
15. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor and not crack it?
Answer: No problem, because concrete floors are very hard to crack.
16. What travels the world while stuck in one spot?
Answer: A stamp.
17. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
Answer: You cannot, because you will never find an elephant with one hand.
18. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?
Answer: Nine.
19.If a rooster lays an egg on top of the barn roof, which way will it roll?
Answer: It will not roll, because roosters do not lay eggs.
20. How many animals did Moses take into the ark?
Answer: None because it was Noah who built and loaded the ark.
21. I have all the knowledge you have. But I’m so small, you can hold me in your fist. What am I?
Answer: Your brain.
22. How many legs does an elephant have if you count his trunk as a leg?
Answer: Four, because calling the elephant’s trunk a leg does not make it one.
23. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Answer: Footprints.
24. How much dirt is there in a hole that is 3 feet deep, 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide?
Answer: None, because a hole does not have any dirt inside.
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Brain Trick Questions
Our brain these days is so occupied with the workload and different activities that it hardly gets time to breathe. For this reason, it’s essential for us to try out the given brain trick questions to make ourselves feel fresh. Check out this amazing collection of brain teaser questions which are for kids and adults both.
1. Why did the woman run around her bed at night?
Answer: To catch up on her sleep.
2. What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?
Answer: A river.
3. If ten birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how many birds are left in the tree?
Answer: None, because after one bird got shot, the rest flew away.
4. If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?
Answer: None, coconut trees don’t grow bananas.
5. What two words, when combined, hold the most letters?
Answer: Post Office.

6. I’m so fragile that if you say my name, you’ll break me. What am I?
Answer: Silence.
7. What is the maximum number of times a single page of a newspaper can be folded in half by hand?
Answer: Once.
8. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?
Answer: The letter M.
9. There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break and six men leave. How many legs are remaining?
Answer: Five; the legs of the two remaining men and the remaining couch leg.
10. What belongs to you but gets used by everyone else more than you?
Answer: Your name.
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Easy Trick Questions
If you are playing a tricky question game with your friends and family, it’s better to take off the play with easy trick questions and level up the game with hard questions later on. Here are a few examples of questions through which you can begin your game.
1. If the vice president were to die, who is supposed to be president?
Answer: The President.
2. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain on Earth?
Answer: Mount Everest.
3. Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
Answer: No one. Ulysses Grant is interred in Grant’s tomb but not buried.
4. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
Answer: Once. Next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90.
5. Name the most recent year in which New Year’s came before Christmas.
Answer: This year. New Year’s always comes before Christmas of the same year.
6. If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long would it take before all the pills had been taken?
Answer: 1 hour! Take the 1st pill right away, half an hour later take the 2nd and half an hour after that the 3rd.
7. A truck driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, and passes at least ten cops. Why is he not caught?
Answer: Because he was not driving! He’s walking on the sidewalk.
8. If Mr Smith’s peacock lays an egg in Mr Jones’ yard, who owns the egg?
Answer: Peacocks don’t lay eggs.
9. A woman pushes her car to a hotel and then proceeds to tell the owner that she is bankrupt. Why?
Answer: She is playing Monopoly.
10. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
Answer: A palm.
11. If you threw a red rock into a green sea, what would it come back as?
Answer: Wet.
12. If you were running a race and passed the person in second place, what place would you be in now?
Answer: Second place.
13. What has one eye but can’t see anything at all?
Answer: A needle.
14. I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?
Answer: Your bed.
15. What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?
Answer: A hole.
16. Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other one is Sara. What is the name of the third daughter?
Answer: Beth.
17. A girl leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two guys wearing masks. Who are the two guys?
Answer: The catcher and the umpire.
18. Forwards I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?
Answer: A ton.
17. What moves faster: heat or cold?
Answer: Heat because you can always catch a cold.
18. What word starts with IS, ends with AND, and has LA in the middle?
Answer: Island.
19. How can a door be not a door?
Answer: When it’s a jar.
20. What’s as big as an elephant but weighs absolutely nothing?
Answer: Its shadow.
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Hard Trick Questions
There are always some people who try to be extra clever and over smart during the games. It’s time for you to trick those people with the hard trick questions written below and watch how their expression changes!
1. How many sides does a house have?
Answer: Two: an inside and an outside.
2. A group of ten ostriches are in a field. If four of them take off flying, how many are left in the field?
Answer: Ostriches can’t fly.
3. A man once said he went 35 days without sleep. How is that possible?
Answer: He slept at night.
4. What’s something that always wants an answer but doesn’t have a question?
Answer: A phone.
5. What’s something that always rises and never lowers?
Answer: Your age.
6. Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly?
Answer: “Incorrectly”.
7. Is it normal for someone to have all their toes on one foot?
Answer: No, as people’s toes are on two feet, not one foot.
8. What’s something that has a head and a tail but no paws?
Answer: A quarter.
9. What was the president’s name in 1990?
Answer: The same as it is today.
10. If you were in a race and passed the person in third place, what place would you be in?
Answer: Third place.
11. What’s something that has a lot of problems not many people are eager to solve?
Answer: A math book.
12. Let’s say you have to lift a hippo with one finger. How would you do it?
Answer: You wouldn’t because you can’t find a one-fingered hippo.
13. What’s something you can you hold without touching it?
Answer: Your breath.
14. What are two things you can’t eat for dinner?
Answer: Breakfast and lunch.
15. What’s something that gets warmer the more it cools?
Answer: An air conditioner.
16. How many times can you cut a cake in half?
Answer: Technically, only once
17. What’s something you can break but can’t put back together?
Answer: A promise.
18. What’s something that has teeth but can’t chew?
Answer: A comb.
19. What’s something that has a lot of holes in it but can still hold water?
Answer: A sponge.
20. What word becomes longer after you add two letters to it?
Answer: “Long”.
21. Al fell from a 30-foot ladder but didn’t get hurt. How is that possible?
Answer: He fell from the bottom rung.
22. How can you drop a glass vase on a hardwood floor and not crack it?
Answer: Hardwood floors are hard to crack.
23. What happens when you throw a blue rock into the Red Sea?
Answer: It sinks to the bottom.
24. Sandy claims she saw an ocean without water, and it turns out, she was being honest. How is that possible?
Answer: Sandy saw the ocean on a map.
25. What’s something that gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A paper towel.
26. You can catch me, but I can’t be thrown. What am I?
Answer: A cold.
Good Trick Questions
You may assume you are wise enough to avoid being duped. Trick questions, on the other hand, can baffle anyone. Get your hands on these good trick questions now and comment below, how many of them have you got it right!
1. Ted is the father of Sam, but Sam is not the son of Ted. How is that possible?
Answer: Sam is not a boy.
2. Some months have eight letters in their name, whereas others have five. How many have three?
Answer: They all do.
3. If Mrs. Smith’s rooster lays an egg in Mr. Brown’s yard, who owns the egg?
Answer: No one; roosters don’t lay eggs.
4. If there are eight oranges in a bag and you take away two, how many do you have?
Answer: Two.
5. If the assistant captain of a sports team were to die, who would lead the team?
Answer: The captain.
6. You have two coins that equal 30 cents, and one of them is not a quarter. Which coins do you have?
Answer: A quarter and a nickel (the nickel is the one that isn’t a quarter).
7. If you build a fort, drive a Ford, and fill out a form, then what do you eat soup with?
Answer: A spoon.
8. A boy kicks a soccer ball. It goes 10 feet and comes back to him. How is this possible?
Answer: He kicked it up in the air right above him. Gravity.
9. How do you make the number one disappear?
Answer: Add the letter “G” to the front, and it’s gone.
10. A rancher had 500 cows and took one shot that got them all. How did he do it?
Answer: A panoramic photo.
11. How many 6” by 6” books can you put in a (2ft x 2ft) container so that it is not empty anymore?
Answer: One, after that, it is no longer empty.
12. In Nova Scotia, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
Answer: You’d need a camera of some kind.
13. What two words in combination hold the most letters?
Answer: Post and Office.
14. What’s the best way to drop an egg on a concrete floor without cracking it?
Answer: Just drop it. The egg will likely crack, but the floor won’t.
15. The maker doesn’t want it; the buyer doesn’t use it, and the user doesn’t see it. What is it?
Answer: A coffin.
16. On which side of a chicken are there more feathers?
Answer: The outside.
17. How can a man who shaves several times a day still sport a long beard?
Answer: He’s a barber.
18. John is a butcher. He is 5’ 10” tall and wears a size 11 shoe. What does he weigh?
Answer: Meat.
19. Which one is correct? “Penguins flies” or “A Penguin flies”?
Answer: Neither, a penguin doesn’t fly.
20. What did the person who invented the door-knocker win?
Answer: The No-bell prize.
21. Some months have 31 days, and others have 30 days. How many have 28 days?
Answer: All 12 of them do.
22. What are the next three letters in this sequence: OTTFFSS?
Answer: ENT. One, two, three…It’s the first letter to every number, counting up from one.
Dirty Trick Questions
The finest filthy riddles are the ones that aren’t actually dirty but are intended to make you feel like a complete freak for believing the punchline was inappropriate. When in a mood, even your innocent mind can expose your naughtier side with the given dirty trick questions. Get a look!
1. What’s the difference between amazing s#x and this joke?
Answer: You actually get the joke.
2. What does a man have that begins with “P” and gets bigger if it’s properly stimulated?
Answer: The pupil of his eye.
3. Some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bed. What is it?
Answer: A bunk bed.
4. What is the difference between “ooooooh” and “aaaaaaah”?
Answer: About three inches.
5. What do you insert in a small hole and twist all the way around?
Answer: Q-tip.
6. What’s the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?
Answer: The taste.
7. You truly enjoy this when you spread it. What is it?
Answer: Butter.
8. What’s at least six inches long, goes in your mouth, and is more fun when it vibrates?
Answer: An electric toothbrush.
9. I am always hard when dry but smooth and soft when wet. What am I?
Answer: Sponge.
10. What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of?
Answer: Legs.
Unique Trick Questions
Tired of questions like; what goes up and never comes down? Or what two things can never be eaten for breakfast? If so, then we have brought you the most unique trick questions that you have never heard of before. Crack these questions now!
1. Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
Answer: Because there is one more penny in 1968 pennies than in 1967 pennies.
2. What can you make that no one—not even you—can see?
Answer: Noise.
3. Robert, my neighbor, a forty-five-year-old blacksmith is seven feet tall, and eats all day long. What does he weigh?
Answer: Iron.
4. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday?
Answer: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
5. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Answer: Short.
6. What can you hold without touching it at all?
Answer: A conversation.
7. Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
Answer: The baby, since he is a little Bigger.
8. I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I?
Answer: Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’).
9. What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?
Answer: A coin.
Trick Questions for Kids
Kids love the fun content! They are always into silly and goofy activities. Thus, to keep them engaged here are some trick questions for kids to explore their creative sides and come up with unique answers until they don’t figure out the right one.
1. Four football players stood under one umbrella and didn’t get wet. How could that be?
Answer: It wasn’t raining.
2. The Lion King throws a party and invites every animal. All the animals attend except one. Which one?
Answer: The Giraffe. He’s still in the refrigerator.
3. How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
Answer: Open the door, take the elephant out, lead the giraffe in, and close the door.
4. How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
Answer: Open the door, put the elephant in, and close the door.
5. I have many letters, and though it’s strange to say, I stay the same way no matter how many I give away. What am I?
Answer: The mailman.
6. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
Answer: The letter “C.”
7. What is it that has a power socket on one end and a corkscrew on the other?
Answer: A pig.
8. I defend without weapons, stand without legs, wound without force. And I am harder to fight than k#ll. What am I?
Answer: A wall.
9. Although I’m far from the point, I’m not a mistake. I fix yours. What am I?
Answer: An eraser.
10. Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. What am I?
Answer: A shadow.
11. A father’s child, a mother’s child, yet no one’s son. What is it?
Answer: The daughter.
12. When I point up its bright, but when I point down it’s dark. What am I?
Answer: A light switch.
13. I’m where yesterday follows today and tomorrow is in the middle. What am I?
Answer: A dictionary.
14. What heavy seven-letter word can you take two away from and be left with eight?
Answer: Weights.
15. What five letter word, no matter how you pronounce it, is always pronounced wrong?
Answer: The word “wrong.”
16. I can be as thin as a picture frame but my insides have many things you can see. What am I?
Answer: Television.
17. What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?
Answer: Stone.
18. I am seen in the water and in the sky. I am in the rainbow and a jay’s feather. What am I?
Answer: Blue.
19. What has black spots and a white face, is fat not thin, and helps you to win, but tumbles all over the place?
Answer: Dice.
20. Lighter than what I’m made of, more of me is hidden than is seen. What am I?
Answer: An iceberg.
21. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
Answer: A penny.
22. People buy me to eat but don’t eat me, what am I?
Answer: A plate.
23. Which five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Answer: Shore.
24. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for more than 5-minutes. What am I?
Answer: Breath.
Trick Questions for Adults
Now that you are an adult and all the above brain teaser seems childish to you, how about answering these trick questions for adults in less than ten seconds? Can you do that? Well, then get started, and don’t peek at the answers below!
1. A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?
Answer: Answer: You don’t bury survivors.
2. What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take it away from its five letters?
Answer: A queue.
3. What has a neck and no head, two arms but no hands?
Answer: A shirt.
4. Often cooked as fillet, this meat comes from an animal that swims underwater. What am I?
Answer: Fish.
5. What has thirteen hearts, but has no body or soul?
Answer: A deck.
6. I have wheels and flies, yet I am not an aircraft. What am I?
Answer: A garbage truck.
7. I have a neck but no head. I have a body but no arm. I have a bottom but no leg. What am I?
Answer: A bottle.
8. I am a portal to another world which you cannot enter. Only you can see me but I can’t see you. What am I?
Answer: A television.
9. I am at your hand when it is dark and hidden away in the light. What am I?
Answer: A flashlight.
10. You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, but if you drop me in the water I die. What am I?
Answer: Paper.
11. This orange vegetable is a favorite of Bugs Bunny. What is it?
Answer: A carrot.
12. I can be red, blue, purple, and green. No one can reach me, not even the queen. What am I?
Answer: A rainbow.
13. Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to the water I disappear without a trace. What am I?
Answer: Salt.
14. I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I?
Answer: A penguin.
15. By Moon or by Sun, I shall be found. Yet I am undone if there’s no light around. What am I?
Answer: A shadow.
16. Be sure to shout for its answers to be weak, but there is no language it cannot speak. What is it?
Answer: A table.
17. Tickle with your fingers and a song it will sing. Be careful, though, you may break a string. What is it?
Answer: A guitar.
18. I go around and in the house, but never touch the house. What am I?
Answer: The sun.
19. I usually wear a yellow coat. I usually have a dark head. I make marks wherever I go. What am I?
Answer: A pencil.
20. I invade your home once a year but only if you’ve been good. What am I?
Answer: Santa Claus.
21. Billie was born on December 28th, yet her birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?
Answer: Billie lives in the Southern Hemisphere.
22. John’s father has five sons named Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty…Guess what would be the name of the fifth?
Answer: John.
Trick Questions to Ask People
Trick questions will always give you something to think about, and if you answer them correctly, you’ll feel like the brightest person in the room. Thus, if you want to spot the smarty person in the room, try throwing these trick questions to ask people and be ready for some hilarious answers.
1. There was a red bungalow. Everything in it was red. The walls, the carpets, the furniture. What color were the stairs?
Answer: There weren’t any stairs. It was a bungalow.
2. What’s the longest word in the English language?
Answer: Smiles. Because there’s a mile between the beginning and end of the word.
3. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. How was that possible?
Answer: Friday was the name of his horse.
4. A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. How’s that possible?
Answer: B is the daughter.
5. A plane crashes between the border of Canada and America. Where do you bury the survivors?
Answer: They are survivors, you don’t bury them.
6. Who can knock you unconscious, take your money and leave you with missing teeth, without breaking any laws?
Answer: A dentist.
7. What kind of building is filled with thousands of voices all day, but remains totally silent?
Answer: A library.
8. What kind of device only ever answers one question, but always tells you exactly what you need to know?
Answer: A clock.
9. You can find me once in Holland, twice as often in London, never in Rome but once in Naples. What am I?
Answer: The letter ‘N’.
10. What has a long, graceful neck and can sing with a sweet voice, but has no mouth?
Answer: A violin
11. I am always up when the weather’s terrible, and down again whenever the sun comes out. What am I?
Answer: An umbrella.
12. When I was 6 years old, my mother was 33. If she is now twice my age, how old must I be today?
Answer: 27 years old (the difference between our ages).
Trick Questions to Ask Your Friends
The best way one could frit away time with their friends is through some jokes and trick questions. Here are a few trick questions to ask your friends that will surely leave them puzzled and scratching their heads. These questions are the newest addition to our list!
1. How could a woman marry her own son, without anyone raising an objection?
Answer: If she were the priest officiating his wedding.
2. Whose services are needed most urgently by a man who does not know he needs them?
Answer: An undertaker.
3. How can a baby have been born before the doctors who delivered it?
Answer: In the sense that it was born in front of them.
4. When can a man who stands at exactly four feet, be one meter tall?
Answer: When it’s a parking meter.
5. Who can spend hours on end counting sheep, without ever falling asleep?
Answer: A shepherd.
6. During which month do people in Brazil eat the least?
Answer: February, as it is shorter than all the other months
7. A man runs out directly in front of an 18-wheel truck on an icy stretch of road, and is completely unharmed. How?
Answer: The truck was not moving.
8. Where would you be certain to find the most refreshing drink you will ever taste?
Answer: In the middle of a desert.
9. What species of primate is capable of solving complex mathematical equations?
Answer: Human beings.
10. What will always help you to hold your head up, when you find yourself flat on your back?
Answer: A pillow.
11. Cut my skin and I won’t mind, but you might end up weeping. What am I?
Answer: An onion.
12. What has two wings, no feathers, sees through four eyes, and holds a hundred stomachs?
Answer: An aeroplane, with one co-pilot.
Trick Questions to Challenge Yourself
People love to challenge themselves with some new activities, building habits, and doing crazy things. But if you honestly want to challenge yourself then we dare you to try out these trick questions because these questions will truly put you off for a moment.
1. How much mud would be there in a hole that is 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep?
Answer: None. Since it is hole, it means there won’t be any mud left in it as all the mud is taken out to dig the hole.
2. Why is it unlawful for a person who is living in Oregon to be buried in Colorado?
Answer: It is unlawful to bury a person who is alive, be it anywhere.
3. What is the thing that gets bigger and bigger each time you take away some from it?
Answer: A hole you are digging.
4. You have to make the number one gone without subtraction. How would you do it?
Answer: Simply add the letter ‘G’ in the front of ‘one’, you can make it ‘gone’.
5. You must have seen a circle quite well. So, how many sides does it have?
Answer: Two. One is ‘inside’ and another ‘outside’.
6. The longer I stand doing my job, the shorter I get. What am I?
Answer: A candle.
7. Do you know what ends everything?
Answer: ‘G’. G is the letter that always ends the word ‘everything’.
8. Most of the people need it. Yet they give it to others but won’t take it usually. What is it?
Answer: Advice.
9. Five soccer players were standing under one umbrella. Yet none of them got wet. How is it so?
Answer: They won’t get wet because it wasn’t raining.
10. Sam added five to nine and got two. It is the correct answer. But how?
Answer: He added 5 hours to 9 AM and got 2 PM as the answer.
Trick Questions with Answers
There is nothing like sharpening your memory and pushing your cognitive thinking to a test with some trick questions and answers. Gather your pals and put on your thinking cap, and compete with each other to see who can respond to the most number of questions.
1. What can you give to someone without wanting to, and still keep for yourself – while wishing that you could lose it?
Answer: A cold.
2. When can you cut twelve faces, without spilling a drop of blood?
Answer: When cutting a deck of cards.
3. I can cover an entire country, without anyone seeing me. What am I?
Answer: Darkness.
4. What word sounds exactly the same, if you remove two-thirds of its letters?
Answer: Bee.
5. What four-letter word can be cut down to a single letter, by removing only one?
Answer: Done.
6. What appears in the middle of January, twice in August, and once in June?
Answer: The letter ‘U’.
7. What feature of a room could an artist try drawing, to immediately change the way he sees it?
Answer: The curtains.
8. What kind of legal document is exactly the same, whether it’s read backwards or forwards?
Answer: The answer is a D-E-E-D.
9. I cover myself most thickly in Summer, wearing less and less the colder Winter gets. What am I?
Answer: A tree.
10. What is that, with one flick of the wrist, will let you move something the strongest man on earth could not?
Answer: A key.
5 Benefits of Solving Trick Questions
Trick questions stretches our mind and forces us to find a solution from multiple angles until we reach the right answer. Such types of questions are full of benefits that produce amazing results in human beings when they utilize their cognitive thinking, unlike other digital games. Here are some benefits enlisted below;
1. Trick questions challenge your mind to think out of the box and figure out the answer by utilizing your mental skills. It is actually a great exercise for your brain that puts your critical thinking abilities to test as you try to decipher the muddled meanings of seemingly clear answers.
2. An empty mind is a devil’s workshop which means that we are more likely to get under the influence of bad thoughts when we are idle and lazy. Thus, it’s important to provide our brain something to chew on, like trick questions that are beneficial and will keep our minds working too.
3. Due to their short attention spans, all young children struggle with concentration and focus. A brain teaser that they can get lost in can help them concentrate better, especially if it’s the appropriate level for their age.
Something that is very easy will not require critical thinking and something that is very hard might elicit rage and an unwillingness to attempt again. Thus, make sure to have the right balance in trick questions and answers.
4. According to studies trick questions enhance and sharpens the creative thought process of people. Be it, kids or adults, lateral thinking helps you to see things from a different perspective and pushes you to adopt a creative approach.
5. Apart from these highbrow advantages, trick questions are fun to play. We all as adults have been major missing out on quality family time since the pandemic is over. Try including these trick questions that will surely crack you guys up.
Final Thoughts on Trick Questions
Now, that you have been through a bundle of trick questions, don’t think that these questions are just designed for kids. Instead, it consists of questions, for adults, friends, family, and yourself also.
Adults are so busy these days in their lives that they are bound to a certain monotonous routine that includes no fun activity. Even parents today are not as involved with their kids as they used to be before.
For this reason, trick questions can be a perfect activity to spend quality time with, not just with your family but with your buddies too. Questions like these enhance your problem-solving skills and will make you feel lively since it’s a great brain booster exercise as well.
We are pretty sure that these trick questions with answers will tease your brains until you’ve figured out the right answer. But the moment of truth will get more interesting, once the answer will be revealed, turns out that it’s, even more, simpler than what everybody has thought.
So, comment below, does any question got you stumped, or were you smart enough to ace them all. Let us know!