Have you ever thought about what if questions? What if you had a list of interesting questions that would pique your audience’s interest and spark lively debate? It is where answering the questions becomes a little challenging.
You’ll find a few hundred amusing what if questions below that you can use in class or with companions as a pleasant ice breaker, or time-filler activity.
With a single what if question, you can ignite an enthusiastic conversation and discussion among individuals.
What if questions are hypothetical questions that encourage the respondent to imagine a specific situation and answer what would happen if that imagined scenario occurred.
Let’s take a look at some examples and the best part would be the answers we’ll receive.
Table of Contents
Best What If Questions
The best what if questions are accompanied by a lot of laughter and chuckles. Make sure you go through everyone and decide which ones are appropriate to ask.
1. What if you woke up and discovered you were the only person on earth?
2. What if you were the President of the United States?
3. What if you were shipwrecked on an uninhabited island?
4. What if you were offered the opportunity to go into space?
5. What if you were invited to high tea with the Queen of England?
6. What if you were badly injured in an accident and your car ran off the road and was hidden from sight?
7. What if people cared more about doing the right thing than doing things right?
8. What if you could spend your life never sleeping?

9. What if you could remember everything that happened to you from the time you were born?
10. What if you could live forever and the earth remained just as it is now?
11. What if you could find a cure for a disease?
12. What if we found live dinosaurs living on a remote island?
13. What if there was no electricity for a year anywhere in the world?
14. What if the South won the Civil War?
15. What if the Law of Attraction exists?
16. What if someone wrote a story about you?
17. What if money cannot buy happiness?
18. What if computers took over the world?
19. What if you were at a bank and robbers came in?
20. What if you had to give up your sight or your hearing?
21. What if you had to choose between money or no love or love and no money?
22. What if you used every moment of your life productively?
23. What if you dropped everything to pursue your dreams?
24. What if you could change one thing about yourself? What would you change?
25. What if you had to teach someone one thing?
26. What if you could watch a movie about everything that happened in your life until now?
27. What if you could start your life all over?
28. What if you could send a short message to the entire world? What would you say?
29. What if you never had to work again?
30. What if you lost everything tomorrow?
31. What if you could only wear one color the rest of your life?
32. What if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead?
33. What if you could have any job you wanted?
34. What if you could do one thing so well you could be famous?
35. What if you were excellent at a sport?
36. What if you had the chance to write a best-selling novel?
37. What if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?

38. What if you found out your house was infested with snakes?
39. What if we could only talk in rhymes and meters?
40. What if (a famous novelist) had been a play writer instead?
41. What if you were dreaming about your teeth falling out, and you woke up to find that they had?
42. What if you were chosen to go into space?
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Deep What If Questions
The best time to ask deep what if questions is when you’re sitting with your friends and talking about the challenges life throws at us. You’ll be able to find the most relevant ones right here.
1. What if you could choose how you were going to die?
2. What if you knew you had only 24 hours to live?
3. What if you hit a car in a parking lot, but nobody saw you do it?
4. What if you could live under water because you had gills?
5. What if you could change one thing about yourself?
6. What if you could change one thing about the person you love?
7. What if you found a wallet with $10,000 in it?
8. What if you were alone at home and you heard footsteps coming up your stairs?
9. What if you had to choose between fame and fortune?
10. What if you could travel back in time?
11. What if a ghost haunted your bedroom at night?
12. What if you woke up and were twenty years younger?
13. What if you woke up and discovered you had changed sexes overnight?
14. What if you went for a walk in the woods and found a money tree?
15. What if you had to live one day over and over again?
16. What if cats could swim underwater?
17. What if you discovered you could heal diseases?
18. What if you could never eat your favorite food again in your life?
19. What if aliens landed in your backyard?

20. What if you were given the opportunity to mold your spouse or partner the way you wanted?
21. What if you saw someone steal from the place where you work?
22. What if you saw someone come out of a public toilet with paper stuck on their shoe?
23. What if you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone you love?
24. What if you had to choose between great wealth or great wisdom?
25. What if you found a way to get really rich very quickly that was illegal?
26. What if you could post something on the Internet to make you famous overnight?
27. What if you could change one thing about your past?
28. What if you could stop time whenever you wanted to?
29. What if you could live for 200 years?
30. What if you could be any animal?
31. What if you could get a glimpse of the afterlife?
32. What if you could know the worst thing that somebody ever did just by touching their hand?
33. What if you were allowed to choose one thing to be reincarnated into?
34. What if you could ask anyone for one piece of advice?
35. What if you found out that you had said something to hurt someone years after the fact?
36. What if you could send one message to a loved one after you die?
37. What if you could erase other people’s memories?
38. What if you could preserve your consciousness in a computer?
39. What if you could take a serum that would block fear forever?
40. What if you could do one thing with a 0% chance of failure?
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Funny What If Questions
Funny what if questions should be reserved for those with a sense of humor. They will almost certainly be able to answer these questions with minimal effort. The most amusing ones can be found here.
1. What if you peed your pants every time someone made you laugh?
2. What if you could take a pill to make flatulence smell like any more pleasant scent?
3. What if you never had to go to the bathroom again?
4. What if you could insult one famous figure from history?
5. What if you could make one gross habit socially acceptable?
6. What if your twelve year old self wrote your dating profile?
7. What if a celebrity started coming to you for advice?
8. What if woodland animals helped you with your everyday routine?
9. What if your most ridiculous childhood fear was suddenly a valid concern?
10. What if you could only speak in questions?
11. What if you had to convince someone that you were actually your own identical twin?
12. What if you had to wear a dinosaur costume to one major life event?
13. What if real life were more like the movies?

14. What if a dramatic voice followed you around narrating your life?
15. What if a red button that read “push me, I dare you” suddenly appeared in the middle of your living room?
16. What if you were the PR person for a supervillain and had to rehabilitate their public image?
17. What if you were put in charge of minorly inconveniencing all of the jerks of the world?
18. What if you had the power to temporarily mute people in real life?
19. What if you could teleport, but you would arrive naked?
20. What if you could play the perfect prank?
21. What if you could only communicate by breaking out into song?
22. What if every time you tried to use your smartphone, it took an unflattering selfie and sent it to all your contacts?
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Crazy What If Questions
Friends who act insane should be served with crazy what if questions. Their responses will almost certainly make you laugh for quite a while. You can look at the questions below.
1. What if you could print money?
2. What if your favorite movie was real life?
3. What if robots become more intelligent than humans?
4. What if you could upload information directly to your brain?
5. What if you had a magic watch that could pause time?
6. What if you and anyone you touch could fly?
7. What if you could play any instrument
8. What if you found a talking monkey?
9. What if every time you coughed, you laid a golden egg?
10. What if aliens knocked on your door one day?
11. What if fast food was good for your health?
12. What if you had six arms and six legs?
13. What if you woke up one day and were the only person on earth?
14. What if dinosaurs were alive today?
15. What if you could go back in time to any point in your life?
16. What if you could see 1 hour into the future?
17. What if you woke up one day and you were as tiny as a mouse?
18. What if you could see through walls?
19. What if you could be a character in any computer game?
20. What if you could only eat vegetables for the rest of your life?
21. What if you could breathe underwater?
22. What if you could swap your body with the body of an animal?
23. What if you hit your head and could suddenly speak any language?
24. What if there was an escaped rhino loose in the city?

25. What if every time you burped, you fainted?
26. What if everything you touched turned to gold?
27. What if you woke up in the morning and you were 100 feet tall?
28. What if your cell phone fell in the toilet?
29. What if you woke up in bed and saw spiders walking all over you?
30. What if you used a public toilet and discovered there was no paper?
31. What if you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed?
32. What if you found out you were really a robot?
33. What if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
34. What if you woke up one morning to find you had switched bodies and families with your best friend?
35. What if you lost your bathing suit while you were swimming, what would you do?
36. What if you could talk to animals? What would you say or ask?
37. What if you could only walk on your hands?
38. What if cats could bark and dogs meow?
39. What if a turtle didn’t have his shell?
40. What if you switched places with your pet?
41. What if you could walk on the ceiling?
42. What if you could only eat pizza the rest of your life?
43. What if you found out today that you were really adopted?
44. What if you found out you would live forever?
45. What if you got amnesia and forgot who you were?
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Weird What If Questions
Weird what if questions are usually asked by parents to their children. It is not enjoyable, and you will most likely be nervous most of the time. Allow us to prepare you for this situation by providing a few examples.
1. What if you got sucked into a video game?
2. What if you had a magic clock that could stop time?
3. What if living dinosaurs were found on a remote island?
4. What if a family board game came to life?
5. What if you could speak to ghosts?
6. What if you woke up and realized that all of your body hair was gone?
7. What if the world was taken over by zombies?
8. What if you won the lottery?
9. What if you had to give a speech in your underwear?
10. What if you woke up to a zombie apocalypse?
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Random What If Questions
There are unpredicted thoughts that enter your mind, and most of these inquiries are random what if questions. Let’s compare yours and our examples. The chances are, most of them will be the same.
What if you connected deeply with a loved one today?
2. What if you could decide how or when you die?
3. What if you found out that you were really a clone of someone else?
4. What if you could pick what country, gender, and race you would be born into? What would you pick?
5. What if humans learned to tap into the rest of their brains and we became twice as intelligent?
6. What if you lost all your memories except for one?
7. What if you found out your life was really a tv show for others to watch and you didn’t know it?
8. What if when you die, your loved ones would only remember one thing about you?
9. What if you had to get out of your house before it was destroyed?
10. What if you could have lunch with anyone in the world?
11. What if you woke up and your life was a dream?
12. What if you found out that we live in a computer simulation?
13. What if you had to give someone your favorite book right now?
14. What if you found out you had a long-lost twin?
15. What if you read a book a week for a year?
16. What if you could see the future?
17. What if a stranger approached you and whispered, “you are the chosen one?”
18. What if you were hired to be a tester for one product?
19. What if you received a message that read, “come find me– you know who”?
20. What if you could win a lifetime supply of one product?
21. What if you could make one non-serious thing illegal?
22. What if you were mistaken for a celebrity and expected to do their job?
23. What if you had to plan the perfect crime?
24. What if you could say one thing to the entire world?
25. What if you could only say ten words a day?
26. What if you had to pick one food to eat every day for the rest of your life?
27. What if you could control the weather?
28. What if you could read a book from a different character’s perspective?
29. What if you could change the ending to one show or movie?
30. What if you could fall asleep on command?
31. What if you could suddenly only speak in gibberish?
32. What if you woke up in a different gender’s body?
33. What if you woke up and could speak in a totally different language?
34. What if you could open a museum on any subject?
35. What if your best friend told you they had accepted a mission to colonize Mars?
36. What if you had to suddenly fake your death and enter witness protection?
37. What if you found out a friend wrote a book and based a character off of you?
38. What if the president called you out of the blue?
Interesting What If Questions
Interesting what if questions make you think the person asking them has a creative mind. With the help of our examples, you can become one of them and ask these questions.
1. What if you knew tomorrow’s news before it happened?
2. What if you could only see your family members virtually, how would you maintain good relationships?
3. What if you couldn’t fall asleep unless you ran 10 miles, what would you do?
4. What if you were in a country and didn’t speak the native language, what would you do?
5. What if you could only drink milk past its expiration date, what would you do?
6. What if your cell phone fell into the toilet bowl, what would you do?
7. What if you could travel the whole world for the rest of your life, what would you do?
8. What if you had to form meaningful connections with strangers, how would you do it?
9. What if you had to spend all your nights sleeping on bed needles, what would you do?
10. What if you had a wonderful romantic relationship but it was long-distance, what would you do?
11. What if all humans lost their ability to think for themselves?
12. What if you could turn a “so-so” relationship into a good one, would you stay with that person?
13. What if you could neglect one personal hygiene routine item, what would it be?
14. What if you could have only one food for your entire life and it couldn’t be solid?
15. What if filters were banned from being added to photos on social media?
16. What if you were at a store and robbers came in?
17. What if you had to choose between financial security or love?
18. What if we were living in a world where people could only communicate via texts?
19. What if you never had to work a day in your life again?
20. What if you could invent a new food?
21. What if you had to delete all your social media profiles except one?
22. What if we were only allowed to talk in rhymes?
23. What if you could magically change one thing about yourself?
24. What if someone offered you $10,000 every time they punched you in the face?
25. What if your house was infested with snakes?
26. What if you could be any politician in the world?
27. What if toilet paper became the new currency?
28. What if you were the only person who could stop time whenever you wanted?
29. What if you spoke to everyone around you the same way you talk to your best friend?
30. What if you could put wings on any animal?
31. What if you were required by law to get a full-body tattoo?
32. What if you could be born again in any country?
33. What if you woke up and could not speak your native language, but only one that you could not understand?
34. What if you could have complete knowledge of 3 skills?
35. What if you had to live in either the Sahara or Antarctica?
36. What if you could communicate with other people by using your mind?
37. What if you could read all of the books in the world?
38. What if monkeys replaced us as the dominant species on the planet?
39. What if another advanced species existed?
40. What if you could be an Olympic athlete?
Hard What If Questions
Hard what if questions have another name, which is case study questions, which we usually get in our exams. Check such questions below and consider how you are going to answer them.
1. What if one day I suddenly started speaking in a foreign accent?
2. What if we could communicate telepathically?
3. What if you could find out every person who has ever had a crush on you?
4. What if you hated my boyfriend or girlfriend?
5. What if you could only take one form of transportation for the rest of your life?
6. What if I snapped at you when I was having a bad day?
7. What if someone said something unkind about me when I wasn’t around?
8. What if I told you that your teasing hurt my feelings?
9. What if your pet liked me better than you?
10. What if you learned I was a figment of your imagination?
Great What If Questions
Great what if questions include some business-related or posed during your meeting at your fantasy organization. Allow us to make it somewhat simplified for you by giving a couple of suggestions so you can plan early.
1. What if you had to pick one person to live with forever?
2. What if you could move anywhere? Where would you go?
3. What if you found a suitcase with $100,000? What would you do?
4. What if you were given a chance to go to the moon?
5. What if you could say a sentence the whole world would hear?
6. What if we discovered dinosaurs living on a remote island?
7. What if you could date one famous person?
8. What if you could download all of the knowledge in the world into your brain?
9. What if you could speak every language?
10. What if you could travel to the edge of the universe?
11. What if you could be a superhero?
12. What if we could travel to distant galaxies?
13. What if you had only 24 hours to live?
14. What if you lost the ability to see all colours apart from one?
15. What if you could redesign the human species?
16. What if we could upload our consciousness into a machine?
17. What if there are parallel universes?
18. What if life is just the first in a series of infinite lives?
19. What if we’re living in a simulation?
20. What if everything we do has been predetermined?
21. What if you could read your coworkers’ minds?
22. What if you were the only one who showed up to work one day?
23. What if you had to choose between being in the office full time or being remote full time?
24. What if you could pick one restaurant to open up a location next to your job?
25. What if you were put in charge of planning the office Christmas party?
26. What if a coworker regularly gave you criticism about your work?
27. What if your manager gave you disappointing feedback?
28. What if you had the power to rewind and re-do work conversations?
29. What if you could hand pick your clients?
30. What if you could pick the projects you work on?
31. What if a coworker got promoted to a role that you were hoping to get?
32. What if a customer asked a question you did not know the answer to?
33. What if you had to explain your job to a five year old?
34. What if you found out your coworkers had all read your teenage diary?
35. What if you never had to attend another Zoom call?
36. What if you never had to go to another work meeting?
37. What if you could pick one perk to add to the compensation package?
38. What if you were the boss for one day?
39. What if a coworker was not responding to your emails?
40. What if a client told you that they were going to leave because of something you did?
What If Questions for Couples
What if game questions for couples are reasonable for a social event where most of the participants are hitched or in a relationship. The following are a couple of models for your thought.
1. What if we had to be deported, which country would you want us to be deported to and why?
2. What if we were to learn a new sport together, which sport would you choose and why?
3. What if your love interest came around, would you dump me?
4. What if you could have our relationship be like any couple, who would it be?
5. What if we had to be in group s#x with another couple, who would it be?
6. What if we were on a rollercoaster together, would you let me throw up on you?
7. What if I got into an accident, would you come to the hospital to see me?
8. What if you were disabled, would we stay together?
9. What if one of us won a million dollars in a lottery, would we share it?
10. What if we were stranded on a desert island together?
11. What if we had s#x in front of someone else, what would happen?
12. What if you could have a dog or a cat, what would you want?
13. What if we had the opportunity to live in Italy for a year, would you go?
14. What if we could have the same job, which job would you choose?
15. What if we could choose happiness or fortune, which would you choose?
16. What if we could swim underwater without holding our breath?
17. What if we decided that we wanted to move to Paris?
18. What if our relationship required us to be together 24/7?
19. What if one of us were pregnant right now?
20. What if we could only watch one movie for the rest of our lives?
What If Questions to Ask Boyfriend
If you’ve recently begun dating, make a list of what if questions for boyfriend to determine whether he’s a good fit for a long-term relationship. This can be a bit scary.
1. What if your life was told by a famous author, who would it be?
2. What if you were painted by a famous person, which painter would you want it to be?
3. What if you couldn’t tell a lie for the rest of your life, would you do it?
4. What if your life was decided by me, would you want that?
5. What if you could have s#x with one teacher, who would it be?
6. What if you had to have s#x with someone who disgusted you, who would it be?
7. What if a girl started talking to you at a bar, what would you do?
8. What if your ex-girlfriend started talking to you again? What would you say?
9. What if you got in trouble, what would you do?
10. What if you got arrested, what would you do?
11. What if your parents disowned you, would you try to earn their love back?
12. What if you only had one leg, what would you do?
13. What if you could start any business today, what type of business would it be?
14. What if you had a million Instagram followers, what would you do?
15. What if you were a famous athlete for one day, who would it be?
16. What if you had the ability to change your grades in school, would you change it?
17. What if you had the opportunity to move to another state, would you move?
18. What if you had the choice to be in one s#x position the rest of your life, which position would it be and why?
19. What if you had the choice of losing your virginity over again, would you change it?
20. What if you could date anyone in the world, who would you date?
21. What if you could change the course of history, what would you have changed?
22. What if you had the ability to change parents, would you do it?
23. What if you had the ability to gain any new strength suddenly, what would it be?
24. What if you could decide the moment you die, would you want to?
25. What if you could make people live for longer on this earth?
26. What if you could change something about my body?
What If Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
What if questions for girlfriend are as important as questions for boys. Not only boys, but toxic girls, can undermine your faith in love. Our questions will keep you safe.
1. What if you could have any job you wanted, which would it be?
2. What if you could have any car you wanted, which car would it be?
3. What if you could alter the future, what would you want to change?
4. What if you could be a genius for a day, would you want to be?
5. What if your life was directed by your parents, which parent would it be?
6. What if you could choose between never aging or being poor, which would it be?
7. What if someone swore at you, what would you do?
8. What if someone stole your purse, what would you do?
9. What if a guy wanted to fight me, what would you want me to do?
10. What if a girl wanted to fight you, what would you do?
11. What if you could change how your parents treated you, what would you change?
12. What if you could meet any female celebrity, who would it be?
13. What if you could meet any famous person, who would it be?
14. What if you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life?
15. What if you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?
16. What if you could only drink coffee for the rest of your life?
17. What if you were poor, how would you get money?
18. What if someone touched you inappropriately in public, what would you do?
19. What if your TikTok has a million followers, what would you do?
20. What if someone approached you about being an Instagram model, what would you do?
What If Questions for Adults
By asking what if questions for adults, you can evoke reality from a senior. It can either defend themselves or make them embarrassed about their activities. It can represent the deciding moment connections.
1. What if you could write your own epitaph?
2. What if you had to give up one of your senses?
3. What if you could get rid of one profession permanently?
4. What if you could only see in black and white?
5. What if you could put one item into a time capsule for future generations to find?
6. What if you could un-do one purchase you made?
7. What if you could only watch one streaming service for the rest of your life?
8. What if you could make one crime legal?
9. What if you could donate one million dollars to any one charity of your choice?
10. What if somebody offered you a free house but the walls were all see-through. Would you take it?
What If Questions for Friends
What if questions for friends are a great way to test the compatibility of your friendship. It can reveal how thoughtful your friends are towards you. Some examples are provided below.
1 What if you had to sum up our friendship in five words or less?
2. What if I told you, “let’s get into some mischief”?
3. What if you saw my face on a wanted poster?
4. What if I tripped in public and fell down in front of a crowd of people?
5. What if we could have a sleepover in any location you choose?
6. What if we had to fight off zombies together?
7. What if you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life?
8. What if you could throw a party with an unlimited budget?
9. What if you were put in charge of coordinating a group Halloween costume?
10. What if you could design your own country?
What If Questions for Students
What is in students’ mind regarding their learning, relationship and future plans? You can get to know the answers with what if questions for students we compiled below.
1. What if you found out your teacher was secretly an alien?
2. What if you saw a fellow student being bullied?
3. What if you could design your own science experiment?
4. What if you could choose any one book to live in?
5. What if you could choose any one historical period to live in?
6. What if you could change any one thing about school?
7. What if you could choose any chef or restaurant to cater school lunch for a day?
8. What if you could choose one animal to keep as a classroom pet?
9. What if you couldn’t study your first choice college major?
10. What if you could interview famous figures from history?
What If Questions about Love
What if questions about love keep circling in your head, especially in this day and age when love is taken for granted? Remember to get all of your answers before proceeding with anything serious.
1. What if someone wrote a love story inspired by you?
2. What if you could shape your future just as you wanted it to be?
3. What if we were Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century?
4. What if your childhood crush tells you they liked you?
5. What if you had the chance to sail around the world with your love?
6. What if your crush had to move to another city?
7. What if my close friend proposed to you?
8. What if someone you love committed a crime?
9. What if we were stuck in an elevator and I kissed you?
10. What if there was no love in your life? Would you survive?
What If Questions about Life
We all have what if questions about life sooner or later because we are uncertain what to do about it. Pose these significant inquiries to assist you with figuring out your psyche and then your life.
1. What if you could see your future, would you want to see it?
2. What if you knew the moment you would be dead?
3. What if you had the ability to change s#xes overnight, would you do it?
4. What if you could create the earth over again, how would you change it?
5. What if you could speak with animals, what would you tell them?
6. What if you could build any house you wanted, how would you build it?
7. What if you got lost in the woods?
8. What if you got into a car accident today?
9. What if you lost one sense, what would it be?
10. What if you could be a famous body for a day?
5 Tips for Choosing What If Questions
The following are a couple of pointers to assist you with asking proper what if without worrying of disheartening others.
1. Consider what you need to be aware of
What if questions to ask are more likely to provoke definitive responses. Concluding what you need to know can help you ensure you ask the right questions.
2. Determine the purpose of your inquiry
Determine your motivation for asking this question. Consider the type of response you want to receive. Consider whether you want advice, a fact-based answer, or someone else’s opinion or point of view.
3. Create an open-ended question
Make an open-ended question about what you want to learn. Open-ended what would you do if questions are any questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Also, because you are not limiting their response, open-ended questions may make the person you are questioning feel more at ease.
Make sure your question is simple to understand. Examine your question to see if it is unbiased. To avoid confusion, keep your question limited to one topic.
4. Choose the best time to address them
It is critical to ask questions at the appropriate time. Avoid tense or unpleasant situations, and limit interruptions to the greatest extent possible. Plan ahead of time and make time for the discussion to ensure you have enough time to ask questions without feeling rushed.
5. Make the inquiries more pleasant to pose
Permit the individual opportunities to answer your inquiry and try not to hinder them. With all things considered, hang tight for them to complete their reaction before planning to ask what if game questions.
Final Thoughts on What If Questions
What if questions prove to be powerful icebreakers! If you really want a conversation with a couple of friends, these are your best bet!
Since it is a hypothetical questions game, its imaginative and speculative methodology allows players to place themselves in various situations and respond by using their imagination and creative mind.
Use these amusing questions to spark a lively discussion. Never will you or other participants feel bored of the game.
Consider a scenario in which you have questions to ask your family, friends, children, partners, or someone you met on the internet. There is a lot you can take into consideration when playing the game. Let your and their imaginations run wild!
What if questions can be about your profession, relationship, love, fellowship, or life in general. Start now and enjoy as much as you can!