Yes or no questions are the most important means of getting to know each other immediately. Through these short questions, we can easily know the nature of our friends, their love, their desires, and the secret aspects of their life.
Yes or no questions game is very interesting and great. Not only children are interested in this game, but young and old people are also interested. The advantage of this game is that we can get to know our close people easily through it.
Another great advantage of this yes or no question game is that we get to know about things and aspects from our classmates or friends or siblings or even from our wife that they don’t want to tell.
So, we have compiled different types of yes or no questions to quench your thirst to get to know someone. Take a look at them, we hope these questions would be very helpful to you.
Table of Contents
Best Yes or No Questions
If you are looking for the best yes or no questions, here is a collection of some of the best ones. We hope you’ll like them and ask these questions with your friends so you can learn more about them.
1. Do you still have contact with your childhood friends?
2. Do you think that living in this era is better than living 50 years ago?
3. Have you ever judged someone for a secret that I told you?
4. Do you consider yourself a controversial person?
5. Have you ever cried until you were tired and fell asleep later?
6. Have you ever fallen in love or had feelings for your best friend?
7. Would you kiss someone inside your circle of friends?
8. If you knew that you only have one year of life, would you continue with your normal life?
9. Do you consider yourself a religious/spiritual person?
10. Have you been cruel or mean to someone on occasion?
11. Are you doing what you always wanted to do in your life?
12. Do you think that white lies are justifiable?
13. Would you get involved in an open relationship with someone?
14. Is there any person in this room that you like?
15. Have you ever experienced an earthquake?
16. Have you ever stolen money from a friend?
17. Do you know how to play at least one musical instrument?
18. Have you gone out into the street in pajamas?
19. Have you ever invited someone to go out for fun or to get attention?
20. Do you think that a man and a woman can be exclusively friends?
21. Do you think your friends are at the same level of importance as your family?
22. Have you ever kissed or been kissed in the rain?
23. Do you think confessions are a way to strengthen relationships?
24. Would you be with someone whose beliefs (religion, spirituality) are not the same as yours?
25. Have you ever fainted from drinking so much?
26. Are you happy studying what you are studying or working on what you are working on?
27. Would you be able to forgive the betrayal of a friend?
28. Have you got in the car of people you just met?
29. Have your parents caught a lie of great caliber?
30. Do you think men and women are equal?
31. Have you ever escaped from school / work to do something fun?
32. Have you ever felt on the verge of moving from your parents’ house?
33. Have you ever been to school or work the next day without having slept a little?
34. If you won the lottery, would you tell your family and friends?
35. Have you ever been surpassed in intelligence by another person?
36. Are you usually prejudiced towards people?
37. If it were possible to colonize Mars while we are still alive, would you go to a colony?
38. Do people usually form the wrong idea of you?
39. What would you do with a million dollars?
40. If you had to move to a place where you didn’t have your family or your friends, would you do it?
41. If a stranger suddenly arrives and kisses you, will you let him?
42. Have you ever fallen in love with a friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
43. Have you ever laughed so hard that what you were taking came out of your nose?
44. Have you ever run away from your house?
45. Have you ever fallen asleep at school or work?
46. Have you ever written someone a love poem?
47. Do you usually follow your brain more than the heart?
48. Would you return to someone who has been unfaithful to you?
49. Have you ever made any of your parents cry?
50. Is there any question you would like to ask me?
51. Are you intimidated by your partner’s successWould?
52. Do you ever like to go on a date with a pop-star?
53. Are you an early bird, a night owl, or a permanently exhausted penguin?
54. Is there a skin care product you are obsessed about?
55. Do you think it’s important to volunteer in your free time?
56. If you could only have one drink (other than water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
57. If you won the lottery tomorrow, would you gamble again?
58. Do you have any weird but favorite food combos?
59. Do you always seek your parent’s permission before heading to a party?
60. Have you ever written a wrong date on an assignment to look like you finished earlier?
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Deep Yes or No Questions
Deep yes or no questions are those that are used to get to know someone well. So, we’ve created a list of deep yes or no questions; have a look at them and use them to get to know your loved ones better.
1. Have you ever read an entire book series in one go?
2. Do you ever want to explore other planets?
3. Do you have trouble getting back into shape after the holiday season?
4. Is there a wardrobe staple you don’t mind buying multiple times?
5. Did you have a secret crush on a teacher or someone in the neighborhood?
6. Have you ever done weird things with your phone?
7. Given a chance, would you star in movies?
8. Do you have a secret crush on someone I know?
9. Have you ever lied about your age to get into a bar or a club?
10. Have you ever gotten caught playing pranks on friends?
11. Have you ever gotten lost somewhere as a child?
12. What was one instance that made you cry yourself to sleep?
13. Have you ever made a ridiculous impulse purchase?
14. Have you ever taken money from your parent’s wallets or purses without informing them?
15. Have you ever gotten into a serious fight with someone at school over a minor issue?
16. Would you buy expensive gifts for your friends?
17. Has a teacher ever called on you in class when you didn’t know what was going on?
18. Did you ever get into trouble during high school?
19. Do you have a tattoo printed in memory of someone?
20. Do you still enjoy hobbies that you had as a child?
21. Have you ever searched for book summaries so you wouldn’t have to read a book?
22. Do you know any two people from our friends group who are likely to get into a relationship?
23. Were you ever desperate to meet a celebrity?
24. Do you have a secret social media account?
25. Would you be okay if you were pushed into the water without a warning?
26. Given a chance, where would you want to get sequestered?
27. Do you want to model or walk the ramp someday?
28. Would you like to own an island one day?
29. Have you ever had a crush on my brother or sister?
30. Would you enjoy it if you were made the king for a day?
31. Do you believe in astrology and star signs?
32. Is there any movie that you won’t mind watching a hundred times?
33. Do you have any favorite stress-buster activity?
34. Do you believe that Elves lived in the North Pole?
35. Do you have any weird experiences with animals?
36. If you had the power to go invisible, would you enjoy it?
37. If you were a billionaire, would you buy all the cars in the world?
38. Would you go to Egypt with me for a holiday?
39. Have you ever stolen a candy bar from a local store?
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Funny Yes or No Questions
Funny yes or no questions are quite amusing. If you are feeling bored, these questions will be the ideal source of enjoyment with your friends, so have a look at these amusing yes-or-no questions and we hope you enjoy utilizing them with your company.
1. If you learned that I was secretly a spy, would you be surprised?
2. Have you ever stolen from a kid’s Halloween candy stash?
3. Have you ever told an outrageous lie to a child?
4. Are you secretly an owl inside a human robot?
5. Do you typically learn the naughty words in other languages before learning regular words?
6. Have you ever cheated at a board game?
7. Have you ever ordered takeout to avoid doing dishes?
8. Have you ever lied about your birthday to get a free dessert?
9. Does what happens in Vegas really stay in Vegas?
10. Would you ever date someone who looked exactly like a relative?
11. Have you ever had a crush on a cartoon character?
12. Do you ever narrate your life inside your head as if you were in a movie?
13. Do you think you would be a good ninja?
14. Have you ever hidden a snack so that nobody else would find it and eat it first?
15. Have you ever lied about having seen a movie?
16. Have you ever worn underwear two days in a row?
17. Do you ever pick your nose when you think nobody is watching?
18. Are there any weird things that turn you on?
19. If you could, would you switch bodies with someone for a day?
20. Do you like to do things that most people would find weird or taboo?
21. Do you like to watch people eat gross things on YouTube?
22. Have you ever stolen something, even if it was really small?
23. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
24. Did you ever eat a whole pizza by yourself?
25. Have you ever stayed out all night partying and then had to go to school or work the next day?
26. Do you like to play practical jokes on your friends and family members?
27. Do you enjoy sticking your hand in a box of spiders?
28. Have you ever taken drugs/illegal substances?
29. Have you ever done something that you regret?
30. Have you ever snuck out of your house in the middle of the night?
31. Would you ever be able to forgive someone who cheated on you?
32. Did you have a celebrity crush growing up?
33. Do you depend on your partner for day-to-day activities?
34. Do you remember how long you’ve been with your partner?
35. Have you ever dated two people at once?
36. Do you think a man and a woman can just be friends?
37. Is your partner the type of person you thought he/she would be when you were younger?
38. Have you ever dated someone you regretted later?
39. Do you believe in the saying “never go to bed angry”?
40. Have you ever had your heart broken?
41. Do you like surprises from your significant other?
42. Have we ever been on a bad date?
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Simple Yes or No Questions
Simple yes or no questions are the easiest method to get to know someone quickly and easily. Therefore, we have gathered some simple yes or no questions; we hope you would like them.
1. Have you ever been the target of a prank?
2. Have you ever been involved in a prank on a schoolteacher or other authority figure?
3. Have you ever tried marijuana? If it were legal in your state, would you try it?
4. Have you ever lost a bet and had to do something you really didn’t want to do?
5. Have you ever broken something accidentally and then lied about it?
6. Have you ever passed for someone older or younger than your real age?
7. Have you ever tried a new recipe and hated the results?
8. Have you ever jumped out of a swing only to regret it seconds later?
9. Have you ever run away from home (or from school)?
10. Have you ever skipped school to do something more fun?
11. Have you ever been involved in a car accident that was totally your fault?
12. Would you ever want to be an Olympic athlete?
13. Would you ever want to be president of the United States?
14. Do you believe that if you put a tooth behind a pillow you will get a dollar?
15. Have you ever been embarrassed in public?
16. Do you think that Jesus will still come?
17. Do you know the best footballer in the world?
18. Is there a time you wished you were never born?
19. Have you ever taken a big step that you felt thigh pains?
20. Do you have something you regret doing?
21. Have you ever been a part of an embarrassing discussion?
22. Are you comfortable with great heights?
23. Have you ever seen a male Lion from a close range?
24. Have you ever been closer to huge gorillas?
25. Do you think the myths about North Pole are real?
26. Have you ever been involved in workplace gossips?
27. Have you ever been involved in any project?
28. Have you ever thought of where people go when they die?
29. Are you comfortable in crowded spaces?
30. Can you do more than 100 pushups in 5 minutes?
31. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
32. Have you ever had a dream you never understood?
33. Did you ever get gifts while growing up?
34. Can you eat raw rat meat for a 100 backs?
35. Do you like taking things without permission?
36. Do you correct your friends sometimes?
37. Are you able to tell out your friend when they are doing bad things?
38. Can you trust your friend to bail you out when you are arrested?
39. Do you depend on your friends for emotional support?
40. Do you like hanging out with cool friends?
41. Have you ever screamed so hard that you lost your voice?
42. Would you kill me if asked to save your life?
43. Can you shout at my parents when you feel wronged?
44. Can you fight my mum when she attacks you?
45. Can you defend me from your parents?
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Hard Yes or No Questions
Here is the finest collection of some hard yes or no questions. You can use these questions to know something hard or bitter from someone like friends or relatives in an easy way. So have a look at them.
1. Do you have a preference between working in large corporations versus working with small businesses?
2. Do you plan to further your education to get a better-paying job?
3. Have you ever felt nervous during a job interview?
4. Have you ever thought of becoming an entrepreneur?
5. Do your opinions matter at your workplace?
6. Is there a moment in your career you absolutely regret?
7. Have you ever thought about quitting your job?
8. Do you see yourself in this line of work in fifteen years?
9. Do you see yourself in this line of work in five years?
10. Would you choose any of your friends to be godparents to your kids?
11. Have you and your friends ever gotten into trouble with the law?
12. Do you know any of your friend’s zodiac signs?
13. Have you ever had feelings for one of my friends?
14. Have you ever kissed or had feelings for one of your friends?
15. Have you ever gone without a shower for more than two days?
16. Have you ever traveled to another continent?
17. Do you ever watch the news or read newspapers?
18. Have you ever gotten seriously sick and gotten hospitalized?
19. Have you watched any movies more than 5 times?
20. Are you likely to take other people’s advice?
21. Can you catch a fly with your hand in midair?
22. Do you feel energized talking to new people?
23. Are looks more important than personality?
24. Do you have a problem with throwing things away?
25. Do you leave the tv on for background noise?
26. Do you like to eat different / new types of food?
27. Have you used a pick up line and it actually work?
28. Have you ever hooked up with a friend’s partner or love interest?
29. Do you snoop in peoples bathroom cabinets at parties?
30. Do you think that married people should be friends and hangout with people of the same gender as their spouse?
31. Do you value quality time more than physical touch in a relationship?
32. Would you agree to let your partner check your text messages?
33. Have you been in a toxic relationship before?
34. Do you find a partner doing housework sexy?
35. Would you rat out a friend to avoid punishment?
36. Have you picked your nose in public when nobody was looking at you?
37. Do you have a dark secret that you haven’t told anyone?
38. Is education more important than common sense?
39. Is a mandatory 4 day work week a good idea?
40. Do we have more stress in modern society than our ancestors?
41. Do you think that lots of screen time affects children’s behavior?
42. Should killing be more acceptable in media than s#x?
43. Is it a bad thing to focus on personal happiness rather than society?
44. Is it worth it to sacrifice a human life for something greater?
45. Do you think it’s likely that humans will live on another planet in the next 50 years?
46. Should parents stay together for the sake of the children?
47. Should the government to spend our tax money on the arts?
48. Should governments provide a safe place for drug addicts to do their drugs?
49. Do you believe that believing in a religion is important?
50. Do you think that humans are different from animals?
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Tricky Yes or No Questions
Tricky yes or no questions are those which are used to know someone in a tricky way. Some people are very difficult to get to know so we have to use tricky yes or no questions. Take a look at them, we hope you will find them useful.
1. If you could gain magical powers but lose one of your six senses, would you do it?
2. Do you think you will have any regrets when you’re 90?
3. If everything were to end tomorrow, would you be happy with how your life turned out?
4. If you could bring a loved one back to life but they would have no memory of you, would you do it?
5. If a stranger offered to give your family 1 million dollars if you go to jail for 10 years, would you do it?
6. If you could have certain memories erased, would you do it?
7. If you could find out how you were going to die, would you want to know?
8. Would you want to be a millionaire if it meant you would never find true love?
9. Would you fake your own death to save your family?
10. If you were adopted, would you want to meet your biological parents?
11. Would you take the blame for a major crime to save a best friend’s life?
12. Would you risk your life to save a stranger?
13. If you could find out every person who ever had a crush on you, would you?
14. If you could know what other people really thought of you, would you want to know?
15. If given the opportunity, would you live your entire life over?
16. Would you sacrifice a loved one to save a dozen strangers?
17. Would you betray a friend for a million dollars?
18. Do you think finishing college is necessary to be able to make a living?
19. Would you drink a gallon of donkey pee?
20. Can you be a president and a dictator at the same time?
21. Can you swim faster than a shark?
22. Do you think it’s cold in the fifth dimension?
23. Can you see the moon from your window?
24. Have you ever been the last person to kiss someone?
25. Have you ever been the subject of a movie?
26. Did you memorize the menu at your favorite restaurant?
27. Have you ever had more than one email address?
28. Do you think blemishes will disappear after 48-hours?
29. When is your house not under surveillance?
30. Would you hang your doctorate degree in your office?
31. Do you like to gossip with coworkers or friends?
32. Did you believe in the north pole as a kid?
33. Have you ever been lost in the wilderness?
34. Do you consider yourself afraid of the dark?
35. Do you always text with your toes?
Good Yes or No Questions
We have selected some good yes or no questions. Using these insightful yes or no questions, you can quickly learn anything about your pals. Therefore, take the time to read them, as they will be extremely helpful to you.
1. Can you do the four main swimming strokes?
2. Is ESPN the channel to watch live National Football League (NFL)?
3. Do you have a scar from playing sports?
4. Are there six Sorry cards in the deck?
5. Are there 16 squares in the game Boggle?
6. Are there 43 territories in the board game Risk?
7. Was the name of Snakes and Ladders originally called Chutes and Ladders?
8. Can between 2 and 6 people play Chinese Checkers?
9. Can you sink a sub in the game Battleship with only three hits?
10. Has Backgammon been played for 5,000 years?
11. Do spirit guides change their hairdos?
12. Can aliens read your mind if you wear a tinfoil hat?
13. Do the lizard people like to come out of the ground and sun on the rocks?
14. Do you have trouble getting back into your body when you astral project?
15. Can you take a photo of the moon with your telescope?
16. Did you name one of Jupiter’s moons?
17. Have you ever drowned with something that you were not supposed to eat?
18. Do you like to share your lunch with your friends during the break?
19. Have you ever been a week without taking a bath?
20. Do you consider yourself a social media addict?
21. Have you ever been broken or have you broken your heart?
22. When you drop the food on the floor, do you pick it up and eat it in the same way?
23. Have you ever taken money that was not yours?
24. Have you ever been pushed into the pool with your clothes on?
25. Have you ever been too scared to watch horror movies alone?
26. Have you ever cried so loud that you ended up vomiting?
27. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
28. Have you ever had your hand or tongue stuck to something?
29. Have you ever brought your partner breakfast to bed?
30. Would you lie to your partner to protect her?
31. Would you make a trip in a backpack and no money with me?
32. Do you easily forget the mistakes your partner has made?
33. Have you ever done nonsense for love?
34. Does the silence bother you when we are together?
35. Are you willing to put your happiness at stake to make our relationship successful?
36. Have you pretended to be sick at work to take a vacation?
37. Have you ever been about to die because of your imprudence?
38. Have you ever been discriminated against?
39. Would you leave your companion on a half date if the latter was a complete disaster?
40. Have you ever been with someone to forget someone else?
41. Do you feel comfortable with your body?
42. Have you ever been hooked with a very bad television series?
43. Have you ever run out of toilet paper when you have gone to a public toilet?
44. Have you ever been caught evading your responsibilities?
45. Do you rub your nose or ears in public?
46. Have you been involved with a friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?
47. Have you ever felt like killing someone?
48. Do you usually wear the same garment several times before washing it?
49. Do you consider yourself superior to the rest?
50. Do you think that women are responsible for housework and children?
Random Yes or No Questions
Random yes or no questions may be used to get to know someone via random conversation with friends. Therefore, we have compiled a set of random yes or no questions for your entertainment.
1. Do you want to get married one day?
2. Would you sleep with someone for money?
3. Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
4. Would you be with someone whose relgious beliefs are different to yours?
5. Would you ever consider changing your identity?
6. Have you ever played hookie from school or work to do something awesome?
7. Have you embarrassed yourself in front of your whole class?
8. Have you ever slept with two different people in one day?
9. Have you ever had a crush on someone inappropriate?
10. Have you ever had feelings for your best friends?
11. Would you ever have a threesome with your boyfriend or girlfriend?
12. Is social class important when choosing your partner?
13. Have you ever stolen money, or something valuable?
14. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
15. Are any of your friends as important to you as your family?
16. Have you ever spread a false rumor about someone?
17. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
18. Have you ever cried because of something completely ridiculous?
19. Have you ever been so scared you called a friend for help?
20. Have you ever considered deleting your social media?
Juicy Yes or No Questions
Here is a fine collection of some juicy yes or no questions to quench your thirst for getting to know someone in an easy and juicy way. So, take some time to read these questions, we hope these would be beneficial for you.
1. Have you ever gone more than a year without s#x, as an adult?
2. If you were invited to go to Mars, would you go?
3. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
4. Have you ever found something so funny you couldn’t stop laughing?
5. Do you pay attention to little things that matter?
6. Would you get tired of a relationship because your partner wants too much attention?
7. Can you forgive your Ex who cheats on you?
8. Can you ever keep your relationship a secret?
9. Are you sensitive to other people’s feelings?
10. Do you send sweet good morning or good night messages to someone you love every day?
Interesting Yes or No Questions
You can easily know some interesting facts from someone by using these interesting yes or no questions. So read these below-written interesting yes or no questions and share them with your friends.
1. Can you ever trust someone with your life?
2. Can you memorize a complete song in less than two hours?
3. Can you swap your bedtime routine with your morning routine and still be okay with it?
4. Do you keep journals challenging yourself to do something every day?
5. Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by people who are toxic to your well being?
6. Do you see your challenges as a disadvantage?
7. Have you ever noticed something bad about yourself?
8. Do you still think of people that hurt you in the past?
9. Can you remember the last time you went to bed without eating?
10. Have you ever stared at yourself in the mirror and admired your beauty for more than 10 minutes?
Yes or No Questions for Adults
These yes or no questions for adults are very amazing. With these questions, you’ll probably uncover some deep secrets. So be ready to have fun.
1. Can you share your toothbrush with your wife or husband?
2. Do you believe in motivational speakers?
3. Can you disobey your parent’s instructions to honour your best friend’s party invitation?
4. Can you run naked around the neighbourhood if you’re offered money?
5. Can you live a day peaceful and upright without your mobile phone?
6. Can you focus on your computer for a day without eating?
7. Do you like having eye contact with someone?
8. Do you stretch and exercise every morning?
9. Can you faint when you see your favourite celebrity?
10. Can you sell one of your kidneys for money?
Yes or No Questions for Friends
You can find out anything that you are curious about by asking these yes or no questions. So, these below written yes or no questions for friends would be very useful for you.
1. Have you ever dreamt of sleeping with someone else?
2. Have your parents caught you in an intimate moment?
3. Have you had a near-death experience?
4. Would you ever live in another country?
5. Have you ever cried watching a film?
6. Is there someone in this world you love more than anyone else?
7. Would you like to know when you’re going to die?
8. Do you have a dirty secret that no-one knows?
9. Have you ever dated someone your parents hated?
10. Have you ever made either of your parents cry?
Yes or No Questions for Students
By asking these yes or no questions for students, you’ll be able to find out their opinions on study, school, life, future and a lot more.
1. Have you ever lied to your parents?
2. Does broccoli taste better than ice cream?
3. Do you finish your homework on time?
4. Do you get wet when you swim?
5. Are airplanes slower than bicycles?
6. Are cows and cats animals that live in the jungle?
7. Are you friends with a cockroach?
8. Are strawberries sweet?
9. Can you eat pasta with a fork?
10. Can you sing a song?
Yes or No Questions for Kids
Kids like yes or no questions very much. They usually play yes or no questions game with their friends. So, yes or no questions for kids below would be the best source of entertainment for your little ones.
1. If you were a mosquito, would you disturb people’s sleep and suck their blood?
2. Can you know when your friend/mummy/daddy is not happy?
3. Would you love to be like your father/mother?
4. Can you eat dessert with hot sauce?
5. Can you build a house out of legos?
6. Are maple syrup and honey used to take a bath in?
7. Are combs used to brush your teeth?
8. Are bananas and apples vegetables?
9. Can you eat a whole pizza by yourself?
10. Does your dad help you with your homework?
Yes or No Questions for Work
Yes or no questions for work are very helpful. You can use these questions to know your colleagues better.
1. If there is a sheet cake up for grabs in the office kitchen, do you take a piece?
2. Have you ever accidentally hit “reply all” on an email?
3. Do you enjoy working directly with clients?
4. Have you ever taken an unflattering employee ID picture?
5. Are you in charge of any big projects?
6. Do you like working by yourself?
7. Do you prefer to get guidelines rather than specific instructions?
8. Have you ever quit a job without giving two weeks notice?
9. Do you like to work early in the morning?
10. Do you ever procrastinate during work?
Yes or No Questions to Ask Your Crush
If you want to find how much your crush is interested in you or just to know them better, then these yes or no questions to ask your crush would be very helpful to you.
1. Can you remember the last time you were wet?
2. Have you ever chatted dirty with your husband/wife on the phone?
3. Do you speak the truth when you play truth or dare game?
4. Have you ever woken up from bed unhappy?
5. Can you remember when you last ate your favourite meal?
6. Will you dream about me when you go to bed tonight?
7. Do you tell your friends that Jesus loves them?
8. Is there something you worry about so much that you are scared to tell me?
9. Can you identify the part of you that still needs some work?
10. Are you ashamed or scared of anything?
Yes or No Questions to Get to Know Someone
If you want to learn some basic facts about someone in a short time, these yes or no questions to get to know someone would be your best choice.
1. Is it possible to love a partner more than your family?
2. Would you be happy if you died tomorrow?
3. Would you sleep with a person of the same s#x?
4. Have you ever failed a class that you needed to pass?
5. Is money a decisive factor when choosing your partners?
6. Have you ever passed out in a public place?
7. Would you let me see your Google search history?
8. Have you had a crush on anyone in this room?
9. Have you ever been humiliated in front of your crush?
10. Have you ever been cheated on by a boyfriend or girlfriend?
4 Tips for Choosing Yes or No Questions
Here are some tips on how to choose yes/no questions. I believe you’ll find them very helpful.
1. Start a challenge:
You should start a challenge with yes or no questions game among your friends. Due to this challenge, more friends will participate and answer more questions with interest. Similarly, you can easily ask your friends for something. So, you will get the answer to anything you want to know.
2. Be casual:
Before using yes or no questions to ask to know anything, you have to see if your friend is looking happy or tense i.e., normal or not.
You should start asking questions to your friend when he is free from work or he is looking normal, if you ask questions when your friend is in tension then he will feel disgusted by your yes or no questions, and he will not answer properly.
3. Invite friends to a party:
If you want to ask your friend some hard yes or no questions then you’d better first invite your friend to your home and offer him his favorite food and drink, and then start asking him yes or no questions in a nice way.
4. Be fun
Yes or no game questions should be somewhat humorous at the beginning so that the friends can happily answer yes or no because of the humor.
When they are happily answering, then you can continue asking some deeper or harder questions that you want to know.
Final Thoughts on Yes or No Questions
We can get to know each other’s ideas through yes or no questions. If you are a journalist or a TV anchor, you can easily get the opinion of the public through yes or no questions about which politician the public likes and who dislikes.
Yes or no questions are very helpful because with them we can get to know any complicated thing from a person in a short time.
Yes or no questions game is also very interesting and entertaining. You can learn important things about your friends through this game along with fun. That’s why this game is very important.
Therefore, we suggest that if you want to get some information from a person, ask that person yes or no questions. We have prepared a list of different types of yes or no questions. You will find all types of yes or no questions here.
We hope you would have liked or article about yes or no questions. Don’t forget to ask these questions to your friends, relatives, and loved ones.