If you have been looking for animal quiz questions you have landed on the perfect spot for that. If you adore animals, you’ll enjoy these animal quiz questions!
It’s a terrific opportunity to put your animal trivia knowledge to the test, discover some intriguing new facts, and have a lot of fun while doing it.
Furthermore, it is something that can be done with individuals of various ages, allowing you to play with your family and friends.
Animals and the natural environment captivate us all. When a new David Attenborough documentary airs on television, you can bet it will be the subject of conversation among your family members and friends.
It’s amazing to see what our furry, creepy, and scaly animal pals get up to in the animal realm.
So, to satisfy your thirst, we’ve compiled a list of hundreds of animal trivia questions. To keep you guessing, these animal quiz questions and answers on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and insects cover a wide range of topics, from easy animal trivia to difficult animal trivia and everything else in between.
Animals are a truly incredible marvel of nature, able to occupy every part of the earth – in many terrible regions where we humans would have no hope of surviving. So let’s get started with these animal quiz questions to put your knowledge to the test.
Table of Contents
Best Animal Quiz Questions of All Time
Let us first take a look at some of the best animal quiz questions. This animal trivia will allow you to get a glimpse of the entire animal kingdom and its many beauties. The natural world has up to 8.7 million species. And each has its own set of characteristics and powers!
1. A Pomsky is a mixture of what two dog breeds?
Answer: Pomeranian and Siberian Husky.
2. What animal is covered in quills?
4. Which animal is the tallest in the world?
5. Which animal can stand on its tail?
6. What animal is known to be ‘man’s best friend’?
7. What animal eats mainly bamboo?

8. What animal is the largest mammal in the world?
9. What is the only mammals that can’t jump?
10. What animal is said to have 9 lives?
11. What animal is known by the nickname “sea cow?”
12. How do sea otters keep from drifting apart while they sleep?
13. What name is given to a female deer?
14. How many humps does a Bactrian camel have?
15. What are the horns of a rhinoceros made of?
16. What’s a group of kittens called?
17. What’s the only mammal that’s able to fly?
19. A baby goat is called what?
20. hat is the name of the fastest land animal?
21. How long does it take a sloth to digest a meal?
22. How many compartments are in a cow’s stomach?
23. Under their white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin?
24. Which animal’s poop is known to take the shape of cubes?
25. Which animal’s stripes are on their skin as well as their fur?
26. What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
27. Which animal is known to spend 90% of its day, sleeping?
28. Which animal call is known to have no echo?
29. What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?

30. A dog sweats through which part of its body?
Answer: Because of their diet of algae, shrimps and crustaceans.
32. What is the proper term for a rabbit’s tail?
33. How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?
34. What is the proper name for a group of crows?
35. Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?
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General Animal Quiz Questions
Do you believe you’re familiar with all of those fascinating animal facts? This animal facts quiz includes everything from ‘what sort of animal is a badger?’ to difficult animal trivia questions like ‘which animal has the longest lifespan?’
1. What do you call a frog’s ears?
Answer: Tympanums.
2. What’s the most poisonous frog on Earth?
Answer: The golden dart frog.
3. How far can frogs jump?
Answer: They can jump over 20 times their own body length.
4. Are frogs more active during the day or at night?
Answer: At night.
5. What’s a group of frogs called?
Answer: An army, colony or a knot.
6. What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?
Answer: A Rock.
7. If you see a dancing frog, it’s likely to be:
Answer: Trying to attract its mate.
8. The dusky gopher frog is also referred to as?
Answer: The Mississippi gopher frog.
9. What’s the name of the frog that has translucent skin, so you can see its internal organs, bones and muscles through its skin?
Answer: A glass frog.
10. A wart-covered amphibian with leathery skin is a what?
Answer: Toad.
11. How many groups of amphibians are there?
Answer: Three.
12. Which amphibian has a tail?
Answer: Salamanders.
13. Do axolotls live in the water or on land?
Answer: In the water.
14. Do frogs lay eggs?
Answer: Yes.
15. What’s the largest type of frog?
Answer: Goliath frog.
16. The larvae stage of a frog is called what?
Answer: Tadpole.

17. What’s the maximum amount of time Alaskan wood frogs can survive being frozen?
Answer: Seven months.
18. What covers tree frogs’ toes to help them climb and hang upside down?
Answer: Sticky mucus.
19. Why do frogs croak?
Answer: To attract a mate.
20. Nearly all amphibians undergo a significant change from infancy to adulthood called what?
Answer: Metamorphosis.
21. Why do poison dart frogs often have very brightly colored skin?
Answer: To warn predators that they are dangerous.
22. The top of the turtle’s shell is called what?
Answer: Carapace.
23. What type of reptile can detach their tails when they are in danger and then regrow it?
Answer: Lizards.
24. What reptile is known for the ability to change its body color?
Answer: Chameleon.
25. What type of reptiles are leatherbacks and ridleys?
Answer: Turtles.
26. What’s the name of the largest snake in the world?
Answer: Anaconda.
27. Are most reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
Answer: Cold-blooded.
28. What feature is visibly different between alligators and crocodiles?
Answer: Their snout.
29.Where do a tortoise lay its eggs?
Answer: In a hole in the ground.
30. The king cobra is also called what?
Answer: The hamadryad.
31. What do snakes use to smell?
Answer: Their tongue.
32. How many layers of skin does a chameleon have?
Answer: Four.
33. What animal breathes out of its butt?
Answer: Turtles.
34. Which animal can move its eyes independently?
Answer: A chameleon.
35. What does a snake shed a few times a year?
Answer: Its skin.
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Easy Animal Quiz Questions
Let us now take a look at some easy animal quiz questions and answers. This is an easy animal trivia regarding the most frequent species found in the wild. Mostly, anyhow. So go ahead and give it a go!
1. What kind of animal is a Komodo dragon?
Answer: A Lizard.
2. What kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell?
Answer: Sea turtle.
3. Where are a cricket’s ears located?
Answer: On their legs.
4. Which butterfly migrates?
Answer: Monarchs.
5. How much weight can ants lift?
Answer: 5,000 times their own body weight.
6. What color are elephant hawk-moths?
Answer: Pink.
7. How are an insect’s eyes different from human eyes?
Answer: They are made up of thousands of tiny lenses.
8. How many eyes do caterpillars have?
Answer: Twelve.
9. What’s the largest group of insects?
Answer: Beetles.
10. What’s a newly hatched butterfly called?
Answer: Caterpillar.
11. How many legs do cockroaches have?
Answer: Six.
12. Fireflies are also known by what name?
Answer: Lightning bug.
13. Why do crickets rub their wings together?
Answer: To attract a mate.
14. How many flowers do honey bees have to visit in order to make one pound of honey?
Answer: 2 million.
15. What part of its body does a butterfly taste with?
Answer: Their feet.
16. How do some female dragonflies avoid mating with undesirable males?
Answer: They play dead.
17. How many stages of metamorphosis do most insects go through?
Answer: Four.
18. Which ant has the most painful sting?
Answer: Bullet ant.
19. What are the three body parts of an insect called?
Answer: The head, thorax and abdomen.

20. What is the smallest known insect?
Answer: Fairyflies.
21. How many babies can a German cockroach produce in one year?
Answer: 30,000.
22. How fast can Dracula ants move?
Answer: 90 meters per second.
23. How many different species of ladybugs are there?
Answer: 5,000.
24. How much weight can a horned dung beetle pull?
Answer: 1141 times its own body weight.
25. What insect was the first living creature to be sent into space?
Answer: Fruit flies.
26. What is the loudest insect in the world?
Answer: Cicada.
27. How long have dragonflies been on Earth?
Answer: 300 million years.
28. How fast do a bee’s wings beat a second?
Answer: 190 times a second.
29. Which species of jellyfish are known to have the longest tentacles?
Answer: Lion’s Mane Jellyfish
30. How long does the average housefly live for?
Answer: 28 days.
31. What is the only insect that can turn its head?
Answer: Praying mantis.
32. In what mountain range would you find the snow leopard?
Answer: The Himalayas.
33. What is the largest lizard in the world?
Answer: Komodo Dragon.
34. Mus musculus is the Latin name for what common animal?
Answer: The common house mouse.
35. On what continent would you find the only giraffes in the wild?
Answer: Africa.
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Hard Animal Quiz Questions
Buckle your seat belts and join us for an exciting adventure! Let’s go exploring in the outdoors and answer one of the hard animal trivia. This section will help you get some great animal general knowledge. So let’s get going.
1. What is the only animal to sleep on its back?
Answer: Humans.
2. What flightless bird is the emblem of New Zealand?
Answer: Humans.
3.A predator by nature, and the national emblem of the United States of America, what animal am I?
Answer: A bald eagle.
4. My name can be roughly translated from ancient Greek to mean river horse, what animal am I?
Answer: Hippopotamus.
5. What animal has breeds including Jersey, Texas Longhorn and Belgian Blue?
Answer: Cow.
6. What kind of animal is the main character in the book titled Babe by Dick King-Smith?
Answer: A pig.
7. What hardworking type of animal in George Orwell’s Animal Farm is Boxer?
Answer: Horse.
8. What farm animal shares its name with a country that is often said to border both Europe and Asia?
Answer: Turkey.
9. Belonging to the Camelidae family, which also includes camels, which animal has two breeds – Huacaya and the Suri?
Answer: Alpacas.
10. What is the farm animal that becomes the best friend of Shrek?
Answer: Donkey.
11. With breeds that include Zwartbles, Corriedale and Merino, what is the name of this farm animal?
Answer: Sheep.
12. Out for a score of zero in cricket is also known as what farm animal?
Answer: Duck.
13. Which farm animal was originally domesticated in Southern China around 6,000 BC?
Answer: Chickens.
14. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are often called the greatest of all time – but what farm animal connects them?
Answer: Goat (Greatest Of All Time).
15. Which country do French Poodles come from?
Answer: Germany.
16. What colour is hippo sweat?
Answer: Pink.
17. What animal’s poop is generally cube shaped?
Answer: Wombat.

18. In which country do macaques use coins in vending machines to buy snacks?
Answer: Japan.
19. In 1986 what type of animal, named Clay Henry, was surprisingly elected mayor of Lajitas in Texas?
Answer: A goat.
20. Which cute little marine creature hold hands with their friends to keep themselves from drifting apart while sleeping?
Answer: Sea otters.
21. What is the collective name for a group of owls?
Answer: Parliament.
22. What animal is the closest living relative to the T-Rex?
Answer: Chicken.
23. What type of bear has a bite that is said to be strong enough to break a bowling ball?
Answer: Grizzly.
24. It is estimated that 3% of the glaciers in Antarctica are made up of the urine of which animal?
Answer: Penguin.
25. In which century did the phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” emerge?
Answer: The 17th Century in England.
26. In Rome, which animal is protected under the law?
Answer: Cat.
27. What sort of habitat is known to be the home for arboreal animals?
Answer: In or Around Trees.
28. What common farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw?
Answer: Goats and/or Sheep.
29. What percent of the methane in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by cows?
Answer: 30%.
30. Which type of animal is known to be the fastest bird in the world?
Answer: The Peregrine Falcon.
31. How long is an elephant pregnant with its calf before it gives birth?
Answer: 22 Months.
32. Which two mammals are the only ones known to lay eggs?
Answer: The anteater and the duck-billed platypus.
33. Which bird is unable to move their eyes?
Answer: Although they can rotate their head nearly 180 degrees, owls cannot move their eyes.
34. Which sea creature is known to be the only natural predator of the Great White Shark?
Answer: Orca, the Killer Whale.
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Funny Animal Quiz Questions
Let us now go through some funny animal quiz questions. You’ll know a lot more amazing animal trivia facts by the end than you did when you started. So, have a look at the fun animal trivia questions below and see how many you can answer correctly! You might be shocked at how skilled you are at this game.
1 Related to a famous reading device, what is the name of a group of kittens?
Answer: Kindle.
2. What type of dog was Lassie?
Answer: Collie (or Rough Collie).
3. Growing up, which Beatle had a cat called Elvis?
Answer: John Lennon.
4. In the Disney and Pixar film Toy Story, there is a toy that is also a dog. What’s his name?
Answer: Slinky.
5. In the comic strip by Jim Davis what is the name of the animal owned by Jon Arbuckle?
Answer: Garfield.
6. What is the name of The Simpsons’ dog?
Answer: Santa’s Little Helper.
7. What was the name of the Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia?
Answer: Aslan.
8. What was the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog?
Answer: Pluto.
9. Grumpy Cat, made famous by the internet meme, was how old when she passed away?
Answer: 7 years old.
10. What is a dog’s most developed sense?
Answer: Sense of Smell
11. What is the name of the dog mascot on the front of the crackerjack box?
Answer: Dog Bingo
12. What is the only continent in the world known to be snake-free?
Answer: Antarctica
16. In what year did the bald eagle become the national emblem and mascot of the United States of America?
Answer: 1789
17. In Peru, it’s common to eat which popular household pet?
Answer: Guinea Pig
18. In the entire animal kingdom, what is the only male animal known to give birth?
Answer: Seahorses
19. What color is the blood of an octopus?
Answer: Blue.
20. A Tasmanian devil is known to be which kind of animal?
Answer: Marsupial
21. What are the oldest surviving mammals on Earth?
Answer: Monotremes
22. Which animal species are known to have the largest eyes in the world?
Answer: Colossal Squid
23. Where is a shrimp’s heart located in its body?
Answer: Head
24. Which animal was elected as mayor of Lajitas, Texas in 1986?
Answer: A goat named Clay Henry.
25. What substance composes a rhino’s horns?
Answer: Keratin (hair).
26. What is Scotland’s national animal?
Answer: Unicorn.
27. Which fish is known to be the most common fish in the ocean?
Answer: Any Bristlemouth species fish.
28. Which sea creature is recognized for having the largest brain?
Answer: Sperm Whale.
29. How many facial expressions is a horse able to make?
Answer: 17.
30. In a pride, which animal does the majority of the hunting?
Answer: Female Lion; Lioness.
31. Which popular mammals are known to wash their hands and feet in urine?
Answer: Capuchin Monkeys.
32. When dragonflies are mating, what shape do their tails make?
Answer: Heart.
33. Which sense can an octopus activate through its arms?
Answer: Taste.
34. In order to survive winter, which animal is known to breathe through its butt?
Answer: Painted Turtles.
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Good Animal Quiz Questions
We’ve compiled a list of animal quiz questions with answers particularly for you! We offer everything from pet trivia responses to questions to ecological trivia questions and answers! You can play this game while keeping track of how many questions you get correctly!
1. Famous for being cuddly but not great at breeding, what animal is best seen in Chengdu China?
Answer: Giant Panda.
2. What animals are known as the Big 5 in Africa?
Answer: Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo and Leopard.
3. What is the only mammal that can fly?
Answer: Bat.
4.. In which island nation would you come across the Lemur?
Answer: Madagascar.
5. What is the largest member of the cat family (not an interbred species)?
Answer: Tiger.
6. Zoophobia is the fear of what?
Answer: Animals.
7. What bird beats its wings between 60 and 80 times per second?
Answer: Hummingbird.
8. Where would you find a polar bear – Arctic or Antarctica?
Answer: Arctic.
9.Which is the only big cat that can’t roar?
Answer: Cheetahs.
10. What is the largest land animal in the world?
Answer: Elephants.
11. What is the wingspan of a bald eagle?
Answer: 8 feet.
12. What counts for 99 percent of a panda’s diet?
Answer: Bamboo.
13. What is the collective noun for giraffes?
Answer: Tower.
14. Which mammal travels the furthest for its migration?
Answer: Humpback whale.
15. What is the oldest surviving mammal on the planet?
Answer: Echidna.
16. What is the largest of all living reptiles?
Answer: The Saltwater Crocodile.
17. How many species of penguin are there across the southern hemisphere?
Answer: 17.
18. What is the world’s smallest dog breed?
Answer: Chihuahua.
19. What is the UK’s only venomous snake?
Answer: Adder.
20. Orangutang live on only two islands in the wild – which are they?
Answer: Borneo and Sumatra.
21. What species has the largest eyes in the animal kingdom?
Answer: Colossal squid.
22. Which is the only species known to live forever?
Answer: Turritopsis nutriculaImmortal jellyfish.
23. How long does it take a sloth to digest food?
Answer: Two weeks.
24. Which animal’s eyeballs turn blue in winter to help them see at lower light levels?
Answer: Reindeer.
25. What is the fastest bird in the world?
Answer: Peregrine Falcon.
26. Which bird do you associate with peace?
Answer: Dove.
27. Hakuna Matata is a song in The Lion King… but what does the phrase mean?
Answer: No Worries.
28. What is the only bird that can fly backwards?
Answer: Hummingbird.
29. Which bird’s eye is bigger than its brain?
Answer: Ostrich.
30. What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah.
31. Dick King Smith wrote a book about a pig raised by sheep. What is the name of it?
Answer: Babe
32. What kind of fish is Nemo?
Answer: Clownfish
33. What is the name of the dog in The Wizard Of Oz?
Answer: Toto
34. Po is the main character in which film series?
Answer: Kung Fu Panda.
35. Which famous book features a mole, rat, toad and badger?
Answer: The Wind In The Willows.
Fun Animal Quiz Questions
You may be aware of the most popular facts about these animals, but there are many fun animal trivia questions and answers that no one is aware of! Here are some fun animal trivia questions that will surely enjoy.
1. How many pairs of wings do bees have?
Answer: Two.
2. What is a baby sheep called?
Answer: A lamb.
3. The baby of which animal is called a joey?
Answer: Kangaroo.
4. What is a group of lions called?
Answer: A pride.
5. Which animal can lift up to 50 times its body weight?
Answer: Ant.
6. What is a group of crows called?
Answer: A murder.
7. What is a female sheep called?
Answer: Ewe.
8. Which bird eats only bones?
Answer: Bearded vulture.
9. Which is the world’s most poisonous spider?
Answer: Brazilian wandering spider.
10. Which is the most venomous snake in the world?
Answer: Saw-scaled viper.
11. Which are the two only egg-laying mammals?
Answer: Duck-billed platypus and anteater.
12. Which is the smallest reptile?
Answer: Leaf chameleon.
13. Which bird flies the highest?
Answer: Ruppell’s vulture.
14. Which bird has the biggest wingspan?
Answer: Wandering albatross.
15. How many heart chambers does a cockroach have?
Answer: Twelve.
16. To which part of an ant’s body is its legs attached?
Answer: Its thorax.
17. Approximately, how many dolphin species exist in the world?
Answer: At least 40.
18. What is a female donkey called?
Answer: A jenny.
19. What is the color of a newborn flamingo?
Answer: Grey.
20. What does a caterpillar turn into after making a cocoon?
Answer: A butterfly.
21. How many glasses of milk does a cow give in its lifetime?
Answer: 200,000.
22. Which direction does a bat first turn after exiting a cave?
Answer: Left.
23. What is the color of a reindeer’s eyes in summer?
Answer: Gold or brown.
24. How many eggs does a hen lay in a year on an average?
Answer: 227.
25. How many hours do koala bears sleep in a day?
Answer: Up to 22 hours.
26. Which was the oldest panda that died in 2014 at the age of 114?
Answer: Jia jia.
27. What is a crossbreed between a horse and a donkey called?
Answer: Mule.
28. Which bird can mimic human speech?
Answer: Parrot.
29. What is a group of flamingos called?
Answer: Flamboyance.
30. Where do you find blind dolphins?
Answer: The Indus river.
31. Which is the only snake that builds a nest?
Answer: King cobra.
32. On which continent are chinchillas found?
Answer: South America.
33. Which is the smallest mammal?
Answer: Etruscan shrew.
34. What is a group of young pigs called?
Answer: A drift.
Famous Animal Quiz Questions
From strange animal facts to similarities with the human anatomy, we’ve compiled a collection of famous animal quiz questions and answers that will leave you speechless. This quiz covers everything from the amount of hearts to the number of eyeballs.
1. Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
Answer: Giraffe.
2. Which animal never sleeps?
Answer: Bullfrog.
3. Do sponges have a heart?
Answer: No.
4. What is the color of an ocelot?
Answer: Yellow with black markings.
5. What’s the smallest and recently discovered fish in the world?
Answer: Paedocypris progenetica.
6. Obstinacy is the collective group of which animal?
Answer: Opossum.
7. A group of squirrels is commonly known as dray. What’s the other name used for them?
Answer: Scurry.
8. The Cackle is a name of which group of animal?
Answer: Hyenas.
9. The gestation period of a tigress is?
Answer: 100 days.
10. Which bird cannot walk?
Answer: Grebe.
11. Which animal keeps growing till the death?
Answer: Lobsters.
12. A newborn kangaroo has a size of?
Answer: A Lima bean.
13. Which animal is immortal?
Answer: Turritopsis doohmii.
Farm Animal Quiz Questions
Did you guys know that a patio snail has a three-year sleep schedule? And did you know that its distant cousin, the slug, has 4 noses? Even if these trivia tidbits don’t pique your interest, it’s these types of odd truths that make for a great animal knowledge quiz. So, to assist you in doing so, we’ve compiled this list of farm animal trivia questions and answers.
1. How many cows are there estimated to be in the world?
Answer: 1 billion.
2. What breed of dog is typically used to herd sheep?
Answer: Border Collie.
3. What is a male duck called?
Answer: Drake.
4. What farm animal is said to be the friendliest?
Answer: Sheep.
5. Cows can sleep standing up or lying down, but what do they do when sleeping lying down that they can’t do when standing?
Answer: Dream.
6. How many muscles does a horse have in its ear?
Answer: 10 (Humans have just 3!).
7. Which adjective is used to describe a horse with two different colored patches, usually black and white?
Answer: Piebald.
8. What is a group of geese called?
Answer: A gaggle.
9. Do all chickens lay either white or brown eggs?
Answer: No, the Araucana lays blue and green eggs.
10. What is the fastest movement of a horse’s natural paces?
Answer: A canter.
Random Animal Quiz Questions
We promise you’ll have a good time whether you attempt these random animal trivia questions with your kids or battle with your pals to get these animal trivia with answers right! So let’s get started.
1. What type of animal is a seahorse?
Answer: Black with white stripes.
3. Which animal is known to breathe through their skin?
4. What are female elephants called?
5. What is the fastest water animal?
6. Which animal has the scientific name Bufo bufo?
7. Which large marine mammal is also known as a cachalot?
8. Cows can see colors, except for a specific one. What color are cows not able to see?
9. Which of the following breeds of dogs is NOT a true terrier?
10. Which of these dog breeds does not originate in the Netherlands?
Animal Quiz Questions for Kids
Here is a list of animal quiz questions for kids. It covers everything from the world’s fastest animals to the world’s fastest marine species, as well as a plethora of fascinating facts and animal trivia questions for children in between.
1. What is the tallest breed of dog?
Answer: Irish Wolfhound.
2. In which country can you find Komodo dragon?
Answer: Indonesia.
3. What is the largest land mammal?
Answer: African elephant.
4. What do you call a group of lions?
Answer: a troop.
5. Is the penguin type of a bird?
Answer: Yes.
6. What is the oldest mammal species ever discovered?
Answer: Bowhead whales.
7. How many bones are in a Shark’s body?
Answer: None!
8. What is the largest Shark on Earth?
Answer: Whale Sharks.
9. What do we call a baby fox?
Answer: A Pup.
10. What spider has the most venom?
Answer: A Brazilian wandering spider.
11. What is Africa’s National Animal?
Answer: A Springbok.
12. How many arms are there on a Starfish?
Answer: Five.
Animal Quiz Questions for Adults
Let us take a look at some animal trivia questions for adults. Animals constitute the most diverse subset of the animal kingdom. The majority of animals live in the jungles, and their destinies are determined by Mother Nature. They hunt or are hunted and hence must fend for themselves without human help. So, what are you holding out for? Try your hand at these animal quizzes for adults and see if you can answer them.
1. What type of lions are found in California?
Answer: Mountain Lions.
2. How many eggs does a chicken lay each year?
Answer: 250 eggs per year.
3. What is the primary food of Sheep?
Answer: Grass.
4. What is the largest snake on Earth?
Answer: A Python Snake.
5. What do sharks live off?
Answer: Small fish.
6. How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
Answer: Roughly 2 miles.
7. What animals breathe out of its bottoms?
Answer: A Tortoise.
8. Are Reptiles cold-blooded, or warm-blooded?
Answer: Cold-Blooded.
9. Where do Axolotls live?
Answer: In the water.
10. What do we call the transition from infancy to adulthood that every amphibian goes through?
Answer: Metamorphosis.
11. How many known species of Kangaroo Rat are there?
Answer: 20. They can jump as high as 2.7 meters.
12. Where do Snow Leopards live?
Answer: They live at an altitude of 3,000-4,500 meters.
13. Which type of insect produces a special kind of fabric?
Answer: Silkworm moths.
14. How fast do a bee’s wings beat per second?
Answer: 190 times a second.
15. In all of Animal Kingdom, what is the loudest animal on Earth?
Answer: A Cicada.
16. How long does it take baby goats to start walking after they are born?
Answer: 1-2 minutes.
17. What is the largest lizard on Earth?
Answer: Komodo Dragons.
Final Thoughts on Animal Quiz Questions
Animals are among the most essential species on the planet. They are classified into numerous species, and there are still a large number of animals still to be discovered.
Many animals are our companions, while others are the most wild. Some of them are harmless, but others are hostile to humans. Some are quick, while others are slow and indolent. They come in a variety of hues and exhibit a variety of characteristics.
So, if you believe you know a lot about animals but want to learn more, these animal quiz questions and answers are for you.
These animal quiz questions are entertaining, with varying degrees of ease and complexity. But I’m confident you’ll discover a wealth of fresh information about animals.
In these animal trivia questions, discover if you have the agility of a leopard or the power of a Silverback Gorilla. You’re guaranteed to know at least a few of these animal quiz questions, regardless of your general knowledge skills – and if not, please try to use it for your weekend ‘virtual pub quiz’ with your pals the next time you’re a quizzer.