If you’re away from the one you love, use these flirty truth or dare questions over text to spice up the discussion in no time!
We all enjoy a good and truth or dare. This game is ideal for two people who are just beginning to know each other.
To learn more about the one guy you’re genuinely interested in, send him these best flirty truth or dare questions over text. It might help you figure out if he’s the right guy for you.
This game will assist you in obtaining answers to your most pressing inquiries regarding him. You text him these flirty truth or dare over text to learn everything you can about him.
We’ve prepared the list of best flirty truth or dare questions over text to keep your relationship a little sparked when your partner is away!
If you run out of questions, try these flirty truth or dare questions for texting for even more entertainment!
Table of Contents
Best Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text
Spice things up with fantastic dares questions over text if you want to take your flirting dares over text to the next level. These are guaranteed to keep you and your crush hot and bothered! Send these best flirty truth or dare questions over text to your crush and see how they react!
1. How would you rate my looks on a scale of 1 to 10?
2. What’s your main romantic fantasy?
3. How many women have you kissed?
4. What’s your favorite body part on yourself?
6. Who here are you most jealous of?
7. Do you sleep without your clothes?
8. Have you ever cried because of me?
9. Do you have a name for your special places?
10. Which movie star do you think is the hottest?
11. Have you ever seen me nude in a dream?
12. Do you secretly enjoy getting dominated in bed?
13. Have you ever had an exciting dream about me?
14. Who is the one person you most regret kissing?
15. Have you ever had sexual fantasies about me?
16. If I looked in your nightstand/under your bed, what would I find?
17. What’s the biggest turn-on to you while making out with someone?
19. What would you buy me if I gave you 50 dollars?
20. What’s something I did that you didn’t expect?
21. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
22. Would you take a shower with me?
23. What is one thing that gets you hot and bothered every time?
24. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done, or that someone has done for you?
25. Do you have any interesting fetishes?
26. What do you love about me the most?
28. What’s something you find sexy that you think most other people don’t?
29. Do you enjoy it when I kiss on your neck?
30. What did you think of me when you first met me?
31. What makes you feel happiest?
32. If I went through your room, what would I be shocked to find?
33. If I kissed you, would you kiss me back?
34. Who’s the one that got away?
35. What’s the farthest you’ve gone on a first date?
36. Have you skinny-dipped in a pool?
37. Have you ever been in love?
38. Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
39. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
40. If you were here right now, what would you want to do?
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Deep Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text
Texting a flirty truth or dare question to someone is a great way to learn more about them, including their strangest secrets. Here are some flirty truth or dare over text for you to send.
1. Have you ever stalked someone on social media?
2. When did you act the most childish in your life?
3. What’s something that you always wanted to say to me but couldn’t?
4. Have you ever practice kissing?
5. What is the most embarrassing gift you have ever gotten?
6. What color underwear are you wearing right now?
7. Have you ever wore someone else’s underwear?
8. Have you ever flashed someone?
9. Do you sometimes opt to go pantyless?
10. What size is your bra?
11. How often do you go with no bra?
12. Who is the best kisser you have ever kissed in your life?
13. What is the worst date you have ever been on?
14. How much do you admire your body in the mirror?
15. Do you have memories of the craziest thing we have ever done together?
16. Which moments in our lives do you feel like it should last forever?
17. How often do you feel my love for you?
18. What is the one thing when done often rekindles the spark between us?
19. Have you ever felt at any moment that we might not be compatible or meant for each other?
20. At what moment did you realize that you are deep in love with me?
21. What moments of our lives that you feel it should never repeat itself ever again in our lives?
22. Have you ever crush to someone while we are together?
23. What happens in case we are forced to have a long-distance relationship?
24. Who between us loves the other the most?
25. What happened and how did you deal with it?
26. What is the one thing that people don’t know about you?
27. What is your favorite place on your body you’d prefer I kiss more?
28. What is the one thing people mistakenly underestimate your abilities for?
29. What is the one thing that most people feel and think you will never but you have done?
30. What do you like the most about me?
31. What do you feel every time I am near you?
32. Have you ever asked someone out?
33. Have you ever had someone turn down your request for an out?
34. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in regards to us?
35. What panties do you prefer the most?
36. Who kissed first between us when we first kissed?
37. If you are asked to change just thing about your body, what will it be?
38. Which celebrity do you admire the most to be your celebrity crush?
39. If you are asked to improve just one thing about me, what will it be?
40. If you are asked to change just one character about yourself, what will that be?
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Fun Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text
While sending texts to your loved one, feel free to include these flirty truth or dare questions for texting as well, and remember to have fun while playing! It’s not as difficult as you might think to send the greatest fun dares via SMS. Just make it light and enjoyable!
1. What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
2. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
3. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
4. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
5. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
6. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
7. What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
8. What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
9. What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
10. What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
11. How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
12. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
13. Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
14. What’s the best type of cheese?
15. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
16. What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
17. Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
18. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
19. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
20. If you were an artist, what would you paint on your first day?
21. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
22. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
23. What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers?
24. What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
25. What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal?
26. What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?
27. What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of?
28. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
29. What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time?
30. What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
31. If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be?
32. What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
33. What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
34. What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
35. What two totally normal things become really weird if you do them back to back?
36. What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
37. What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?
38. What would be the best-worst name for different types of businesses?
39. What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
40. Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
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Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Him
The texting version of the classical truth or dare questions game is a terrific way to discreetly flirt with the guy you like, get to know him better, and discover mutual interests – all while getting you closer than before. Check out these flirty truth or dare questions to text him.
1. If we are to choose one person between us for the death squad, will it be you or me?
2. Do you remember the first 3 and the last 3 persons you kissed in your life?
3. How comfortable will you be kissing someone on the first date?
4. How many children do you prefer to have in the future?
5. Who are the best 5 cutest persons you have ever seen?
6. What is the sexiest thing about me?
7. What is the likelihood of you dating someone shorter than you?
8. Would you consider someone 5 years younger than you for marriage if they meet all other criteria you have in mind?
9. How comfortable will you be dating someone 10 years older than you?
10. When stranded somewhere, who will you call first apart from your parents and relatives?
11. What is your biggest fear in regards to your love life?
12. How comfortable are you kissing someone of the same s#x as you?
13. What will happen to your current love life if your crush shows interest in you right now?
14. What do you love the most about your current girlfriend?
15. Have you ever thought of marrying someone you are with right now?
16. Have you ever had a rebound in your life?
17. Have you two ever had a serious fight?
18. Have you ever stopped talking to each other for a few days after a misunderstanding?
19. Whose cuddles and massages are better and more electrifying?
20. Who makes better tasting meals?
21. Who is more outgoing between you?
22. Who often calls or texts the first?
23. Who is more romantic between you and your special one?
24. Who is most likely to leave the other first in case of a breakup?
25. Who often goes an extra step to make sure the other is happy and comfortable?
26. What physical features on your body do you get complimented the most?
27. Whose face looks more or less of a model?
28. Is there a time in your lives when you felt like you’ve gone crazy over something only to find out it was a lie?
29. Who do you feel is generally more innocent?
30. Would you prefer life now or back in the ’70s when everything was crazy sexy cool?
31. Have you ever made out with a different person while in a relationship?
32. Do you have any big regrets so far?
33. Have you ever had someone ghosting on you?
34. Have you ever worn a G-string?
35. When was the last time you peed on yourself?
36. Have you ever had someone you truly loved with everything you have?
37. What size is your underwear?
38. How much do you love playing flirty truth or dare questions?
39. When was the last time you felt the love impulse feeling when with someone you truly love?
40. Did the game rekindle some good memories?
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Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Her
Here are some flirty truth or dare questions to text her to ask your crush next time for learning more about her. Discover her biggest secret, the most embarrassing things she’s ever done on a first date, her guilty pleasure, and the flirting awkward secrets she never told her parents.
1. What are some things that are okay to occasionally do but definitely not okay to do every day?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
3. Do you believe in the idea of a soulmate?
4. Who is your celebrity crush?
5. What is your worst date story?
6. Do you prefer to make the first move?
7. If I asked you out, would you say yes?
8. Have you ever sent dirty text messages?
9. Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
10. Which would you rather do together: dinner and drinks, a movie, or a hike?
11. Do you prefer a crazy night out, or relaxing at home?
12. Are you willing to try new things?
13. Do you have any secret talents?
14. What is your dream job?
15. Is the third date too soon for Netflix n’ Chill?
16. Can you describe your perfect weekend?
17. Who do you think is my celebrity look-alike?
18. What is your dream home like?
19. Did you ever have the hots for a teacher?
20. What do you think of my style?
21. What color do you think would look best on me?
22. What quality do you like most about yourself?
23. What’s more important, brains or looks?
24. Do you prefer coffee shops or bars?
25. Describe your ideal relationship in one sentence?
26. Do you prefer being the big spoon or little spoon?
27. What was a deal breaker in a past relationship?
28. How on earth are you still single?
29. Do you like using pet names in a relationship?
30. What is it about you I’m so drawn to?
31. Is sexual chemistry important to you?
32. How will you take it if I kissed you on the lip right now?
33. What would you do in case of an alien attack or zombie apocalypse?
34. If we are to spend a day together, where will it be?
35. How do you take the thought of us getting married soon?
36. How did you feel when I first touch you?
37. How many of those do you wish you could forget?
38. What’s worst flirting you’ve experienced?
39. Rate my flirting so far out of 10?
40. How many dates have you been on this year?
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Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Boyfriend
The following truth or dare questions for boyfriend over text can be a lifesaver when it comes to starting a conversation with your crush, one that will almost certainly continue on your next (or first) date. They can also be utilized to show your partner that you like him without openly telling him. This is a huge bonus.
1. What’s the sexiest thing a partner can do for you?
2. How high up does this date rank amongst them all?
3. Would you date someone completely opposite to your type, just to see?
4. Do you have any brushes with celebrity when it comes to flirting?
5. If someone was really good looking, but couldn’t make you laugh – would you still be interested?
6. Do you think your flirting is always successful?
7. What’s the worst most cringey flirting you’ve ever tried to do?
8. Do you have a go-to style or method to make someone like you?
9. How many dates do you wait before a kiss?
10. How much do you focus on your dates outfit when you meet them?
11. Where’s the most bizarre place you’ve hooked up with someone?
12. Do you prefer dressing casually or getting glammed up?
13. What’s the best chat up line you’ve heard?
14. Would you binge-watch a series with me?
15. What’s one drink that gets you wild without fail?
16. What’s a weird trait that you find attractive about me?
17. What’s the nicest gesture someone has made for you?
18. How many times have you been in love?
19. What is your ultimate romantic holiday?
20. Have you had much luck with dating on apps?
21. What’s your favourite love story, either film or book?
22. What’s the most moving scene in a film you’ve watched?
23. What’s a song that means a lot to you?
24. What’s the funniest film you’ve seen?
25. What’s the best line you’ve read in a book or poem?
26. What TV series are you into at the moment?
27. Are any of your tattoos in funny or intimate places?
28. If you were an ice lolly what would you be?
29. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
30. What’s the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
31. Where are your tickle buttons?
32. What are your pet hates or “icks”?
33. Would you say you’re a good kisser?
34. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
35. What habits have you adopted from your parents?
36. What did you get in trouble for most as a child?
37. What experiences/views on life from your family do you take with you always?
38. If you could change an hour of your life, when would it be and why?
39. If you could re-experience an hour of your life, when would it be and why?
40. Do you ever imagine we have company in the Universe?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Girlfriend
All of the truth or dare questions for girlfriend over text listed below will help you get to know your girl better, and more significantly, they will help you become her confidant. It’s an incredible first step toward a long-term partnership.
1. What achievement are you most proud of?
2. Tell me something about yourself nobody knows?
3. Who would you say is your strongest influence/idol?
4. Have you ever experienced heartbreak?
5. Have you done much travelling before?
6. Where’s on your travel bucket list?
7. Where is your favourite destination to visit?
8. Would you ever backpack the world?
9. Where do you see yourself living in five years?
10. Is there a skill or talent you wish you had?
11. What are you most afraid of missing out on as you get older?
12. Are you what you wanted to be when you grew up?
13. What famous person would you most like to meet?
14. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt from your parents?
15. Is it too early to tell you how amazing I feel around you?
16. You drive me a little crazy, you know that?
17. What would you say if I asked you out to dinner?
18. Can you name three things that always make you smile?
19. Want to go on an adventure together?
20. Would you like to share my umbrella with me?
21. So, what would you like to know about me?
22. Would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
23. What are you like when you really let go?
24. What are you doing for the rest of your life?
25. Do you like small gatherings or big parties?
26. What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you today?
27. Do you like to do things alone or be around people?
28. What type of music do you like?
29. Have you ever tried anything else to replace your current hobby?
30. How would you describe your best friend?
31. Would you say you’re living life to the fullest?
32. Do you have a favorite thing to do to relax?
33. Do you ever remember your dreams?
34. What is the best part of your culture?
35. Would you consider yourself creative?
36. Are you madly in love with anyone right now?
37. Do you easily accept compliments?
38. How would people close to you describe you in three words?
39. Do you believe some people are destined to be together?
40. Are you a keen follower of fashion?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text to Ask a Guy
In this section, we’ve compiled a list of flirty truth or dare questions over text for guys that are sure to take your relationship to the next level between you and your crush or partner.
1. Are you introvert of extrovert?
2. What’s the perfect way to ask someone out?
3. Do you find yourself more drawn to brain or looks?
4. Do you let your friend’s opinions get in the way of your relationships?
5. What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve done?
6. When’s the last time you felt butterflies?
7. Are you planning anything exciting for the next 24 hours?
8. Is there anything about me that initially drew your attention?
9. When the last time you laughed so much you cried?
10. Did you do anything interesting today, besides talking to me?
11. Would you ever visit a nude beach?
12. Have you ever been so drunk to pee your plants?
13. Are you a fan of public displays of affection?
14. What would surprise me about your phone’s pics if I looked at them now?
15. When you tell your friends you have been arrested, what will they think the reason is?
16. Would you be socked if saw the search history of your web browser?
17. Is there a fictional character who reminds you the most of me?
18. Is it possible to eat a hot dog in one just bite?
19. How about a life drawing class where you pose naked?
20. When was the last time you dreamed about someone s*xually?
21. Which name you would choose if you could change it?
22. If the price was right, would you become a sugar daddy?
23. If a genie were to grant you one wish, what would you wish for?
24. How do you plan on getting me drunk?
25. What would you do if tonight is the last night of your life?
26. Have you ever been late on a date?
27. Have you been ever on a tinder date?
28. If we could be a couple on TV, which couple you choose?
29. If I told you that I am a vampire what would you say?
30. What meme best represents your life?
31. What are your favorite pet names?
32. If you could be an animal for the rest of your life, which one do you choose to be?
33. If suddenly start singing “Macarena” what could you do?
34. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
35. What is the cutest thing you have ever done?
36. If we could be in a trip right know?
37. What is your love language?
38. What was your favorite part of the day?
39. Do you prefer kissing or hugging?
40. Do you feel comfortable sleeping beside someone?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text to Ask a Girl
If you want to explore more about your crush but don’t know how to approach her, a flirting truth or dare game is the way to go. Let’s glance over these flirty truth or dare questions over text for girl.
1. Who is your favorite actor, and why?
2. What’s your idea of an ideal man?
3. If you don’t like romantic gestures, what would you want your guy to do for you instead?
4. What turns you on the most in a guy?
5. Do you like to be the dominant or submissive partner in a romantic relationship?
6. What was the first thing that came to your mind when you saw me?
7. Do you like it if guys make the first move, or if you are the one to initiate a conversation?
8. When did you first fall in love?
9. What’s your favorite place to get a butterfly kiss?
10. Would you like it if your guy gave you body massages from time to time?
11. Are you a party girl or a stay at home and binge watch on Netflix kind of girl?
12. Do you think men treat you differently when you dress in different clothes?
13. If you had 24 hours left to live, what’s the one thing you’d do that you wouldn’t dare do today?
14. What type of flirting do you prefer – via texts or face to face?
15. What are your plans for tomorrow night?
16. The wildest fantasy you have?
17. According to you, what three things do you believe make up a good relationship?
18. Are you aware of any times when you did something in public that you shouldn’t have done?
19. How would you describe the biggest regret you’ve ever had in your love life?
20. How would an entire day with me look if you had the chance?
21. Have you ever been single for an extended period of time?
22. How many of the items on your bucket list are on the top of your priority list?
23. What is your preferred method of communication?
24. Are there any tattoos on your body?
25. When you know the answer is “yes”, what would you ask me?
26. Do you have a favorite dirty joke?
27. What do you think about video chatting with me?
28. Could you share some of your favorite playlists?
29. How about showing me your favorite photo on your phone?
30. When was the last time you had a great night out?
31. Who would you like to meet if you could meet any celebrity?
32. Which moment stood out the most to you today?
33. How about sending me an animated GIF of your choice?
34. What are you doing up until this hour?
35. When you’re in the shower, do you sing?
36. Which 3 items can’t you live without?
37. Is there an instrument you can play?
38. When you have nothing to do, what do you do?
39. Are you interested in finding out which musical artist is playing near you?
40. Is there a joke you have ever heard that is as bad as it gets?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Friends
Flirty truth or dare questions can let you learn whatever you want to know about your friend in a discreet manner. You’ll be able to tell if he’s right for you by asking these truth or dare questions over text for friends. Dive in!
1. Can you tell me when you are free next?
2. How would you describe what you are wearing right now?
3. If you were on Death Row, what would be your final meal?
4. What type of leader are you?
5. Would you like me to buy you a drink?
6. What do you think about men making the first move in a relationship?
7. Do you have an odd attraction to anything?
8. I would like to know what song you would sing for me if you had to sing for me?
9. What is the sexiest accent a man can have?
10. When you meet someone for the first time, do you kiss?
11. What would you say about your adventurous nature?
12. Are you more likely to follow your heart or mind?
13. What would your ideal Valentine’s Day look like?
14. Are you more interested in going to a strip club with me or teasing me?
15. What dating apps do you have on your phone?
16. When you wake up in the morning, how much time does it take for you to dress?
17. What were your motives for lying about your age?
18. Have you ever been hit on by a woman?
19. Can you tell me how you would convince me to come home with you tonight?
20. How likely is it that I will appear on the cover of my favorite magazine?
21. Do you think I’d make an appropriate partner during a zombie apocalypse?
23. Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?
24. If you could ask me anything without being judged, what would that be?
25. Do you like trying new things or sticking to what is familiar?
26. Do you prefer a quiet night in or a fun night out?
27. Are you more interested in the past or the future?
28. What are you most passionate about in life?
29. Did you smile right now when you saw I texted you?
30. What’s your favorite thing to do at the end of a good date?
31. What thing would you recommend everyone should try at least once?
32. What fact about you would surprise me the most?
33. If you could change any law, what would it be?
34. Do you want to go on a second date?
35. What made you agree to go on a date with me?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Couples
Do you need assistance sending your sweetheart spicy and seductive texts? A game of truth or dare may always be a fun way to spark a man’s interest over text. Below, we’ve collected some best truth or dare questions over text for couples for you.
1. What was your best org##m ever?
2. What kind of p##n do you watch?
3. Do you prefer to give or receive?
4. What’s the best s#x you’ve ever had?
5. When was the last time you had a dirty dream?
6. If you could have s#x anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7. If you could choose what I was wearing right now, what would you choose?
8. How many people have you slept with?
9. What’s your favourite part of my body?
10. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
11. Have you ever been caught having s#x?
12. Have you ever slept with someone you work with?
13. Have you ever sent nudes of yourself?
14. Have you ever made a s#x tape?
15. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
16. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
17. Do you think you could take off my underwear with no hands?
18. What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?
19. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during s#x?
20. Do you prefer eye contact or not during s#x?
21. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
22. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
23. What’s your favourite part of foreplay?
24. What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an org##m?
25. What’s the best thing about our s#x life?
26. Quickie or marathon session?
27. Do you like sexting?
28. How many positions do you think you’ve tried?
29. Would you say you’re kinky?
30. When did you first have s#x?
31. Would you dress up for me in bed?
32. What would you like to do more of in bed?
33. Have you had s#x in a car?
34. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
35. What’s your favourite toy?
36. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text for Crush
If you’re feeling naughty and want to tease your crush, give them this challenge of flirty truth or dare question over text to ask your crush and see what they say. Who knows, you could appreciate their response as well.
1. Do you enjoy playing rough in the bedroom?
2. How many positions do you like during s#x?
3. Would you have s#x on the first date?
4. Would you let someone give you a full body massage on a first date?
5. Are you a yoga pants or a dress guy?
6. Do you like holding hands in public?
7. Do you enjoy spontaneous s#x?
8. How do you like being teased?
9. Where would you like to have s#x outside the home?
10. Would you have s#x in a store fitting room?
11. Are we going to have some fun later?
12. Send me a link of a sexy outfit you’d like to see me in?
13. How many times a night do you like to have s#x?
14. Have you ever hit it and quit it?
15. Would you dump someone because they won’t perform certain sexual acts?
16. What do you do best in bed?
17. When are you the horniest, in the morning or evening?
18. What is the freakiest thing you’d want your partner to do to you?
19. Who in your office would you have a threesome with?
20. Would you sleep with someone of the same s#x?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text When Picking Truth
Many individuals have secrets, especially early in a relationship, so asking these flirty truth questions to ask over text is the ideal opportunity to ask him those awkward questions that he probably wouldn’t answer otherwise. Try it!
1. Would you sleep with anyone at your college?
2. How do you go about trying to seduce someone?
3. Have you ever lied about your age to sleep with someone?
4. When was the last time you had a wet dream?
5. Have you ever looked through my phone?
6. Am I the best looking person you’ve ever dated?
7. What are you afraid of in the bedroom?
8. Do you have a nickname for me I don’t know about?
9. What was your last diary entry about me?
10. On a scale of 1-10, how dishonest are you?
Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text When Picking Dare
Do you want to know exactly what your crush is going to do? Do you want to see if he’s amusing or if he’ll be silly in front of you? The simplest approach to persuade him to be flirty and embarrassing with you is to play flirty dares over text. Check out this list of flirty dare questions over text.
1. Show your most embarrassing profile picture.
2. Copy the latest TikTok Dance.
3. Screenshot of your last chat/message from your crush.
4. Have someone put makeup on your face while blindfolded.
5. Wear only a trash bag as your clothes and walk like you are on a runway.
6. Call a random person and tell them you love them.
7. Crossdress and set it as a profile pic.
8. Take an item of food from the refrigerator and kiss it passionately for 60 seconds.
9. Talk like a flirtatious casanova.
10. Change your FB name with your ex’s name.
11. Write a love letter and upload it on Facebook.
12. Wear something I would pick from your closet.
13. Give someone a lap dance in a tone of a nursery rhyme.
14. Slow dance with someone while listening to a fast song.
15. Give an acceptance speech like you won an oscar.
16. Give a foot massage to any willing participant.
17. Do a pole dance with a human pole.
List of Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text
If you’ve been flirting nonstop with someone you like, make it twice as fascinating by playing truth or dare over text. To help you out, we’ve compiled this list of flirty truth or dare questions over text.
1. What did you like most about school?
2. Are you sentimental?
3. Do you like massages?
4. What is something you want to learn more about?
5. What do relationships need in order to survive?
6. What has failure taught you?
7. Do you like sharing a bed?
8. Are you ticklish?
9. Are you stubborn or open?
10. What are you the most confident about?
5 Tips for Playing Truth or Dare Over Text
Do you have a crush on someone and want to learn a little more about them? If you’re still texting / getting to know each other, you may suggest a nice game of flirty truth or dare questions over text.
It’s simple to learn how to play flirty truth or dare over text. The primary difference between this and a conventional Truth or Dare game is that you will not be chatting to your crush face to face. While texting your answer to truth questions is simple, texting dares requires a little more effort.
Even the best flirty truth or dare questions for texting might now cause a rift between your buddies. Before you begin, it’s a good idea to assess who is and isn’t truly interested in the game. Below are some easy guidelines to ensure that no one’s feelings are damaged and that your friendships remain intact.
1. Survey the players – The first stage in starting a game of Truth or Dare is to evaluate the level of interest in the activity. You can tell who isn’t interested in playing by looking at their faces and emotions when the game is initially presented. You can involve them rather than forcing them to sit out if you adjust your truth inquiries to less intrusive issues. Similarly, enlisting the help of other players might be a good idea.
2. Think about feelings – Because you’ll almost certainly be playing the game with friends, it’s a good idea to reflect on previous encounters. You should always be aware of your emotions. Make sure you’re not reopening previous wounds and that you’re considerate. You don’t want to lose a friend because of a hastily devised Truth or Dare question.
3. Keep it fun – It seems simple enough, yet it’s worth mentioning. Nobody wants to play a game of Truth or Dare in which they have to do 100 squats every round. That isn’t entertainment; it is fitness.
4. Select the best truth questions – The best truth questions are those that reveal some personal information you didn’t know before. Instead of coaxing some deep, dark secret out your buddies, ask them questions about emotional response.
5. Use the question generator – You can utilize an online Truth or Dare Question generator in addition to the standard options. This can help get the conversation started and off to a good start.
Final Thoughts on Flirty Truth or Dare Questions Over Text
We hope you enjoyed this article of best flirty truth or dare questions over text. There are plenty of flirting truth or dare text ideas to keep in touch with the one you love when you’re apart!
These flirty truth or dare questions for texting are sure to “kick it up a notch” between you and your crush — in a fun, flirty way and result in a lot of laughs.
A game of flirty truth or dare over text could be ideal for discreetly flirting with your crush or simply getting him to open up.
Thanks for going through this article of some best flirty truth or dare questions over text. Please let us know about your views and share this article!