For decades we have been playing truth or dare games with friends and family. It has been a traditional game, especially for teenagers. Young couples also love to play this game, especially boys who like to ask truth or dare questions for girlfriend.
Truth or dare questions for girlfriend can be the best choice to uplift your relationship with your girlfriend. This game is the best way to get to know your girlfriend better. You just need to write down the best choice of questions you want to ask her.
Truth or dare questions for girlfriend must be daring. Unfortunately, boyfriends try to make this game difficult by giving their girlfriends weird tasks. But with truth and dare questions for girlfriend if played well, you can dig deeper into her life.
Table of Contents
Best Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
We have shared some of the best truth or dare questions for girlfriend. These questions are selected to have a good start of your truth and dare game with your girlfriend.
1. What is the hottest thing a lover can say in bed?
2. What is the sexiest quality a partner can have?
3. Do you like giving and/or receiving oral s#x?
4. What is your least favorite thing to do in bed?
5. Have you ever been discriminated against?
6. What would most people be surprised to learn about you?

7. What one change do you wish you could make in the world?
8. What challenging experiences have made you stronger?
9. If you got pregnant today, what would you do?
10. Who have you been friends with the longest?
11. What social causes do you feel passionately about?
12. What do you want to be remembered for?
13. What do you want your life to be like in 5 years?
14. Which do you crave the most: stability or adventure?
15. What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
16. If you won the lottery, would you still work?
17. What skill have you worked the hardest to master?
18. What do you like the most about technology?
19. If money was not a factor, where would you live?
20. What do you see when you look at me?
21. What foreign country would you love to live in?
22. What is a better gift: A couples’ spa day, a weekend getaway, or diamond jewelry?
23. What would be the perfect Valentine’s Day?
24. Who usually says ‘I love you’ first in your relationships?
25. What was your first sexual experience like?
26. Would you ever quit your job or move to a new city for your partner?
27. What is the hottest thing a lover can wear?
28. What song do you wish was written about you?
29. What do you look forward to the most when you think about getting old?
30. Which do you like better: giving or receiving gifts?
31. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
32. What sounds or smells bring you comfort?
33. What is the oddest thing you have kept for sentimental reasons?
34. What is your favorite home-cooked meal?
35. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
36. When you were a kid, what did you imagine your life would be like as an adult?
37. Which do you like better: sunrise or sunset?
38. What do you like most about being a woman?
39. Besides social networking sites, what websites do you visit every day?
40. Would you ever pose nude for a photograph or painting?
41. If you could steal the talent or intelligence from any one person, whose would you steal?
42. What’s the best magic trick you’ve ever seen?
43. What unhealthy food do you wish was good for you?
44. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
45. What is the best advice your parents ever gave you?

46. Do you have a mantra or a saying that gets you through difficult times?
47. What do you like your partner to do for you when you’re sick?
48. When you walk into a room, do you want to be noticed or do you prefer to blend in?
49. If you had to switch careers, what career would you choose?
50. What is your favorite thing about body massages?
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Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Who does not like a funny boyfriend, well at least some research says that funny boys are the most attractive ones. Try out these funny truth or dare questions for girlfriend and make your girlfriend and yourself laugh.
1. What’s the cheesiest pick-up line you could use to make me laugh my heart out?
2. What’s something you tried only once and will never do again?
3. If you were suddenly arrested by the police, what do you think would I assume you’ve done?
4. If our relationship was a romantic comedy, what would its title be?
5. What music do you think plays in the background whenever I see you?

6. How many licks do you think would it take me to reach the center of your heart?
7. Of all the inappropriate thoughts of me that you’ve ever had, which one is the funniest?
8. Do you plan on bugging me every single day for the foreseeable future?
9. When did you realize that you needed such a handsome guy like me in your life?
10. Would you rather be completely alone for three years or never be alone for three years?
11. If people were suddenly capable of hearing your thoughts for a few seconds, what would they hear?
12. What would be our course of action once the zombie apocalypse comes?
13. Would you rather have a face that resembles that of a fish or smell fishy for the rest of your life?
14. If your doppelganger suddenly appeared, how would you prove to me that you’re the real one?
15. What is the nastiest-sounding word you’ve ever heard in your life?
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Interesting Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
A group of interesting truth or dare questions for girlfriend can be the best choice to ask. Asking interesting questions builds up the curiosity for each other and unravels some new secrets as well.
1. Would you rather have a sports car, a private jet, or a boat?
2. What fictional character do you wish was your best friend?
3. Would you rather go a day without your phone or without toilet paper?
4. When was the last time you sent a letter or postcard?
5. What fitness craze, popular TV show, or other cultural phenomenon do you not understand?
6. What is most embarrassing phase you ever went through?
7. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever overheard?
8. If you were going to invent a cocktail, what would it be?
9. What is the lamest pickup line anyone has ever used on you?
10. If you had a knock-knock joke that would certainly knock at my heart’s door, what would it be?
11. What’s your credit card number, and what are the numbers on the back?
12. What mildly annoying curse do you wish you could curse people with?
13. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done around someone you had a crush on?
14. Do I make your heart race when I walk into the room, or should I try harder?
15. If you had to take a pie to the face, what flavor would it be?
16. When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?
17. What fake rumor would I actually believe about you?
18. What’s the most hilarious thing that somebody has walked in on you doing?
19. What do you wish people would stop asking you again and again?
20. Would you rather kiss me for 1 second or hug me for 1 minute?
21. What is the most creative insult you can come up with?
22. Why does your lingerie look better on me than you?
23. If a stranger gave you candy, would you accept it?
24. When’s the last time you acted immature to get what you wanted?

25. What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
26. What always sounds like a good idea but actually isn’t?
27. If there was a perfume that was based on your natural scent, what would it be called?
28. If you could “right-click” people, what options would appear?
29. What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?
30. Would you rather have an annoying short-term memory or a dreadful long-term memory?
31. What’s the funniest pick-up line anyone has ever used on you?
32. What common knowledge is actually very common but really isn’t?
33. Why should you be banned from taking selfies forever?
34. What’s the funniest nickname that people ever called you?
35. What strange food combination do you absolutely enjoy but many other people hate?
36. If you only had red and purple to choose as your skin color, which one would you pick?
37. What’s a surefire way to tickle your heart?
38. What funny rumor did you create that accidentally spread like wildfire?
39. If we were stranded on a desolate area with nothing to consume, would you eat me?
40. What’s your excuse for existing in this world?
41. If a snake bit my butt, would you be willing to suck the venom out?
42. Besides duck-face selfies, what other animal-face selfies can you do?
43. Have you ever been caught in an awkward situation where you just wanted the ground to swallow you up?
44. If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
45. What would your life be called if it was a sitcom series?
46. What practical joke did you make that you realized went way too far?
47. Why do you think dogs like to smell the butt of other dogs?
48. There are about 8 billion people on Earth, so why did you choose me?
49. If you could be a boy for a day, what would you do?
50. How many stars in the universe do you think exploded today?
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Romantic Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Under this section, you can get to know some romantic truth and dare questions for girlfriend. Romance is the key to heart and asking romantic questions or giving some romantic dares is the best thing to do.
1. What can I do to spice things up in our relationship?
2. Is there anything you ever wanted to say to me but couldn’t?
3. Are there any secret things you wish we could do together?
4. Where do you like me to kiss you the most?
5. Are there any special names you wish I would call you?
6. Are there any words that make you feel more loved?
7. How many times do you think about me during the day?
8. What type of gifts make you feel special?
9. If you could paint a picture of our love, what would it look like?
10. Can you name 3 ways I make you feel special?
11. Do you love fancy restaurants or prefer watching the stars together?
12. What’s your worst memory about our relationship?
13. Are there any moments in our relationship that you would like to relive over and over again?
14. What goals do you think we need to set for our relationship to flourish?
15. What calms you down the most and makes you feel loved?
16. What physical gestures do you find attractive?
17. If you had enough money to do something special for us, what would you do?
18. What’s your definition of love and affection?
19. Is there anything you think our relationship is lacking?
20. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think I love you?
21. Do you think that people can be too much in love?
22. Do you believe that each person has a soulmate?
23. If you could define real love in 60 seconds, how would you describe it?
24. In your opinion, what is a relationship deal-breaker?
25. Where would you like to have your romantic honeymoon?

26. What’s the one thing you think will make our relationship last longer?
27. What are your greatest fears about our relationship?
28. Do you think that we can have a beautiful future together?
29. Can you tell me 5 things I do that annoy you?
30. What can I do to make your life more comfortable?
31. Is there anything you would like me to change about our relationship?
32. Did you fall in love with me the first time we met?
33. Do you know that you are perfectly amazing?
34. What is your definition of true happiness?
35. Do you prefer quiet while were together or do you like talking?
36. Do you like walking on the beach barefooted?
37. On a scale of 1-10, how in love are you with me?
38. Do you love having candles lit while on a date?
39. What is your idea of a perfect romantic date night?
40. What’s the most romantic film you have ever seen?
41. What are your feelings about our first kiss?
42. What makes you the happiest about our relationship?
43. Would you dance with me on an empty dance floor?
44. Does it make you feel good when I tell you how cute you are?
45. What’s the craziest thing you’d do for me?
46. Would you take a break from your favorite hobby just to spend some time with me?
47. What do you feel when we hold each other’s hands?
48. Would you rather hug for 5 seconds or kiss for 1 second?
49. How many times did you want to kiss me before our actual first kiss?
50. Would you kiss me where people are watching?
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Good Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
We have selected and penned down some good truth or dare questions for girlfriend. These questions are the best way to spend quality time with your girlfriend, be it a romantic dinner or a cozy night at your home.
1. Do you talk about me when you’re with your friends?
2. What’s a weird nickname that people call you?
3. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve heard someone do?
4. What is one thing that never fails to make you laugh?
5. What book had the biggest impact on you?
6. At what point did you decide that you wanted us to be a couple?
7. Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
8. What’s the most important thing you learned from your parents?
9. What was the best gift you’ve ever given to someone?
10. What do you wish you had started a long time ago?
11. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
12. What are you excessively obsessive-compulsive about?
13. What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever done for anyone?
14. What animal would you like to be and why?
15. What happened during your worst date ever?
16. If your house was burning, what three things would you save first?
17. Is there something surprising that I still don’t know about you?
18. What would your perfect wedding look like?
19. What’s the best ice cream and topping combination?
20. How would you spend your last day to live?
21. What do you like about yourself the most?
22. What’s your favorite thing that we do together?
23. How would you describe me in just one word?
24. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
25. What would be your ideal vacation with me?
26. How many kids would you like to have in the future?
27. What do you think about these three words: attractive, sexy and erotic?
28. Where is your favorite place to be kissed?
29. Is there anything that I would be surprised to find in your bedroom?
30. In a crowded city square with a backing band or privately on a scenic mountaintop?
31. If you could choose one romantic movie for us to star in, which would it be?
32. What three words would you use to describe me or our relationship?
33. Do you prefer a passionate kiss or a long warm hug?
34. What is your idea of a romantic honeymoon destination?
35. What’s the most romantic movie you’ve ever seen?
36. Is there such a thing as being too much in love?
37. What is your favorite thing about our relationship?
38. Would you do a time capsule for our grandkids?
39. How many times have you been in love?
40. What’s your favorite thing about making love?
41. Describe making love in three adjectives.?
42. Do you like hearing how beautiful you are?
43. What’s the sexiest dream you’ve ever had?
44. How do you know when you’re in love?
45. What’s one thing you want to do together that we’ve never done before?
46. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
47. What movie can you quote the most lines from?
48. Who do you call when you need advice?
49. What is your favorite playground game?
50. Did you ever sleep with stuffed animals?
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Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend Over Text
Some people have to stay in a long distance relationship which is not easy at all. These are some truth or dare questions for girlfriend over text. It doesn’t matter whether you are at the same place just write down these questions and send them via text and start your game.
1. What is one thing you feel our relationship is lacking?
2. Do you want to raise our children to be religious?
3. What is the biggest lie you’ve told an ex?
4. What is a memory you wish you could block out?
5. What piece of clothing do you always get a lot of comments on every time you wear it?
6. What strange food combinations do you enjoy and which do you hate?
7. Have you ever flirted with a stranger online?
8. Who should make the first move in a relationship?
9. What do you expect most out of a relationship?
10. What is your favorite thing about when we’re together?
11. Using three words, how do you feel about me?
12. What is the most exotic dream you’ve ever had?
13. What is one thing that gives you butterflies?
14. What’s your favorite pair or underwear?
15. Would it drive you wild if I whispered naughty things into your ear?
16. Have you ever done it in a public place?
17. What kinds of wild adventures would you like to take me on?
18. What underwear do you think I’m wearing right now?
19. Where is the most adventurous place you have done it?
20. What kind of props do you like to use in the bedroom?
21. Do you like to mess around with extreme temperatures in bed, like ice or wax?
22. Are there any moves that you’ve never tried but always wanted to?
23. Can you send me a link to something sexy you would wear for me?
24. What is one word that describes how you’re feeling right now?
25. Would you ever send me a naughty picture?
26. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without s#x?
27. How many positions do you think you’ve tried?
28. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during s#x?
29. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during s#x?
30. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever mast#rbated?
31. Do you think you could take off my underwear with no hands?
32. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
33. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be?
34. If we were out for dinner and I said I wanted to have s#x right now, what would you do?
35. Have you ever slept with someone you work with?
36. If you could have s#x anywhere in the world, where would it be?
37. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
38. How would you make me have an org#sm?
39. What’s your favourite time of day to have s#x?
40. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
41. Do you prefer to take control or be submissive?
42. What do you see when you look into my eyes?
43. What’s the best part, physically, about being female?
44. What was your last intimate thought about me?
45. What do you feel is the best thing about kissing?
46. When do you think is it time for two people to get intimate?
47. When did you first see me in a different way?
48. Which one do you prefer most days, cuddling or kissing?
49. Do you want us to continue this conversation somewhere quiet?
50. When was the last time you had an intimate thought about me?
Easy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
You are new in a relationship and want to have fun and uplift your relationship with your girlfriend. No worries, try out these easy truth or dare questions for girlfriend. These are some easy questions to start your game.
1. Do you enjoy foreplay, or do you prefer going straight to business?
2. What are the top five spots you want me to kiss you, and I’ll do it right now?
3. Have you ever bragged about my skills in bed to a close friend, and what did you share with them?
4. What do you say you are, quiet or a screamer?
5. Would you ever send me a naughty photo of you?
6. How would you compare your first org#sm to your best org#sm?
7. What would be the naughtiest thing you would do for me?
8. What would you feel if I whispered a naughty thing in your ear?
9. Do you want to annoy the neighbors a little bit?
10. Would you ever consider showering together to save water?
11. Would you consider having phone s#x if we’re in a long-distance relationship?
12. Have you ever just flirted and made out with someone because you suddenly felt h#rny?
13. If there is one sexiest outfit you would like to see me in right now, what would it be?
14. If you ever saw a nude picture of me, what would you do?
15. Have you ever had any kind of naughty dream about one of your close friends?
16. What do you say is the craziest thing about our s#x life?
17. Do you ever watch p#rn when you’re alone?
18. Do you prefer to make eye contact while doing it or not?
19. Would you consider giving me a slow, sexy striptease?
20. What is the freakiest s#x toy you’ve ever used?
21. Can you describe in full detail your go-to masturbation fantasy?
22. What would you feel about me blindfolding you?
23. Have you ever tried using food for foreplay?
24. Can you describe your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
25. Do you like it whenever I pull your hair while having s#x?
26. What do you say you prefer more, rough or romantic?
27. What is something you’ve been dying for me to do that I haven’t done yet?
28. What is one thing you’ve been scared to do in the bedroom but want to try?
29. Would you ever consider exchanging partners with a friend?
30. Would you like to handcuff me in bed and do whatever you want to me tonight?
31. Is spanking something you would like to try with me?
32. Would you consider doing it with me while other people are watching?
33. What is the kinkiest thing in your fantasy you’ve wanted for us to try for some time now?
34. What do you say is the most org#smic thing about your favorite position?
35. Would you consider using props in the bedroom?
36. What are the other three places you would do it outside the house?
37. Have you ever watched other people doing it, and would you consider doing it?
38. Would you ever consider doing it in a public place with me?
39. What’s the boldest thing you’ve done through texting?
40. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
41. At what age were you when you first kissed a boy and who was he?
42. Do you think we’d do something funny if we get drunk together?
43. How old were you when you first French kissed and did you dribble?
44. Has anyone ever accidentally seen you naked?
45. What is the sexiest outfit you own, and would you wear it tonight for me?
46. What are your thoughts on s#x in public places?
47. Do you want to spice up our s#x life?
48. When did you realize you liked me this much?
49. How old were you when you got your first kiss?
50. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x?
Hard Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Trying out something daring to ask your girlfriend. Then these are the best hard truth or dare questions for girlfriend to give her a challenging situation. These questions must not be tried by those who are in a new relationship.
1. Do you like foreplay or do you like going straight to business?
2. What is the thing that makes you feel good the most during s#x?
3. What are your suggestions to spice up our s#x life?
4. Where do you enjoy being touched the most?
5. Have you ever had freaky thoughts about your boss?
6. Do you remember what your first org#sm with me felt like?
7. When you get h#rny in public, how do you deal with that?
8. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
9. What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent or received?
10. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
11. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
12. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
13. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
14. When’s the last time you had a vivid s#x dream?
15. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
16. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x with their permission?
17. What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during s#x?
18. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
19. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
20. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
21. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to f##k them?
22. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
23. Have you ever fantasized about f##king one of your teachers?
24. What the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
25. Have you ever had s#x with someone whose name you never knew?
26. Do you remember what that first org#sm felt like?
27. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
28. What’s the strangest prop you’ve used to get yourself off?
29. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?
30. Have you ever mast#rbated in a public bathroom?
31. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
32. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger?
33. What is the naughtiest text you ever sent, and how was it received?
34. Have you ever had a one-night-stand, and how do you feel about them?
35. When was the first time you realized you wanted to have s#x with me?
36. What is your favorite position, and do you want us to try it tonight?
37. Do you like sending and receiving sexy messages?
38. What are the hottest places you’ve done it, outside of your home?
39. How do you feel about s#x on the first date?
40. Have you ever flirted online with someone you barely knew?
41. What is your favorite part of your body?
42. Are you into phone s#x, and do you want to try it?
43. Does talking dirty turn you on, and do you want to try it with me?
44. Do you enjoy being asked these naughty questions?
45. Have you ever given thought to us trying it on the rear?
46. What are your thoughts on double penetration?
47. What would you love to experiment on but fear suggesting?
48. Have you ever thought of inviting a third party to our bedroom?
49. What is your one secret that you rather die than tell?
50. What are some of your bedroom secrets?
Clean Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Under this heading, you can get to know some clean truth or dare questions for girlfriend. These questions are some simple regular questions to be asked to your girlfriend to share a good bond with her.
1. What do you like about me the most?
2. What is a funny moment from your school days?
3. How artistic are you?
4. What do you think is the worst ice cream flavor?
5. What’s your favorite word to say?
6. What is one question you would ask about your future?
7. What is your idea of a perfect evening?
8. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. Do you like children?
Dirty Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Couples asking dirty questions is completely normal. Try out these dirty truth or dare questions for girlfriend to extract dirty thoughts from her brain. This game will help you both to know how dirty you both think.
1. Did you ever s#x with someone who is your father’s age?
2. Do you want to involve someone else in our s#x life to make it more interesting?
3. What was your age when you lost your virginity?
4. How often you do mast#rbate while talking dirty to someone?
5. How many p#nises you have been sucking till now?
6. What is the sexiest thing you want to do before die?
7. Did you even send your naked pictures to someone?
8. Where is one place you would never have s#x?
9. Where are you most likely to find a sexual partner?
10. How many times a day can you have s#x before your dick hurts?
11. What do you think is currently the biggest threat to marriage?
12. How often do you think we should be having s#x, in an ideal world?
13. Have you ever had s#x that was so good you woke the neighbors?
14. How do you feel when kissing in the public?
15. What’s your favorite color of underwear?
16. Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?
27. What’s your best time of having s#x?
28. At what point are you driven to extremity in s#x?
29. Have you ever told a lie just to get someone to bed?
30. Where is the naughtiest place you have ever made love?
31. What is the craziest position you have ever tried?
32. Have you ever had intimacy without feeling it?
33. How long can you go without making love?
34. How many times have you been in relationships?
35. Have you ever think about having s#x with any of your teachers?
36. Would you like to have s#x in a dark room or with light?
37. Do you always make noise or quite while having s#x?
38. Name the s#x position you would like us to try today?
39. What is the favorite s#x you have ever had before?
40. Has the p#nis ever touch the last point of your vag#na?
41. In your own perspective, how would you say am good in bed?
42. What can you say about how that first org#sm feel like?
43. Which of the places do you prefer to have s#x?
44. How do you feel if someone sends you p#rn?
45. How do you feel when your friends are talking about s#x?
46. How do you see yourself when looking at the mirror been naked?
47. How would you want your first s#x to look like?
48. Have someone ever make an attempt to have s#x with you?
49. Do you love informing your parents about your relationship?
50. What do you think about a woman that agrees to have s#x with you?
Juicy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Juices and spice make everything nice, have you heard that before? If not, try these juicy truth or dare questions for girlfriend. Juicy questions are always fun and exciting to ask. This will definitely get you to know her better than ever.
1. What is your weirdest s#x experience to date?
2. Have you ever thought about roleplay in the bedroom?
3. Would you like longer foreplay or a shorter one?
4. What is the one thing about s#x that you love the most, and why?
5. Have you ever thought of inviting a third or a fourth person to the bedroom?
6. What is the one thing you would love to do in bed before you die?
7. Do you like being blindfolded or handcuffed during s#x?
8. Have you ever thought of tasting yourself after masturbating?
9. What did you do after being caught while having s#x?
10. Which is your favorite place to have s#x in your house, and why?
11. Have you ever fantasized about stripping in front of someone?
12. Do you like to mast#rbate while having s#x?
13. Which s#x position makes you feel the most or least comfortable?
14. What is the longest you have stayed without s#x?
15. Have you ever fantasized about screwing one of your teachers?
16. Which s#x position turns you on the most?
17. Would you prefer to give or receive during s#x, and why?
18. Have you ever tried something kinky on the bed?
19. Do you send nude pictures of yourself while sexting?
20. What makes you comfortable when you’re naked with someone?
21. What is the sexiest thing a guy or girl has ever done to you?
22. How old were you when you first had s#x?
23. Which celebrity or actor do you find irresistible?
24. What is the one thing you need before/after s#x?
25. Did you ever turn anyone else on by masturbating?
26. Do you fantasize about yourself in such movies?
27. Do you watch sexual movies to turn yourself on?
28. What is the dirtiest thing you have done while having s#x?
29. Do you like to have food before s#x or after?
30. Do you have your accounts in a dating app?
31. Do you like to put on sexy clothes for foreplay?
32. Do you like rough or gentle role-playing?
33. Which s#x position makes you org#sm the most and least?
34. Were you ever caught while you were watching someone else having s#x?
35. What do you like to do when you are home alone?
36. Have you ever imagined a p#rn scene?
37. What is the most erotic zone in your body?
38. Do you get aroused while getting a massage?
39. Do you have any sexual fantasies about any of your female friends?
40. Did you ever sneakily watch someone else having s#x?
41. What is one thing about s#x you hate the most, and why?
42. Which s#x position do you feel is underrated, and why?
43. Which s#x position do you feel is overrated, and why?
44. How many rounds do you think you can do it?
45. What is the longest that you have lasted in bed?
46. When was the last time you attended an event hoping to find someone there?
47. Do you like to make your partner scream or moan while having s#x?
48. Do you like to scream or moan while having s#x?
49. How serious are you about your s#x life?
50. How frequently sexually active are you?
51. How much do you like s#x in the shower?
52. Have you ever walked in on someone in the shower?
53. Which part of your body gets you in the mood fast?
54. Have you ever purposely or accidentally peeked at other people making out?
55. What is the weirdest place you have ever had s#x?
56. What is the longest you have ever lasted in bed?
57. How young is the youngest person you have ever made out with?
58. How old is the oldest person you have ever made out with?
59. Do you like your man aggressive or tender?
60. Have you ever been caught in the middle of the action?
61. When last did you purposely peek at someone naked?
62. What is the longest you have ever stayed without s#x?
63. What s#xual position satisfies you the most?
64. What is your favorite s#x style and position?
65. How likely are you to climax while doing it?
66. Do you have nude photos of yourself on your phone?
67. Have you participated in group s#x before?
68. In which ways have I changed your sexual preferences?
69. Who gets satisfied faster in the bedroom?
70. How about we have pet names to call each other in private?
Naughty Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
What couple doesn’t love to talk naughty? Be it on a date night or any time anywhere being naughty makes relationships fun. These are some naughty truth or dare questions for girlfriend to get to know the naughty side of your girlfriend you never knew before.
1. What is a fantasy that you are afraid to tell anyone?
2. If you could experiment with a s#x toy with me, which one would you choose?
3. What was your shortest sexual experience like?
4. How far or intimate can you go while sexting?
5. When it comes to BDSM, how far would you go?
6. What kind of fetishes do you have, if you have any?
7. What is the s#x position that feels comfortable to you?
8. Do you like to wear sexy clothes while having s#x?
9. Have you fantasized about someone recently?
10. What kind of sexual aftercare is important for you?
11. Would you cuddle with me after having s#x?
12. What was your longest sexual experience like?
13. What kind of pickup lines do you like more, cheesy or naughty?
14. Do you like buying s#x toys in stores or online?
15. Do you like s#x toys that have vibrators in them or the ones without vibrators?
16. Would you rather wear classy lingerie or a sexy one?
17. What is the best thing about your sex life?
18. What would you do if I said I wanted to have s#x with you right now?
19. Do you like to do it slowly or do you prefer quickies?
20. Have you ever wondered what you taste like?
21. Does watching p#rn with your partner turn you on?
22. Are there times when you go without panties?
23. Do you like to sleep in the arms of your partner
24. What would you do if I said I wanted to do PDA with you now?
25. Have you ever made out with a guy simply because you were h#rny?
26. What color bra are you wearing right now?
27. Do you like to have s#x with music in the background
28. Have you ever had s#x with a stripper or someone from an agency?
29. What kind of nicknames do you prefer, naughty or cute ones?
30. Do you like nicknames while having s#x?
31. If I tell you I have imagined you naked in front of me, what would you do?
32. Have you ever lied to anyone just to get them in bed with you?
33. What are some of the role plays you have not enjoyed?
34. Do you prefer a guy who has no sexual experience or is absolutely a noob?
35. Do you like having s#x at your place or your partner’s place?
36. Do you like to have an#l s#x with a d#ldo or strap-on?
37. How would you feel about my hand stroking your back?
38. What is your favorite sexual part of a man’s body?
39. If I were in your room now, what would you do to me?
40. Is there anything you’re too nervous to tell me in person?
41. Do you like to wear makeup before having s#x?
42. Where are your top three places, where you would like to have s#x?
43. What kind of moves do you want a guy to make when he is willing to indicate his h#rny mood?
44. Would you like to have sex underwater?
45. Do you prefer male condoms or female ones?
46. Have you ever given a lap dance to someone?
47. Have you ever had s#x in a bar or restaurant?
48. When was the first time you had s#x in a car?
49. Is it okay if I kiss you in public sometime?
50. Have you had s#x under the open sky?
51. What is the dirtiest thing I have ever done to you?
52. How do you ask for s#x without asking for it?
53. Which celebrity don’t you mind f#cking?
54. How do you feel when I rub my d#ck on your an#s?
55. What should I do to make you wet faster?
56. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever done in your life?
57. Have you ever watched adult content looking for styles to improve your bedroom skills?
58. What is the dirtiest thing you have been tagged with on social media?
59. Is there a difference between a sl#t and a b#tch?
60. What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done while making out?
61. Would you like to try a s#x toy in your life?
62. Are socialites happier than other girls out there?
63. What is the dirtiest s#x story you heard that you still feel is unbelievable?
Spicy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Under this section you can get to know some spicy truth or dare questions for girlfriend. Spices always add flavor not only to food but to relationships as well. Try out these spicy questions given below and have fun.
1. Do you like to watch girls love movies or series?
2. What is the one thing that made you feel unexpectedly good in bed?
3. Do you like it when someone hugs you before or after s#x?
4. Which is your favorite flavor of condoms?
5. Do you like to touch your breasts while having s#x or masturbating?
6. What is your favorite sexual part of your body?
7. What is the one thing you regret about your past sexual experiences?
8. What is the craziest thing you have done for s#x?
9. How seriously do you treat your s#x life?
10. Have you ever tried whipped cream in the bedroom?
11. How do you feel when I bite your neck or earlobes?
12. Would you like to know about my biggest sexual fantasy?
13. In your first sexual encounter, who was better: you or your partner?
14. Have you ever had s#x with someone whom you don’t love just to have s#x?
15. Have you loved someone who didn’t love you back?
16. What is the farthest you’ve gone on your first date?
17. Which movie scene turns you on instantly?
18. Would you like to have s#x in a movie theatre?
19. If we were home alone, would you have s#x with me?
20. What is your preferred form of safe s#x?
21. Has anyone made you org#sm without using their hands?
22. Which part of my body do you like to touch or feel the most?
23. What do you enjoy the most when you go down on me?
24. If one of us had to move away for work, how would you handle the sexual urges?
25. What are your views regarding group s#x?
26. How soon is “too soon or too early” regarding s#x?
27. Do you think you can do it a number of times?
28. Do you like to kiss your partner while having s#x?
29. Which part of your body do you want me to touch?
30. What is the stupidest sexual thing you have done?
31. How do you prefer to seduce someone?
32. What is your best-kept intimate secret about your love life?
33. Do you think love is important to have s#x?
34. How would you define your ideal sexual experience?
35. If you had to choose between your partner and a celebrity for s#x, whom would you choose?
36. Do you think s#x before marriage is fine?
37. Did you ever feel warm in the shower while rubbing your body?
38. What is the thing that your partner does during s#x that you like the most?
39. Did you ever have an exceptional kiss that made you wet?
40. What is the one sexual thing you have done that your partner did not like?
41. Would you like to have s#x with one of your exes again?
42. What color underwear are you wearing right now?
43. Do you want longer foreplay before penetration?
44. How would you describe your last org#sm?
45. Would you rather go to the grocery store in your underwear or go to the beach nude?
46. Would you rather have kinky s#x or romantic sex for the rest of your life?
47. Would you rather kiss someone in the dark or make out publicly?
48. Would you rather have s#x with your clothes on for a year or not see your partner naked for a year?
49. Would you rather make out with your crush for 10 seconds or with your sibling’s best friend?
50. Would you rather have kinky s#x with melted chocolate or whipped cream?
Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend When Picking Truth
Who does not want to get to know the truth? But it is not easy to pick out the truth from someone, especially your girlfriend, for this you must think wisely. Well don’t worry we have sorted this out for you with these truth questions for girlfriend.
1. Would you rather wear lingerie every day or a bra?
2. Would you rather have an orgy with strangers or with all your exes?
3. Would you rather lose your sexual organs or gain 80 pounds that you can’t lose?
4. Would you rather be bad at s#x but have a great figure or good at sex with an average figure?
5. Would you rather receive a sexy message or a nude photo?
6. Would you rather have a threesome with strangers or twosome with a hot friend?
7. Would you rather have s#x with a new person every month or only one person forever?
8. Would you rather mast#rbate in your office or a public place?
9. Would you rather make out with your crush or get $10,000?
10. What would you do if I mast#rbated to a picture of yours right now?
11. How many of your sexual fantasies have you executed in real life?
12. Would you invite me inside your house on our first date?
13. How many times a day would you like to have s#x?
14. Do you fantasize about other people when we have s#x?
15. What is the favorite part of your body to be kissed?
16. What is your biggest turn-off in the bedroom?
17. What is the most s#x you have had in one day?
18. Have you had multiple sexual partners on the same day?
19. What is the strangest object you have used to get off?
20. What is one sexual act you have never done but want to try?
21. When was the last time you had a dirty dream?
22. Have you ever had a threesome, and if not, are you willing to try?
23. Do you watch p#rn, and if so, would you watch it together?
24. What do you fantasize about when you mast#rbate?
25. Have you ever had an#l s#x, and if not, are you willing to try?
26. What’s the most reliable way for you to org#sm with a partner?
27. What age was the youngest person you have slept with?
28. Have you ever been caught having s#x, and if so, did you stop or keep going?
29. What is the longest you have gone without having s#x?
30. Have you ever had s#x with a complete stranger?
31. Do you think it’s possible to be too in love with someone?
32. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
33. Were you ever swept off your feet by a romantic gesture?
34. What is your idea of a romantic honeymoon?
35. How do you like to celebrate anniversaries?
36. What’s something you’d like to do with me that we haven’t done yet?
37. Would you rather see me in costume or nothing at all?
38. What is the sexiest outfit you own and would you want to wear it for me tonight?
39. What is the first thing you look at in a person you’re attracted to?
40. Would you ever want to go to the movies without underwear and let me touch you?
41. What part of your body do you like me touching the most?
42. Do you consider yourself a generous lover?
43. What’s the one thing you’re afraid to ask me to do in the bedroom?
44. How do you deal with it when you get h#rny in public?
45. Does it turn you on knowing that people can hear us having s#x?
46. Would you like to pretend to be total strangers and hook up?
47. What’s a naughty fantasy you have about me?
48. What is the dirtiest thing you ever thought about me?
49. Have you ever thought about ripping my clothes off?
50. How would you rate our sexual relationship?
51. What is the #1 thing you’d love to try before you die?
52. How likely would you suggest these dirty questions to ask your girlfriend to a close friend?
53. How serious are you treating your s-x life?
54. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever asked someone to do to you in bed?
55. What is the most daring thing you have ever tried bed-wise?
56. What is the compliment you have ever gotten in your life?
57. What is the dirtiest thing you have ever done?
58. Which position do you reach a climax faster?
59. How much do you like naked photos of yourself?
60. What is the one thing you hesitated for long but ended up loving nevertheless?
61. What s#x position or style would you never try again in your life?
62. Apart from mast#rbation, how else do you make yourself happy?
63. Have you ever gotten scared given how big he was down there?
64. How much do you like your b##bz touched?
65. What is your favorite place to get intimate: bed or on the floor?
Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend When Picking Dare
When it comes to your girlfriend things are not easy to pick. Picking up a dare for your girlfriend is by far harder than selecting her anniversary gift. But you don’t have to be under stress. We have made some incredible choices for you with these dare questions for girlfriend.
1. Pour a trail of sugar from the small of my back to my neck. Now, lick it up.
2. Pop an ice cube in your mouth and go down on me for 15 seconds.
3. Pretend I’m a stranger at a bar. Try to pick me up and convince me to come home with you.
4. Give me a sensual massage. Start at my feet and work your way up.
5. Demonstrate a move on me that you saw and liked while watching p#rn.
6. Using your fingers, find a way to give me goosebumps right now.
7. Pole dance with an imaginary pole for the length of an entire song of my choice.
8. Make out with me like we used to before we started having s#x.
9. You have ten seconds to excite me just by kissing. Hint: You’re not limited to my lips.
10. Hop in the shower with me and wash my body, making sure not to miss any hard spots.
11. In your most sultry voice, tell me what you loved about the last time we had s#x.
12. Stimulate two parts of my body at once. Use your hands on one part and lips on another.
13. Drag me to the closet for an adult round of seven minutes in heaven. You must keep the making out above the belt.
14. Find something sweet to swipe across your lips and give me a passionate kiss.
15. Engage in foreplay with me for five minutes with one rule: You’re allowed to kiss me anywhere but my mouth.
16. Place whipped cream on your favorite parts of my body. Now, lick it off.
17. Go find your old Halloween costume and put it on for me. Then, let’s decide what to role-play.
18. Give me a detailed, charismatic cooking demonstration of “How to Make Cereal.” The catch: You gotta do it nude.
19. Put on a timer and act out as many sexual positions as you can with your clothes on.
20. Host a sexy, 5-minute yoga class for me with lots of sensual stretching and downward dogging.
21. Take off your pants and give me your best twerk. Now try it upside down on the wall.
22. Act out your sexiest fantasy without using your words. Props, however, are highly encouraged.
23. Help me fulfill a role play fantasy. Maybe you are my teacher, nurse, or childhood celebrity crush.
24. Tickle my back with a feather, personal massager, or even your tongue.
25. Do your sexiest barnyard animal impressions. Moo like a cow, quack like a duck, meow like a cat.
26. Hide my favorite candy somewhere in your clothes or on your body and let me find it.
27. Find a karaoke version of your favorite romantic song and perform it for me.
28. Close your eyes and guess which body part I’m of mine about to press up against you.
29. Impress me with your physical strength. Do as many sit-ups, push-ups, or pulls-ups as you can. Naked.
30. Seductively whisper in my ear the cheesiest, most awful pick up line you can think of.
31. Call a close friend to talk about our latest adventure in bed and let me listen in.
32. Sit right beside me and lean in like we will kiss. Instead, hold and wait. First one to go for the kiss loses.
33. Write a short script for the sexy movie rewrite of our first date/first time meeting.
34. Model for an intimate my-eyes-only photoshoot. Pick out three props to use as well.
35. Grab a marker and let someone in the group draw a tattoo of their choice on your butt.
36. Turn on a sexy song of your choice and grind up against the wall for 30 seconds.
37. Go commando and leave your underwear in the middle of the circle for the rest of the game.
38. Slowly run your tongue from [insert consenting person’s name]’s collarbone to earlobe.
39. Hold an ice cube between your teeth and trace it along [insert consenting person’s name]’s chest.
40. Choose a partner and do a reenactment of a seventh-grade slow dance.
41. Pull up the most recent email you sent, and read it as though it were the sexiest sext of all time.
42. Locate the individual in the group who was born closest to your birth time and lick their face or let them lick yours.
43. Sing Color Me Badd’s “I Wanna S#x You Up” to the tenth person in your phone’s contacts.
44. Facetime an old hookup. If they pick up, say something raunchy before hanging up.
45. Give your best impression of a naughty cop who’s trying to arrest someone for being too sexy.
46. Post something raunchy on your preferred social media app and you can’t remove it until the next round is over.
47. For the next round, you have to keep your hand on the inner thigh of the person to your left.
48. Sexily lick the food of your choice off the finger of the person to your left.
49. Message something bold to someone hot you’ve been wanting to get to know.
50. Whisper a sexy name in my ear that you’ve never called me but have thought about trying.
51. Have your partner lay down and kiss them upside down the best you can.
52. Become a sexy chef and spank your partner sexily with an item from the kitchen.
53. Kiss your partner in the sexiest place and sexiest way possible.
54. Set a timer for 2 minutes and try not to get turned on by whatever your partner decides to do to you.
55. Become a sexy chef while teaching your partner how to make a fun late night snack while just wearing an apron.
56. Make your best org#sm face and let your partner take a photo of it. This is your lock screen for the next 24 hours.
57. Trace your partner’s body with an ice cube that’s being held in your mouth.
58. Try to turn on your partner by blowing on the back of their neck, alternating between cold and hot.
59. Give over your phone to your partner and let them decide on a sex toy you two can try together.
60. Have your partner read through your browsing history in a sexy voice.
5 Tips for Picking Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
This is the oldest yet traditional game played in every continent of this Earth. This is by far the best game to know your girlfriend better. You may play it with your girlfriend on a beautiful camp night. Just pick up some interesting questions we have mentioned above.
Rules and tips to play truth or dare questions for girlfriend are quite simple and easy. By following these tips, you simply nail this game and enjoy it as well.
- To play truth and dare questions for girlfriend you need to sit in front of each other. Eye contact will be a plus point as it is always hard to lie while looking at each other’s eyes. Sit in front of each other and making direct eye contact will
- To start the truth and dare questions for girlfriend you will need a bottle to spin between each other. Towards whom the mouth of the bottle is pointed would be first to play. You can also use the bottle for each turn.
- Now the person has to choose between truth or dare. If your girlfriend chooses to tell the truth, you must ask truth questions for girlfriend. Be wise while choosing questions to ask your girlfriend, this is your best chance to know some new secrets of hers.
- If your girlfriend has a daring personality and she tends to choose dare instead of truth you can try out dare questions for girlfriend. On the contrary, to go with dare is pretty much safe as compared to telling the truth which can open up deep emotions attached to the particular truth.
- Most important tip to play truth and dare questions for girlfriend is to choose questions which are not so personal that can affect your relationship with her. As this game is to lift up your relationship with your girlfriend.
Final Thoughts on Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Truth or dare questions for girlfriend is the most played game on this planet. This is one of the effective ways to boost up your relationship with your girlfriend.
This special game if played with honesty can make your bond stronger and better. You can try this game by giving her small gifts after every right answer or dare to express your love to her.
Truth or dare questions for girlfriend should be mostly played among adults so that while giving dares they don’t go out of the way to play. Playing it with some drinks can get you into trouble, but the truth will only come out when one is drunk.
Truth and dare questions for girlfriend can be played in a surprise party where there are just two of you. Make it special by asking her some romantic and deep questions. You can also make her laugh by asking and answering funny truths and doing funny dares.