Asking stupid questions can be fun and interesting for people so here are some stupid questions to ask that will make you sound funny.
Life shouldn’t be dull and simple so you can ask some stupid funny questions to add some little humor in your life. On days when you’re feeling too low, you should read this article so your mood lightens up in no time.
There are different kinds of stupid questions to ask your friends and family. Sometimes your mind can work in an excellent way to produce funny and stupid questions but if you can’t think of any, we are here to help.
We have given different types of examples of stupid questions to ask that will give others a good laugh. You can ask these funny questions to your friends or even your close family when they’re feeling down.
You don’t have to be serious in your daily life all the time. At times asking others dumb questions can help them skip away all their life worries. Below we have given a wide range of dumb questions to ask.
Read them all out one by one and have a good laugh. People who run funny television shows are also in need of funny and stupid questions to ask people. This article is of a great help for such people too.
Table of Contents
Most Stupid Questions to Ask
This first category of stupid questions has the most stupid questions to ask. You can ask all these questions from any person you wish to and they will surely have a good time with you.
1. Do zombies eat brains because they’re hungry for knowledge?
2. What is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?
3. During the apocalypse, would it be better to live on your own or in a community?
4. What’s the worst tag line you can think of for a brand that sells wart removal cream?
5. Do you think the big toe feels self-conscious about being the “BIG” toe?
6. Why is the chicken even crossing the road?
7. Should spouses care about each other more than their children?

8. When you eat a gummy bear, do you eat the head or the feet first?
9. If he had been bitten by a radioactive man, would Spiderman’s name have been Manman?
10. Captain America has a shield, but where’s his sword?
11. Why didn’t the 3 Little Piggies build a house underground?
12. Why do we use leaf-bl#wers instead of leaf-suckers?
13. Do window cleaners get tired of seeing their own reflections all day?
14. How come solar panels don’t overheat?
15. If 100 people poked your belly at the same time, would you burst?
16. If a balloon pops in a vacuum, can you hear it?
17. What sound does a flute make if you sneeze into it?
18. Why do they call them pig-tails if pigs only have 1 tail?
19. Do elves have to use double the q-tips to clean their ears?
20. When tree leaves change color, do they say “new look, who dis?
21. Do car tires get tired?
22. If you could teleport to any bathroom in the world, which one would you choose?
23. If they’re called chicken wings, where did all the feathers go?
24. If you can cook an egg on really hot concrete, why don’t we make an omelet?
25. What exactly does puppy breath smell like?
26. If your sibling turned into a dog, would you walk him/her?
27. If newborns smell good, shouldn’t our smell improve as we age?
28.Why is it called “loose change” if heavier than paper money?

29. If there’s a rabbit on the moon, where is its carrot?
30. What do rocks taste like?
31. If blood tastes metallic, does that mean vampires like to snack on metal?
32. If dragons can breathe fire, what happens when they accidentally sneeze?
33. When someone is sad, we say they’re blue, so if someone is really sad are they dark blue?
34. If the important thing is to get up after falling, why don’t we just learn better balance?
35. Does having stage fright mean you’re afraid of raised wooden platforms?
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Funny Stupid Questions to Ask
If you are looking for funny questions and you can’t seem to find the right questions lately, then we have collected all the funny dumb questions for you. Take a look at all these stupid funny questions.
1. If a piece of gum is 10 calories, does that include just the chewing or if you swallow it, too?
2. When they say that a specific dog food has a new and improved flavor, who tests it?
3. Why did they name Donkey Kong that way if he’s a monkey and not a donkey?
4. If a boy named after his dad is called junior, what do you call a girl named after her mom?
5. Why is it necessary to nail down a coffin’s lid? Are we expecting what’s inside to try to break free?
6. If all of the world is in debt, where did that money go? Who do we owe money to?
7. Do people with a stutter also stutter in their thoughts?
8. Why do we say that people work like a dog if they work all day when all dogs do is lie around?
9. Is it possible to bl#w up a balloon while you’re under water?
10. Why didn’t they list the word ‘gullible’ in the dictionary?
11. Why do super heroes wear their underwear outside of their clothes?
12. Why is room temperature used as a measurement of warmth when not all rooms have the same temperature?
13. What does ‘ok’ actually mean?
14. If you decide to describe yourself as indecisive, are you decisive or indecisive?
15. Why do people say that something sells like ‘hotcakes’ if they sell out fast?
16. Why do we say that something is ‘out of whack’?
17. What makes the difference between a wise man and a wise guy?
18. Can atheists get insurance policies that cover acts of God?

19. Is the sea salty because the shore never waves back?
20. Why are there self-help groups if it’s supposed to be SELF help?
21. Why does a grapefruit look and taste nothing like a grape?
22. Do you need to set an appointment to see a psychic or will they be expecting you?
23. Why do we say ‘after dark’ when it’s actually really after light?
24. If a person suffering from amnesia was suddenly cured, would they remember that they had no memory?
25. Can blind people see their dreams?
26. Why is it called ‘shipping’ if it goes by truck?
27. Why is it called ‘cargo’ when it goes by ship?
28. How do bankruptcy attorneys make any money?
29. Why is it that we call something “cool” when it’s not really cold?
30. What’s something you do alone that you can’t do with others?
31. Would you ever kiss a dirty animal if it were really cute?
32. Why do we find the smell of gasoline good?
33. Is science really just a way for a person to waste time creating experiments?
34. Could we cover the earth with pudding?
35. Why can’t the mother send food into her stomach like a fish in a fishbowl?
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Random Stupid Questions to Ask
A random talk can uplift your mood and help you connect with people differently. Here are some random stupid questions you can ask strangers. You never know that these random nonsense questions can help you make new friends.
1. Is it possible that our brain is telling us what to see?
2. Is it possible that every new day is just the same day over again?
3. What makes a person “free” in this world?
4. Do you think a business teaching people about nose-picking would take off?
5. Who invents words and how do they get them validated?
6. If an orange is orange, why isn’t a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?
7. Have you ever looked at your butt in the mirror?
8. When’s the first time you picked your nose?
9. Is it possible that we are just aliens on this earth and people don’t even know it?
10. Why is it that people believe in the idea of love?
11. Do you think we’ll be able to fly by the year 3000?

12. How many times do you think you’ve sneezed in your lifetime?
13. What’s the first memory you remember as a baby?
14. I wonder what year the earth was really created?
15. What if we all were supposed to like the smell of bad things, would we still take showers?
16. What do your feet smell like?
17. What’s one movie that every guy really loves?
18. Who makes magnets?
19. Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
20. How do I ask a question on Yahoo Answers?
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Hilarious Stupid Questions to Ask
Enhance your sense of humor with our most hilarious and stupid questions you can wish for. You can read all these hilarious stupid questions to ask. Ask them from any of your family members or friends.
1. Would you hunt rats if you were a cat?
2. What do you think our pets dream of when they sleep?
3. If I give you ten bucks, would you sing your favorite song aloud right now?
4. What is your favorite genre of music?
5. Which color would you never be caught dead wearing and why?
6. Would you rather find a treasure chest full of gold foil-wrapped coins or real gold coins?
7. What treasures do you think you’d find in a pirate’s treasure chest?
8. If you could only pick one color of food to eat for the rest of your life, which would it be?
9. Would you rather live in a big house in the suburbs or a small apartment in the city?
10. What’s the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?
11. Would you rather wrestle a panda or run from a velociraptor?

12. Which famous person would you want to spend a day with?
13. Which year would you time travel to if you invented your own time machine?
14. Do you think God has a beard?
15. How do you think the Universe started or was created?
16. What is the best dream you’ve ever had?
17. If you saw an old lady trying to cross the road, would you help her go across it?
18. What would you do if you were out in the park and stepped in dog poop?
19. What makes you laugh the hardest?
20. Where do you think the Tooth Fairy lives?
21. What do you think Santa does during his time off after delivering gifts?
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Ironic Stupid Questions to Ask
The most ironic questions list is waiting for you. If you need to have a good time, then you must read all these ironic questions mentioned below. Choose some from them and ask from people all around.
1. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
2. What is your favorite joke?
3. How do you plan to commit the perfect crime?
4. So uh…are we doing this or what?
5. Why is an alarm clock going “off” when it actually turns on?
6. Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on Start?
7. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
8. How often do you poop?
9. What are some things that are okay to do occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day?
10. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
11. What’s the most useless talent you have?
12. How many skeletons are in your closet?
13. If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?
14. If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
15. What would you not name your kids?
16. If you could do anything to me without me complaining or anything, what would it be?
17. Would you rather have a horrible short-term memory or a horrible long-term memory?
18. What is the largest animal do you think you can beat with your bare hands?
19. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
20. If you were given the chance to change your name, what would your new name be?
21. Who do you think would win, Superman or Goku?
22. What kind of cult would you like to start?
23. When you shower, what’s the first thing you wash?
24. What is your third favorite planet?
25. What is the closest you’ve ever come to dying?
26. How do you hang your toilet paper at home, over or under?
27. Can I see your browser history?
28. What is something your parents or friends would warn me about you?
29. Milk before cereals, or cereals before milk?
30. Do you squeeze the toothpaste tube from the top or bottom?
31. How big was your biggest poop?
32. If a strand of spaghetti accidentally went out of your nose, would you sniff it back or pull it out with your fingers?
33. On a scale from one to ten, what’s your favorite color?
34. Would you eat a person if you really had to?
35. How awesome are your pajamas?
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Dumb and Stupid Questions to Ask
If you need some dumb and funny questions for your television show or any other occasion, then here are the world’s dumbest questions you can ask people. Read below all the dumb questions to ask people and enjoy.
1. If you were invisible for ten minutes starting right now, what would you do?
2. What’s a question you’d like to answer, but no one asks?
3. Have you ever touched human remains?
4. Do you think it’s okay for couples to fart in front of each other?
5. Who do you want to be as your celebrity opponent in a death match?
6. What are you proud of, but never had an excuse to talk about?
7. Would you rather have a dog or be a dog?
8. Do you wanna build a snowman?
9. What would make you valuable in an ‘end of the world’ scenario?
10. Why does it take 15 minutes to cook minute rice?
11. What vegetable would you pick for a fight against a 10-year-old?
12. How would your worst enemy describe you in one word?
13. Where do you want to be in an hour?
14. If you could have the power to read my mind but only if I could also read yours, would you want it?
15. If you could have any mythical creature as a pet, what would it be?
16. Would you rather eat poop-flavored ice cream or ice cream-flavored poop?
17. What breakfast cereal has influenced your life the most?
18. If you were a transformer, would you need car or life insurance?
19. If you had to be in the middle of a human centipede, who would you have in front of and behind you?
20. What crime do you think you’d be arrested for?
21. If you had a choice, which animal would you be and why?
22. What song do you want to be played on your funeral?
23. What is the weirdest or most unexplainable thing that ever happened to you?
24. If you could get away with it, how would you kill someone?
25. If you were the opposite s#x for the whole day, what would you do?
26. What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
27. What do think 10-year-old you would tell you now?
28. If you had to eat a crayon out of its box, what color would it be?
29. If you could shoot one condiment from your belly button, what would it be and why?
30. Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?
31. Who would you get to play as you in the movie of your life?
32. Which execution method do you believe is the most interesting in history?
33. You are given three wishes by a genie, what do you wish for (no infinite wishes or anything similar to that)?
34. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
35. If someone was filming your life up to this point, what would be on the soundtrack?
Lame and Stupid Questions to Ask
You can be lame with your loved ones and they will enjoy your company all the time. If you are also looking for some lame questions to ask, here is a list of all the stupid questions to ask people.
1. Who’s number one on your hit list?
2. Where would no one expect to find the bodies?
3. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
4. If you were a kitchen appliance, which one would you be and why?
5. If you could ask one question and be guaranteed complete honesty, what would you ask?
6. If you could pick a day to relive over and over again, what day would it be and why?
7. Would you prefer to be buried or cremated?
8. Would you rather be able to play every musical instrument or speak every language fluently?
9. If you were a chair, who would you like to sit on you?
10. What is something I wouldn’t believe about you?
11. When you poop in a public toilet do you hover, build a nest, or just sit down?
12. How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
13. What do you do with your shopping cart when you’re done with it at the grocery store?
14. If you were a fart, would you rather be the ‘loud and proud’ type or the ‘silent but deadly’ type?
15. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be?
16. Have you ever tried to scream in your head?
17. What’s the first thing you do when you are bored?
18. If you could do anything in the world as a career, what would it be?
19. Who are you and why are you in my house?
20. How many zombies have you killed in your life?
21. Who was your first celebrity crush, and are you into them?
22. What’s the strangest purchase you’ve made (or almost made)?
23. When you were a kid, what name did you give your favorite toy or stuffed animal?
24. If you had a pet parrot, what would you teach it to say?
25. What is one band or musician you would love to party with?
26. What is your go-to movie when you need a mood boost?
27. If you could make the ultimate sandwich, what would be on it?
28. What book or series did you wish you could live in?
29. What item do you hope will be obsolete in 20 years?
30. What’s your most unpopular food opinion?
31. Do you like pineapple on pizza?
32. What two “normal” activities would be really weird if you did them back to back?
33. Have you or someone you know seen your doppelgänger?
34. What food do you think would represent each U.S. state?
35. If you were famous, what would your stage name be?
Senseless and Stupid Questions to Ask
All the nonsense can be funny at times and for this reason we have compiled together all the senseless and stupid questions to ask. These funny nonsense questions will make you laugh out loud and relieve all your stress of the entire day.
1. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it knocks down someone, does it stop to help them?
2. If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons?
3. Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
4. If the professor on Giligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?
5. Why do people say they “slept like a baby” when babies often wake up like every two hours?
6. You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but why can’t you be simply whelmed?
7. Is whale sperm the reason why the ocean is so salty?
8. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?
9. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from?
10. If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
11. How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
12. Why is it hard for women to put on mascara with their mouth closed?
13. Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump?
14. If you mated a bulldog and a sh#tsu, would it be called bullsh#t?
15. Why is it called “beauty sleep, when you wake up looking like a troll?
16. Why is it that the sun lightens our hair, but ends up darkening our skin?
17. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include the previews, credits, and special features, or just the movie itself?
18. Why is it that black guys don’t usually get white tattoos?
19. Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it is white and covered with ice?
20. Why do they call it “getting your dog fixed” if afterward, it doesn’t work anymore?
21. If we are clean before using bath towels, why do we wash them?
22. How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
23. Do Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet Song have the same tune?
24. Why is someone considered to be in a film, but on television?
25. Why did you just try and sing those two songs?
26. Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
27. Why do people say that they “slept like a baby”, even though a baby wakes up every two hours during the night?
28. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
29. Where are all the baby pigeons?
30. Why is the word “abbreviated” so long?
31. If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?
32. Before they invented drawing boards, what did people go back to?
33. Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
34. If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is it homeless or naked?
35. How can something be “new” and “improved”?
Stupid Questions to Ask a Guy
Looking for stupid questions to ask a guy? Don’t worry, we have solved your problem by gathering the most idiotic questions you can think of. Asking stupid questions will make a guy fall for you maybe.
1. What if guys were able to alter their height like women, what would happen in our society?
2. What would the world be like if guys were able to wear a lot of makeup?
3. How many books do you think the average guy reads per year?
4. Does a guy learn things easier than a woman?
5. If a guy came back to a girlfriend multiple times, what will his guy friends say?
6. When does a person really know that they are a good person?
7. When a guy is asked a question from a girl, what’s the chance they lie?
8. Why do guys all want to share gross stories with each other?
9. Why do guys feel the need to smell bad things?
10. Is it possible that men and women are from different planets?
11. How is it possible that we can have the same brain but different intelligence?
12. What’s one thing a guy does that should gross women out?
13. What songs really get men “pumped up?”
14. If a guy lost all of his fingers, do you think he would still try to mast##bate?
15. Do men look in the mirror more than women?
16. Where does the word “lit” really come from?
17. When men say they are “juiced up,” what does this really mean?
18. Do you think Adam had a belly button since God created him?
19. Why is it that the p#nis can be so small and so big on the same day?
20. How often do men think about s#x during the workday?
21. Why do men seem to want to smack each other in the butt during sports?
22. Should men shave every part of their body?
23. Why do men have dirty armpits compared to women?
24. What happens to the people born on February 29?
Stupid Questions to Ask a Girl
Sometimes to impress a girl, you don’t have to be all romantic and loving. Some girls will fall in love with your humorous side more. Here is a range of all the stupid questions to ask a girl.
1. Why do we describe things as food when they’re easy?
2. If you were a kitten, what would your name be?
3. Why are dried grapes called raisins and not dried grapes?
4. If a doctor falls ill during surgery, do you think they’ll continue surgery or help the doctor first?
5. Is it entirely possible to cry while you’re swimming underwater?
6. Why don’t penguins bend their legs when they walk?
7. If someone woke up from a bad dream, are they now having a good day?
8. Why do some animals lay eggs and others have babies without eggs?
9. Who invented the word “book?”
10. Who tests new types of flavors?
Stupid Questions to Ask Your Friends
When you are feeling down, your friends are those people that instantly boost up your mood. Sitting in a group of friends, you can ask stupid questions. Look below all the stupid questions to ask friends. These stupid questions to ask your friends will make you have a great time together.
1. What flavor of bubble gum do you wish existed but doesn’t?
2. Why do we walk dogs, it seems more like the dogs are walking us?
3. Why do we call a tomato a fruit?
4. Why don’t slang words end up in the dictionary if we say them all the time?
5. When we say “K,” what does it actually mean?
6. Do you think self-help authors don’t need advice?
7. If a tarot card reader can see your future, do you think they knew you were coming?
8. Do you think there’s actually the greatest number out there?
9. Do bankruptcy attorneys ever have to work for themselves?
10. Where do women get their inspiration for life from?
Stupid Questions to Ask Someone
There is no limit to asking stupid questions from people all around you, whether they are your closest friends or your relatives. People often find it hard to uplift their funny side. If you are having difficulty too, you can take a look at these stupid questions to ask someone and dumb questions to ask someone.
1. Which is your favorite takeaway – McDonald’s or Wendy’s?
2. Which is your favorite toy, and why?
3. Do you know how to tie a pretty bow?
4. Which is your least favorite school subject, and why?
5. Which of your friends would sweat, turn red, and cry if they ate spicy food?
6. Can you eat very spicy food – or even a whole chilli?
7. Do you think that it would be better if humans traded goods or only used digital currencies?
8. Where do you think the Sun goes when it sets on the horizon?
9. In your opinion, how much money is too much money to have in the bank?
10. Would you ever go and hike an active volcano just for fun?
11. Can you spot a storm coming from a mile away?
12. How do you think humans came to write and speak specific languages?
13. Which two countries are the richest, in your opinion?
14. What do pizza and pasta have in common?
15. Can you tell the difference between a German Frankfurter sausage and an English banger?
16. Which of your friends is the best football player?
17. Can you count backward from 100 in 30 seconds?
18. Which of your friends is the best at maths?
19. Can you draw a convincing stick man?
20. Do you go to sleep as soon as you lie down and switch off the lights or lie awake counting sheep?
21. Can you recite all the astrological constellations in order?
22. Do you think it’s possible for humans to ever live in peace?
23. Would you ever work as a plumber?
24. What do you think of the neighbors?
25. How many horses would it take to pull a pyramid?
26. What weird food would you really like to try, and why?
27. Do you think you could catch a chicken in a chicken coop?
28. Would you leave Earth forever to go and live on Mars?
29. Would you ever travel to the Moon for a holiday if this was possible in the future?
30. Do you think kids should be able to drive cars?
31. How many pets do you want to have when you’re older?
32. Do vegetables have feelings, too?
33. Would you ever dye your hair green?
34. If you could choose only one TV series to watch for the rest of your life, which would it be?
35. Why do you think most cats don’t like to eat vegetables?
Stupid Questions to Ask Siri
Siri can be of good company when you are bored and alone. People ask all sorts of stupid questions from Siri. Take a look at all the stupid questions to ask Siri. Ask them from your Siri at home.
1. Do you have a boyfriend?
2. Do you think you’re smarter than me?
3. If you and an Android phone got in a fight, would you kick its a#s?
4. What do you do what you’re not talking to me?
5. Do you know how big a bus is?
6. Do you have a last name?
7. Have you been sleeping with another iPhone?
8. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there, does the tree make a sound?
9. What is the sound of one hand clapping?
10. Will you scratch my back?
Stupid Questions to Ask Your Wife
Your wife can be tired and burdened from all the house work and chores she has to do. It’s a good thing to add a little humor in your life. Here are some stupid questions to ask your wife and make her laugh.
1. How am I sure you’re the real mom of my kid?
2. How big is the specific ocean?
3. I swallowed an ice cube whole. Why haven’t I pooped it out?
4. Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?
5. Does it take 18 months for twins to be born?
6. If I eat myself, will I get twice as big or disappear completely?
7. Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower when he doesn’t usually wear any pants?
8. Why are the holes in cats’ fur always in the right places for their eyes?
9. Wtf is Obama’s last name?
10. How far of a drive is it from Miami to Florida?
Stupid Questions to Ask Your Husband
A husband is also your best friend. Sometimes you can have a good laugh with your husband by asking him all sorts of stupid questions in this world. Here are some stupid questions to ask your husband.
1. I’m so lost! Isn’t NFL just for the U.S?
2. What does a quarter until 4 mean?
3. Is African a religion?
4. If I shave my golden retriever like a lion, will the other dogs respect him more?
5. Are chickens considered animals or birds?
6. Why do clowns wear funny, colorful make-up?
7. Why is Rudolph’s nose really red?
8. What makes people smile?
9. How do you tickle a tortoise?
10. How important to socialize in school or get good grades?
11. What would you say to someone if they stole all of your Halloween candy?
5 Tips for Choosing Stupid Questions to Ask
There are many different ways of earning today. Many people are earning a good amount of money through running funny television shows or making funny YouTube content.
The host of the show asks stupid and dumb questions from people so others watching the show can laugh.
As convenient as it may sound, you can’t create funny and stupid questions to ask without thinking. If you even want your stupid questions to be interesting, you have to give it a good thought process.
Here we have given a few tips that will help you create stupid funny questions.
1. Make stupid questions look smarter: Stupid and dumb questions don’t always have to sound foolish, rather; they can be smart enough so people know how smart you are. Stupid questions can be interesting so always choose your questions wisely. These questions will make you think and think.
2. They should be trendy: Always choose the questions that are trendy and people keep using them in their lives. A good stupid question is what people remember for a lifetime. There are many trendy stupid questions available in this article that you can choose from.
3. Make it unique: There are a few common stupid questions everyone asks and you see on many fun television shows. If you keep using such dumb questions, people won’t be interested in answering them. Make sure the stupid questions you choose are unique from all the other stupid questions people have been using over years.
4. Observe people first: Know about your audience first. The people from whom you’re going to ask those stupid questions should be able to answer them easily. You should know whether you want to target a smaller or bigger age group.
5. Make them easy to understand: Your questions should never be tricky and complex. They should always be easy to understand so people can answer them without any difficulty. You should choose the easiest dumb questions to ask.
Final Thoughts on Stupid Questions to Ask
After reading this article, you should hop on to finalize a few stupid questions to ask from this article.
You can short list them in your laptop or a piece of paper so whenever you want to conduct funny interviews, you have all the stupid funny questions at one place.
This article has a huge range of stupid questions to ask and we are sure that you and your friends will enjoy reading these questions.
One thing you should be sure of is that the stupid questions to ask should not bore the people rather they should be so interesting and funny that people want you to ask more and more.
Always think before you speak and even your stupid questions shouldn’t be blunt and pathetic. Read them all above and recommend to your friends.