There is an infinite number of weird questions to ask your friends to learn anything new about your friend. Strange questions will make you chuckle and may even lead to deeper and more important talks.
It might get monotonous to continually ask the same questions regarding school, job, or life. It may seem bizarre and uncommon to ask someone weird questions. Still, weird questions to ask friends can readily spice up any mutual dialogue and encourage workers to remain rather than turn down and walk away from the chat session.
Weird questions to ask your friends are fun, and if you’re looking for some ideas, you’ve come to the right place. We have mentioned some weird questions to ask your friends in our list.
Table of Contents
Super Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
When you are trying to think of weird questions to ask your friends, be sure to ask questions that are strange and based on unexpected notions. Have you ever shared your bed with your animal companion? May this be one of the super weird questions to ask your friends?
1. Which famous celebrity would you want to punch in the face?
2. In 2050, what will be the fastest mode of transportation?
3. Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge?
4. Which individual, corporation, country, or organization would you bankrupt if you had the chance?
5. When you know the battery is dead, why do you press harder on the remote control?
6. What’s your most favorite pooping position?
7. Is your time truly wasted if you enjoy wasting it?

8. Are eyebrows also considered facial hair?
9. Why do you think are manholes round?
10. Why is it that lemon juice has an artificial flavor while dishwashing liquid has real lemons?
11. Have you ever unwrapped and rewrapped a gift bearing your name?
12. Is it possible that morality is derived from morons, just as electricity is derived from electrons?
13. To kill an elephant, how many chickens would be required?
14. Why aren’t they using blankets if it’s friendly fire?
15. Why do you perceive everyone driving faster than you as an idiot and those who are quicker than you as a moron when?
16. Will someone ever be able to live forever?
17. What hair color do they list on your driver’s license if you’re bald?
18. Which superpower would you not want?
19. What do you usually think about while you are on the toilet?
20. Is it permissible for minors who act in R-rated films to see them?
21. What are two things that you think are normal, but become really strange when you do them repeatedly?
22. How would you be able to solve problems if you were from Mars?
23. Have you ever taken something out of your possession and failed to return it?
24. If you had the chance to invent a country, what would you name it?
25. If there’s an ambulance on its way to save someone and it knocks down someone, would it stop to help them?
26. What’s your most hated mode of transportation?
27. If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong?
28. Which would be the nicest if animals could only talk?
29. If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
30. Who’s the fifth person on your missed calls?
31. Why is sandwich meat round when bread is square?
32. Is there a limit to how intelligent a single person can be?
33. What music would you choose to play every time you walk into a room?
34. Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste?
35. Is it possible to hear someone’s iPod while they’re running at maximum speed?
36. Do you think if anything is possible, it’s still possible for anything to be impossible?
37. Should a man about to be executed in the electric chair be saved if he had a heart attack?
38. How many pennies do you think would fit into this room?
39. Which one would you choose: be alive and alone or about to die with a group of friends?
40. What has been the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?

41. Why is it called “beauty sleep” even though you wake up looking like a hot mess?
42. If you have described something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it?
43. Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile?
44. If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?
45. What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room?
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Very Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
If you want to ask unusual and bizarre questions, you should be prepared for some equally offbeat replies. “How many mosquitoes have you already killed?” is one of the very weird questions to ask your friends.
1. Which of the teachers would you prefer to have if you were a Hogwarts student?
2. Why does wet hair turn darker despite the fact that the water is clear?
3. When Greenland is white and ice-covered, why is it called Greenland?
4. Do you think you would be friends with a clone of yourself?
5. Do animals have the ability to commit suicide?
6. Why does the sun make our hair lighter but make our skin darker?
7. Are you keeping a really huge secret from someone you love?
8. How long do you think will you be remembered after the day that you die?
9. What would you paint on your first day if you were an artist?
10. Is it possible to purchase a complete chess set at a pawn shop?
11. How many times a day do you check yourself in front of the mirror?
12. Where does your idea go when it has already been forgotten?
13. Is it weird to enjoy the smell of your own fart?
14. What is the least important thing that is very important to you right now?
15. Have you ever had an extremely bad haircut?
16. Why do you think it is a boxing ring square?
17. Do you think a short person can “talk down” to a taller person?
18. What kind of tree would you be if you were one, and why?
19. Have you ever dropped food on the floor accidentally and then picked it up to eat it?
20. Why can’t the professor on Gilligan’s Island fix a hole in a boat if he can construct a radio out of a coconut?
21. Why is it called “taking a dump”? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump instead?
22. Why do you think 11 isn’t pronounced onety-one?
23. Would it be acceptable to say that the opposite of progress is congress because the opposite of pro is con?
24. When Donald Duck gets out of the shower, why does he put on a towel when he normally doesn’t wear any pants?
25. How would you know if someone has manipulated your memory?

26. What is the highest number that anyone has ever counted?
27. What characteristics would your nemesis have if you had one?
28. How many pairs of underwear do you actually own?
29. Why is it so difficult for women to apply mascara with their mouths closed?
30. Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?
31. Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you’re driving and looking for an address?
32. Suppose you have been given an elephant and you can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with it?
33. Do you really want someone to give you an honest answer when you ask them how they’ve been?
34. Why do you think are blueberries not bright blue?
35. Which side of the armrest is really yours at a movie theater?
36. What is the shape of your peripheral vision?
37. Do you think cavemen experienced nightmares about cavewoman?
38. Is it safe for someone to park their vehicle near a fire hydrant if it is on fire?
39. Male ballerinas are referred to as what?
40. Can you describe the smell of your armpits?
41. When you can’t drink and drive, why do you need a driver’s license to buy alcohol?
42. Do you think coffins have lifetime guarantees?
43. Why do we enjoy Halloween if our parents tell us not to take candy from strangers?
44. Why do adults say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up every few hours?
45. Who actually decides what’s right and wrong?
46. Are the 10 calories in a pack of gum just for chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?
47. What was the weirdest text message you’ve ever got?
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Really Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
When you ask your friends some weird questions, they could give you some unusual stares in response. “How can you swim in a bathtub?” is one of really weird questions to ask your friends.
1. What do you think existed before the universe?
2. You’ve recently joined the Spice Girls. What Spice name have you created for yourself?
3. Which day was a kid born on if his leg came out at 11:59 p.m. but his head didn’t come out until 12:01 a.m.?
4. Have you ever tried eating a piece of paper?
5. Why isn’t there any mouse-flavored food for cats?
6. Do you think you can daydream at night?
7. Would you dare to take a lie detector test with a loved one asking the questions?
8. How would you be able to handcuff a one-armed man?
9. Is it true that if you got into a cab and the driver drove backwards, he owes you money?
10. Which orange came first: the color or the fruit?
11. What was the worst song that was ever composed?
12. Would you rather play in the sand or play in the water at the beach?
13. If we are clean before using bath towels then why do we need to wash them?
14. How would anyone ever know if a word was misspelled in the dictionary?
15. Which one would you rather have an arm that regenerates every week or legs that grow back in every week?
16. We all know that milk goes bad if not refrigerated, but why doesn’t it go bad inside the cow?
17. Why are the small candy bars referred to as “fun sizes”? Isn’t it more fun to consume the big one?
18. Cured ham was formerly infected with what disease?

19. Doctors call what they do practice, isn’t that a little unnerving?
20. Do you have crazy thoughts running through your head all day?
21. Why is your head sticking out from your t-shirt?
22. If you were to look at a map of the inside of a planet, what would it look like?
23. How can a brain that is closed inside our skull ever be called an open mind?
24. Is it true that cannibals don’t like eating clowns because they taste funny?
25. Isn’t it strange that rearranging the word “teacher” gives “cheater”?
26. If you’ll be expecting the unexpected, doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
27. Are there belly buttons on Adam and Eve?
28. Why do you think vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
29. What is the longest time you have gone without showering?
30. Do you think prison buses have emergency exits?
31. When doing first aid, have you ever purposely hurt someone just enough to make them scream?
32. If an orange is the color orange, why isn’t a lemon called a yellow or a lime called a green?
33. Why is the Lone Ranger nicknamed “Lone” though he is constantly accompanied by his Indian friend Tonto?
34. Why are we so terrified of making mistakes if we can learn from them and improve?
35. What sound would be the most horrifying if you could hear it?
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Random Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
When many people in a room aren’t fascinating to talk to, it might be helpful to ask them random nonsense questions. This can help lighten the atmosphere. One of the questions may be something along the lines of “Have you ever contemplated stroking a snake?”
1. Should fishermen consume the fish they catch, or should they simply release them?
2. When was the last time you screamed your lungs out?
3. Is it legal to drive down a road backward as long as you stay in the right lane?
4. Rabbits don’t lay eggs, so why does the Easter bunny deliver them?
5. Why are they described as apartments when they are all connected?
6. How can pessimists motivate themselves to get out of bed every day?
7. How many kilograms of potatoes have you consumed throughout your life?
8. Why does grape flavor smell like it when real grapes don’t taste or smell like it?
9. Do you believe there is something beyond what we can currently perceive in the universe?
10. Would a bubble in space pop if you blew it?
11. Who do you think taught the first teacher ever?
12. What would happen to the sea level if every boat in the world was removed out of the ocean at the same time?
13. Does time flow forward only, or does it move differently also?
14. What do you think is the ugliest part of your body?
15. Do dentists consult with other dentists or do it on their own?
16. Which one would you rather do: sit in the snow while it is falling or dance in the rain?
17. Do fortune cookie predictions have a time limit?
18. Why can’t you just feel whelmed instead of overwhelmed and underwhelmed?
19. What’s the purpose of setting goals if we’re all going to die in the end?

20. Which Disney princess do you think would make the best spy?
21. Why don’t ghosts fall through the floor if they can walk through walls and glide downstairs?
22. Is the Bible kept in the fiction or nonfiction section of libraries?
23. What are the things that would be much better if you could change its color?
24. When someone with an accent thinks to themselves, do they have an accent in their thoughts, too?
25. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, where does baby oil come from?
26. Which one would you rather walk around with: a salad on your head or broccoli on your arms?
27. Is it true that if a child refuses to take a nap, it means they are resisting a rest?
28. When it comes to movies and concerts, do conjoined twins pay for one or two tickets?
29. How much wood do you think a woodchuck can chuck?
30. Is it still a dog pile when dogs climb on top of each other?
31. What lies beyond the limit if the sky’s the limit?
32. What is a workstation if the train station is set to where the train is bound to stop?
33. Would a vacuum form in your stomach if you farted and burped at the same time?
34. If everyone says that life is totally unfair, doesn’t that just mean that life is fair?
35. Is ketchup considered a smoothie since tomatoes are considered as fruits?
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Crazy and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
There is a significant distinction between strange questions to ask someone and crazy and weird questions to ask your friends. The first provides direction on how to live your life, while the second is an integral part of that life.
1. Where does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg in the nursery rhyme?
2. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
3. Is it required for atheists to swear on the Bible in court?
4. Why do 7-11 stores have locks on the doors if they are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
5. Would you believe a person who told you they were a pathological liar?
6. When we can’t sleep, why do we count sheep but not dogs?
7. What language do people speak in their heads if they were born deaf?
8. Do the FBI have to pay if they break down your door?
9. Why do banks charge money for insufficient balance, even when they know there isn’t any money?
10. Did you fail or succeed if you were trying to fail and you succeeded?
11. When it involves the living body, why is it called plastic surgery?
12. Have you ever been tempted to slap someone you’re talking to while you’re talking to them?
13. When sheep brush against each other, do they get static cling?
14. Why do green olives come in jars and black olives come in cans?
15. What happens if you turn on your headlights while traveling at the speed of light?
16. Today, how many times did everyone on the planet sneeze?
17. Why don’t your arms’ hair get split ends?
18. Why isn’t the “caps lock” key capitalized?
19. Which letter is silent in the word “scent”: S or C?
20. Are you a portrait of an artist if you go to a dance exhibition and dance?
21. How can something be “new” and “improved”?
22. When you plug something into an electrical socket, why is it called an outlet?
23. Who is right if two left-handed people had an argument?
24. Is brushing your teeth possible without wobbling your bottom?
25. Why do Germans live in Deutschland while Dutch people live in Holland?
26. Is it possible for someone to be allergic to water?
27. Will a teacher be “degraded” if they teach a younger grade than they previously taught?
28. Why is it said that you have a cold when your temperature rises?
29. When you die, do your eyes change color?
30. How far does someone’s ownership of a piece of land go?
31. Do glassblowers get a pane in their stomach if they inhale?
32. If vampires cannot see their reflections, why is their hair always so tidy?
33. Would a seahorse or a horse win a Miss Universe beauty pageant if animals had one?
34. What do you think makes a question a question?
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Funny and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
It could be enjoyable to begin a discussion by asking a few strange or humorous questions right from the start. A question like “how many chickens does it take to kill a rhinoceros?” is a good example of the funny and weird questions to ask your friends.
1. When we like something, why do we put our hands together?
2. Are you a waiter yourself if you’re waiting for the waiter to take your order?
3. Even when it’s delivered by plane or truck, why do we have to call it “shipping”?
4. Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
5. Would the other doctors treat the doctor or the patient if a doctor suffered a heart attack while performing surgery?
6. Can the word “dictionary” be found in the dictionary?
7. Are the animals homeless because they don’t have a home?
8. Is it possible for monkeys to have a monkey’s uncle?
9. Why do you think is it called a building when it is already built?
10. How could the Wicked Witch of the West ever bathe if she melts in the water?
11. Why do we kill people who kill people if killing people is wrong?
12. Why is patience a virtue if early birds get the best advantages?
13. Are individuals buried with their braces on?
14. Why aren’t curtains double-sided so that they look good both inside and outside your house?
15. Why is phonetic not spelled exactly as it sounds?
16. Did the sun shine first, or did the moon reflect it?
17. What do you call a question with no answer?
18. Why is it that your nose runs but your feet smell?
19. Why is it that the glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the bottle?
20. Do you become a hater if you despise haters?
21. Why do you think bacon isn’t baked and cookies are cooked?
22. What’s the most hilarious fact you know?
23. What’s one thing your dogs could say that would completely ruin your image if they could talk?
24. What do you typically do when you’re bored?
25. What is the silliest thing you’ve ever seen a stranger do in public?
26. What’s the sexiest name you’ve ever heard?
27. What are three items you might purchase at the grocery store to get strange looks from the cashier?
28. Do you sometimes hear certain voices in your head, too?
29. Can you show me the hidden apps in your phone?
30. Have you ever been caught cheating on a test?
31. What would you do if you could live forever?
32. If I fail a driver’s test, in which part will I fail?
33. Has someone caught you dancing in front of the mirror?
34. Where was the most embarrassing place you have ever farted?
35. Why is it that round pizzas come in square boxes?
36. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
37. How many beers do you think I’d be able to consume?
38. Have you ever gone to a corner store and stolen a candy bar?
39. How do you hang toilet paper: over or under?
40. How long do you think you’d survive in a zombie apocalypse?
41. If you can still remember, what are your funniest childhood memories?
Stupid and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
Before you start asking someone strange questions, you could think you understand that person well. Asking your friends, “Do you have no nose but very great smelling fingers?” is one of the weird questions to ask your friends.
1. Have you ever gone a day without wearing underwear?
2. What is it that you keep wanting to smell despite the fact that it doesn’t smell particularly good?
3. Have you ever fallen off your bike in front of a huge crowd?
4. What is the best Wi-Fi name you have seen in your entire life?
5. What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
6. Do mermaids have live babies or lay eggs?
7. What’s your preference: to be buried or be cremated?
8. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done after getting really drunk?
9. Did you once forget to bring your wallet when you’ve been scheduled to pay for a meal?
10. Which person do you know that totally reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
11. Which species would be the rudest if all animals could talk?
12. What do you think your last meal would be if you were on death row?
13. What is the wildest fantasy you’ve ever had?
14. What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?
15. What do you think is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?
16. If you could remove one color in the whole world, what would it be and why?
17. If you could ask me a funny question, what do you think would it be?
18. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
19. What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
20. If you were to be banned from your local library, what would be the reason?
21. What do you think will your last words be?
22. Have you ever made a prank call to someone you don’t know?
23. Can you eat ice cream using your bare hands?
24. Have you experienced going skinny-dipping before?
25. What is the worst possible name you might give your child?
26. What do you call a girl named after her mother if a boy named after his father is called junior?
27. What’s the first thing you wash in the shower?
28. Do you have a habit of going for a walk while sleeping?
29. Where did all the money go if the whole world were in debt?
30. What music would you like to be played at your funeral?
31. Have you created a rumor about yourself just to be the talk of town?
32. If life is a video game, what cheat code would you want to use most?
33. What would be the outcome if the government decided to make everything illegal?
34. Who actually tests the specific dog food when they say that it has a new and improved flavor?
35. If you could put one condiment inside your belly button, what would it be and why?
36. What are the things you would like to change if you became God for a day?
37. If you had to lose your hands or your feet, which would you choose?
Ice Breaker Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
Do you want to find out whether you should work with them or not? You could benefit from weird ice breaker questions to ask your friends.
1. Have you ever secretly taken money from your parents’ pocket or purse?
2. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in another person’s house?
3. What’s the reason for saying ‘after dark’ when it’s actually really after light?
4. Would you like to be married or be in a live-in relationship in the future?
5. What music instrument has the most annoying sound to you?
6. Have you ever been in a car crash where you were at fault?
7. What has been the strangest thing a visitor has done at your home?
8. Do you believe it is possible to inflate a balloon when underwater?
9. What color would you like if you had to eat a crayon straight from the box?
10. If you could choose any animated character, who would it be?
11. What has been the funniest or strangest thing that has happened to you on a first date?
12. Have you ever driven someone else’s car without first getting permission?
13. Which of your body parts do you wish to change?
14. Where would you like to time travel: back to the past or to the future?
15. Can you tell me the most hilarious joke you’ve heard?
16. Have you ever succeeded in making one of your parents cry?
17. Do you think the sea is salty because the shore never waves back at it?
18. Have you ever been in a secret relationship?
19. Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you passed out?
20. What’s the most creative insult you can think of?
21. If we were to have a boxing match, who do you think would win?
22. Have you ever offered to help anyone else with their homework in return for something specific?
23. What are the unwritten laws at your workplace?
24. Who would you appoint as the president of the internet, and why?
25. Would you rather be forced to wear shoes every second of your life or never be able to wear shoes again?
26. Which aspects of mine do you admire and which do you despise?
27. Who do you wish you could torture for the rest of your life?
28. What would you do if you could replace all of the grass on the planet with something else, and why?
29. In all honesty, what are some of your guilty pleasures that you are willing to admit?
30. In terms of appearance, which athlete do you believe most closely resembles you?
31. Have you ever been called out at school for wearing something embarrassing?
32. What’s the worst tag line you can think of for a wart removal cream company?
33. What do you want to be in your next birth, and why do you want to be that?
34. Have you ever tried to punch me in the face because of what I’ve done?
35. Which living individual, outside of your family, do you value the most?
Freaky and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
Here you will find freaky and weird questions to ask your friends. For instance, are you conscious of the fact that so many people despise you? Or do you sleepwalk?
1. Have you ever been caught going solo?
2. What would you do if I answered the door without clothes on?
3. How would you describe your package?
4. What’s one thing you want me to do to you that I haven’t done?
5. If we were in a movie theater, and I wanted to do it, what would you want me to do?
6. What do you look for in a partner for the bedroom?
7. Does the thought of recording a video turn you on?
8. What naughty fantasies do you have about me?
9. Do you prefer doing it in the morning or night?
10. What’s the longest intimate session for you?
Interesting and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
It doesn’t matter what the situation is; you can always benefit from having a list of weird and interesting questions to ask your friends. How often do you sing and dance around the house? Is it the case that you don’t even attempt to accomplish it?
1. What are some of your clients’ or colleagues’ nicknames?
2. Why do we say people work like dogs if they work all day, while dogs do nothing but lie around?
3. Between Superman and Goku, who do you think would win?
4. What is your deepest, darkest secret that no one else knows about?
5. What is something your parents or friends would warn me about you?
6. Do you squeeze the toothpaste tube from the top or bottom?
7. If a strand of spaghetti accidentally went out of your nose, would you sniff it back or pull it out with your fingers?
8. On a scale from one to ten, what’s your favorite color?
9. If you could live forever, what would you do?
10. Would you eat a person if you really had to?
11. If you could build anything you want, what would it be?
12. If you were invisible for ten minutes starting right now, what would you do?
13. What kind of secret society would you like to start?
14. What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
15. How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
16. What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
17. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
18. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
19. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
20. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
21. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
22. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
23. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
24. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
25. What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
26. Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
27. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
28. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
29. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
30. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
31. What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
32. Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
33. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest
34. What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
35. What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
36. What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
37. If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be?
38. What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time?
39. What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of?
40. What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?
Deep and Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
You must equip yourself with several unusual, peculiar, and out-of-the-blue questions to ask your friends. Do you want to hear a story about something that went wrong? It is a great example of a weird and deep questions to ask your friends.
1. What’s the last thing TikTok convinced you to buy?
2. What’s the scariest or most thrilling roller coaster you’ve ever been on?
3. What flavor of ice cream best represents your personality?
4. What’s an unexpected movie that makes you cry?
5. What does your name mean, and why was it given to you?
6. Do you feel that you’re young at heart, or an old soul?
7. When’s the last time you got to really experience nature?
8. If a song played every time you entered a room, what would it be?
9. Which decade, in your opinion, had the best fashion trends?
10. What was your AIM screen name, or your first email address?
11. If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, who would it be and what would you name them?
12. What foreign language(s) would you want to master and why?
13. If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?
14. If you were President, what’s the first thing you would work to change in this country?
15. If you had to choose only one, would you pick a dog or a cat?
16. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
17. If you were going to get some ink, what would you choose and why?
18. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
19. You just won $10,000 — what are you going to do with the money?
20. What are the qualities that attract you most in a love interest?
21. What’s your favorite movie romance? commercial?
22. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
23. When was the moment in your life you laughed the hardest?
24. What’s been your most questionable haircut and/or fashion moment?
25. What was the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?
26. Would you rather be an expert at one thing, or pretty good at many things?
27. If you could only have three things on your life bucket list, what would they be?
28. Which celeb would you want as your other BFF and why?
29. What is the first thing you would do on your wedding night?
30. What is the difference between six and half a dozen?
31. What was the person who discovered milk doing to the cow?
32. If a deaf person has a court date, will it still be called a hearing?
33. Why is it called the first birthday when it is the second?
34. Why do banks have branches, if money doesn’t grow on trees?
35. If you have to wait for a waiter, does that make you the waiter?
36. Since it’s your first time searching for it, why is it called research?
37. When you were a kid, what name did you give your favorite toy or stuffed animal?
38. What is the best excuse for being late you’ve heard or used?
39. What’s the weirdest item you keep by your bed?
40. Which was your first magazine subscription?
41. What’s the smelliest thing someone could put in the office microwave?
42. What was your most embarrassing moment from wearing braces?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends When Bored
The feeling of boredom does not discriminate against anybody and may strike at any time, even when you are not expecting it. If you’re feeling bored and need a quick pick-me-up and some good belly laughs, here are some weird questions to ask your friends when bored.
1. If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
2. If you were an artist, what would you paint on your first day?
3. If animals could talk, which would be the smartest?
4. If animals could talk, which would be the most boring?
5. Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?
6. What was your favourite TV show growing up?
7. What would you rather have; an arm that regenerates every month, or legs that grow back in every month?
8. What sound would be the scariest if you could hear it?
9. What fictional character do you think you are most like?
10. What superhero/villain would make the best therapist?
11. What Disney princess would make the best spy?
12. If you could be a fictional character, who would you be?
13. Which musician do you think would make the best teacher?
14. What is the worst/most annoying catchphrase?
15. If you could be in any movie, what would it be?
16. Which smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven?
17. What is one thing you wish could exist but doesn’t at the moment?
18. What is one thing you would change about your daily routine?
19. Who’s the most interesting person you’ve ever met?
20. What song would you play if you were at a party?
21. What is the most useless invention of all time?
22. Would you rather walk around with a salad for a head or broccoli for arms?
23. Which would you rather win: The lottery or to be named employee of the month every month?
24. What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
25. If you could be any type of plant or animal, what would you be?
26. What was the worst or weirdest dream you ever had?
27. What celebrity would you most like to switch lives with?
28. What is the most interesting place you’ve ever been to?
29. If you could take just one thing with you to a deserted island, what would you choose?
30. If you could invite three people to dinner, living or dead, who would you invite?
31. If you had to relocate, where would you least like to live?
32. If a piece of gum is 10 calories, does that include just the chewing or if you swallow it, too?
33. When they say that a specific dog food has a new and improved flavor, who tests it?
34. Why did they name Donkey Kong that way if he’s a monkey and not a donkey?
35. If a boy named after his dad is called junior, what do you call a girl named after her mom?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends Over Text
Under the category of weird questions to ask your friends over text, there are many hilarious questions you could ask your friend. Will you, for instance, take satisfaction in the achievements of your competitors? Why, and if not, why not?
1. Which music video can you watch over and over again without getting bored?
2. Have you ever thought of touching a snake?
3. How many times do you change your clothes in a day?
4. What soap do you use to wash your hands?
5. Do you like people who give advice and sermons too often?
6. Name a few things that you will never buy?
7. What is the most disgusting food that you have ever experienced?
8. Do you interrupt in between when others talk about you?
9. How would you like to decorate your dream house?
10. What is your weird fear that you are aware of but can’t let go?
11. Do you check your whatsapp messages every one minute?
12. Have you ever been polite to someone when you felt like banging their head onto a wall?
13. What strange gift have you received on your 18th birthday?
14. How will you resolve disagreements with your parents?
15. Will you appreciate the success of your enemies?
16. Can you imagine your life without a loving parent?
17. What will you never tolerate in your household?
18. What’s the embarrassing stuff on social media these days?
19. What is your weird pet name that nobody knows?
20. What are your views on ‘crossing limits’ in a relationship?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends to Have a Good Laugh
Friends will speak about everything, but every once in a while, you may feel the need to discuss with friends about something funny. Here you will find weird questions to ask your best friend to have a good laugh.
1. Has anyone told you that you look beautiful and stunning today?
2. How do you conquer your insecurities about your closest relationships?
3. Do you think that people should stop doing things that go against the law?
4. How do you spend your Sunday evenings?
5. Would you mind living in a conservative society?
6. What rules should never be a part of a healthy society?
7. How many medium sized pizzas can you gobble in 10 minutes?
8. Describe your weird smell that you would never wish to sniff again?
9. Can you climb 500 stairs everyday as a regular exercise regime?
10. Are you obsessed about looking in a mirror quite often?
11. Are you good at remembering things on the spot?
12. How many times do you say ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ in a week?
13. Which dress will you never mind repeating thrice a week?
14. If you have a chance of marrying a celebrity, who would you marry and why?
15. Do you know how many people do not like you?
5 Tips for Choosing Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
1. Make them feel at ease
This is pretty significant. Before you even ask weird questions for friends, make it very apparent that any question may be asked and that there is also the possibility that someone will go over their boundaries. Therefore, prepare your thoughts in advance to avoid any moments of hesitation.
2. Taking it easy while keeping the pace
Start by making light, playful jokes, and then see how the conversation develops from there. You don’t want others to think you’re any stranger than you already are, so proceed with care. Before moving on to the next step, you must watch how things develop.
3. Positive response
You could want to make the discussion more comprehensive if you see that the person you are chatting with enjoys being odd and would be interested in actually meeting you.
4. Approachable text
Texts that are not only peculiar but also humorous so that your friends do not believe you are a total stupid or that you are from another planet. Weird questions to ask your best friend is a good place to start. Why? Or, how many times do you say your mother yells at you in a single day? These are simple yet odd. With their response, the other individual won’t keep you waiting for an excessively long time.
5. Prepare yourself
Make a list of weird things to ask your friends before choosing a date for the game. This should be done before you even choose a time for the game. It will not only provide you with more knowledge about your competitors but also give you more time to assess how strong they are.
Final Thoughts on Weird Questions to Ask Your Friends
Is there a specific point to be made by asking such weird questions, and if so, what is it? The importance of weird questions to ask your friends can be attributed to several different factors.
It addresses factors such as mutual comprehension, getting to know one another in terms of personality and thinking, and the kind of people you choose to surround yourself with. There are many types of weird questions to ask your friends, such as hilarious, humorous, unusual, embarrassing, and many others.
Every category offers the possibility of illuminating a previously unknown aspect of your character. This game may be a lot of fun, but it also appears like it might put players in harm’s way.
You must know what weird questions to ask friends and what kinds of questions to avoid asking. This has the potential to either simplify or further complicate the situation. You have a choice in the matter.