Food trivia questions will always pique your interest because food is something we all like. It may be incredibly engaging and entertaining for a wide range of groups and occasions.
Culinary venues like fairs, kitchenettes, and restaurants are ideal places to provide culinary trivia questions with food. Is there any benefit to doing so?
Without a doubt, food trivia questions will reveal what individuals enjoy and what kinds of food they are interested in. After all, the customer’s desires are always prioritized.
Food trivia questions may also be popular if they are widely available online. The simplest method by which you can accomplish this is to launch a weekly food quiz question on platforms such as food panda, munchies, or savyour. The most widely used applications for placing food orders.
This allows us to properly grasp what the audience desires. This can also contribute to the success of those who run an internet restaurant.
The most important factor to remember is that food is worthless without beverages, thus culinary questions will not be answered on their own. Because drinks are on their way, this is a food and drink trivia question.
Let’s talk about some excellent culinary knowledge, and I’m sure this stuff will leave you hungry.
Table of Contents
Best Food Trivia Questions of All Time
If you enjoy learning about things, it is likely that you will enjoy learning more about this. Food is a need that no one can live without, no matter who they are or where they live. That is why these food trivia questions will satisfy not only your want for more food but also your intellect. What if everyone had to take a food knowledge quiz?
1. Which famous soft drink was invented in 1892?
Answer: Coca Cola.
2. What is used to make hummus?
Answer: Chickpeas.
3. What percentage of peanuts is found in a standard jar of peanut butter?
Answer: Every jar of peanut butter must be at least 90% peanuts.
4. What are the top two most popular spices in the world?
Answer: Pepper and Mustard.
5. What two words were combined to make the word ‘Spam’?
Answer: Spiced Ham.
6.What are the sugared almonds, traditionally thrown over the bride and groom at a wedding, called?
Answer: Dragees.
7. If you ordered an Omelet Arnold Bennett, what fish would you find in it?
Answer: Haddock.
8. What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Answer: Snap, Crackle, & Pop.

9. If something is described as ‘rotisserie’, what has it been cooked on?
Answer: It would have been cooked on a spit.
10. How much caffeine needs to be taken out of coffee for it to be described as decaffeinated?
Answer: At least 97%.
11. What turns a plain martini into a dirty martini?
Answer: Adding olive juice.
12. Some bands share a name with a food. Which band named after a foodstuff has sold the most records?
Answer: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, followed closely by Meatloaf.
13. If you suffer from Mageirocophobia, what are you scared of?
Answer: Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking.
14. Where were French fries invented?
Answer: Belgium.
15. What is canola an abbreviation for?
Answer: Canadian Oil.
16. What was the first food eaten in space?
Answer: Apple sauce.
17. What does ‘Dorito’ actually mean?
Answer: Dorito is Spanish for ‘little golden things’.
18. What nutrient comes from meat, eggs, and fish?
Answer: Protein.
19. What is the hottest part of a chili?
Answer: The flesh at the tip.
20. What is the most expensive spice (by weight) in the world?
Answer: Saffron.
21. What type of food is a peanut?
Answer: A peanut is a legume, not a nut.
22. Choux and filo are two types of what food product?
Answer: Pastry.
23. What is gelatin made from?
Answer: The skin and bones of animals.
24. What item of food holds the world record for being the most stolen item of food in the world?
Answer: Cheese.
25. Baked beans are made from what type of bean?
Answer: Haricot beans.
26. Which is the only food that can never go off or go bad?
Answer: Honey.
27. Sailors used to suffer from a horrible illness called scurvy. What causes scurvy?
Answer: A lack of vitamin C.
28. Where would you find Gumbo?
Answer: Louisiana.
29. New Orleans is famous for a dish that incorporates French, Spanish, and Caribbean influences – what is this dish called?
Answer: Jambalaya.
30. What is the USA’s favorite flavor of ice cream?
Answer: Vanilla.

31. Which is the only US state that grows coffee beans?
Answer: Hawaii.
32. Where was the cheeseburger born?
Answer: Colorado.
33. What is the national alcoholic drink of the USA?
Answer: Bourbon.
34. The state of Georgia is the 3rd largest producer of which fruit?
Answer: Peaches.
35. What is the most frequently ordered item of food in the USA?
Answer: Fried chicken.
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General Food Trivia Questions
Answering a food general knowledge quiz may be a lot of fun. The general food trivia questions and answers provide more than simply food knowledge. These may also be used as icebreaker questions if you don’t want to feel awkward around new people.
1. What is the iconic meal often found in Chicago?
Answer: The Deep-dish pizza.
2. Where was Coca-Cola first served?
Answer: Georgia.
3. Which president bought mac and cheese back to the USA, and where did he bring it from?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson first tried mac and cheese in Paris, France, and bought the recipe back to the USA with him.
4. Where and when was the chocolate chip cookie invented?
Answer: Massachusetts, 1930.
5. Which state would you eat laulau in?
Answer: Hawaii.
6. Which popular US dish features a sauce made from sausage dripping, flour, and milk?
Answer: Biscuits and gravy.
7. What cheese would you find on a Reuben sandwich?
Answer: Swiss cheese.
8. How many US states have adopted a fruit pie as their official state dish?
Answer: 3.
9. What is the most popular pizza topping in the USA?
10. Pepperoni.
11. What the official state pie of Florida?
Answer: Key Lime Pie.
12. Iowa is the what capital of the world?
Answer: Iowa is the ice cream capital of the world.
13. Which state is sometimes referred to as the popcorn state of the USA?
Answer: Indiana.
14. Which city in Germany gives its name to one of the USA’s favorite foods?
Answer: Hamburg.
15. What is the most frequently ordered item at seafood restaurants?
Answer: Shrimp.
16. What is another name for garbanzo beans?
Answer: Chickpeas.
17. What is the oldest soft drink in the USA?
Answer: Dr. Pepper.

19. How many cans of soda does the average American drink every year?
Answer: 600.
20. What nationality was the person who invented the hot dog?
Answer: German.
21. What food item do you need a doctor’s note to purchase after 6 pm in Newark?
Answer: Ice cream.
23. Peach pie is the national dessert of which state?
Answer: Delaware.
24. Which alcoholic drink is spelled with an ‘e’ in the USA and Ireland, but without one in the rest of the world?
Answer: Whiskey in the USA and Ireland, whisky everywhere else.
25. How much does the average Thanksgiving turkey weigh?
Answer: 15lb.
26. How many green bean casseroles are thought to be made every Thanksgiving?
Answer: Over 40 million.
27. California is notable during Thanksgiving for what reason?
Answer: On average, the state of California consumes the most turkey out of all the states!
28. How long did the first-ever Thanksgiving celebration last?
Answer: 3 days.
29. How many calories does the average Thanksgiving meal include?
Answer: 4,500.
30. Which meat was served at the first Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Venison, lobster, oysters, goose, and duck.
31. Who made Thanksgiving an official holiday?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln.
32. What is the name of the Native American tribe who celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
Answer: The Wampanoag.
33. Should tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator?
Answer: No, they lose their flavor.
34. And not forgetting desert – how many pumpkin pies are enjoyed every Thanksgiving?
Answer: 50 million.
35. What year was green bean casserole first introduced into Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: 1955.
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Easy Food Trivia Questions for Kids
Food trivia questions for kids are a fun way to put their culinary science skills to the test. Easy food trivia questions and answers will help you assess your child’s knowledge of different sorts of foods, the nutrients in food, and encourage them to consume nutritious meals and explore new cuisines.
1. Where will you find the oldest Thanksgiving parade?
Answer: Philadelphia.
2. What was the Guinness World Record for the heaviest Thanksgiving turkey?
Answer: 86lb.
3. What is the average American’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
Answer: Stuffing.
4. True or false – Thanksgiving led to the invention of the TV dinner?
Answer: True.
5. How many townships in Kansas are named after the turkey?
Answer: 3.
6. How many feathers does a fully-grown turkey have?
Answer: 3,500.
7. What does cornucopia mean?
Answer: Horn of plenty.
8. How do most Thanksgiving parades conclude?
Answer: With the arrival of Santa Claus
9. Which item of cutlery was only invented 10 years after the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: The fork.
10. How many pilgrims were at the first Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: 50.
11. Where are the majority of Thanksgiving turkeys bred?
Answer: Minnesota.
12. What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
Answer: 1621.
13. Which president was the first to pardon a turkey?
Answer: John F Kennedy.
14. When do they celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada?
Answer: The second Monday of October.
15. Which popular fast food beverage used to contain whiskey and egg whites?
Answer: Milkshake.
16. Which fast food outlet has the largest number of restaurants in the world?
Answer: Subway.
17. What popular Mexican dish literally translates as ‘little donkey’?
Answer: The burrito.
18. Where is the only McDonald’s in Cuba?
Answer: Guantanamo Bay, on the US military base.
19. How many herbs and spices make up the KFC spice blend?
Answer: 11.

20. Where was pizza invented?
Answer: Naples, Italy.
21. Which is the oldest fast food restaurant?
Answer: White Castle.
22. Which fast food restaurant first invented the drive-thru window?
Answer: Red’s Giant Hamburg.
23. What did McDonald’s introduce to their menu in 1968?
Answer: The Big Mac.
24. ‘Have it your way’ is the slogan for which fast food restaurant?
Answer: Burger King.
25. What year did the first Taco Bell open?
Answer: 1962.
26. KFC is short for what?
Answer: Kentucky Fried Chicken.
27. What was the first fast-food restaurant to be opened in China?
Answer: KFC.
28. Where would you be able to order ‘Beef ‘n’ Cheddar’?
Answer: Arby’s.
29. Where would you be able to get a ‘Grand Slam’ meal?
Answer: Denny’s.
30. Which McDonald’s is the busiest McDonald’s restaurant in the world?
Answer: The McDonald’s in Munich, Germany.
31. Which fast food restaurant had the slogan ‘where’s the beef?’?
Answer: Wendy’s.
32. White Castle sells hamburgers in which iconic shape?
Answer: White Castle sells square hamburgers.
33. Which fast food restaurant is sometimes referred to as the healthiest in the USA?
Answer: Panera Bread.
34. Which fast food restaurant quite literally started out in a broom closet?
Answer: Papa John’s Pizza.
35. Where was the first Pizza Hut?
Answer: Wichita, Kansas.
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Funny Food Trivia Questions
With so many different cuisines, ingredients, and funny food quiz questions, it might be difficult to keep track of just how much you know about food. Food quiz questions and answers might be a lot easier to come up with than the hilarious category.
1. If you wanted curly fries and a ‘Jamocha’ shake, where would you have to go?
Answer: Arby’s.
2. Where was the first Jack in the Box fast-food restaurant opened?
Answer: San Diego, California.
3. What percentage of all restaurants in the USA are pizzerias?
Answer: 17% of all restaurants in the USA are pizzerias!
13. How many different ingredients does it take to make a Big Mac?
Answer: 67.
14. What is the least healthy burger you can buy from a fast-food restaurant?
Answer: The Double Six Dollar Burger from Carl’s Jr.
15. How many fast-food restaurants are there in the USA?
Answer: Over 30,000.
16. What is the name of the signature burger of Carl’s Jr.?
Answer: The Famous Star.
17. What fast food restaurant is famous for its frozen fruit shakes?
Answer: Eegee’s.

18. What is the most commonly-used flavor enhancer used by fast-food restaurants?
Answer: MSG.
19. What is the slogan for Fatburger?
Answer: ‘The Last Great Hamburger Stand’.
20. How many different shapes of pasta are there?
Answer: Over 600.
21. A Chinese gooseberry is more commonly known as what?
Answer: A kiwi fruit.
22. Which country would you be in if you ended up eating colcannon and champ?
Answer: Ireland.
23. Borscht is a popular soup in Europe. What is it made out of?
Answer: Beetroot.
24. What is a wiener schnitzel traditionally made of?
Answer: Veal.
25. What is a bratwurst?
Answer: A type of German sausage.
26. If you order an ‘affogato’, what would you get?
Answer: Vanilla ice cream with a shot of espresso.
27. What cheese is the Netherlands famous for making?
Answer: Gouda.
28. What do Italians call maize?
Answer: Polenta.
29. If you ordered a ‘bouillabaisse’, what would you expect to eat?
Answer: Seafood.
30. Where do tacos come from?
Answer: Mexico.
31. What is commonly known as the King of English Cheeses?
Answer: Stilton.
32. What foodstuff is traditionally wrapped in seaweed?
Answer: Sushi.
33. What is the name of the South American dish of raw fish marinated in citrus juice?
Answer: Ceviche.
34. Where were Belgian waffles invented?
Answer: Luxembourg.
35. What is the direct translation of the word moussaka?
Answer: Moistened.
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Good Food Trivia Questions
Meal, wonderful food! Let’s be honest: we all eat it and like it. If you enjoy answering food trivia quizzes, you must be a foodie. However, a solid set of good food trivia questions is all you need to learn about a wide range of meals.
1. “100% squeezed sunshine” is which company’s advertising slogan?
Answer: Tropicana.
2. In cooking, what would you use a dredger for?
Answer: To sprinkle flour or sugar lightly.
3. Better ingredients, better pizza” is the advertising slogan of which company?
Answer: Papa John’s Pizza.
4. Before opening Wendy’s, what fast food franchise did Dave Thomas work at?
Answer: Kentucky Fried Chicken.
5. Which has more sugar, a strawberry or a lemon?
Answer: A lemon.
6. What type of trout is most commonly available in the US?
Answer: Rainbow trout.
7. What is Marsala?
A sweet wine.
8. What is the main ingredient in falafel?
Answer: Chickpeas.
9. Stilton cheese is native to what country?
Answer: England.
10. Black Forest cake originates from which country?
Answer: Germany.
11. Where was the first macaroni factory established?
Answer: Brooklyn, New York.
12. How many curries usually accompany rice at traditional South Indian festivities?
Answer: Seven.
13. What type of liquid is used to marinate raw fish in Mexican ceviche?
Answer: Lime juice.
14. Who is said to have been the founder of classical French cooking?
Answer: Marie-Antoine Careme.
15. Which country does the chorizo sausage originate from?
Answer: Spain.
16. In which year did Coca-Cola release New Coke, with a reformulated recipe?
Answer: 1985.
17. Which fruit is banned across all types of public transport in Singapore because of its unpleasant odor?
Answer: Durian.
18. Where was the Caesar salad invented?
Answer: Mexico.
19. The fast food concept came from which country and when?
Answer: USA, White Castle in 1921.
20. When did the first Starbucks open?
Answer: 1971.
21. Which food is considered to be family food in the USA?
Answer: Spaghetti.
22. What is the national dish of Scotland?
Answer: Haggis.
23. Which soft drink is the oldest soft drink in the USA?
Answer: Doctor Pepper.
24. A pimento is what type of vegetable?
Answer: Pepper.
25.What is the full form of PBJ sandwich?
Answer: Peanut Butter and Jelly.
26. Which soft drink was the most sold drink in 2018?
Answer: Coca Cola.
27. What is the best selling flavor of ice cream in the United States?
Answer: Vanilla.
28. Jambon is the French word for what food?
Answer: Ham.
29. What does Violet Beauregarde transform into in the movie ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’?
Answer: A blueberry.
30. What is another name for the Queensland nut or bush nut?
Answer: Macadamia.
31. What might Italians call maize?
Answer: Polenta.
32. What is the most widely eaten food in the world?
Answer: Rice.
33. Biryani is a famous dish from which countries?
Answer: Pakistan and India.
34. Which flower does the spice saffron come from?
Answer: Crocus.
35. Bobotie is the national dish of which country?
Answer: South Africa.
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Fun Food Trivia Questions
Fun trivia questions and answers may be a lot of fun to solve. Were you aware that November 3rd is National Sandwich Day? Or you’ll be surprised to learn that selling ice cream after 6 p.m. in New Jersey is banned.
1. An enchilada is from which cuisine?
Answer: Mexican.
2. What fast food restaurant sells the Big Mac?
Answer: McDonald’s.
3. What is meant by the term ‘al dente’ in Italian cooking?
Answer: It means “to the tooth”, it describes the perfect texture of cooked pasta.
4. Who invented Jell-O?
Answer: Pearle Wait.
5. The ‘Iron Chef America’ TV shows were based on the ‘Iron Chef’ show that originated in which country?
Answer: Japan.
6. A tangelo is a cross between which three fruits?
Answer: Tangerine, Grapefruit, Orange.
7. Shell steak also goes by what name?
Answer: Kansas City Strip.
8. What ingredient makes bread rise?
Answer: Yeast.
9. What is the biggest supermarket chain in the US?
Answer: Kroger Co.
10. What is the most commonly used oil in Chinese cooking?
Answer: Peanut oil.
11. What manufacturer introduced Pringles potato chips in 1969?
Answer: Proctor and Gamble.
12. What is the name of the first book by chef Anthony Bourdain?
Answer: ‘Kitchen Confidential’.
13. Which country did brie cheese originate from?
Answer: France.
14. Which dish from Spain traditionally includes saffron rice, seafood, chicken, chorizo and peas?
Answer: Paella.
15. What term is used slow cooking meats like duck or pork to slow cook any fat out of them?
Answer: Rendering.
16. What shape is the pasta called ‘chiocciole’?
Answer: Shell.
17. What vegetable is also called a ‘courgette’.
Answer: Zucchini.
18. What do you make by whipping egg whites?
Answer: Meringue.
19. Peanut butter was turned into which mineral by scientists?
Answer: Diamond.
20. What is the most common food allergen?
Answer: Nuts.
21. Orange is a rich source of which vitamin?
Answer: VitaminC.
22. Which Italian town is considered to make the world’s best balsamic vinegar?
Answer: Modena.
23. What are the names of the Rice Krispies elves?
Answer: Snap, Crackle and Pop.
24. What is the best selling flavor of soup in the UK?
Answer: Tomato.
25. Which President brought mac and cheese to America?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson.
26. In which country was ice-cream invented?
Answer: China.
27. What is the most popular food in the world?
Answer: Pizza.
28. What beans are used to make baked beans?
Answer: Haricot beans.
29. What is a person with a particular interest in food called?
Answer: A foodie.
30. What is the state dessert of Arizona?
Answer: Lane Cake
31. In 1963, which state sold the first fried dill pickle?
Answer: Arkansas
32. What is the national spirit of America?
Answer: Bourbon
33. Name the state which is the birthplace of Cheeseburger?
Answer: Colorado
34. What is the national dish of Germany?
Answer: Pot Roast
35. What is an Indian dish but the national dish of England?
Answer: Chicken Tikka Masala
Fast Food Trivia Questions
You should put your cuisine expertise to the test while learning what makes your favorite fast-food restaurants unique. What fast-food establishment was formed first? is one of the top fast-food trivia questions and answers. You should be aware of how your love came to be.
1 Which of the following is the most common pizza topping?
Answer: Pepperoni.
2. Which of the following McDonald’s menu items have 1,320 calories?
Answer: Big Mac.
3. What is the most used flavor enhancer in fast foods?
Answer: MSG.
4. Which restaurant is the home of the original small, square hamburger?
Answer: White Castle.
5. Who is the founder of Chick-Fil-A?
Answer: Panera Bread.
6. In 2005, what burger chain ran ads featuring a scantily clad Paris Hilton rolling around on the hood of a car?
Answer: Carl’s Jr.
7. Which fast food chain was behind the infamous “Where’s the Beef?” ad campaign in 1984?
Answer: Wendy’s.
8. Where is the busiest McDonald’s in the world?
Answer: Munich, Germany.
9. What mid 1980’s McDonald’s item came in a double container?
Answer: The McDLT.
10. Before starting Wendy’s, what fast food franchise did Dave Thomas work for?
Answer: Kentucky Fried Chicken.
11. What fast food restaurant sells the Beef ‘n Cheddar?
Answer: Arby’s.
12. Which restaurant is famous for its “Grand Slam” meal?
Answer: Denny’s.
13. The Famous Star is the signature burger of what fast food restaurant?
Answer: Carl’s Jr.
14. What sub shop is known for its toasted subs?
Answer: Quinoas.
15. Which fast food restaurant is famous for its curly fries and jamocha shakes?
Answer: Arby’se.
16. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change its name to KFC?
Answer: To eliminate the unhealthy connotation of “fried” from its name.
17. How many herbs and spices make up the secret blend used on Colonel Harland Sanders’ fried chicken recipe?
Answer: 11.
18. What fast food restaurant boasts that you can “Have it your way”?
Answer: Burger King.
19. What fast food restaurant introduced a popular advertising campaign in 1997 that featured a talking chihuahua?
Answer: Taco Bell.
Healthy Food Trivia Questions
Healthy eating is essential for your overall well-being and health. Take healthy food quiz questions and answers to learn which healthy foods to eat to increase immunity, decrease weight, supplement your diet, and more. The majority of the inquiries concern the keto diet.
1. What important mineral is found in dairy foods such as milk and cheese?
Answer: Calcium.
2. What does fruit have that makes it taste sweet?
Answer: Fructose.
3. How often should one eat fish each week?
Answer: Two times.
4. What vitamin gives sweet potatoes and carrots their orange color?
Answer: Vitamin A.
5. What should you have in your diet that may benefit your digestion and reduce your risk of chronic disease?
Answer: Fiber.
6. Foods rich in starch such as pasta and bread are often known by what word starting with the letter C?
Answer: Carbohydrates.
7. What healthy fat containing food is used as the base of guacamole?
Answer: Avocado.
8. Are humans omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore?
Answer: Omnivore.
9. Deer meat is known by what name?
Answer: Venison.
10. Which fruit contains an enzyme that aids digestion and also helps tenderize meat?
Answer: Papaya.
11. What is the common name for Allium sativum?
Answer: Garlic.
12. What is the name for probiotic rich fermented milk?
Answer: Turmeric.
13. What is the abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland due to deficiency of iodine called?
Answer: Goiter.
14. What are lactobacillus, acidophilus, and bifidobacterium?
Answer: Probiotics.
15. What bean that originated in East Asia is used for miso, oil, and tofu?
Answer: Soybean.
16. What is the only fruit to have seeds on the outside?
Answer: Strawberry.
17. What red food is actually a fruit and not a veggie?
Answer: What red food is actually a fruit and not a veggie.
18. How do you know if juice is made from real fruit?
Answer: The label says 100 percent fruit juice.
19. What element, whose symbol is Ca, is needed to keep bones healthy and strong?
Answer: Calcium.
20. What are cruciferous vegetables?
Answer: Vegetables in the cabbage family such as cabbage, bok choy, and cauliflower.
21. What nutrient do you get from the meat, poultry, eggs, and fish?
Answer: Protein.
Unusual Food Trivia Questions
Do you believe you know everything strange and amazing about food? Then try taking any unusual food quiz questions to see how well you know the oddest ingredients, surprising cuisines, and unique pairings. You might end up knowing something out of the blue.
1. Which food is made from the skin and bones of animals?
Answer: Gelatin.
2. Scurvy is caused by a lack of this vitamin.
Answer: Vitamin C.
3. Who is known as the inventor of frozen foods?
Answer: Clarence Birdseye.
4. What causes bread to rise?
Answer: Yeast.
5. Flour cooked with fat is known to make what?
Answer: A roux.
6. Are almonds considered seeds or nuts?
Answer: Seeds.
7. Prunes are made from what?
Answer: Dried plums.
8. How many segments are inside most oranges?
Answer: 10.
9. What is considered to be the oldest vegetable?
Answer: Pea.
10. Avocados are also known as what?
Answer: Alligator pears.
11. What is known as the “world’s smelliest fruit”?
Answer: Durian.
12. Sauerkraut is composed of which vegetable?
Answer: Cabbage.
13. What type of fruit is a ‘pink lady’?
Answer: An apple.
14. Which country grew the first strawberries?
Answer: France.
15. A cucumber contains what percentage of water?
Answer: 90%.
16. Which kind of fruit does an Arthur Turner plant produce?
Answer: Apple.
17. To Italians, which vegetable is known as the “crazy apple”?
Answer: Eggplant.
18. How many avocado varieties exist?
Answer: 500.
19. The small, edible pieces of a pomegranate are known as what?
Answer: Arils.
20. Which fruit contains more vitamin C, kiwi or oranges?
Answer: Kiwi.
21. Approximately, how many seeds are in a strawberry?
Answer: 200.
22. What is the weight of the world’s largest carrot?
Answer: 10 lbs.
23. Which vegetable was the first to be grown in space?
Answer: Potato.
24. Potatoes, turnips, and carrots are all considered what types of vegetables?
Answer: Root vegetables.
25. The South American vegetable, cassava, is also known as what?
Answer: Yam.
Difficult Food Trivia Questions for Adults
You may read as many books and articles about food as you want, but there will always be something you are unaware of. There are a few hard food quiz questions that you will not be able to answer. Food trivia questions for adults include where vanilla comes from and what flowers are used to make it.
1 How much of your plate should you fill with fruits and veggies?
Answer: 1/2.
2. What type of fish is a dangerous delicacy for sushi eaters if not correctly prepared?
Answer: Blowfish.
3. In which country did Cheesecake originate?
Answer: Greece.
4. What is the widely eaten food in the world today?
Answer: Rice, maize and wheat.
5. What is the widely consumed ready food that never goes bad?
Answer: Honey.
6. Green banana is a fruit: True or False?
Answer: False.
7. What is the national drink for the US?
Answer: Bourbon whiskey.
8. What is the main ingredient in Sushi?
Answer: Raw fish and rice.
9. What is the main ingredient of drink atole?
Answer: Corn.
10. What is sold at a pastelería?
Answer: Fancy cakes and sweets (A pasteleria is a bakery.)
11. What are chicharrones?
Answer: Fried pork skins.
12. What is used as a topping for flan?
Answer: Caramel sauce.
13. What is pepita?
Answer: Pumpkin seed.
14. In what were tamales wrapped?
Answer: Comida chatarra.
15. What do people call fast foods in Hispanic countries?
Answer: Comida chatarra.
16. What is ceviche?
Answer: Raw fish or shrimps marinated in lime sauce
17. What is the main ingredient in the soup “pozole”?
Answer: Corn (hominy).
18. What are sweet potatoes called in Mexico?
Answer: Camotes.
19. How much pork do the best types of chorizo have?
Answer: As much as 95%.
20. What are Huevos rancheros?
Answer: Fried eggs on corn tortillas covered with salsa.
World Food Trivia Questions
Almost every country has a unique item that is recognized all over the globe. We may learn about many additional dishes from throughout the planet by answering world food quiz questions. The majority of the world food trivia questions.
1. What are the two top selling spices in the world?
Answer: Pepper is the top seller; mustard is second.
2. Are yams and sweet potatoes the same?
Answer: No.
3. What candy bar consists of nougat, caramel, and peanuts wrapped in chocolate?
Answer: Snickers.
4. In cooking, what does “etoufee” mean?
Answer: Smothered.
5. “Better Ingredients, Better Pizza” has been used as an ad slogan by which company?
Answer: Papa John’s
6. King, Coho, and Silver are subspecies of what fish?
Answer: Smothered.
7. What candy comes in refillable dispensers with characters on top?
Answer: Salmon.
8. Beluga, osetra, and sevruga caviar come from what fish?
Answer: Miso.
9. What is the traditional name of the soy bean soup which is a staple of the Japanese?
Answer: Bread.
10. What is used to thicken gazpacho?
Answer: France.
11. Which vegetable is also known as a “courgette”?
Answer: Zucchini.
12. What do you call the rotating rod a “rotisserie” item is cooked on?
Answer: Spit.
13. In cooking, if you “pare” a carrot, what do you do to it?
Answer: Peel It.
14. What is the primary flavoring agent of a Greek Tzatziki sauce?
Answer: Garlic.
15. What is the term for cooking meats like pork or duck in order to melt some of the fat out of them?
Answer: Rendering.
16. What food is also known as “liberty cabbage”?
Answer: Sauerkraut.
17. A field in which rice is grown is called a what?
Answer: Paddy.
Drink and Food Trivia Questions
Food and beverages go incredibly well together. Then there will be food and drink quiz questions and answers. What is prepared with rolled oats, fat (usually butter), brown sugar, and golden syrup baked together? is one of the examples of a food and drink trivia questions
1 What is the best selling flavor of ice cream in the United States?
Answer: Vanilla.
2. Which fictional character is credited with increasing spinach consumption in the US by a third?
Answer: Popeye.
3. What does Violet Beauregarde transform into in the movie ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’?
Answer: A blueberry.
4. What Indian spice that grows in pods is used to make chai tea?
Answer: Cardamom.
5. Coffee plants originated on what continent over 1000 years ago?
Answer: Africa.
6. What kind of Greek bread is used in a gyro?
Answer: Pita Bread.
8. What is another name for butter beans?
Answer: Lima Beans
9. Where does arabica coffee originate?
Answer: Ethiopia
10. Which flower yields the spice saffron?
Answer: Crocus
Final Thoughts on Food Trivia Questions
Food is a need that no one can live without, no matter who they are or where they live. That is why these food trivia questions will satisfy not only you want for more food but also your knowledge. The food trivia questions and answers aren’t simply for gaining more culinary knowledge.
These may also be used as icebreaker questions if you are sitting with new people and suddenly, they order something unusual. Food quiz questions may contain questions that surprise you, and the next thing that comes to mind is, “How the heck did I not know this?” Also, culinary quiz questions might inspire you to try new foods or strange cuisine combinations that will undoubtedly surprise you.
Let us now discuss the finest item that has ever been coupled with food, which is drinks. This is an unbeatable combination. If there are food quizzes, then this combination must be significant. There are many food and drink quiz questions on the internet that you may answer to find out which drink corresponds with which dish.