Asking romantic questions for couples every now and then proves to be a good way of communication among the married couples as, we all are very well aware of the fact that communication is the most dominant feature in any strong marriage.
Keeping this in mind, let us begin by providing you with different conversation ideas.
One of such ideas is to frequently ask romantic questions for couples from each other. It may sound absurd to some people but it can be really hilarious, intimate as well as insightful at the same time.
All your need is a will to spend some time with your spouse and trust in us to guide you on how you can rekindle the spark in your marriage.
Now, you might be scratching your head about what to ask? Well, don’t worry! All you need to do is to keep scrolling down the article and go through our detailed romantic quiz for couples under multiple categories to choose from. So, let’s get down to it.
Table of Contents
Romantic Questions for Couples to Deepen Your Connection
Starting your conversation on a good vibe is as important as the ending, and for this purpose nothing works better than romance. Therefore, let’s grab some romantic questions for couples from the list below and put them at the top of the questionnaire.
1. What’s your favorite memory we made together?
2. What do you think about us owning a business together?
3. Do you like hanging out with my friends?
4. Am I making you feel protected and cared for in our relationship?
5. Did you use to think that relationships were like in Disney movies?
6. Have you ever read books about relationship advice?

7. What’s the most important lesson about relationships that you got from your parents?
8. Do you ever feel like you have to fit in when you’re with me?
9. Can you see yourself living alone?
10. Why did you start looking for a romantic partner?
11. Do you think I ever hold back from you?
12. Before we started dating, did any previous significant other leave an impact on you?
13. Would you see me in a completely different light if I were to do something specific?
14. Do you trust me implicitly, no matter the context?
15. Should we try doing something different on special occasions?
16. Do you think our relationship is similar to that of your parents?
17. Are you fine with fixing imperfections in our couple life even if it takes a long time?
18. What should we improve in our relationship?
19. Is it ok if we have good friends of the opposite gender?
20. Is kissing or hugging more intimate for you?
21. Do you have any curiosities about me that you’re actively avoiding?
22. Do you think you have a flaw which I wouldn’t be ok with?
23. Do you prefer it when we text or talk over the phone?
24. Is there a special place you’d want to show me one day?
25. Do you have a personal goal you haven’t told me about?
26. How important are truth and honesty for you?
27. If we could live forever, would you choose to spend that forever with me?
28. Are love songs romantic or annoying?
29. Do things happen for a reason, or is it endless chaos?
30. What are your thoughts on cliche movies or very cheesy ones?
31. Do you think some parts of our relationship should stay just between us (no telling to friends or family)?
32. Should we experiment with s#x toys?
33. What does “great s#x” mean for you?
34. Do you have a sexual fantasy you’d like us to do?
35. What do you enjoy doing most when we’re together?
36. What’s one thing that makes our relationship unique from others?
37. What do you daydream about most often?
38. Should we have a joint bank account or use our money separately?
39. Do you think I’d lend money to a friend if they asked?
40. Are you a gambling person or do you prefer keeping it nice and steady?
41. What should a person have to be considered a friend?
42. Which personality trait is an instant turn-off for you?
43. What’s more important: being smart or being a kind person?
44. When do you think I’m at my sexiest?
45. Do you actively seek to be respected or admired by others?
46. Did you go through a “phase” growing up?
47. Do you want us to try something new in bed?
48. Do you like it when I give you back rubs?
49. Have your previous partners ever been unfaithful?
50. Don’t think about it: why’d you choose me over others?
51. Do you have any family or cultural traditions that you’d want me to follow too?
52. Is your life going as you thought it would when you were a teenager?
53. Did you like your parent’s cooking growing up?
54. Do you have any fears or phobias that you find strange?

55. What’s one life lesson you’d pass on to the next generation?
56. Do you think we have a lot of fun together?
57. Do you think our relationship is lacking in something specific?
58. If you could only choose 1 cuisine for the rest of your life, what would it be?
59. Do you think we had a great first kiss or was it mediocre?
60. Ever think of me when a song comes up on your playlist?
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Romantic Questions for Couples to Connect on a Deeper Level
If you wish to know more about your spouse then you will have to dig deeper. For this purpose, pick some couple romantic questions to help you connect with your partner on a deeper level.
1. If we had all the money in the world, what’s the first thing you’d want us to do together?
2. What’s one thing you really like about me, physically speaking?
3. What’s the first thing you thought about me when we met?
4. Do you think any of our friends have a great couple life?
5. Do you think physical touch is a big part of romance?
6. What date night atmosphere would you be most happy with?
7. Is there a romantic movie you want us to watch together?
8. Do you think there’s a secret to staying happy in a relationship?
9. Is there a specific music genre that “gets you going”?
10. What’s one meal you’d like to have for a romantic night?
11. Which of my qualities do you love most?
12. What does the perfect date night look like for you?
13. What’s one thing I do that really makes you feel loved?
14. What could I do to make life easier for you in the next week?
15. What problem could I help you with right now?
16. How did you know I was the one for you?
17. What does “home” look like, smell like and sound like to you?
18. What secrets have you told me that you’ve never told anyone else?
19. What couples do you view as good role models for us?
20. What 3 words best describe our relationship?
21. If you were a muffin, what kind would you be?
22. What adventures would you like to go on together?

23. Do you think love exists beyond time and space?
24. What nickname that I have for you is your favorite?
25. What is your favorite memento of our relationship?
26. What do you find more romantic – sunrise or sunset?
27. What’s the best compliment I’ve ever given you?
28. Where would you want to go for a second honeymoon?
29. What would have happened if we hadn’t met when we did?
30. What does the perfect Valentine’s Day look like to you?
31. What does the perfect anniversary look like to you?
32. What do you think is the difference between loving and being in love?
33. How have your priorities changed since we met?
34. What line in our marriage vows means the most to you?
35. What do you think I bring to our relationship?
36. What do you find more romantic – gifts or words?
37. What’s your favorite thing for us to do together?
38. What have I done for you that you really appreciate?
39. What’s something I don’t like about myself that you love?
40. What unconventional things do you think are romantic?
41. If you had an extra two hours in your day, how would you use them to improve our relationship?
42. What’s the most romantic experience we’ve ever had?
43. What aspect of our relationship brings you the most happiness?
44. What differences between us do you love and why?
45. What similarities between us do you love and why?
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Romantic Questions for Couples to Increase Intimacy
Intimacy is the most cardinal aspect of a relationship whether married or unmarried. Intimacy should always be bubbling over the surface of your relationship. In order to turn your intimacy level a notch or two above grab these romantic couple quiz questions instantly.
1. Is there anything you’re afraid to accomplish that I can help you with?
2. What do you think your younger self would think of our relationship?
3. What are three qualities about me that you were first attracted to?
4. What’s a question you’ve always wanted to ask me but never have?
5. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?

6. How and when did you know we’d make it as a couple?
7. Is there anything we haven’t tried that you’d like to?
8. How and where do you like to be touched?
9. What is the best way I can make you feel loved?
10. What is the closest you’ve ever felt to me?
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Romantic Questions for Couples to Rekindle Spark
It often happens that either after having kids or due to our responsibilities, we don’t have time to spend with each other. If this situation is relatable to you then you are at the right place at the right time. Because given below is a wide variety of questions to rekindle romance between both of you.
1. What do you think is the key to a happy, healthy relationship?
2. What’s the most supportive thing I’ve done for you?
3. When you’re feeling stressed, what’s the best thing I can do for you?
4. If you could relive one day with me, which would it be?
5. Do you have a favourite photograph of the two of us?

6. What do you think are the signs of a healthy relationship?
7. What do you think is the most interesting fact about me?
8. If we could travel anywhere together, where would we go?
9. In what ways do you think we’ve evolved as a couple?
10. What was the most surprising thing you learned about me?
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Romantic Questions for Couples to Build a Strong Relationship
Everyone has to work on their relationship to make it strong and long lasting. Spending time together and talking things out is the best way to strength in any relationship. Owing to this, we have a bundle of romantic question for couples that you could hit off one another and enjoy.
1. What kinds of things will we be doing 10 years from now?
2. What’s a song that reminds you of our relationship?
3. How do you think our relationship will change if we get married?
4. Is there anything about our relationship that feels totally unique to us?
5. What initially made you interested in me?
6. What about me made you fall in love?
7. If you had one word to describe our love, what would it be?
8. What’s one difference between us that you absolutely love?
9. What did you think when you first met me?
10. What is your favorite memory with me so far?
11. What’s that one thing about our relationship that makes you the happiest?
12. If you had one word to describe our relationship, what would it be?
13. What’s the most romantic thing I have ever done for you?
14. What do you remember most about our first kiss?
15. What is your idea of a perfect romantic date?
16. When you stop seeing someone you have mutual friends with, how do you navigate the situation?
17. Would it bother you if I became friends with your friends?
18. What do you love the most about us as a couple?
19. Does it matter to you how much you have in common with the person you’re dating?
20. How important are anniversaries to you?
21. How confident are you about our relationship?
22. What were the green flags in our relationship?
23. What was the main reason for your last breakup?
24. Did you ever think one of your past relationships was really the one?
25. What do you think the key to a successful relationship is?
26. Have you ever stayed in a relationship with someone you were no longer in love with?
27. Have you ever told someone you loved them and knew you didn’t mean it?
28. If you felt jealous of someone in my life, would you tell me?
29. How much time do you think couples need to spend together?
30. How do you know when you fall in love?
31. What does your ideal romantic life look like in the future?
32. What’s a non-negotiable for you in a relationship?
33. What’s a deal-breaker for you in a relationship?
34. What was your first thought after our first real date together?
35. What do you think after you receive a super romantic message from me?
36. What do you prefer public proposals or a thoughtful private one?
37. What do you prefer a simple home-cooked meal or dinner at a fancy restaurant?
38. Should we have our own sign language/code?
39. Do you believe in grand gestures of love?
40. Are you comfortable with public displays of affection or PDAs?
41. What is your wildest fantasy you never discussed with me?
42. What turns you on and what turns you off in a partner?
43. Who do you think makes a great example of a relationship and why?
44. What physical action or gesture do you find romantic?
45. What setting do you think makes the perfect date night atmosphere?
46. What’s the number one thing that you think makes a relationship last?
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Romantic Questions for Couples on Date Night
A best way to rekindle the spark and romance in your relationship is to plan a date night out. Make your date night more enjoyable and memorable by hitting your forever love with these fun date night questions for married couples.
1. What is the most important thing in life to you?
2. What was your favorite adventure we went on together?
3. Where would you want to go on a honeymoon?
4. Anything you want to improve in our relationship?
5. Do you have anything you want to improve in your life?
6. What is one thing you would want me to do for you?
7. What is the best gift you have ever received?
8. What is one thing you’d like to do with me more?
9. What is one personality trait you want to develop in yourself?
10. If you could change one thing in our relationship, what would it be?
11. What is one thing your parents taught you about relationships?
12. What’s your favorite way to give or receive affection?
13. What’s one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?
14. What is one secret you’ve always wanted to tell me, but haven’t?
15. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
16. What makes you feel better after a long, hard day?
17. If our relationship suddenly ended, what would you miss the most?
18. What’s one thing you’ve always been scared to ask me?
19. What is something I do that makes you feel most taken care of?
20. What’s something I could do for you that would make you really happy?
21. What’s one thing you would like for us to do together that you’ve never experienced?
22. What’s your favorite memory associated with a holiday?
23. What about me made you fall in love with me?
24. Is there a sexual fantasy you’ve always wanted to experience?
25. What’s one similarity between us that you love?
26. What’s one way that we complement each other well?
27. What did you want to be when you grew up when you were a child?
28. What’s your favorite non-sexual activity we do together?
29. If you could describe our relationship in one word, what word would that be?
30. Do you think it’s possible for a relationship to recover from cheating?
31. How do you like to be treated/taken care of when you’re sick?
32. Do you think you want to raise your kids the same way you were raised, or differently?
33. If you could change anything about your childhood, what would it be?
34. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
35. What do you think we need to work on in our relationship?
36. Do you feel like you make decisions primarily based on logic or on emotion?
37. Do you get jealous when you see me talking to other people?
38. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
39. When was the moment you knew you wanted to be with me?
40. What is something that really makes you feel alive?
41. If you could pass down one message to your younger self, what would that be?
42. What’s your dream job, if there were no limitations?
43. What would you say is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
44. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but been too scared to?
45. Which of your parents do you have the best relationship with?
46. Is there anything that you would consider unforgivable?
47. What do you think makes for a happy relationship?
Romantic Questions for Couples to Know Each Other Better
Either you are a newly married couple or an old one. You might think that you know your spouse more than anyone. But that might not be the case. It’s about time, you take the test by asking these romantic get to know you questions for couples and see how well you know each other.
1. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
2. What’s your favorite thing that we do in bed?
3. Is there a specific taste or food that reminds you of me?
4. Tell me about your longest relationship. Why did it end?
5. What’s something about your life that you’re glad is over?
6. What is your favorite memory of our relationship?
7. When did you realize that we’d make it as a couple?
8. If we weren’t in public, what would you do to me right now?
9. What are some things that turn you on when you think about them?
10. What’s your favorite body part to get compliments on?
11. Which one of our dates did you have the best time?
12. What’s something you need from our relationship that you’re not currently getting?
13. What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made for a relationship?
14. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done to impress someone?
15. What couples Halloween costume have you always wanted to do?
16. What is the most important quality you look for in a partner?
17. Out of your friends and family, whose relationship do you admire the most?
18. What is more important in a relationship: an emotional connection or a physical connection?
19. What is something you are not willing to compromise on?
20. Where do you want to live in the future?
21. What goals do you have for the relationship?
22. Are you ready to commit to a long term relationship?
23. What’s the best gift you have ever received?
24. If money didn’t matter, what would you want to do for a living?
25. What are ten things you would bring to a desert island?
26. How would you describe your spending habits?
27. What are your expectations for the relationship?
28. What’s been one of the funniest times we’ve had together?
29. When and what was the first moment you knew you were in love with me?
30. If you could describe me in only one word, what would it be?
31. If you could travel anywhere in the world with me with no monetary restrictions, where would we go?
32. What was your first impression of me when we met?
33. What’s your favorite meal to cook for date night?
Romantic Questions for Couples to Start a Conversation
Never let any chance of conversation you get, pass by without being intimate with your significant other. Tonight, get hold of these romantic conversation starters for couples with a glass of wine and sit together to spend some quality time with each other.
1. Have I ever hurt you in any way that you haven’t told me about?
2. Which part do you think is the most attractive?
3. Which do you prefer, the dominant or the submissive?
4. Which television shows have been you binging on lately?
5. Which is the worst thing that you have done to someone else?
6. Which is your favorite thing you’d like to see me wear?
7. What would you buy if you could purchase anything in a se* shop?
8. Which celebrity would you choose to be your best friend in bed?
9. Which song do you prefer to listen to while having se*?
10. Which do you believe is your best skill in the bedroom?
11. When you feel romantic what song do you listen the most?
12. Is there anything I should do to make you feel special?
13. What romantic song you should dedicate to our relation?
14. What do you dream of the most that you want to achieve with me?
15. What plans you would make on our marriage to make it special?
16. What is the best and worst advice you have received and given?
17. Who is one person from your past you wish to be in touch with and why?
18. Do you believe in selfless and timeless love?
19. What your idea of an ideal romantic getaway?
20. Who are your 5 biggest support systems in life?
21. What are your most prized possessions you can’t bear to lose?
22. What is one global event that had a huge impact on you?
23. What is one thing you never get tired of?
24. If a movie were made on your life which actor would play you?
25. What have been the most defining moments of your life?
26. Do play any musical instrument/or wish you played any musical instrument?
27. What is your idea of romance, would you say you are romantic?
28. What are your core values you will never compromise on?
29. What is the meanest thing you have said to someone and vice-versa?
30. What is the nicest thing you have done for someone and vice-versa?
31. What have your previous relationships taught you?
32. What are your biggest insecurities and fears?
33. What are the qualities you love and hate in others?
34. When have you been most proud of yourself?
Romantic Questions for Couples to Ask the Husband
One of the most crucial factors determining the strength of your marriage is how frequently you appreciate each other. So, the idea is to prepare a candle light dinner for your hubby and pair it up with a few questions from our category of romantic questions to ask your husband and let him know how much you appreciate his love, effort and companionship.
1. How would you define being together in one word?
2. What’s the craziest thing you would do for me?
3. Do you still get butterflies when we kiss?
4. What’s the one thing you love the most about me?
5. What is your ideal type of movie to watch with me?
6. What makes you feel the most loved?
7. What’s your idea of a perfect romantic gift?
8. What is your favourite thing about our relationship?
9. When was the first time you realized that you were in love with me?
10. What is the first thing you noticed about me?
Romantic Questions for Couples to Ask the Wife
Kids are super energetic beings. They keep the mothers on their toes all day long. And by the end of the day she might feel drained. We have a number of romantic topics to talk with your wife, that you as a husband can use as a stress reliever for her.
1. What do you think is my most attractive quality?
2. If you could describe yourself in two words, what would it be?
3. What would you like to be remembered for?
4. If you were deserted on an island, who would you like for company?
5. Do you enjoy road-trips and when was the last road trip you had taken?
6. What are your aspirations and dreams in life?
7. Do you think we treat each other as equals in this relationship?
8. What are some traditions you would like us to start as a family?
9. What is your definition of a successful life?
10. What are essential qualities every relationship should have other than love?
Would You Rather Romantic Questions for Couples
If you are someone who is looking for different variety of questions to ask married couple, then you are at the right place. Add in some would you rather romantic questions for couples that we have for you and enjoy a good bout of laughter at their answers.
1. Would you rather read a romantic story together, or write your own love story?
2. Would you rather read poetry together or go sailing on the lake?
3. Would you rather dance to slow music or go wild with retro disco music?
4. Would you rather spend the evening together playing a video game or cuddled up together reading a book?
5. Would you rather go to a jazz club or a rock concert?
6. Would you rather spend the day together being pampered at a spa or enjoying a workout at the gym?
7. Would you rather come home to dinner on the table or be ushered out to your favorite restaurant?
8. Would you rather serenade your lover or hire musicians?
9. Would you rather write your own wedding vows or copy them from a website?
10. Would you rather spend the evening at home cuddling on the couch or painting the town red?
5 Tips for Choosing Romantic Questions for Couples
If you are planning to find the best way to spend some quality time with your lover, you can play this game of asking questions from each other all through the weekend.
This article will not only help you to bag in some awesome questions regarding romantic questions for married couples but will also guide you on how to choose those questions according to the level of bonding you have in your relationship.
So, let’s get started.
- General
When asking each other questions, keep it general. It doesn’t have to be specific or anything complex. You don’t need to force questions or answers on your partner. It is a good thought to start off with generalized questions.
- Light-hearted
After that make sure that whatever kind of questions you choose for your lover are light-hearted and carefree in nature like about childhood memories etc.
- Intimate
It is imperative to keep things spiced up in order to keep the attention of your partner to the game.
So, add in some hot and intimate questions from our list of romantic questions to ask your spouse to get them to blush uncontrollably.
- Respectful
In all this question answer game, make sure that you respect each other’s privacy and personal space. You need to keep in mind that whatever you plan to ask them will not affect the relationship rather it will strengthen it.
- Silly
Finally, don’t forget to keep in mind that all the romantic questions for couples
that you plan to ask should be funny enough to make each other laugh at all costs. That is the basic purpose of the game in the first place right. So, make sure that everything is full of humor and jokes.
We hope that all the tips that we have shared with you above will help you to organize the most memorable quiz game for you both which you guys will remember for a long time afterwards.
Final Thoughts on Romantic Questions for Couples
Regardless of the fact that you have a new or old relationship, this article of romantic questions for couples will definitely help you to strengthen your relationship with your spouse.
Always look for a chance to strike up a conversation with your forever love through these romantic questions for couples.
All you need to do is to prioritize your spouse or your relationship above everything else.
No matter how busy you are or how tough the life outside your house is, you need to take time out to talk to each other. And there is no better way to spend time together other than taking up a romantic quiz for couples.
That will not only be quality time spending but also give you an insight into your relationship.
Last but not the least, marriages need time, effort, commitment and love to make them work. So, it is better to keep things spiced up in your marriage by taking these romantic questions to ask your partner quizzes with regular intervals.