Shoe game questions can double the enjoyment of your wedding reception.
Multiple traditions are followed on the eve of marriage ceremonies. Relatives of both sides perform different activities. People love to enjoy these customs and traditions. The shoe game is one of the most famous games played on the day of the reception. Shoe game questions are asked to make the reception more exciting.
The shoe game is one of the most entertaining games. It can help in breaking the ice between the couple. In this game, two chairs are placed together on opposite sides.
One chair is for the bride and the other is of course for the groom. Either of them has one of their shoes and one of the partner’s. Multiple questions are asked about the couple.
If the answer is bride, her shoe is picked and vice versa. Both of them can’t see each other, and the game becomes interesting.
We prepared a list of wedding shoe game questions.
Table of Contents
Best Shoe Game Questions
If you are going to attend a wedding reception soon and have no idea about shoe game questions, here are the best shoe game question for your ease and enjoyment. Take a look!
1. Who is more dominating in the relationship?
2. Who is a better bathroom singer?
4. Who is always confused about what food to order?
5. Who doesn’t believe in organizing the wardrobe?
6. Who never forgets to take their mobile to the washroom?
7. Who takes more time to get ready for outings?
8. Who always leaves the dishes on the table after eating?
9. Who is always ready to splurge money on food?
10. Who keeps the room messier?
11. Who is better at managing finances?
14. Who reads horoscopes first thing in the morning?
15. Who plans more elaborate date nights?
16. Who cries while watching a sad movie?
17. Who takes care of household tasks the most?
18. Who is more likely to start an argument?
19. Who is more likely to max out their credit card?
20. Who has a habit of speaking in their sleep?
21. Who spends more time window shopping?
22. Who is a conversation starter after the fight?
23. Who was the first to declare that they are in love?
24. Who is more likely to hit after being drunk?
25. Who is more likely to end an argument?
27. Who was shyer when the relationship started?
28. Who is more likely to dramatize the scene/situation?
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Wedding Shoe Game Questions
You can find tons of questions regarding this game on the internet. Still, we managed to get the trendy and latest wedding shoe game questions for your fun and amusement.
1. Who spends more time binging on TV shows?
2. Who spends more time on social media?
3. Who’s more likely to replace the roll of toilet paper?
4. Who’s more likely to arrive late to an appointment?
5. Who’s more likely to scream at the sight of a spider?
6. Who’s more likely to fall asleep in front of the TV?
7. Who’s more likely to cry laughing during a comedy?
8. Who’s more likely to cry during a sad movie?
9. Who’s more likely to save all their money?
10. Who’s more likely to max out their credit card?
11. Who spends more time staring at their phone?
12. Who’s more likely to say something embarrassing in their sleep?
13. Who’s more likely to steal all the covers on a cold night?
14. Who’s better when it comes to directions?
15. Who’s more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
16. Who checks themselves out in the mirror the most?
17. Who is the biggest baby when they are sick?
18. Who would last the longest on a deserted island?
19. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
20. Who has the better taste in music?
21. Who spends more time on Facebook?
22. Who is more likely to get lost on a trip?
23. Who likes to give random gifts for no reason?
24. Who was the one who first wanted to make the relationship official?
25. Who is more likely to be on a reality show?
26. Who’s more likely to flirt with the opposite s#x?
27. Who is more likely to stay at work late?
28. Who gets along better with the other’s family?
29. Who is the one always convincing the other to go out?
30. Who was the pursuer early on in the relationship?
31. Who do you love more than anyone in the world?
32. Who is more likely to get out of something they don’t want to do?
33. Who is more likely to destroy clothing doing the laundry?
34. Who is more likely to make the bedroom floor their personal laundry basket?
35. Who is looking forward to the honeymoon the most?
36. Who is more likely to cry during a sad movie?
37. Who spends more time in front of the mirror?
38. Who is the first to apologize after an argument?
39. Who has the better shower singing voice?
40. Who is always deciding which movies or TV shows to play?
41. Who wants to get kids more than the other?
42. Who is ready first or always waiting for the other one?
43. Who turns off the lights at night and locks up the house?
44. Who is the one always deciding which music to play?
45. Who will be more likely to forget their anniversary?
46. Who had the crazier bachelor/bachelorette party?
47. Whose idea was it to play this silly game called The Shoe Game?
48. Who was more involved in the wedding planning?
49. Who chose the honeymoon location?
50. Who is luckier to have found the other one?
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Hilarious Shoe Game Questions
Marriages are always a source of happiness and enjoyment for all. Good games and activities make the happiness double. To triple your enjoyable moments, we collected hilarious shoe game questions.
1. Who’s most likely to want to order takeaway instead of cooking?
2. Who’s more likely to decorate the house with memorabilia from their favorite sports team?
3. Who would be the first to bungee jump/skydive?
4. Who is more likely to drop their cell phone in the toilet?
5. Who never forgets to take their smartphone with them when they go to the bathroom?
6. Who would survive longer during the zombie apocalypse?
7. Who has the crazier set of friends and family?
8. Who is more likely to burn the house down when they’re cooking dinner?
9. Who is more likely to be casted on a reality show?
10. Who is more likely to throw a temper tantrum?
11. Who spends more time binge-watching TV/Netflix?
12. Who is most likely to leave their laundry on the floor?
13. Who would be more likely to eat dessert for breakfast?
14. Who spends more time at the gym/working out?
15. Who is more likely to be texting their friends all day?
16. Who spends a longer amount of time getting ready for a night out?
17. Who goes longer without washing their clothes?
18. Who is more likely to leave their dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher?
19. Who cleans up around the house more often?
20. Who controls the remote control at home?
21. Who is more likely to get sunburnt?
22. Who is the primary caregiver to your pets?
23. Who would last the longest without their phone?
24. Who’s more likely to be the driver when you are going somewhere?
25. Who’s more likely to spend a night at the gym?
26. Who’s more likely to do the dishes after dinner?
27. Who was the first to mention marriage?
28. Who does the most household chores?
29. Who takes the longest to get ready?
30. Who spends more time on their phone?
31. Who was the first one to have a crush on the other?
32. Who would last the longest on a desert island?
33. Who was the brains behind the wedding planning?
34. Who’s most likely to say ‘we can walk’?
35. Who’s most likely to surprise the other with a gift?
36. Who’s most likely to call their parents every week?
37. Who’s most likely to bring home a stray animal?
38. Who’s most likely to take the entire blanket while sleeping?
39. Who’s most likely to wash the dishes?
40. Who’s most likely to get into trouble with the law?
41. Who’s most likely to come home late from a night out?
42. Who’s most likely to wake up grumpy?
43. Who’s most likely to ruin clothing while doing the laundry?
44. Who’s most likely to decide on the restaurant when you go out for a meal?
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Funny Shoe Game Questions
On reception, shoe games are always exciting and thrilling. They make the environment full of fun and relaxation. I bet you would love to ask and share these funny shoe game questions with your friends.
1. Who’s the crazier out of the two of you?
2. Who had the most say in planning the honeymoon?
3. Who’s more likely to look at their phone during date night?
4. Who controls the radio when you’re on a long drive together?
5. Who misses the other the most when you spend time away from each other?
6. Who makes the final decisions on decorating the house?
7. Who’d rather spend a day at the beach than go hiking?
8. Who would win an eating contest?
9. Who would buy a Ferrari if they won the lottery?
10. Right now, who do you love more than anyone in the world?
11. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
12. Who will be in control of the remote?
13. Who always remembers to brush and floss their teeth?
14. Who’s more likely to burn the house down when they’re cooking dinner?
15. Who’s more likely to make the bedroom floor their personal laundry basket?
16. Who is the most likely to ask for directions?
17. Who controls the remote (or the Netflix pick) most of the time?
18. Who is the biggest baby when they get sick?
19. Who contributed more in planning this wedding?
20. Who spends more time on Instagram and Facebook?
21. Who is more likely to get out of something they don’t want to do?
22. Who spends the most time getting ready before going out?
23. Who is more likely to check their cell phone during a date?
24. Who is more likely to eat the last slice of pizza?
25. Who is more likely to bring an abandoned animal home?
26. Who takes the longest amount of time to get ready?
29. Who is more likely to go on an adventurous trip?
30. Who is most likely to start a fight on the smallest things?
31. Who is most likely to sleep while watching a movie?
32. Who takes most of the bed’s space?
33. Who is more likely to wake up in a grumpy mood?
34. Who has a more serious personality?
35. Who is more likely to have a melt-down during stressful situations?
36. Who is the bigger baby whenever they’re sick?
37. Who is more likely to give surprises?
38. Who is more likely to tear up at the movies?
39. Who apologizes first after an argument?
40. Who looks in the mirror more often?
41. Who’s more likely to forget about anniversaries, birthdays, and other important dates?
42. Who has the better singing shower voice?
43. Who’s the bigger baby when they are not feeling well?
44. Who is more likely to trip over their own feet?
45. Who’s more likely to hold up the line at the grocery store?
46. Who’s more likely to be guilty of a wardrobe malfunction?
47. Who is more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
48. Who is most likely to cry during a movie?
49. Who is the more “responsible” one?
50. Who is a bigger baby when they have a cold?
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Dirty Shoe Game Questions
You may be very close to the couple. The couple may be on the list of your best friends or siblings. So you may be frank enough to ask intimate questions. Therefore we assembled a list of dirty wedding shoe game questions.
1. Which one is shy about what they like to do in bed?
2. Who is kinkier?
3. Who was the first to ask to make out?
4. Who loves making out in the craziest places?
5. Who has more exes?
6. Who is more flirtatious?
7. Who initiates s#x most of the time?
8. Who initiated s#x first?
9. Who is louder during s#x?
10. Who is quieter during s#x?
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Bridal Shower Shoe Game Questions
A bridal shower is another funny tradition on the eve of marriage. Friends and family members of the couple join together to enjoy this function. They like to do funny gossip and different games. Here is the list of bridal shower shoe game questions.
1. Who is good with saving money?
2. Who is good at cracking PJs?
3. Who is always late?
4. Who is always hungry?
5. Who is more health conscious?
6. Who is bad at keeping secrets?
7. Who skips bathing the most?
8. Who is more emotional?
9. Who asks for the food more?
10. Who says sorry first?
11. Who has more control on the TV remote?
12. Who is needier and acts like a child when sick?
13. Who tends to take their mobile to the washroom?
14. Who is more sarcastic?
15. Who was good in studies in school/college?
16. Who is the first one to fall asleep while chit chatting?
17. Who despises dealing with kids?
18. Who has a cuter smile?
19. Who never misses to keep shoes on the rack?
20. Who always leaves the towel on the bed?
21. Who always picks the dishes on the table after eating?
22. Who forgets important dates, like birthdays, anniversary etc. more?
23. Who is most likely to want kids first?
24. Who tends to forget/miss their essentials, like keys/wallets/cards?
25. Who loves their phone more than anything?
26. Whose shoe stinks the most?
27. Who is more religious?
28. Who is better at dealing with people?
29. Who can’t wake up without a bed tea?
30. Who gets late to an appointment?
Newlywed Shoe Game Questions
Both sides ask newlyweds multiple questions. They want to make the moments memorable. They like to record these memories for a lifetime. You may not be familiar with the newlywed shoe game questions. Therefore here is the list for your convenience.
1. Who dresses better?
2. Who is smarter?
3. Who throws more tantrums when ill or sick?
4. Who is never wrong?
5. Who was more studious in school/college?
6. Who screams more while watching horror movies?
7. Who is most likely to start a fight?
8. Who is a cry baby?
9. Who is better at planning surprises?
10. Who plans more surprises?
11. Who does the most cleaning at home?
12. Who loves gadgets more?
13. Who is more dramatic?
14. Who keeps the desk cleaner?
15. Who likes flaunting more?
16. Who loves to spend extravagantly?
17. Who is good at managing money matters?
18. Who gets irritated sooner?
19. Who hates talking too much?
20. Who boozes the most?
21. Who is more outgoing?
22. Who is messier?
23. Who is a better tipper?
24. Who is brand conscious?
25. Who loves window shopping?
26. Who is more foodie?
27. Who handles the groceries?
28. Who dresses stylishly better?
29. Who is a better dancer?
30. Who cooks best?
Bride Groom Shoe Game Questions
On the day of reception, the bride and groom both look very happy. They are asked multiple bride groom shoe game questions. If you are going to attend a marriage soon, check our list of these questions to enjoy it fully.
1. Who is good with directions?
2. Who loves partying more?
3. Who is good at organizing parties?
4. Who makes more calls?
5. Who says I love you more?
6. Who paid on the first date?
7. Who is more creative?
8. Who is the better singer?
9. Who is quieter?
10. Who made the first move?
11. Who spends more time in quietude?
12. Who proposed?
13. Who falls sick more often?
14. Who was the first to fall in love?
15. Whose phone has more passwords?
16. Who fancied who first?
17. Who gives more gifts?
18. Who loves reading the most?
19. Who’s more likely to stay late at work?
20. Who told their family about their relationship first?
21. Who’s more mindful of the expenses?
22. Who always thinks they are right?
23. Whose decision will likely take over the other?
24. Who has the best taste in films?
25. Who’s more likely to start an argument?
26. Who’s calmer during a fight?
27. Who compliments more?
28. Who is more athletic?
29. Who wakes up earlier?
Shoe Game Questions for Couples
Check out the following couple shoe game questions, attend the marriage ceremony of your loved ones, and be a source of amusement and enjoyment for all.
1. Who cries more during movies?
2. Who was the first to ask for the date?
3. Who is your favorite person?
4. Who is funnier?
5. Who’s more short-tempered?
6. Who is more romantic?
7. Who has the best taste in music?
8. Who loves more?
9. Who has the best style?
10. Who can’t wake up without bed tea?
11. Who is friendlier?
12. Whose shoe stinks more?
13. Who is more adventurous?
14. Who does the dishes more?
15. Who loves to travel more?
16. Who cries whilst watching a sad movie?
17. Who is more clumsy?
Shoe Game Questions for Friends
Friends are an integral part of everybody’s life. Life is impossible without them. So for the marriage ceremony of your friends, we made a lot of effort. We compiled a list of shoe game questions for friends.
1. Who is the bigger baby when sick?
2. Who is grumpier in the morning?
3. Who’s more likely to get arrested?
4. Who was the cooler college kid?
5. Who cooks better Maggi?
6. Who is more carefree?
7. Who has the worst road rage?
8. Who will act crazier after getting drunk?
9. Who’s moodier?
10. Who loves home-cook food the most?
11. Who is more likely to keep a secret?
12. Who has more friends?
13. Who is a social butterfly?
14. Who has smellier armpits?
15. Who’s the deeper sleeper?
16. Who has the bigger sweet tooth?
17. Who is a better cook?
18. Who takes care of things around the house better?
19. Who’s more likely to lose their stuff?
20. Who is a control freak?
21. Who needs more pampering?
22. Who pays the bills?
23. Who hogs most of the bed?
24. Who has bigger feet?
25. Who is the better driver?
26. Who talks the most?
27. Who talks the loudest?
28. Who is whining?
29. Who is more flexible?
30. Who is the most dramatic?
31. Who tells the best jokes?
32. Who stinks up the bathroom more?
Everyday Life Shoe Game Questions
We know you might be curious to ask couples about their day-to-day life and this we got you the everyday life shoe game questions. You can ask these questions to any couple and we can assure you, you will enjoy asking!
1. Who is more addicted to their phone?
2. Who loves animals more?
3. Who gets home first from work?
4. Who prepares breakfast or coffee?
5. Who wakes up first in the morning?
6. Who is the messy one?
7. Who makes the bed?
8. Who exercises more?
9. Who is constantly losing their keys?
10. Who can’t stop texting their friends?
Relationship Shoe Game Questions
Let’s have a look at this category of relationship shoe game questions. You can find out a lot about the couple and how their relationship is. Check out this list of questions!
1. Who is always comforting the other one?
2. Who is the most satisfied in bed?
3. Who does the dog love more?
4. Who will fall asleep first tonight?
5. Who really made the first move?
6. Who takes the longest showers?
7. Who has more dressy clothes?
8. Who do you love most in the world?
9. Who sleeps for longer?
10. Who has a crazier family?
Personality Shoe Game Questions
If you want to check out how well the two people know about each other’s personality, personality shoe game questions are the best to ask. If you don’t have any questions, don’t worry; check out our stock of questions!
1. Who is a law-breaker?
2. Who has the best taste in fashion?
3. Who’s more stubborn?
4. Who farts more?
5. Who’s never on time?
6. Who flirts the most?
7. Who had a bigger crush on the other person?
8. Who watches more TV?
9. Who snores louder?
10. Who’s a picky eater?
Work and Money Shoe Game Questions
These shoe game questions are not only a source of fun and enjoyment, you can also get a lot of information about your near and dear ones. So here are some work and money shoe game questions for you.
1. Who’s more likely to be late for work?
2. Who’s more ambitious & a workaholic?
3. Who is more likely to order a dish after taking the price into consideration at a restaurant?
4. Who tips the most?
5. Who is the cheapest?
6. Who generally picks up the tab at restaurants?
7. Who shops more?
8. Who spends more money?
9. Who makes more money?
10. Who pays the most bills?
Habits and Routines Shoe Game Questions
If you want to know more details about the couples, these shoe game questions about habits and routines can help. Read ahead to get to know more!
1. Who is the cleanest?
2. Who holds their liquor better?
3. Who brushes their teeth the most?
4. Who dances better?
5. Who would rather be outdoors?
6. Who does more household chores?
7. Who is in better overall shape?
8. Who is more forgetful?
9. Who gives the most unexpected surprises?
10. Who is more serious?
5 Tips for Choosing Shoe Game Questions
We have discussed multiple wedding shoe game questions with you.
Now we are going to share a few fantastic tips and tricks with you to make the process of selection of wedding shoe game questions easy for you.
1. The temperament of the couple.
This is an important thing to consider before planning the questions. Everybody is unique. Some people are shy. A few like to stay reserved. Some people are pretty bold and confident. They want to live friendly with others.
So you must have thorough knowledge about the couple to avoid any mishap.
2. Relationship with the Couple
What’s your relationship with the couple? This is an important thing to consider before compiling your game questions. If you are a close friend of the couple, you have full liberty to ask questions frankly. Siblings can also ask random questions to the couple.
However, if you are a colleague or an older family member, then maintain the demand of your relationship.
3. Environment of the house
Some families are very liberal. All sorts of jokes and games are allowed there. While other families are very traditional, they believe in limits in all matters. They do not like to break the rules on the eve of marriage even.
So you have to keep this important matter in mind before preparing for any game questions.
4. Generalization
Your questions must be general. Use simple and comprehensive language. So that people of all caliber can quickly get your questions. Participation of the maximum members should be your priority.
Only then can all members enjoy it fully. Otherwise, they may feel boredom.
5. Trendy Questions
Do not repeat the same old, outdated game questions. Try to follow the trend.
Trendy questions can get the attention of all, and you can enjoy well with all the people at your marriage ceremony.
Final Thoughts on Shoe Game Questions
Marriages are a source of fun, love, enjoyment, and amusement. Marriages give us the opportunity of meeting with our friends and relatives. People spare time from their busy schedules and participate in the happy moments of their near ones.
Now I believe it can be said confidently that now you have a great collection of superb shoe game questions.
If you are in a hurry to attend a marriage ceremony, or your friends are going to participate in a marriage party and are searching for such questions, do not forget to share with them.
I assure you these wedding shoe game questions can make your marriage participation memorable, outstanding, and extraordinary for all.
Everybody wants to make their events memorable. So our collection of quality questions can help you succeed in your purpose.
Have an excellent participation in wedding ceremonies!