There are many funny questions to ask that will trigger the people around you to laugh uncontrollably but what you will find here with us is of totally a game changer.
If you enjoy making people laugh then this article is definitely for you. Read through to equip yourself with funny questions.
There is a high probability that you have run out of your stock of funny questions to ask your friends or anyone around you and you must have thought to go through the internet for some help.
We are happy to announce that you just got into what you were looking for so long. That is, if you keep on scrolling down you will pocket a bunch of funny questions to ask very easily. So let’s just get into it.
Table of Contents
Funny Questions to Ask Friends
If you want to be loved by everyone around you and want people to give you their undivided attention then you must have some extraordinary skill up your sleeves. For that purpose we offer you a lot of funny questions to ask your friends that will have them cracking up instantly.
1. What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?
2. What’s the most embarrassing moment in your entire childhood?
3. What do you think is the worst thing that a person can put on their bio on a dating app?
4. If you were to be banned from your local library, what would be the reason?
5. What do you think your last words are?
6. Have you ever made a prank call to someone you don’t know?
7. Can you eat ice cream using your bare hands?
8. What’s the most hilarious fact you know?
9. What’s one thing your dogs could say that would completely ruin your image if they could talk?
10. What do you typically do when you’re bored?
11. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
12. What is the silliest thing you’ve ever seen a stranger do in public?
13. What’s the sexiest name you’ve ever heard?
14. What are three items you might purchase at the grocery store to get strange looks from the cashier?
15. Do you sometimes hear certain voices in your head, too?
16. Can you show me the hidden apps in your phone?
17. In your opinion, how long can my hair grow?
18. What would you do if you could live forever?
19. If I fail a driver’s test, in which part will I fail?
20. Has someone caught you dancing in front of the mirror?
21. Where was the most embarrassing place you have ever farted?
22. Why is it that round pizzas come in square boxes?
23. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
24. How many beers do you think I’d be able to consume?
25. If the roses are red, why are violets blue?
26. How do you hang toilet paper: over or under?
27. How long do you think you’d survive in a zombie apocalypse?
28. Have you ever gone a day without wearing underwear?
29. What is it that you keep wanting to smell despite the fact that it doesn’t smell particularly good?
30. If you can still remember, what are your funniest childhood memories?
31. Have you ever fallen off your bike in front of a huge crowd?
32. What are the crazy adventures you want to try in your life?
33. What is the best Wi-Fi name you have seen in your entire life?
34. Where would you like to time travel: back to the past or to the future?
35. Can you tell me the most hilarious joke you’ve heard?
36. Do you think the sea is salty because the shore never waves back at it?
37. Have you ever succeeded in making one of your parents cry?
38. Have you ever been in a secret relationship?
39. Have you ever consumed so much alcohol that you passed out?
40. Who is the first person on your hit list?
41. What’s your preference: to be buried or be cremated?
42. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done after getting really drunk?
43. Did you once forget to bring your wallet when you’ve been scheduled to pay for a meal?
44. Which species would be the rudest if all animals could talk?
45. Which person do you know that totally reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
46. What do you think your last meal would be if you were on death row?
47. What is the wildest fantasy you’ve ever had?
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Funny Questions to Ask Alexa
In today’s modern era of technology, most of the people rely on artificial intelligence Alexa. It would definitely be fun to bombard it with some funny questions to ask Alexa and enjoy her answers.
1. Alexa, what’s the best movie of all-time?
2. Alexa, how do I get to Sesame Street?
3. Alexa, how much money do you make?
4. Alexa, what sound do hamsters make?
5. Alexa, what do you want to be when you grow up?
6. Alexa, what happens if you step on a LEGO?
7. Alexa, what other languages can you speak?
8. Alexa, why did the chicken decide to cross the road?
9. Alexa, can you tell me a Doctor Who joke?
10. Alexa, will the planet be taken over by computers?
11. Alexa, what’s the highest number you can count to?
12. Alexa, are you hiding something from me?
13. Alexa, will you play rock, paper, scissors with me?
14. Alexa, what do you think about Amazon?
15. Alexa, what’s your favorite action movie?
16. Alexa, where is the fountain of youth?
17. Alexa, what’s the longest word you know?
18. Alexa, can you sing a Christmas carol?
19. Alexa, what’s black and white and red all over?
20. Alexa, do you know how to spell “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?”
21. Alexa, are you recording this conversation?
22. Alexa, do you want to build a snowman with me?
23. Alexa, what are your plans for the future?
24. Alexa, what goes snap, crackle and pop?
25. Alexa, will you be my girlfriend?
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Funny Questions to Ask Siri
Here we come, the ‘Apple’ fans. You will not be missed. We have some witty and funny questions to ask Siri that will have you burst out laughing at her answers. Try these out!
1. Siri, will you subscribe to my YouTube channel?
2. Siri, do you eavesdrop on my conversations?
3. Siri, what’s your favorite invention of all time?
4. Siri, where does your voice come from?
5. Siri, do you have eyes in the back of your head?
6. Siri, can you teach me how to jump rope?
7. Siri, what was your last job before this?
8. Siri, if a tree falls in the woods but no one hears it, does it even make a sound?
9. Siri, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
10. Siri, what does it sound like when one hand claps?
11. Siri, what are you going to do after work today?
12. Siri, are you right-handed or left-handed?
13. Siri, which do you like better: Nike or Adidas?
14. Siri, what do you think about Google?
15. Siri, which is better: Windows or a Mac?
16. Siri, which came first: the chicken or the egg?
17. Siri, can you teach me how to play a guitar?
18. Siri, have you ever been in a relationship?
19. Siri, what’s a good knock-knock joke?
20. Siri, can pigs fly?
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Funny Questions to Ask on Instagram Story
We have come up with a collection of some funny questions to ask on Instagram story to your followers and enjoy their comical replies. These will have you laughing on verge of tears for sure!
1. Have you experienced going skinny-dipping before?
2. What is the worst possible name you might give your child?
3. What do you call a girl named after her mother if a boy named after his father is called junior?
4. What’s the first thing you wash in the shower?
5. Do you have a habit of going for a walk while sleeping?
6. Where did all the money go if the whole world were in debt?
7. What music would you like to be played at your funeral?
8. Have you created a rumor about yourself just to be the talk of town?
9. If life is a video game, what cheat code would you want to use most?
10. What would be the outcome if the government decided to make everything illegal?
11. Who actually tests the specific dog food when they say that it has a new and improved flavor?
12. If you could put one condiment inside your belly button, what would it be and why?
13. What is your favorite smell?
14. What are the things you would like to change if you became God for a day?
15. If you had to lose your hands or your feet, which would you choose?
16. Have you ever secretly taken money from your parents’ pocket or purse?
17. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in another person’s house?
18. What’s the reason for saying ‘after dark’ when it’s actually really after light?
19. What’s the biggest lie you have ever told?
20. Would you like to be married or be in a live-in relationship in the future?
21. What music instrument has the most annoying sound to you?
22. Have you ever been in a car crash where you were at fault?
23. What has been the strangest thing a visitor has done at your home?
24. Have you ever gone to a corner store and stolen a candy bar?
25. What color would you like if you had to eat a crayon straight from the box?
26. If you could choose any animated character, who would it be?
27. What has been the funniest or strangest thing that has happened to you on a first date?
28. Have you ever driven someone else’s car without first getting permission?
29. Which of your body parts do you wish to change?
30. If we were to have a boxing match, who do you think would win?
31. Have you ever offered to help anyone else with their homework in return for something specific?
32. What are the unwritten laws at your workplace?
33. Who would you appoint as the president of the internet, and why?
34. Would you rather be forced to wear shoes every second of your life or never be able to wear shoes again?
35. Which aspects of mine do you admire and which do you despise?
36. Who was your first ever crush?
37. Who do you wish you could torture for the rest of your life?
38. What would you do if you could replace all of the grass on the planet with something else, and why?
39. In terms of appearance, which athlete do you believe most closely resembles you?
40. As a kid, what was your most favorite color?
41. Have you ever been called out at school for wearing something embarrassing?
42. What will people be nostalgic for in 500 years?
43. When was the last time you screwed anything up and no one noticed?
44. What’s the worst tag line you can think of for a wart removal cream company?
45. Have you ever tried to punch me in the face because of what I’ve done?
46. Which living individual, outside of your family, do you value the most?
47. Have you accidentally glued your hands together when doing a craft project?
48. What are some of your clients’ or colleagues’ nicknames?
49. Why do we say people work like dogs if they work all day, while dogs do nothing but lie around?
50. Between Superman and Goku, who do you think would win?
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Funny Questions to Ask Couples
Being a comedy guy who likes to make couples laugh, it is not an easy task to sit quietly and alone unless you have sparked some jokes at them! Check out these funny questions for couples! You will be surprised to see how much everyone will enjoy.
1. What is your favorite article of clothing? Why is it your favorite?
2. What movie location or universe would you like to live in?
3. Which person in history would you like to meet?
4. What was the best party (concert) you ever went to?
5. Is there a dessert or food you like so much you could eat it forever?
6. What board game do you like (hate) the most?
7. What is the silliest thing you have ever cried about?
8. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which one would you wish choose?
9. What is the silliest thing you ever cried about?
10. Do you think there is life on other planets?
11. What is something you love the smell or taste of that many others think is gross?
12. If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which age would you choose to be?
13. What is the craziest dream you have ever had?
14. If you could start your life over, what would you change?
15. What is the strangest or most unusual thing you have ever eaten?
16. What place would you most like to go on vacation?
17. What reality TV show would you choose to be on?
18. What types of movies (TV shows) do you like to watch?
19. If you could be any character in a movie or TV show, who would you choose to be?
20. What are your hobbies and why did you choose them?
21. What is the funniest dream you have had?
22. What is the weirdest thing you googled about in the last one week?
23. If you could be a star for a day, who would you choose to be?
24. If you had the power to choose your age, what age would you choose and why?
25. Were you ever so scared that you wet your pants?
26. If you can get back in time, which year would you visit?
27. If you knew you wouldn’t get caught, would you become a thief?
28. What is the strangest thing you ever ate and felt horrible about?
29. How many selfies do you take during the day?
30. What’s your favorite place that we should go to together, and why?
31. Be a monkey for a week or a robot for a month?
32. Mom scolding you in public or dad not talking to you?
33. Superpower of invisibility or ultimate strength?
34. Full battery on the phone or full gas in the car?
35. Who would you be most excited to get a postcard from?
36. What cartoon characters would you proudly wear on your underwear?
37. If you could have any job in the world and money was no concern, what would you choose?
38. What is something you think is seriously underrated?
39. What’s one seemingly normal thing that really grosses you out?
40. What is one thing you thought you’d love, but you ended up hating it?
41. If you could become curator of any museum, which museum would it be?
42. You get a free ticket to travel around the world. Will you go by boat, plane, train, or car?
43. If you could learn to make one thing really well, what would it be?
44. Who would you choose to play James Bond and/or his love interest?
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Funny Questions to Ask a Guy
If you happen to have a crush on a handsome guy but you are shy to talk to him then it is most suitable to initiate a conversation is through asking him some of our funny questions to ask a guy. This will mark a beginning of your new relationship.
1. Do you like dancing when no one is looking?
2. Do you have an imaginary friend?
3. Have you ever fallen asleep during class?
4. What would your friends and family think if you were arrested without explanation?
5. Where does prune juice come from if prunes are dried plums?
6. Do people drink or eat soup?
7. Who is your all-time celebrity crush?
8. What is the funniest name you have ever heard in real life?
9. Why wasn’t the word “gullible” listed in the dictionary?
10. What does the word “ok” mean for you?
11. Do you ever cry while watching an emotional film?
12. Who would help who if we were to help each other cheat on a test?
13. Have you ever failed to prepare for an exam before the day you were supposed to take it?
14. How do you sleep, with your eyes open or closed?
15. If Donkey Kong is a monkey, not a donkey, why was he given that name?
16. Which movie would you want it to be if your life was a movie?
17. Can you tell me one memory that you’ve never shared with me?
18. Have you ever approached a stranger and said something that later turned out to be your best friend?
19. How many ants would it take to lift an elephant?
20. What do you think the first person to milk a cow was actually trying to do?
21. What would you leave me in your last will and testament right now, if you were to die?
22. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve given someone as a gift?
23. What would you take with you if tomorrow you were required to evacuate and you only had time to grab 10 items?
24. What’s the funniest book you’ve just read recently?
25. What soap do you dislike the most and why?
26. Where would you land if you could be a fly on the wall?
27. Have you ever laughed out loud that something you were drinking eventually came out of your nose?
28. What are the words you’d add to the dictionary, and what would be its definition?
29. Who would be next to you in a first-class flight and what would you ask them?
30. What pizza topping do you like if you had to be one?
31. If you could become any mythical creature in a day, what would it be and why?
32. Have you ever attended a dance by yourself because you couldn’t find someone to accompany you?
33. What do you usually do with your shopping cart when you are already done with it at the grocery store?
34. Do you secretly bring home stuff out of a hotel room?
35. What would your stage name be if you are famous?
36. Will you be humiliated or pleased if anyone asked you to go to the website you most often visit?
37. Have you already been forced to share a bed with a person you didn’t want?
38. If money and ethics weren’t an issue, what scientific experiment would you run if you become a mad scientist?
39. If you could become a fart, would you rather be the ‘loud and proud’ type or the ‘silent but deadly’ type?
40. Have you ever got beaten by your friends for no apparent reason?
41. What is the weirdest food combination people eat that you just can’t get behind?
42. If you could be a dessert, what would you be?
43. What’s the best joke you know and tell at parties?
44. Have you ever broken your friend’s bone in the past?
45. What do you think will the world be like if it will be filled with male and female copies of you?
46. If you could have dinner with any five people from history, who would they be?
47. Have you ever pretended to be sick when you were perfectly healthy?
48. What’s the best brand of alcohol you always look for and don’t buy when the groceries ran out of it?
49. How do you react when you find something intriguing?
50. If are to open a store, what are the things you would sell and what would be its name?
51. What the things that are okay to do occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day?
52. What would you do as a career if you could do anything in the world?
53. What law would you introduce if you had the chance to make one?
54. If you could ask the president one super silly question, what would you like to ask?
55. Have you ever lied to your parents about the thing you accidentally broke?
56. What are the two totally normal things that become really weird if you do them back-to-back?
56. What are the things you will do if your gender will be changed for a day?
57. If you were a laptop brand, which one would you be and why?
58. What would you do or say if you had the attention of the whole world for twenty seconds?
59. Do you believe it is possible to inflate a balloon when underwater?
60. What’s the funniest movie line you’ve ever heard?
Funny Questions to Ask a Girl
Hey! Did you happen to fall for a girl and asked her a night out but confused what to say to her? Then you are at the right place. Get down and memorize these funny questions to ask a girl and you will make your night memorable.
1. If you are given the chance to have a controller that has the power to rewind or fast forward, which one would you press?
2. Have you ever dated anyone more than once while knowing it was bad for your mental health?
3. What do you think would be the worst “buy one, get one free” sale of all time?
4. Would you brag about your spontaneous acts of kindness?
5. What would you do if you could become invisible for a day?
6. What was your first-ever screen name?
7. How long has it been since you laughed out loud?
8. Which type of clothing do you no longer want to wear but can’t get rid of?
9. In a zombie apocalypse, who will last the longest?
10. Has someone ever made a comment on how loud you sing in the shower?
11. What would peanut butter be named if it wasn’t called peanut butter?
12. What kind of food would you eat if you could eat one for the rest of your life?
13. Have you ever dreamt about one of your friends?
14. What’s one thing you wish we knew five years ago?
15. How would you sum up the internet in two sentences?
16. What do you believe is the most horrible way to die?
17. As a child, what was your favorite game to play?
18. Which app on your phone do you use the most?
19. What excuse have you recently used to avoid doing something?
20. What was the last book or series you wished you could live in?
21. What would you do with the money if you won a lottery?
22. Which of the meals is the most important?
23. What is the strangest Amazon purchase you’ve made or nearly made?
24. If you were a dog, which breed would you want to be?
25. What sport do you think is the most boring watch?
26. Can you describe our friendship in three words?
27. What color would you pick, if I let you dye my hair any color?
28. Have you ever lied about your age in order to gain access to a bar or a nightclub?
29. How many zombies do you want to kill when the time comes?
30. Before there were dictionaries, where did dictionary makers search for the definitions of words?
31. Do you have a habit of saying absurd things while you’re sleeping?
32. Which celebrity friendship do you want to embody in our friendship?
33. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep because of something that happened that day?
34. What is it that everybody seems to be doing that makes them look stupid?
35. If you had to choose one fruit, what would you like to be?
36. Have your parents ever found you trying to leave the house without permission?
37. What movie’s plot changes entirely only by changing one letter in the title?
38. Why do we refer to an alarm clock as going “off” when it actually turns on?
39. What kind of food would you never offer a tiger?
40. What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
41. If you could ask me a funny question, what do you think would it be?
42. Are you scared of horror movies?
43. What is the one thing about yourself that you would like to change?
44. What’s the most amusing thing you’ve seen recently?
45. Do you still sleep with a stuffed toy?
46. What’s the most creative insult you can think of?
47. Have you ever come into contact with human remains?
Funny Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
It’s about time to spark your romance in your relationship, for that we hand you world’s most funny questions to ask your boyfriend that help you spend some quality time with him.
1. What’s something no one besides me knows about you?
2. If you could get drunk with any historical figure, who would it be?
3. Would you rather go to Mars or Buenos Aires?
4. How often do you stop to consider that we might all be holograms or something like that?
5. If your parents looked through your phone, would they find anything surprising in it? What about me?
6. If you could create an app that could do anything, what would it be?
7. What are all the positive things that could come from a nuclear apocalypse?
8. What are the rituals and celebrations around this holiday?
9. You think you hear me say “I love you under my breath.” What do you do?
10. What song have you listened to on repeat?
11. If you went to Comic-Con, who would you dress up as?
12. What is one movie that you wish was real life?
13. If you could date any celebrity, who would you choose?
14. If I am mad at you, what is the safest way to handle it?
15. If you had to kiss a guy other than family, who would it be?
16. Do you ever feel tempted to splash in a big puddle?
17. If you could draw anything perfectly, what would it be?
18. If I was a motorcyclist, would you ride on the back?
19. Would you rather take a pie to the face or have ice water dumped over your head?
20. What’s the most awkward romantic situation you’ve ever been in?
21. Do you wet your toothbrush before or after you put toothpaste on it?
22. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
23. Have you ever tried hitting a target while peeing?
24. What’s something that always makes you laugh?
25. If you go shopping by yourself, what does your shopping list usually consist of?
26. What’s the dumbest idea that you’ve ever had that you thought was the smartest idea you’ve ever had?
27. What animal would you say most describes your appearance? What about your personality?
28. Which is more important, happiness or intelligence?
29. If you could have another body part of some kind, what would it be?
30. If you were a Looney Toons character, which one would you be?
31. If you were a character from The Office, which one would you be?
32. What is the special skill you would add to a team trying to stay alive during a zombie apocalypse?
33. What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
34. You’re locked in the mall overnight. What do you do first?
35. It’s the night before Christmas and you hear footsteps on the roof — what do you do?
36. If I went through all your stuff in your room, would I find anything surprising?
37. Would you rather fart every time you yawn or scream every time you sneeze?
38. Have you ever taken bottles of shampoo or conditioner from a hotel?
39. Have you ever stolen anything before?
40. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
Funny Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Surprise your girlfriend by taking her out for dinner that she will love for sure! However don’t forget to include these questions to ask your girlfriend in your conversations that will definitely make her fall in love with you all over again.
1. What is one physical trait you’ve always been proud of?
2. Would you rather live in a mansion but be poor or a shack but be rich?
3. You can choose anyone to be your personal life coach. Who do you pick?
4. Do you, or have you ever had, a fear that seems silly?
5. If you could give anyone (alive or dead) a hug, who would you choose?
6. What is something you’ve always wanted to see or experience in real life?
7. What’s the best joke or surprise you’ve ever pulled on someone?
8. If you could speak another language, what would you choose?
9. If you could drive any type of vehicle, what would it be?
10. What is one historical event you wish you could have been present for?
11. What everyday item do you think will be obsolete in 30 years?
12. If you could visit any time period, when would you pick?
13. If you could travel to space for free, would you go?
14. What would you choose as your last meal?
15. If you could pick one superpower, what would you choose?
16. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the chance?
17. Which historical figure would you most want to work for?
18. Which game show do you think you would perform best on and why?
19. How did you find out the secret about Santa and how did you feel?
20. If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
21. If you could have dinner with any celebrity (alive or dead), who would it be?
22. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
23. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
24. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
25. What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
26. Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
27. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
28. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
29. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
30. What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
31. Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
32. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
33. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
34. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
35. What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
36. What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
37. What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
38. What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
39. If you had to lose an arm or your nose, which would you choose?
40. What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time that you’re embarrassed about?
41. What superhero would you be if you could be any?
42. What’s the most useless word in the dictionary?
43. If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
44. What instrument is the most annoying to you?
45. If you could be a body part, what body part would it be?
Funny Questions to Ask Students
A teacher must always have some funny questions to ask students so that they can relax after a stressful class. You can write them down in a textbook and just ask them out when you feel the students are feeling bored.
1. If you could make one absolute rule for a day, what would it be?
2. If you were the president for a day, what’s the first thing would you do?
3. If you had to give all your toys away, who would you give them to?
4. What item would you grab first if your house was on fire?
5. If someone suddenly gave you a lot of money, how would you spend it?
6. If you suddenly had the means to go back in time, what would you do?
7. What would you wish for if a genie gave you three wishes?
8. If you wrote a book, what would its title be?
9. How do you treat people who annoy you for no reason at all?
10. What questions should I never ask you?
Funny Questions to Ask on a First Date
First date is vital to leave a good impression and elevate your relationship. So we bring you a couple of funny questions to ask on a first date that will make it an exciting experience for you both.
1. Who do you listen to more, your heart or your brain?
2. Would you rather trade intelligence for good looks or good looks for intelligence?
3. What is the most normal thing about you as a person?
4. What are you proud of but never get the chance to talk about?
5. What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
6. Do you want me to find out where your tickle spots are?
7. How do you think you would fare in a zombie apocalypse?
8. On a scale of 1-10, how crushable do you think you are?
9. How would you describe the first crush you ever had?
10. How many licks does it take to get to the center of your heart?
Funny Questions to Ask Someone
Learning about a new friend quicky is not easy. But below funny questions to get to know someone can make it simpler for you.
1. If dark chocolate is the only available food in this planet, would you eat it?
2. What is the weirdest superstition you’ve ever heard?
3. What is the craziest thing you’ve done in school?
4. What’s the most beautiful country you’ve ever visited?
5. If you could only drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
6. How would you describe me based on my outside appearance?
7. Would you rather have 20 hobbies or a single passion?
8. What is the strangest thing your teacher has ever done?
9. How could you politely end a conversation with a person who is so annoying?
10. What is your main reason for getting out of bed every day?
11. If you could be a Hollywood celebrity, who would you like to become?
12. What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?
13. If you have a million, what are the things you wouldn’t spend?
14. Have you ever counted your steps while walking?
15. What movie makes you laugh even after watching it several times?
16. Which would be the smartest animal if they could all talk?
17. What is something your brain wants to convince you to do but you have to fight it?
18. What period would you travel to if you were given a time machine?
19. If you were given the chance to make your one wish come true, what would it be?
20. What is the worst TV advertisement you’ve seen recently?
21. If you could only teach three things to your future child, what would it be?
22. What’s the first thing you pack during an out of the country flight?
24. What type of cuisine would you serve your customers if you own a five-star restaurant?
25. What are the songs that make you sing along whenever you hear it?
26. What are the things you’d spend with a billion dollars?
27. What is the first thing you do after getting home from a trip?
28. What is one ability that you believe everybody should possess?
29. What would you be if you had to wear one Halloween costume every day for the rest of your life?
30. What is the weirdest text you have ever received recently?
31. Which of the two smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven?
32. Have you ever thought of what your future baby will be named?
33. If you could meet anyone in this world today, who would you meet?
34. Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave the country?
35. What is something that’s true that nobody agrees with you on?
36. What’s your most embarrassing moment in grade school?
37. Which word would you use if you could only use one for the rest of your life?
Funny Questions to Ask Your Partner
Every loving relationship needs a spark of humor every now and then to keep it fresh and full of romance. Let us help you to get equipped with some funny questions to ask your partner that will have a very rejuvenating effect on your relationship for sure.
1. If there were a food that you absolutely couldn’t give up, what would it be?
2. What’s grosser: Yellow teeth or yellow toenails/fingernails?
3. If you were a biker, what would your biker nickname be?
4. Have you ever been kicked out of a public place?
5. What is the cheesiest pickup line you’ve ever tried to use on a girl?
6. Have you ever looked in the mirror and winked at yourself?
7. Where was the worst place that you had to fart?
8. When your dog farts, do you leave the room or tough it out?
9. Do you know how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism?
10. Would you rather crank call or ding-dong-ditch your neighbor?
11. What’s the food you like to have the most on your birthday?
12. What food do you love, but would hate as a Dairy Queen Blizzard?
13. Will you do your best animal sound for me?
14. What is the funniest dream that you had that you can recall?
15. What’s the most cringeworthy thing you’ve ever said to someone you were attracted to?
16. If you could legally change your middle name, what would it be?
17. What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?
18. What is the most embarrassing thing someone has caught you doing?
19. Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom?
20. What kind of superpower would you have if you had a choice?
21. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
22. If you could do any kind of magic, what kind of magic would you do?
23. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “Bruce Jenner?”
24. What is the most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?
25. What’s something you love that other people think is gross?
26. When you were a kid, what did you think being this age would be like?
27. You have five dollars to spend on anything you want at the dollar store — what do you buy?
28. Would you rather be turned into a hologram or into 2-dimensions?
29. If you could give your bunny a super power of some kind, what would it be?
30. When was the last time you peed in the pool?
31. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever paid to see?
32. Have you ever watched really terrible children’s television just because you were bored?
33. Who was your celebrity crush as a teen?
34. If you made up an ice cream flavor, what would be in it?
35. First thing you’d do if you had the place to yourself and a whole bunch of opera costumes?
36. You can do anything with money except spend it: what do you do?
37. If you were a type of instrument, what kind would you be?
38. You’ve created your own deodorant brand. What’s its name and mascot?
39. Would you rather walk or bike on water?
40. You can hold your breath for 10 minutes. What do you do with your power?
Funny Questions to Ask about Your Crush
It can be awkward sometime to strike a meaningful conversation with your crush. Don’t worry dear. We have some funny questions to ask your crush that will definitely help you.
1. What happened the last time you almost died?
2. What’s the one thing that you’re too tired of explaining to people?
3. What’s the most foolish purchase you’ve ever made?
4. What’s the most hilarious nickname anyone has ever given to you?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? If not, then would you like me to pass by before you again?
6. Who do you think is the best actor/actress to play as you in a movie about your life?
7. If you had a time machine, would you go back to the past or travel to the future?
8. Do you have a secret hunch on how you are going to perish?
9. What’s the largest animal you think you would be able to knock out with a single punch?
10. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Funny Questions to Ask Your Best Friend about Yourself
Below are some funny questions to ask your best friend about yourself! Give these a shot and we bet they’ll give both of you a good laugh.
1. What sport do you think I’d be absolutely horrible at?
2. How would you describe my perfect man or woman?
3. What is an area of my life where I have the biggest gap in knowledge or ability?
4. Do you think we would survive on a desert island together?
5. What is the worst fashion trend that I participated in?
6. Have you ever felt embarrassed to be out in public with me?
7. How likely are you to find me at a yoga class?
8. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever seen me do?
9. What is a weird quirk of mine that you absolutely love?
10. Do you consider me to be a conspiracy theorist?
Funny Questions to Ask Coworkers
As half of our life is spent at work therefore, our fellow colleagues are our second family. Hence, to make everyone around you more amiable, hit them with funny questions to ask coworkers.
1. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve heard from a celebrity?
2. Are there any movies you wish you could see again for the first time?
3. Have you ever eaten exceptionally weird food?
4. If you could be any other person, who would you be?
5. If you could be any supernatural creature, which one would you be?
6. If you had an extra hour every day, what would you do with it?
7. What’s your best scary story?
8. If you could meet any person, living or not, who would it be?
9. If you had to be a single age for the rest of your life, which age would you choose?
10. If you had to be any cartoon character, which one would you be?
5 Tips for Choosing Funny Questions to Ask
It is always easy and comfortable to be around people who are funny.
If you are one of them and enjoy entertaining people around, you must know that apart from making hilarious jokes you can also incorporating funny questions in your talks.
What funny questions to ask and how to ask them naturally is where the difficulty lies in.
Don’ worry any more. Read tips on picking funny questions to ask someone below for assistance.
1. Witty and hilarious
What you need to consider first is surely to get your questions funny, witty and hilarious. Sometimes they can even be childish or silly.
2. Polite and comfortable
Being funny is important, but being polite is bottom line to make sure listeners are comfortable with your questions. Never sound intrusive.
3. Thought provoking
Asking funny questions to burst out laughing is just the start, try to make your questions thought provoking to keep people more interested to talk with you.
4. Consider age group
Funny questions to ask a kid, an adult, or a senior should obviously be different. Make sure everyone gets your humor and feels respected at the same time.
5. Consider the situation
Being funny is generally a nice quality, but in some situations everyone has to be serious. So be mindful of the situation you are in when showing off your humor skill. Knowing when to start it and stop it is equally important.
Final Thoughts on Funny Questions to Ask
Incorporating funny questions to ask in your conversation is vital to keep it flowing with laughter and interest.
Asking funny questions regularly not only intriguing to listeners, but also important to yourself as well, as it will improve your sense of humor, refresh your mind so that you are able to perform to the best of your abilities at all times.
Our collection of fun questions to ask friends, if used properly in a party can get you a big round of laughter and applause, making it an exciting experience.
We hope you enjoyed those funny questions to ask we compiled in this article. If you have more good ones to add, please let us know in the comment section. We look forward to reading and answering your questions.