There are millions of weird questions to ask somebody that may help you discover something new about them.
Whether you have an ancient legacy with somebody and have just met someone new, strange questions will make you laugh and may even lead to more meaningful conversations.
Asking the same old questions about school, work, or life can become tedious. Weird questions to ask someone may appear peculiar and unusual, but they can easily perk up any mutual conversation and energize employees to stay, rather than turn down and walk away from the chat session.
If you’re wondering what weird questions to ask, we’ve got you covered.
This post contains a collection of funny and weird questions that you may ask anyone. It may be your friends or family, or it could be that you arrived at work with a poor attitude.
Asking questions like these might help cheer him up, and who knows, maybe this action will lead to a promotion?
Table of Contents
Really Weird Questions to Ask
Some pretty strange questions to ask anyone might get you a lot of strange looks. One of the really weird questions to ask someone is, “How can you swim in a bathtub?”
1. Which famous celebrity would you want to punch in the face?
2. In 2050, what will be the fastest mode of transportation?
3. Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge?
4. Which individual, corporation, country, or organization would you bankrupt if you had the chance?
5. When you know the battery is dead, why do you press harder on the remote control?
6. What’s your most favorite pooping position?
7. Is your time truly wasted if you enjoy wasting it?
8. Are eyebrows also considered facial hair?
9. Why is it that lemon juice has an artificial flavor while dishwashing liquid has real lemons?
10. Have you ever unwrapped and rewrapped a gift bearing your name?
11. Is it possible that morality is derived from morons, just as electricity is derived from electrons?
12. To kill an elephant, how many chickens would be required?
13. Why aren’t they using blankets if it’s friendly fire?
14. Why do you perceive everyone driving faster than you as an idiot and those who are quicker than you as a moron when?
15. Will someone ever be able to live forever?
16. What hair color do they list on your driver’s license if you’re bald?
17. How do birds actually pee?
18. Which superpower would you not want?
19. What do you usually think about while you are on the toilet?
20. What’s the color of the mirror?
21. Is it permissible for minors who act in R-rated films to see them?
22. What are two things that you think are normal, but become really strange when you do them repeatedly?
23. How would you be able to solve problems if you were from Mars?
24. Have you ever taken something out of your possession and failed to return it?
25. If you had the chance to invent a country, what would you name it?
26. If there’s an ambulance on its way to save someone and it knocks down someone, would it stop to help them?
27. What’s your most hated mode of transportation?
28. Which would be the nicest if animals could only talk?
29. If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
30. Who’s the fifth person on your missed calls?
31. Why is sandwich meat round when bread is square?
32. Is there a limit to how intelligent a single person can be?
33. Do fish have a thirst for water?
34. What music would you choose to play every time you walk into a room?
35. Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste?
36. Is it possible to hear someone’s iPod while they’re running at maximum speed?
37. Should a man about to be executed in the electric chair be saved if he had a heart attack?
38. How many pennies do you think would fit into this room?
39. Which one would you choose: be alive and alone or about to die with a group of friends?
40. Why is it called “beauty sleep” even though you wake up looking like a hot mess?
41. If you have described something as indescribable, haven’t you already described it?
42. If bald people work in a restaurant, do they still need to wear a hairnet?
43. What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room?
44. What is the shape of your peripheral vision?
45. Do you think cavemen experienced nightmares about cavewomen?
46. Is it safe for someone to park their vehicle near a fire hydrant if it is on fire?
47. Male ballerinas are referred to as what?
48. Why do you think are blueberries not bright blue?
49. Which side of the armrest is really yours at a movie theater?
50. Do you really want someone to give you an honest answer when you ask them how they’ve been?
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Random Weird Questions to Ask
A slew of random weird questions to ask folks in a room full of uninteresting people can help improve the mood. One of the questions could be, “Have you ever considered touching a snake?”
1. Have you ever tried eating a piece of paper?
2. Why isn’t there any mouse-flavored food for cats?
3. Do you think you can daydream at night?
4. Would you dare to take a lie detector test with a loved one asking the questions?
5. How would you be able to handcuff a one-armed man?
6. Is it true that if you got into a cab and the driver drove backwards, he owes you money?
7. Which orange came first: the color or the fruit?
8. What was the worst song that was ever composed?
9. Would you rather play in the sand or play in the water at the beach?
10. If we are clean before using bath towels then why do we need to wash them?
11. Which of the teachers would you prefer to have if you were a Hogwarts student?
12. In the beginning, there was totally nothing so how did something come from nothing?
13. Why does wet hair turn darker despite the fact that the water is clear?
14. When did time actually begin?
15. When Greenland is white and ice-covered, why is it called Greenland?
16. Do you think you would be friends with a clone of yourself?
17. Have you ever peed while sleeping?
18. Why does raindrop but snow falls?
19. Do animals have the ability to commit suicide?
20. Why does the sun make our hair lighter but make our skin darker?
21. How did you look like during your worst fashion disaster?
22. Are you keeping a really huge secret from someone you love?
23. How long do you think will you be remembered after the day that you die?
24. What would you paint on your first day if you were an artist?
25. Is it possible to purchase a complete chess set at a pawn shop?
26. How many times a day do you check yourself in front of the mirror?
27. Where does your idea go when it has already been forgotten?
28. What kind of noises did dinosaurs make?
29. Is it weird to enjoy the smell of your own fart?
30. What is the least important thing that is very important to you right now?
31. Have you ever had an extremely bad haircut?
32. Why do you think is a boxing ring square?
33. Do you think a short person can “talk down” to a taller person?
34. Are we really living or just slowly dying?
35. Do bald people still get dandruff?
36. What kind of tree would you be if you were a one, and why?
37. Have you ever dropped food on the floor accidentally and then picked it up to eat it?
38. Why can’t the professor on Gilligan’s Island fix a hole in a boat if he can construct a radio out of a coconut?
39. Why is it called “taking a dump”?
40. Why do you think 11 isn’t pronounced onety-one?
41. Which of the two would you prefer to have as your roommate: A bird or an ostrich?
42. Would it be acceptable to say that the opposite of progress is congress because the opposite of pro is con?
43. What have you forgotten today?
44. When Donald Duck gets out of the shower, why does he put on a towel when he normally doesn’t wear any pants?
45. How would you know if someone has manipulated your memory?
46. What characteristics would your nemesis have if you had one?
47. How many pairs of underwear do you actually own?
48. Why is it so difficult for women to apply mascara with their mouths closed?
49. Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?
50. Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you’re driving and looking for an address?
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Funny and Weird Questions to Ask
Asking a few weird and funny questions at the start of a conversation may be entertaining. One of the weird funny questions to ask is how many hens are required to kill a rhinoceros?
1. Who actually decided what’s right and wrong?
2. What’s the most boring sport to play and watch?
3. Are the 10 calories in a pack of gum just for chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?
4. What was the weirdest text message you’ve ever got?
5. What do you think existed before the universe?
6. Which day was a kid born on if his leg came out at 11:59 p.m. but his head didn’t come out until 12:01 a.m.?
7. Why are they described as apartments when they are all connected?
8. How can pessimists motivate themselves to get out of bed every day?
9. How many kilograms of potatoes have you consumed throughout your life?
10. Why does grape flavor smell like it when real grapes don’t taste or smell like it?
11. Do you believe there is something beyond what we can currently perceive in the universe?
12. Would a bubble in space pop if you blew it?
13. SpongeBob’s parents are both rounds like sea sponges, but why is he square like a kitchen sponge.
14. Who do you think taught the first teacher ever?
15. What would happen to the sea level if every boat in the world was removed out of the ocean at the same time?
16. Does time flow forward only, or does it move differently also?
17. Do dentists consult with other dentists or do it on their own?
18. Which one would you rather do: sit in the snow while it is falling or dance in the rain?
19. Do fortune cookie predictions have a time limit?
20. Why can’t you just feel whelmed instead of overwhelmed and underwhelmed?
21. What’s the purpose of setting goals if we’re all going to die in the end?
22. Which Disney princess do you think would make the best spy?
23. Why don’t ghosts fall through the floor if they can walk through walls and glide downstairs?
24. Is the Bible kept in the fiction or nonfiction section of libraries?
25. What are the things that would be much better if you could change its color?
26. Can you describe the smell of your armpits?
27. When you can’t drink and drive, why do you need a driver’s license to buy alcohol?
28. Do you think coffins have lifetime guarantees?
29. Why do we enjoy Halloween if our parents tell us not to take candy from strangers?
30. Why do adults say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up every few hours?
31. How would anyone ever know if a word was misspelled in the dictionary?
32. Which one would you rather have an arm that regenerates every week or legs that grows back in every week?
33. We all know that milk goes bad if not refrigerated, but why doesn’t it go bad inside the cow?
34. Why are the small candy bars referred to as “fun sizes”? Isn’t it more fun to consume the big one?
35. Cured ham was formerly infected with what disease?
36. Doctors call what they do practice, isn’t that a little unnerving?
37. Do you have crazy thoughts running through your head all day?
38. Why is your head sticking out from your t-shirt?
39. If you will be looking at a map of the inside of a planet, what would it look like?
40. How can a brain that is closed inside our skull ever be called an open mind?
41. Is it true that cannibals don’t like eating clowns because they taste funny?
42. Isn’t it strange that rearranging the word “teacher” gives “cheater”?
43. If you’ll be expecting the unexpected, doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
44. Are there belly buttons on Adam and Eve?
45. Why do you think is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
46. Do you think prison buses have emergency exits?
47. When doing first aid, have you ever purposefully hurt someone just enough to make them scream?
48. If an orange is color orange, why isn’t a lemon called a yellow or a lime called a green?
49. Why is the Lone Ranger nicknamed “Lone” though he is constantly accompanied by his Indian friend Tonto?
50. Why are we so terrified of making mistakes if we can learn from them and improve?
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Wacky and Weird Questions to Ask
You may believe you know someone well until you start asking them bizarre questions. One of the wacky and weird questions to ask people is, “Do you have no nose but incredibly wonderful smelling fingers?”
1. What sound would be the most horrifying if you could hear it?
2. Should fishermen consume the fish they catch, or should they simply release them?
3. When was the last time you screamed your lungs out?
4. Is it legal to drive down a road backward as long as you stay in the right lane?
5. Rabbits don’t lay eggs, so why does the Easter bunny deliver them?
6. How much wood do you think can a woodchuck chuck?
7. Is it still a dog pile when dogs climb on top of each other?
8. What lies beyond the limit if the sky is the limit?
9. What is a workstation if the train station is set to where the train is bound to stop?
10. Would a vacuum form in your stomach if you farted and burped at the same time?
11. If everyone says that life is totally unfair, doesn’t that just mean that life is fair?
12. Is ketchup considered a smoothie since tomatoes are considered as fruits?
13. Do stairs go up or go down?
14. Where does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg in the nursery rhyme?
15. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
16. Is it required for atheists to swear on the Bible in court?
17. Why do 7-11 stores have locks on the doors if they are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
18. Would you believe a person who told you they were a pathological liar?
19. What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten that you actually liked?
20. When we can’t sleep, why do we count sheep but not dogs?
21. Is it possible for fish to be seasick?
22. What language do people speak in their heads if they were born deaf?
23. Can you cry underwater?
24. Do the FBI have to pay if they break down your door?
25. Why do banks charge money for insufficient balance, even when they know there isn’t any money?
26. Did you fail or succeed if you were trying to fail and you succeeded?
27. When it involves the living body, why is it called plastic surgery?
28. Have you ever been tempted to slap someone you’re talking to while you’re talking to them?
29. When sheep brush against each other, do they get static cling?
30. Why do green olives come in jars and black olives come in cans?
31. Would the other doctors treat the doctor or the patient if a doctor suffered a heart attack while performing surgery?
32. Can the word “dictionary” be found in the dictionary?
33. Are the animals homeless because they don’t have a home?
34. Is it possible for monkeys to have a monkey’s uncle?
35. Why do you think is it called a building when it is already built?
36. How could the Wicked Witch of the West ever bathe if she melts in the water?
37. Why do we kill people who kill people if killing people is wrong?
38. Why is patience a virtue if early birds get the best advantages?
39. Are individuals buried with their braces on?
40. Why aren’t curtains double-sided so that they look good both inside and outside your house
41. Why is phonetic not spelled exactly as it sounds?
42. Did the sun shine first, or did the moon reflect it?
43. What do you call a question with no answer?
44. Why is it that your nose runs but your feet smell?
45. Why is it that the glue doesn’t stick to the inside of the bottle?
46. Do you become a hater if you despise haters?
47. Why do you think isn’t bacon baked and cookies cooked?
48. When someone with an accent thinks to themselves, do they have an accent in their thoughts, too?
49. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, where does baby oil come from?
50. Which one would you rather walk around with: a salad on your head or broccoli on your arms?
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Weird Questions to Ask People
When you intend to ask strangely and strange questions, expect some odd responses in return. One of the weird questions to ask people is How many mosquitos have you already killed?
1. Is it true that if a child refuses to take a nap, it means they are resisting a rest?
2. When it comes to movies and concerts, do conjoined twins pay for one or two tickets?
3. Is there a synonym for synonym?
4. What happens if you eat yourself?
5. What happens if you turn on your headlights while traveling at the speed of light?
6. Today, how many times did everyone on the planet sneeze?
7. Why do we need to track our age?
8. Why don’t your arms’ hair get split ends?
9. Why isn’t the “caps lock” key capitalized?
10. Which letter is silent in the word “scent”: S or C?
11. Are you a portrait of an artist if you go to a dance exhibition and dance?
12. How can something be “new” and “improved”?
13. When you plug something into an electrical socket, why is it called an outlet?
14. We have always heard partly cloudy, but when do we actually start hearing partly sunny?
15. Is brushing your teeth possible without wobbling your bottom?
16. Why do Germans live in Deutschland while Dutch people live in Holland?
17. What time was the world created?
18. Is it possible for someone to be allergic to water?
19. Will a teacher be “degraded” if they teach a younger grade than they previously taught?
20. Couldn’t we have simply added some of the 31st days from other months to February?
21. Why is it said that you have a cold when your temperature rises?
22. When you die, do your eyes change color?
23. How far does someone’s ownership of a piece of land go?
24. Do glassblowers get a pane in their stomach if they inhale?
25. If vampires cannot see their reflections, why is their hair always so tidy?
26. Would a seahorse or a horse win a Miss Universe beauty pageant if animals had one?
27. What do you think makes a question a question?
28. Who is right if two left-handed people had an argument?
29. Do you know the phrase “throw ya hands in the air like ya don’t care”?
30. When we like something, why do we put our hands together?
31. . Are you a waiter yourself if you’re waiting for the waiter to take your order?
32. Even when it’s delivered by plane or truck, why do we have to call it “shipping”?
33. Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
34. Are you keeping a really big secret from someone?
35. Would you rather know when you’re going to die or how you’re going to die?
36. Have you ever had to run from or avoid the police?
37. Have you ever dropped food on the floor and then picked it up to eat it?
38. Whenever you ask someone “how they’ve been doing,” do you really want them to tell you the truth?
39. Would you rather be alive and alone or about to die with a group of friends?
40. Would you rather be a hero or a villain for a day?
41. Have you ever lied to a priest, preacher or holy man?
42. Are you afraid of robots?
43. Have you ever hurt someone just enough to make them scream when rendering first aid?
44. What would you do after your boss fires you?
45. Are you (at this moment) romantically interested in someone who doesn’t think of you in that way?
46. Do you want to be buried or cremated?
47. Would you rather sit in snow while it’s falling or dance in the rain?
48. Would you ever take a lie detector test with a loved one asking the questions?
49. Have you ever been outsmarted by another person?
50. Have you let other people’s opinions sway you that much?
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Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
When thinking of weird questions to ask a guy, be sure to employ strange inquiries based on random ideas. Have you ever slept with your pet? might be one of the inquiries?
1. What is something you hate but you have never actually tried?
2. What is the worst ice cream flavor that ever existed?
3. What is one thing you wish you could change the color of?
4. Where do you see yourself in 3 hours?
5. Did you know National Donut Day is an actual thing?
6. What is your go-to drink of choice?
7. What is something that is not important to other people but super important to you?
8. Does anyone really know the answer to this?
9. What day does the week really start on, Sunday or Monday?
10. What is your best quality in a friendship?
11. How many times a day do you look at your phone?
12. What is something that you are constantly forgetting?
13. How would you dispose of a dead body?
14. What are the top 5 things you take in your tornado shelter with you?
15. Who is someone that you would really like to punch in the face?
16. Is it even possible to spend that so quickly?
17. What is something you say all the time?
18. What type of light do you prefer?
19. What color are the pants you have on right now?
20. Was it a spam call or someone you really didn’t want to talk to?
21. Who is the 7th person on your missed called list?
22. What is the most embarrassing thing you have worn this year?
23. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up, right?
24. Why is it called beauty sleep when most of us wake up looking like a train ran us over?
25. If you found a dead body lying in the neighborhood, what do you do?
26. Who taught you how to be a man?
27. What is your go-to exercise routine?
28. Fame or money, what would you rather have?
29. What is the hottest thing you have ever done for a girl?
30. Would he keep it, save it, or share it with others?
31. What would you do if you were the richest man in the world?
32. Can he really do the splits?
33. Who would come to your funeral if you were to die tomorrow?
34. What is something you are most ashamed of?
35. What is the biggest lie you have ever told your dad?
36. What do you think of one-night stands?
37. Life is about obtained perfection; are you there yet?
38. Do you ever feel good enough?
39. Can certain things in your life speak more creativity?
40. Are you happy with who you are becoming, or is there one thing that you would change?
41. What is your go-to look when it comes to your wardrobe?
42. What is your preferred way to get to school/work?
43. What is something you do or watch that you don’t want anyone to know about?
44. What do you do when you are stressed?
45. What is one thing that you would do to your car if money was no object?
46. How do you weigh an elephant without using a weight machine?
47. What do wood and alcohol have in common?
48. How many traffic lights in Manhattan?
49. An apple costs 20 cents, an orange costs 40 cents, and a grapefruit costs 60 cents, how much is a pear?
50. What is the philosophy of Martial Arts?
51. What game show would you be an amazing host of and why?
52. If you ran for president, what would your campaign slogan be?
53. What one story about your childhood best explains the person you are today?
54. What is one weird fact or tidbit that you still remember from school?
55. What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep?
56. If you had to work at an amusement park or a famous landmark for the rest of your life, which place would you choose?
Weird Questions to Ask a Girl
There are numerous funny questions to ask a female under the topic of weird questions to ask a girl. Will you, for example, be pleased with your adversaries’ success? why or why not?
1 What’s the craziest prank you’ve played on someone?
2. What product has greatly exceeded your expectations?
3. What view would you most like to have out of your window?
4. What’s the best “less is more” example you can come up with?
5. What is something about life that people don’t appreciate as much as they should?
6. What was the last thing that you remember that made you cringe?
7. What food would be the best to make a house out of?
8. Who’s your favorite protagonist from an animated movie?
9. What are some things that you’ve never bought and will never buy?
10. What ice-cream flavor is absolutely disgusting?
11. What would be much better if you could just change the color of it?
12. Why do you think dogs like to smell the butt of other dogs?
13. When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
14. What do you dislike but have no good reason for disliking?
15. What was the weirdest conversation you have overheard?
16. What was the most magnificent fountain you’ve seen?
17. What are some things that you haven’t seen or read, but know everything about because of popular culture?
18. What is the most boring activity imaginable?
19. How often does your brain go on autopilot?
20. What’s your fast food horror story?
21. What piece of tech do you hope is invented in your lifetime?
22. What fun activity from your childhood has been completely ruined for kids today?
23. What landmark from your childhood was destroyed and what was put up in its place?
24. What do you think of garden gnomes?
25. Room, desk and car – which do you clean first?
26. How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator?
27. If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?
28. How many different ways can you get water from a lake at the foot of a mountain, up to the top of the mountain?
29. If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be?
30. What is the most awkward thing you ever bought from the general stores?
31. Under which circumstances, will you punch yourself?
32. Have you ever done something weird and your crush noticed that?
33. What do you prefer: being lost with a friend in the sea or with your partner in space?
34. What will be your first reaction when you find that there are police on your door?
35. Have you ever been frightened by your own shadow?
36. What do you do if you get to meet all your look-a-likes at once?
37. If you have the option to be in the dinosaur, which one do you choose to be?
38. Have you ever got any hints from your past life?
39. How confident are you about your bathroom singing talent?
40. Have you tried to win arguments even knowing you’re wrong?
41. What is your first reaction when you listen to your recorded voice?
42. What do you do if you get a chance to build the universe?
43. How would you destroy all the planets in the galaxy?
44. What is the worst punishment you have received from your parents?
45. No matter how much money someone gives, you never do what?
46. Which superpower do you wish to have but later turn into a supervillain?
47. Anytime you forget your license at home, what excuse do you generally give?
48. What do you do if you get a giant elephant as your birthday present?
49. How long could you sit doing nothing or staring at the wall?
50. Have you ever thought of stealing something from someone?
Weird Questions to Ask Friends
There is a big difference between weird questions for friends and weird questions to ask your best friend. The one instructs you how to live your life, while the other is a part of it.
1. If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
2. If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
3. What are some fun ways to answer everyday questions like “how’s it going” or “what do you do”?
4. You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
5. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
6. What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
7. Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
8. What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
9. What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
10. What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of?
11. What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers?
12. What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
13. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
14. What would your life be called if it was a sitcom series?
15. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
16. Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
17. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
18. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
19. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
20. What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
21. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
22. What kind of secret society would you like to start?
23. How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
24. What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
25. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
26. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
27. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
28. What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
29. What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
30. What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
31. Besides duck-face selfies, what other animal-face selfies can you do?
32. What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
33. Would you rather own a dragon or be a dragon?
34. What conspiracy theories do you believe in?
35. What are some of the guilty pleasures that you’re willing to admit?
36. Who are you and why are you in my house?
37. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
38. What’s your excuse for existing in this world?
39. If there were no consequences for a day, what would you do?
40. If you had the option to never have to sleep again, or never have to eat again, which would you choose?
41. If you were a serial killer, what would your modus operandi be?
42. Have you ever tried to scream in your head?
43. If you had to remove one color from the world forever, which would it be?
44. If you could have dinner with any three people from history, who would they be?
45. How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
46. Would you rather be able to play every musical instrument or speak every language fluently?
47. What is something you believe that most people don’t?
48. If you could ask one question and be guaranteed complete honesty, what would you ask?
49. If you were given a million dollars today, how would you spend it?
50. If you were a kitchen appliance, which one would you be and why?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
If weird questions to ask boyfriend are not included, a hangout with a guy may become dull. For example, do you realize how many people dislike you? Or do you sleepwalk?
1. Will you do your best animal sound for me?
2. What’s the worst nightmare that you’ve had that you can recall?
3. What is the funniest dream that you had that you can recall?
4. What’s the most cringeworthy thing you’ve ever said to someone you were attracted to?
5. If you could legally change your middle name, what would it be?
6. Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom?
7. What was your favorite thing to wear as a child?
8. Would you rather crank call or ding-dong-ditch your neighbor?
9. Do you know how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism?
10 If you had to bury treasure where would you hide it?
11. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
12. Have you ever counted your steps while you walk?
13. Would you rather be attacked by a grizzly or a nest of hornets?
14. Have you ever taken bottles of shampoo or conditioner from a hotel?
15. Do you have to have your closet doors open or closed when you go to sleep?
16. What’s the strangest ice cream flavor you’ve ever tried?
17. Someone walks in a room and you smile from ear to ear; who is the person?
18. When was the last time you laughed so hard your belly hurt?
19. Do you have any random questions to ask me?
20. You’re invited to lunch with a person you’ve always wanted to meet; who is it?
21. When you sleep, do you prefer the room to be chilled or warmed?
22. If you were a super hero, what would your power be?
23. If you found a magic lamp, what will be the three wishes that you will ask for?
24. What is the best compliment that you ever received from a girl?
25. Did you have a funny ambition when you were a kid?
26. If you are given an option to be born as an animal or bird, what would it be?
27. Which comic character do you think I resemble?
28. Is there anything in me that you will like to change?
29. What makes you angrier than it should?
30. What habits do you have that annoy other people?
31. What were the last two books that you read?
32. Who was the most toxic person you’ve known?
33. If money was no object, where would you live?
34. How often do you feel utterly worn down?
35. What are you too hard on yourself for?
36. What did you learn a little too late?
37. What would be the absolute perfect day?
38. If it was your last day on earth, would you tell a joke or would you say a prayer?
39. What funny words would you use to insult someone indirectly?
40. If you had $5 dollars to spend at the grocery store, what 5 funny things will you buy?
41. If you swallowed an ice cube whole, will you poop it out?
42. What’s the funniest wifi name you’ve ever seen?
43. How would you feel about kissing a chicken?
44. If you were superman, how would you use your powers?
45. Would you name your cat Jabba the Butt if you had one?
46. Would you date a girl name Holly Garden?
47. Have you ever named your farts depending on the sound and smell?
48. Did you know that there is actually an animal called colon rectum?
49. If you could talk to sponge bob, what would you say?
50. If I stood naked in the middle of the highway, would you think it was funny?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
A list of pretty weird questions to ask your girlfriend is relevant for any circumstance. How frequently do you sing and dance? Is it that you do not even do it at all?
1. If you had a knock-knock joke that would certainly knock at my heart’s door, what would it be?
2. Have you ever tasted your stomach?
3. What mildly annoying curse do you wish you could curse people with?
4. Why should you be banned from taking selfies forever?
5. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve said or done around someone you had a crush on?
6. Do I make your heart race when I walk into the room, or should I try harder?
7. What’s your credit card number, and what are the numbers on the back?
8. What fake rumor would I actually believe about you?
9. What’s the most hilarious thing that somebody has walked in on you doing?
10. What do you wish people would stop asking you again and again?
11. If you were to choose the most amazing person in the world right now, why would you choose me?
12. Would you rather kiss me for 1 second or hug me for 1 minute?
13. Why does your lingerie look better on me than you?
14. When’s the last time you acted immature to get what you wanted? Did you get what you wanted?
15. If a stranger gave you candy, would you accept it?
16. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, why the wildlife magazine?
17. Where you ever caught stealing candy as a child?
18. If it was acceptable to cannibalize your boyfriend, which of my body parts would you eat first?
19. What always sounds like a good idea but actually isn’t?
20. If there was a perfume that was based on your natural scent, what would it be called?
21. If you could “right-click” people, what options would appear?
22. If you had to smell like food for the rest of your life, which food would you want to smell like?
23. What’s your most ridiculous pet peeve?
24. Have you ever done something so crazy and out-of-character that I wouldn’t believe it?
25. If you had to take a pie to the face, what flavor would it be?
26. What was the last thing I did that made you cringe really hard?
27. If I suddenly died, would you collect the dragon balls to bring me back to life?
28. Would you rather have an annoying short-term memory or a dreadful long-term memory?
29. What’s the funniest pick-up line anyone has ever used on you?
30. What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten?
31. Would you rather have a face that resembles that of a fish or smell fishy for the rest of your life?
32. What strange food combination do you absolutely enjoy but many other people hate?
33. What’s the funniest nickname that people ever called you?
34. If you only had red and purple to choose as your skin color, which one would you pick?
35. What funny rumor did you create that accidentally spread like wildfire?
36. If we were stranded on a desolate area with nothing to consume, would you eat me?
37. What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
38. Would you rather be itchy all the time or sticky all the time?
39. If a snake bit my butt, would you be willing to suck the venom out?
40. Have you ever been caught in an awkward situation where you just wanted the ground to swallow you up?
41. If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
42. If you met God, what joke would you tell him?
43. Would you rather have beauty or brains?
44. What’s the cheesiest pick-up line you could use to make me laugh my heart out?
45. How hard did you hit the ground when you fell from heaven?
46. What’s the best comeback you’ve ever heard?
47. What music do you think plays in the background whenever I see you?
48. How many licks do you think would it take me to reach the center of your heart?
49. What’s the funniest name you could ever give your own child?
50. Do you plan on bugging me every single day for the foreseeable future?
Weird Questions to Ask for Your Crush
Do you want to know if they’re right for you? Weird questions to ask your crush can help you out. Can you sit for hours looking at the starry night sky? A great one.
1. What do you think is the worst ice cream flavor?
2. When did you realize that you needed such a handsome guy like me in your life?
3. Who do you think is your celebrity look-alike?
4. Would you rather be completely alone for three years or never be alone for three years?
5. If your doppelganger suddenly appeared, how would you prove to me that you’re the real one?
6. Do you think you’re as pretty as you think you are?
7. Would you allow me to see your browser history right now?
8. If you work in a diner and a customer is nasty, would you spit in their food?
9. Don’t you think you’re unknowingly breaking the law by being so beautiful?
10. What’s your go-to joke for when you want to make people laugh?
11. What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done to get your crush to notice you?
12. What job would you be absolutely terrible at?
13. What is the dumbest chorus from a recent song?
14. What would be the worst ingredients to fill a burrito with?
15. What easy thing do you most often screw up?
16. How much would you pay a hacker threatening to release your browsing history to your friends and family?
17. If you could level up humans as a species, what stat or ability would you increase?
18. What futuristic thing do you wish your clothing or accessories could do?
19. What’s something that people think makes them look cool but actually has the opposite effect?
20. Which movie sequel do you wish you could erase from history?
21. On a scale from 1 to Chris Hemsworth, how attractive do you think I am?
22. How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
23. What’s the weirdest crush you’ve ever had?
23. What is the funniest name you have actually heard?
24. What’s the worst you’ve seen someone screw up on social media?
25. What is something you just can’t believe some people actually enjoy?
26. What’s the weirdest conversation you’ve ever overheard?
27. What would your dream bathroom look like?
28. If your s#x life could be described in ice creams, what kind of ice cream would it be?
29. Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?
30. What’s the strangest gift you’ve ever received?
31. If you could make out with any fictional character, who would it be?
32. If you could be a superhero and fight crime, what crime would you fight?
33. What alcoholic drink best describes your personality and why?
34. Would you feel cool if you rode a motorcycle with a guy on the back?
35. If you found out I slept every night with a stuffed animal, what would you do?
36. If your life was a movie, would it be called?
37. What would you do if a girl asked for your number and hit on you?
38. If you were going to invent a cocktail, what would it be?
39. What is the lamest pick-up line anyone has ever used on you?
40. Do you ever laugh when you’re by yourself?
41. When was the last time you sent a letter or postcard?
42. What fictional world do you wish actually existed?
43. What was the worst date you ever went on?
44. Would you rather go a day without your phone or without toilet paper?
45. Have you ever lied about your age?
46. If you had to have either horns or a tail, which would you choose?
47. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
48. Would you rather meet a favorite cartoon character or favorite author for coffee?
49. If you could replace your hands with anything, what would they become?
50. If God asked you for a good joke, which would you tell?
Weird Questions to Ask Your Partner
Some strange, quirky, and out-of-the-blue questions to ask your spouse are a necessity. Do you have a screwed-up tale to share? is one of the finest weird questions to ask your partner.
1. If you combined your two favorite restaurants, what would be on the menu?
2. Do you think we should get matching haircuts?
3. Do you think I’m as sexy as I think I am?
4. If you could give your dog/cat/pet a superpower, what would it be?
5. What’s the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever told?
6. How many different recipes do you know for mac ‘n’ cheese?
7. If you could have an actual two-way conversation with God, how would it go?
8. What weird habit did you have as a kid and never gave up?
9. If you had the power of invisibility for one whole day, what would you do?
10. If you had to choose a primary color for your skin tone, what would you choose?
11. If you could punish someone with a mildly annoying curse, what would it be?
12. Why do you think so many people have dreams about being naked at school?
13. If you could shapeshift, what form would you take, and what would you do first?
14. If you could change any major movie into a high-quality p##n movie, which would it be?
15. Do you prefer Nintendo, Xbox, or PlayStation?
16. Have you ever changed your plans because of your horoscope?
17. Do You Prefer Sandwiches or Quesadillas?
18. What would be worse, 30 days without your phone or living your entire life without dessert?
19. Do you have any outlandish experiences when it comes to dress-up parties?
20. If you had to pair wine with the world’s best-grilled cheese sandwich, what would you pair it with?
21. When it comes to plants, what is your relationship like?
22. Do you have any weird goals you’d like me to help you achieve today?
23. Can you think of a gesture that could replace the handshake?
24. Do you fear what you will do (or what they will do) if that happens?
25. Are you more interested in being a supermodel, a genius, or super-rich?
26. Have you ever competed in a talent show?
27. Do you think I have a good voice or make mistakes when I sing?
28. Suppose you were in zero gravity for the first time. What would you do?
29. What musical instrument do you think has the silliest name?
30. What would you choose as your one magical power if you had the choice?
31. Which job would you like to have if you worked at a circus?
32. Which fairy tale was your favorite when you were a child?
33. Are there any cartoons that you still enjoy watching?
34. If you could master all languages and musical instruments, which would you prefer?
35. What is the age at which our hair stops growing?
36. Which is worse, permanently looking like a fish or permanently smelling like a fish?
37. How would you feel if you drank one gallon of mustard or one gallon of ketchup?
38. In order for a romantic relationship to be successful, which trait is most important?
39. Have you ever thought about falling in love on a sandy beach or in the ocean?
40. Can you share a favorite souvenir that you have?
41. Where do you see textbooks going wrong or leaving out important information?
42. How disappointing was the end to one of your favorite books, movies, or games?
43. How would you describe your best ethically gray life hack?
44. What is the funniest thing your relative has ever done?
45. How would you name a new dance move if you had to make one from scratch?
46. Do you know an animal that hasn’t yet become extinct that you’re surprised about?
47. What accessories would be sold with you if you were an action figure?
48. What would you do with a private jet that you received as a gift from a stranger?
49. Describe something from your childhood you found common, but now is quite rare?
50. You can name almost any country, but what do you know about it beyond its name?
51. Can you imagine a time when a particular culture or trend would make a huge comeback?
52. How long has it been since you laughed until you cried?
53. If you were as small as an ant, how would you describe our house?
54. Choose a new fruit shape for your head – watermelon or coconut?
55. What are some of your goals and how do you plan to reach them?
56. What’s the worst fashion or hair decision you’ve made?
57. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard a child say?
58. What would be the silliest feature of your dream house?
59. If your hometown was a food, what food would it be?
60. Did your parents have alternative name options that they were considering when naming you?
Weird Questions to Ask Yourself
It may be a great deal of fun to ask ourselves of out questions. What is my ideal sleep position? is one of the weird questions to ask yourself.
1. Do you ever just feel like dancing when you shouldn’t?
2. What accent should I try to talk to you in?
3. Have you ever forgotten how to spell your name?
4. If you could kill any fashion trend forever what would it be?
5. Do you ever think your parents gave you the wrong name?
6. Can I get your honest opinion on [insert an item you’re wearing]?
7. When you get a call from an unknown number, do you answer it?
8. Are there any easy chores you procrastinate on?
9. What do you think about when you’re driving?
10. Do you support any charities or causes?
Weird Questions to Ask Someone
Many times, we like asking strange questions to others. For example, do you believe that if everything is possible, it is also conceivable for anything to be impossible? In the category of weird questions to ask someone.
1. Do you, or have you ever had, a fear that seems silly?
2. Would you rather be trapped in a room filled with snakes or spiders?
3. You have to eat the same food for 1 month straight. What do you choose?
4. What is something you’ve always wanted to see or experience in real life?
5. you could have tickets to any play or musical, what would you see?
6. If you could speak another language, what would you choose?
7. If you could drive any type of vehicle, what would it be?
8. What is one historical event you wish you could have been present for?
9. What everyday item do you think will be obsolete in 30 years?
10. If you could visit any time period, when would you pick?
11. Who would you be most excited to get a postcard from?
12. What cartoon characters would you proudly wear on your underwear?
13. What is something you think is seriously underrated?
14. What’s one seemingly normal thing that really grosses you out?
15. What is one thing you thought you’d love, but you ended up hating it?
16. If you could become curator of any museum, which museum would it be?
17. If you could learn to make one thing really well, what would it be?
18. Who would you choose to play James Bond and/or his love interest?
19. What is one physical trait you’ve always been proud of?
20. Would you rather live in a mansion but be poor or a shack but be rich?
21. What are some of your funniest sleepover stories?
22. Have you ever been in a dilemma, not knowing what to do in a relationship?
23. What is the one thing about you that your parents will have a heart attack if they knew?
24. What were you best known for back in college or at the university campus?
25. What are some of your “never have I ever” queries that most people don’t believe you?
26. Have you ever felt fooled around at any point in your life?
27. If your love life was a book, what title will it carry?
28. Would you write me a list of your exes without omitting anyone if I asked you to?
29. If someone only saw your Spotify or Netflix accounts, who would they think you are?
30. What’s a word you pronounced wrong your whole life?
31. Can you please tell me about your best worst school photo?
32. If you could be a fly on the wall, who would you want to listen in on?
33. Do you think cavemen had nightmares about cavewomen?
34. What is one thing you wish could exist but doesn’t at the moment?
35. What is one thing you would change about your daily routine?
36. Would you rather walk around with a salad for a head or broccoli for arms?
37. Which would you rather win: The lottery or to be named employee of the month every month?
38. What is the most interesting place you’ve ever been to?
39. What’s something most people like but you don’t understand?
40. Do you believe in the paranormal and would you go ghost hunting?
41. Which would you prefer a rainy Sunday at home or a day at the local flea market?
42. What is your favorite comedy movie or show and why?
43. Have you ever noticed that easy open packages never seem to open that easy?
44. Could you go for a week without your cell/smart phone?
45. Which character from a book or television show would you like to be more like and how so?
46. Have you ever noticed that everywhere you look, people are on their smart phones even when driving?
47. If you had to choose between losing your sight or your hearing which would you choose?
48. Do you play the lottery and what would you do if you won a large jackpot?
49. What is the one movie you can watch over and over?
50. What is your idea of exotic food and have you ever tried any?
51. If the sky could rain food, what food would you like for it to rain down?
52. Imagine you just won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
53. If you wanted to make everyone on the planet smile, how would you do it?
54. If you could invent something to make life easier, what would you invent?
55. What are 4 things your friends would say that you are really good at?
56. If you got to be the parent for the day, what rules would you have?
57. When was the last time you felt really lucky that something good happened to you?
58. When was the last time you laughed really hard and what was it about?
59. If you found a genie in a bottle, what would be your three wishes?
60. If you had to pick a theme song to describe you, what would it be?
61. If you could change your whole name, what would you change it to?
62. What do you look forward to when you wake up every day?
Weird Questions to Ask Students
There are instances when kids ask the teacher strange questions. What if the tables were turned? One of the weird questions to ask students is how many times they have failed an exam.
1. What grade would you skip, if you could skip any grade in school?
2. What would you do different if you were the teacher?
3. If you learn anything you wanted in school, what would you learn?
4. If you could get to school using any mode of transportation, how would you get there?
5. If you could change your bus ride, what would you change?
6. Do you like math or reading better?
7. If you could create a new subject to study at school, what would it be?
8. What is your favorite subject at school?
9. If you could draw any picture on the whiteboard at school, what would you draw?
10. How many days do you have left before you graduate?
11. If you were to get in trouble at school, who would you get in trouble with?
12. What is the most boring part about school?
13. If you were to get sent to the principal’s office, what would it be for?
14. What is your favorite thing to do at school?
5 Tips for Choosing Weird Questions to Ask
Weird questions to ask cannot be an easy start at the outset. Whoever it is that you are asking a question to, especially if it is in a hilarious category, needs to be productive in their topic selection and also in the sort of inquiry they are expressing.
There may be weird funny questions to ask, but you must ensure that the other person is OK with it. If you’re not sure how and where to accomplish it, here are five suggestions that will get you alone without a glitch.
- Make the Other Feel at Ease
This is quite important. Make it clear before asking that any type of inquiry may be posed and that there is also the risk that someone may overstep their limits. So, prepare your ideas so that you don’t hesitate.
- Slow and Keeping It Up
Begin softly, teasingly joking, and see where everything goes on from there. You don’t want to come across more as weird, so approach with caution. You must wait and see how it goes before continuing on.
- Increase the Stake If Responded Favorably
If you see that the person, you’re messaging likes being weird and may want to actually meet them, you may make the chat more detailed.
- Approachable Text
Texts that are unusual and also hilarious, so the other person doesn’t think you’re a complete moron or from another planet. Begin by asking yourself, “Who do you miss the most in your life?” Why? Or, how many times a day does your mother shout at you? These are easy yet weird. The other person will not take too long to respond.
- Make a List Ahead of Time to Prepare Yourself
Last but not least, before you even select a game date, make a list of strange questions. It will not only provide you with more information on your opponents, but it will also provide you with more time to properly evaluate them.
Final Thoughts on Weird Questions to Ask
Is there a particular reason for weird questions to ask? Yes, it is. There are several reasons why asking these questions is crucial.
It covers causes such as mutual understanding, getting to know each other in terms of personality, thinking, and the type of people you surround yourself. Weird questions to ask fall into various categories, including hilarious, funny, strange, awkward, and many others.
Every other category might disclose something new about your personality as well. As entertaining as this game seems, it may also be rather dangerous. You must be mindful of what questions to ask and what not to ask. This can either improve or complicate matters. You have a choice.
If you insist on playing the game, don’t delay until you’ve had a few beers to make up with stuff, since this will greatly impair your judgment. Instead, compile a list of strange questions to ask the people with whom you are asking to do the same!