Welcome to the incredible collection of best friend tag questions. Throughout your life, you’ve certainly had a lot of greatest friends, but how many of them did you truly know and admire? Consider your best friend right now. These bff tag questions are for everyone who feels lonely without their best friends.
Having a best friend is the loveliest feeling in the world, regardless of what brought you two together. You will never be sad if you have a best friend, no matter how far apart you live.
It implies having someone to whom you can say anything without feeling uncomfortable, even though they may mock you!
It entails having someone to weep to after a breakup, laugh with, and who isn’t scared to be themselves near you, and vice versa! This best friend tag quiz game can help you in assessing your best friend.
If you’re going to call someone your best friend, you should probably both know quite a bit about each other. But how do you know you’re so sure? Get together with your best friend and see how much you both know about one other by using this list of best friend tag questions. Have a fun!
Stroll down this list of best friend tag questions to come up with a best friend who is difficult to pin down!
Table of Contents
Best Friend Tag Questions to Challenge Your BFF
The best friend tag is a game that will put your friendship and knowledge of your best friend to the test. Glance over this list of best friend tag questions that might inspire you.
1. Do I prefer swimming in a pool or the lake/ocean?
2. Do I need anything to help me sleep?
5. If I could wish for anything, what would it be?
6. What is my secret weapon when it comes to attracting the opposite s#x?
7. Who is my favorite YouTuber?
8. Do I wash my car or leave it dirty and let the rain wash it?
9. What’s a funny story from my childhood?
10. Do I drink my soda from a straw?
11. What is something unique about me that only a few people know?
12. What was the worst job I ever had?
13. Do you think I would die for you?
14. Do I prefer to eat Fritos or Cheetos?
15. Without looking, what does my last text to you say?
16. Do I focus on the future or the past?
18. Who was my high school crush?
19. Would I rather wear shoes or be barefoot?
20. When was the last time I told someone I love them?
22. What was the weirdest dream I ever had?
23. What was I doing last night at midnight?
24. Would I bail you out of jail or be would I be sitting there next to you in jail?
26. Do you think I have any secrets that I haven’t told you yet?
29. Is it easy for me to fall in love?
30. What is my least favorite movie?
31. Do I miss anyone at this moment?
34. Do I have any strange phobias?
35. Would I rather be hurt by the person I trust the most or the one I love the most?
36. What would I do if I said you never wanted to talk to me again?
37. Would I give a homeless person CPR if they were in need?
38. Have I ever eaten a crayon?
39. When was the last time I got pulled over by the police?
40. Would I ever tell anyone one of your secrets?
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Deep Best Friend Tag Questions
If you want to take your friendship to the next level, ask probing and philosophical questions to your best friend. We’ve gathered deep best friend tag questions for asking them to your best friend to see how well he or she knows you.
1. What do I do that always makes you smile?
2. Which book is the last one I read from start to finish?
3. Do I have any scars and where are they?
4. What is my favorite kind of sandwich?
5. What is my favorite breakfast food?
6. Do I steal the shampoo and soap from hotels?
7. Where is my favorite place in the world to be?
8. Was I named after anyone? I
9. What is my go-to break up song?
10. What is my favorite singer or band?
11. Do I believe in ghosts and paranormal things?
12. What did I want to be when I was a child?
13. Do I want to have kids?
14. Do I collect anything and what is it?
15. Would I rather be attacked by a dog or a bunch of spiders?
16. Do I like to use post-it notes?
17. What is my favorite animal?
18. Do I like to collect anything?
19. Do I chew on my pens and pencils?
20. What is my favorite television show?
21. Who was the last person I kissed?
22. What is my favorite season?
23. What is my favorite fruit?
24. If my house was on fire and all of my family was safe, what would be the one thing I would try to save?
25. Where was I born?
26. Do I ever dance without music playing?
27. What’s my favorite playlist on either Spotify or Apple Music?
28. Do I say any phrase or expression a lot?
29. What would be our craziest and best memory together?
30. How many brothers and sisters do I have?
31. Which is my favorite makeup brand?
32. Am I allergic to anything?
33. Which celebrity am I in love with?
34. What is our favorite inside joke?
35. What is my dream job?
36. How much time does it take me to get ready?
37. When is my birthday?
38. What do you admire most about me?
39. What is your nickname for me?
40. What are my fears or biggest phobias?
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Funny Best Friend Tag Questions
In this section, we’ve collected some funny best friend tag questions to help you out. These funny tag questions are ideal for you and your BFF if you enjoy truth or dare questions.
1. Which celebrity of the opposite sex is most like me?
2. How many kids would I be able to keep alive if I were in Bird Box or A Quiet Place?
3. How long would I survive in the Hunger Games?
4. If I could only yell out one word for the rest of my life, which word would I scream?
5. Which viral challenge is most likely to kill me?
6. Which boxed or canned meal am I most likely to mess up cooking?
7. How many Oreos could I fit in my mouth at once?
8. Where’s the weirdest place I’ve ever hidden in my house?
9. What song makes me dance no matter where I am when I hear it?
10. How am I most likely to die IRL while playing VR?
11. Would I look good with a bald head?
12. What insect will I be reincarnated into?
13. If I had no internet access for a week, what would my days look like?
14. Am I more likely to snort, fart, or spit out a drink when I laugh?
15. If my personality were a viral meme, which one would it be?
16. What is the funniest thing I’ve ever done in your presence?
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Cute Best Friend Tag Questions
These cute best friend tag questions are perfect for playdates, parties, and even hanging out with your best friend; you might learn things about them that you didn’t know before! Tag your bestie with these questions if you want to hear lovely responses.
1. What are my strengths and weaknesses?
2. Who is my hero?
3. What are my favorite movies of all time?
4. What is my favorite ice-cream flavor?
5. If I was ordering a pizza, which toppings would I order
6. List three items that I always have with me?
7. What’s my middle name?
8. What’s my shoe size?
9. What was your first impression of me?
10. What is my Netflix binge show?
11. What kind of wedding do I want someday?
12. What is my full name?
13. What is my astrological sign?
14. What state was I born in?
15. What are my parents’ first names?
16. What is my weakest subject in school?
17. What is my favorite soda?
18. We go to taco bell, what do I order?
19. What was the last mall I went to?
20. What food do I hate?
21. What is my favorite restaurant?
22. Did I ever get written up in school?
23. Do I have any scars?
24. What is the name of my favorite childhood pet?
25. What was one of my most embarrassing moments?
26. Did I ever have the chicken pox?
27. Who was my first boyfriend/girlfriend?
28. How much do I weigh?
29. Which Starburst is my favorite?
30. Have I ever failed a test?
31. Which gummy bear is my favorite?
32. Where do I like to go to unwind?
33. Have I ever been fired?
34. What is one insecurity I have?
35. What is my religion?
36. Do I like ketchup, mustard, or both?
37. How many years have we been friends?
38. What day is our friendiversary?
39. What color are my eyes?
40. What is my hobby now?
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General Best Friend Tag Questions
Despite of a lot of personal information and general facts that you know about each other, the best friend tag quiz will let you evaluate how well your friend knows you. Check out these bff tag quiz.
1. What was a big hobby of mine growing up?
2. What is my favorite sports team?
3. What is my favorite sport?
4. What is my lucky/favorite number?
5. What size shirt do I wear?
6. What is my nationality?
7. What is my favorite store to shop at?
8. What is my favorite clothing brand?
9. If I could drive any color car, what would it be?
10. If I were to win the lottery, what is the first thing I would buy?
11. Would I choose roller blades or roller skates at a skating rink rental counter?
12. When it’s snowing, would I choose to go skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or sledding?
13. Do I prefer chocolatey or fruity candy?
14. Have I ever smoked?
15. When I order a pizza, what do I get on it?
16. Do I still play with toys
17. What is my favorite class?
18. Do I have any musical talent?
19. Have I ever broken the law?
20. What is my favorite shirt?
21. Have I ever stolen anything?
22. Do I have a birth mark?
23. What app do I use most often?
24. Do I have any weird talents or skills?
25. How do I like my coffee/tea?
26. Have I ever been in a car accident?
27. Am I a cat person or a dog person?
28. Who is my favorite superhero?
29. What kind of sub do I order at Subway?
30. What do I like in my DQ blizzard?
31. What is something I would want for my birthday?
32. Do I like to spend money or save money?
33. What do I look forward to most about fall?
34. Would I rather ride in a train or fly in a helicopter?
35. What is my favorite veggie?
36. What was the last trip I went on?
37. What is my favorite board game?
38. If we play Mario Kart, what character do I pick?
39. What is my phone number?
40. What is name of the street I live on?
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Interesting Best Friend Tag Questions
Find out more about your best friend by asking them questions that could lead to some truly fascinating replies. Here we’ve collected some interesting best friend tag questions for you and your friends, so you may learn more about each other.
1. What creepy crawly am I most scared of?
2. What is something I always keep in my purse/pockets/wallet?
3. What is my favorite Jelly Belly jellybean?
4. Would I be more likely to go to a theme park or water park?
5. We go to the zoo, what exhibit am I most excited for?
6. Have I ever had surgery?
7. What perfume/cologne do I like?
8. Do I bite, clip, or file my nails?
9. What is my favorite ‘healthy’ food?
10. If I could any animal, what animal would I be?
11. At the same carnival, if I won a prize playing a game, do I choose a stuffed animal, silly hat, or an inflatable guitar?
12. If we go to a carnival, what ride would I go on over and over?
13. What is my favorite Disney movie?
14. Would you wear matching shirts with me every day for a year?
15. What is your ideal BFF date with me?
16. If a guy/girl broke up with me, what would you tell them they’ll be missing out on most?
17. Am I dateworthy?
18. If I were a superhero who would I be?
19. What famous quote best sums up who I am?
20. If I moved away, would we still be best friends?
21. Am I a big spoon or a little spoon?
22. Am I cute like a baby animal or cute like a person you’d have a crush on?
23. What would your life be like if I wasn’t your BFF?
24. Could I be a YouTube sensation?
25. What color is my aura?
26. What exotic pet would I hoard?
27. Do I care what Kylie Jenner does?
28. Do I think homemade macaroni and cheese better than box mac and cheese?
29. Could I ever be a vegan?
30. What do I think happens after a person dies?
31. What’s something I say wrong all the time and don’t realize I say it wrong?
32. Do I like taking selfies?
33. Have I ever finished a video game without using cheats?
34. If I were in Jumanji, which game character would I be?
35. Can I solve a Rubic’s Cube?
36. Which fictional character to I secretly wish I could become?
37. Am I more like my dad or my mom?
38. How many apps do I have on my phone?
39. What are the three things I need to have in my locker at all times?
40. If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be?
Easy Best Friend Tag Questions
The bff tag challenge questions have become an international trend nowadays to assess the level of friendship and mutual understating with best friend. In this category, we have assembled few easy best friendship tag questions for you and your friends.
1. What kind of smart am I?
2. What would my prison nickname be?
3. If I invented a social media site, what would it be called?
4. If I were dying and could be partially replaced by AI, would you let them do it?
5. Do you know how much I care about you?
6. If I died right now, what would you say in my eulogy?
7. Am I good enough for myself?
8. Would I be upset if I didn’t get any Christmas presents?
9. What have I dressed up as the most in my life for Halloween?
10. Have I ever bullied someone?
11. What is my Starbucks order?
12. If I could only eat one candy for the rest of my life, which would I choose?
13. Which streaming service would I want the movie about my life to air on?
14. What current teenage actor/actress would play me in the movie of my life?
15. What movie title best describes my life?
16. If we were in a classic high school movie, which clique would I be the leader of?
17. What childhood nickname do my family members still call me?
18. Which family member would I replace with you?
19. Am I a good friend?
20. Do you like all my other friends?
21. If I went missing for years, would you get a new best friend?
22. How long does it take for me to get dressed?
23. What is the unkindest thing someone has ever said to me?
24. How would you describe my ideal wife/husband?
25. What part of your body is my favorite?
26. Name those three movies that I love the most?
27. Highlight the thing of which I have the biggest fear?
28. Tell the name of my first crush?
29. Who is my favorite comic role hero or common hero/heroine?
30. Am I afraid of the dark?
31. What is my greatest achievement in life?
32. Have I ever voted in a general presidential election?
33. What picture do I have currently on my phone’s display or on any social media website?
34. Do I have any nicknames; if yes then what are they?
35. Which things are most of the time roaming in my mind?
36. Do I usually listen to loud music that is relatively loud as compared to normal sound?
37. So, which is the one insect that I am afraid of the most?
38. Which situation can make me sad?
39. What is my favorite would you rather questions?
40. What is the one compliment, best describes me?
Hard Best Friend Tag Questions
Asking your best friend hard best friend tag questions will make them think before responding. More and more good friends are putting each other to the test by asking each other these kinds of tag questions.
1. Which is my favorite music track?
2. So, is there any cosmetics that I can’t live without?
3. Which restaurant do I like to visit more often?
4. Which food can literally take off all my tensions?
5. What is my favorite type of sandwich?
6. Am I a bathroom singer?
7. Which game do I play the most?
8. Have I ever been to a place outside the country?
9. How many children do I wish to have after my marriage life and what will be their name?
10. Where do I want to live and spend my remaining life when I get older?
11. What was my favorite cartoon as a child?
12. Was I named after anyone?
13. So, what is the dish that none can cook like me?
14. What are my religious views?
15. What is the first slang I learned?
16. Which color literally rules my cupboard?
17. Which teacher has motivated me the most?
18. How much I scored on my last exam?
19. What is my current weight?
20. What is my favorite website is all about?
21. So, have I ever become aggressive in a social gathering?
22. Which shampoo brand suits me the best?
23. Whether Lyrics or composition – which mesmerizes me the most in a song?
24. Which motivational quote have I written on my study table?
25. When was the first time I bargained like a pro?
26. Is there any brand I follow and buy particularly?
27. What is the nickname my mother has given me?
28. What is the most badass habit I have?
29. What is the one thing I have never been able to express properly?
30. Can you tell me that whether I am an optimistic person or just the opposite?
31. What is my biggest nightmare?
32. Do I have any career plan?
33. What is my favorite gift that I got on one of my birthdays and still has kept that intact?
34. What is the thing I usually do on my birthday?
35. So, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – where do I have the maximum number of friends?
36. What is the best reply I have ever said to my haters?
37. What is my dream wedding outfit?
38. How many dishes have I ever cooked for you altogether?
39. What are the last two digits of my mobile number?
40. Except you, is there any person who makes me happy almost instantly?
Dirty Best Friend Tag Questions
These dirty best friend tag questions are a set of punching questions that you and your best friend ask each other to see how well you know one another. Let’s dive in.
1. Have I had sex on the rooftop of a house?
2. What’s my craziest sexual position?
3. What is the thing I am addicted to that is harming me?
4. Have you ever lied to me about something you shouldn’t have?
5. What is that one dream of mine that seems unattainable?
6. If there was one thing you could change about my personality, what would it be?
7. What is a secret I have hidden from parents?
8. What concerns me the most in life?
9. What was my worst personal experience?
10. How would you describe my sense of humor?
Juicy Best Friend Tag Questions
The bond you have with your best friend is not determined by the best friend tag questions. Rather, it demonstrates how well you know one other. So, tag your bestie and respond to this best friend tag challenge quiz about each other.
1. How close am I to my family?
2. On a scale of 10, how much do you trust me?
3. What do you think I write about you in my journal?
4. Have I ever abused, wronged, or cheated anyone?
5. Am I a forgiving person, or do I hold grudges?
6. What are my dream wedding and honeymoon destinations?
7. What is something I like gifting to people?
8. What is my weakness which I always try to hide from you?
9. Love or friendships – what is more important to me?
10. What is my secret wish that I have always wanted to come true?
11. Which sport could I have excelled in if I became a professional athlete?
12. What is the thing I am terrible at but hate to admit?
13. How close do you think I am to your family?
14. Who do you think could get away with committing a petty crime – you or me?
15. Who sings better in the bathroom – you or me?
16. How many bananas can I eat back to back?
17. If I was a viral meme, which one would it be?
18. What is the funniest thing you ever heard me say?
19. Which fashion decision was my biggest mistake?
20. What’s been my greatest accomplishment?
21. Who was my biggest crush when we were younger?
22. If I became president, what do you think I’d do first?
22. Is there a smell that reminds you of me?
23. Which game or reality show would I do best on?
24. If we were stuck on a desert island, why would I be an asset?
25. Am I a cookie, ice cream, or cake person?
26. What do I order at a bar?
27. And when were you most disappointed by me?
28. If I died, what would you want of mine?
29. How do I comfort myself after a rough day?
30. What do I put on my pizza?
31. Am I a kind person?
32. Am I a morning person or a nightcrawler?
33. At what age do you imagine I will get married?
34. Can I talk my way out of a speeding ticket?
35. Do I have any mania or tic?
36. When was the last time we hung out?
37. When was the last time I went out of town?
38. Where was I born and where I’d like to live?
39. Have I ever cried because of happiness?
40. Do I have to visit the doctor this year for any reason?
Best Friend Tag Questions to Test How Well You Know about Each Other
These best friend tag challenge questions are wonderful discussion starters, as well as an easy method to recognize how strong your connection is and gain a deeper understanding of each other. Enjoy them!
1. Which movie makes me sad every time I watch it?
2. Is there any book, that I have read more than 10 times?
3. Who is the author I admire the most?
4. What is the one thing I do with utmost passion?
5. Have I ever left a food court without paying the bill?
6. Which is my favorite cuisine?
7. Which is my favorite dance track that makes me completely crazy?
8. What is the surname of my first ever dance partner?
9. Where did I meet my crush for the first time?
10. What was my reaction when I tasted a bad food?
11. What is my favorite beverage in parties?
12. Do I have any other friend except you?
13. Do I love to party?
14. So, do I like to buy clothes on discount or buy them usually at the exact price?
15. What is the nickname of my pet, that I adopted last?
16. In which subject, I always scored well during my school days?
17. What is the food item, you always find in my bag?
18. If I wake up in the middle of the night, then which food I usually take?
19. What is the middle name of my mother?
20. In which company, I want to work in near future?
21. So, at which age, I want to get married?
22. Woody, fruity or citrusy – what is my kind of fragrance?
23. What is that gift my grandparents gave me when I went to visit them?
24. What are the things I have learned from you?
25. Is there anything that I possess the most in number?
26. Which accessory is my all-time favorite?
27. What is the one thing I always keep in my handbag?
28. Do I love to smoke?
29. So, can you name my favorite topping on ice cream?
30. What is the name of the poetry I wrote for the first time?
31. How do I love to eat an egg?
32. What is that one thing I used to do the most as a child?
33. Tell me that whether I am a Twiteratti or an Instagrammer?
34. What is the most liked picture on my Instagram profile?
35. What is the surname of my current partner?
36. So, where do I want to go after retirement?
37. If I tell you to share few things from my secret diary, then what would you say?
38. What is the outfit I gifted you on our first meet?
39. So, have I ever spoken with a criminal?
40. Have I ever bought any attire that is totally inspired by a movie?
Best Friend Tag Questions to Bring Friendship to a New Level
Do you have any gauge how well your bestie understands you? Here are some friendship tag game questions to ask them to spice things up! You’ll discover new things about each other, share secrets and inside jokes, and strengthen your friendship to a new level.
1. Is there any program, of which I have watched over 1000 episodes?
2. So, Beach or mountains – what is my favorite place?
3. Have I ever abused anyone?
4. Which cuss word I often use?
5. If I ever win a lot amount of money, then what will I do with that?
6. Money or fame – what is more important to me?
7. Which festivals usually I love to visit?
8. So, what are the pictures I have on my bedroom walls?
9. So, name the one channel that I watch the most on TV?
10. Which mobile app do I use on a daily basis?
11. So, what is my favorite texting game?
12. Which channels have I subscribed on YouTube?
13. So, Spiderman or Superman – on whom do I have a crush?
14. Which Web series I love so much that I haven’t missed a single episode?
15. Which comic book is my favorite?
16. How do I celebrate my success?
17. Which is the last movie I watched on Netflix?
18. Have I ever been in a depressive situation?
19. What are the names of my siblings?
20. By which name, have I saved your name on my mobile?
21. Which number is not on my contact list, but I still have memorized it?
22. When was I last time I told you to take care of your health?
23. How long does it take for me to forgive a wrong-doer?
24. Which emoji I mostly use?
25. Which gift of yours have I still kept with me?
26. What is the brand of my mobile?
27. Am I a goal oriented person?
28. What is my current relationship status on Facebook?
20. What is the usual thing I do when someone tries to flirt with me?
21. How many scores did I get on my last maths exam?
22. What is my favorite evening snack?
23. What is the one food I am almost addicted to?
24. How many scores did I get on my driving test?
25. Have I ever done anything romantic for my partner?
26. Which movie dialogue is always on my lips?
27. Is there any language that I want to learn very soon?
28. What is the brand of my sunglass that I am currently wearing?
29. Which song I often sing when no one is in the room?
30. Have I ever experienced any supernatural things ever?
31. What is my usual expression after seeing a beautiful rainbow?
32. Tell me whether I am a believer in God or not?
33. Is there any luxury car that I want to buy within the next few years?
34. Is there any movie that I have watched with my parents for the past two months?
35. Do I love to do charity work?
Best Friend Tag Questions to Make the Game Fun
If you’re looking for doing something fun with your best friend, try this best friend tag questions quiz. Begin the quiz by tagging your bestie with a question. Remember that their ability to respond does not imply that they are a good or bad friend; the activity is simply meant to be fun.
1. What was the middle name of the person with whom I had s#x for the first time?
2. Do I want to get married to any sportsperson?
3. What do I love to do on a rainy day?
4. Which is the one ice cream flavor that I am almost inseparable?
5. What is one thing I do not like about myself?
6. What are two positive personality traits I have?
7. What gift would I like for my birthday?
8. Am I “in love with” any famous person?
9. What do I consider my most important personal possession?
10. Have you told me all of your deepest secrets?
11. Would I take in a homeless person if asked?
12. Am I easy or hard to love?
13. How would you react if I died tomorrow?
14. Why have you chosen me as your best friend?
15. What about me always makes you smile?
16. What is one social cause I talk about?
17. Do I prefer casual clothes or dressing up?
18. Have I ever been stopped by a policeman?
19. What is one thing that makes me angry or upset?
20. Am I more afraid of spiders or snakes?
Best Friend Tag Questions about Favorite Things
Best friends often learn new facts about each other over time, but we have a fun way to speed up the process. During your next talk over a hot cup of coffee, try asking this best friend tag questions quiz about favorite things.
1. What is my favorite item of clothing?
2. What is my favorite perfume or body wash?
3. Who’s my favorite female musician?
4. Who’s my favorite male musician?
5. Who’s my favorite author?
6. Who’s my favorite celebrity?
7. Who’s my favorite actress?
8. Who’s my favorite actor?
9. What is my favorite burger?
10. What is my favorite color?
List of Best Friend Tag Questions
Adorable moments and treasured memories are at the heart of the best friendships. When you share sweet moments with each other by asking each other these cute questions, your friendship grows deeper. Check out this best friend tag questions list.
1. What is my idea of the perfect date?
2. If I could have the life of any famous Instagrammer, who would I choose?
3. Do you ever judge the people I date and why?
4. What cars are in our home and what do my parents like driving?
5. What’s my favorite and worst drink?
6. What is the most disgusting thing I’ve eaten?
7. Do I wash and clean my car often or wait for the rain to clean it?
8. If I was to go for an alternative first name, what would it be?
9. Would I rather keep a vase of flowers or a live plant in my living room?
10. Do I like eating in malls or chill restaurants
11. Do I like wearing shoes with socks or without them?
12. Would you describe me as hot or cold?
13. Out of the variety of skills I possess, what am I really bad at?
14. Do I make any weird or funny faces depending on my mood?
15. Would I be the one to bail you out of jail or would I be sited there next to you?
5 Tips for Playing Best Friend Tag Game
Have you heard of a ‘best friend quiz,’ also known as a ‘Best Friend Tag,’ or a ‘BFF Tag,’ before? It means that best friends quiz one other on how well they know each other by asking each other difficult and enjoyable questions. It works like a friendship test.
These best friend tag questions are perfect to keep a best friend tag activity going at home.
The game’s rules are straightforward. Some bff tag questions will be directed at your best friend, and vice versa. If your answer is correct, you will receive one point; if it is incorrect, you will receive none.
You can examine the results and determine your level of friendship at the end of the test of friendship tag questions!
We have 5 tips for playing best friend tag game. Are you up for the game?
1. Write down your ideas – You can also use a notepad to record everything you discover about your best friend while playing this game (together with your scores) and to write down additional question ideas.
2. Make it an opportunity to know your bestie well – Take advantage of the opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings and fill up any knowledge gaps while you play best friend tag. Instead of having a shot, every time you answer a question badly, you may tell your bestie something they don’t know about you. It does not need to be top secret; minor information are OK.
3. Make it fun – Consider this game as a fun opportunity to spend time with your best friend and learn more about each other, as well as a method to show that you’ve been paying attention. You’ve probably been paying attention to the things that are most important to your BFF.
4. Don’t take it too serious – Remember that just because you got a low score the first time doesn’t imply you’re not a nice friend — or that you don’t deserve to be labeled the best friend. This game isn’t meant to be a test. It isn’t even a competition.
5. Celebrate your victory – At the end of the game, victory dances are completely allowed. After that, if one of you wins, you can both celebrate by sharing a treat.
Final Thoughts on Best Friend Tag Questions
We hope so you found this article of best friend tag questions helpful in finding right questions for your best friend. You could have assumed you know your best friend well, and vice versa.
However, this collection of best bff tag questions may take your friendship to a whole new level.
Whatever happens, if you intend to be best friends for life, it’s always a good idea to get to know your friend a little better. Plus, doing these best friend tag quiz questions with your bestie in your leisure time is always entertaining.
You can modify any of the best friend tag questions to suit your needs and submit them to your best friend. You can also include any additional relevant questions in this list. Happy bonding!