Before you could get along with someone on the long-term basis, you would need to know these questions to get to know someone beyond the surface level. Asking out these questions to get to know someone can help you in assessing the person you are going to be in a relationship with or even just be friends with.
Asking these getting to know questions can be a little risky so you would need to be a little cautious when asking these questions to get to know someone beyond the surface level.
Normally you start with casual chat while getting to know someone. However, you need to break away from small conversation as quickly as possible.
You might need to go deeper into the discussion rather than just talking about it on the surface.
That’s where you’ll find all the hidden jewels. And here we have got you get to know you questions to do some unlocking if you want to actually get to know that individual.
Table of Contents
Best Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have arranged for you some of the best questions to get to know someone. Here you go for the real and raw, non-medieval getting to know session far beyond the surface level and ordinary.
1. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
2. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
3. If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
4. What’s the tallest building you’ve been to the top in?
5. What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep (and why)?
6. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
7. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?

8. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?
9. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
10. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
11. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
12. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
13. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?
14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
15. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job?
16. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
17. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
18. What is your family member’s proudest accomplishment?
19. Would you rather vacation in Mexico or Alaska, and why?
20. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
22. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately?
23. What form of public transportation do you prefer?
24. What would you change about yourself if you could?
25. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
26. What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?
27. What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner?
28. Where is your favorite place in the entire world to go
29. What’s been your biggest mistake so far in life and what did you learn from it?
30. Would you take on your significant other’s religion if they had one?
31. Who is that one person you can talk to about just anything?
32. What did you want to be when you were younger?
33. When was the last time you broke someone’s heart?
34. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?
35. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?
36. Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?
37. When do you think a person is ready for marriage?
38. Would you ever take back someone who cheated?
39. What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?
40. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
41. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
42. What qualities do you admire about your parents?
43. Would you still love your spouse if they were diagnosed with a terminal disease?
44. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?

45. What do you think of best friends of the opposite s#x?
46. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder?
47. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
48. What was the worst phase you went through in life?
49. If you could dedicate your life to solving one problem, what problem would you choose?
50. What body feature do you pay the most attention to?
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Funny Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have enlisted for you some of the funny questions to ask someone to break the ice. Through these questions you can get away with those edgy and risky questions and also it’s always a better thing to have a little fun banter.
1. What type of genre would you choose if you were an author?
2. What would you do if ever we were given a special time together?
3. If you were ever bullied as a child, what did you do about it?
4. If you could be great in only one sport, which sport would you choose?
5. Which member of your family were you closest to as a child?
6. How long was your last relationship with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
7. What movie are you going to make if you become a filmmaker?
8. Can you name 5 things that are hidden inside your bedroom?
9. What would you do if you become lost in a city you aren’t familiar with?
10. If you could be part of another family, whose family would it be?
11. What family traditions have we forgotten about that you’d like to revive?
12. Which of the politicians would you like to marry?
13. What are the qualities you search for in other people?
14. Which fictional book character would like to meet in the future?
15. Who would you want to portray your life story in a movie?
16. What is the most embarrassing moment you had in your workplace?
17. If you are drowning, who do you think would save your life?
18. Have you experienced being confined in a hospital?
19. What is one piece of advice you wished you’ve seriously taken?
20. What is the worst punishment your parents gave you?
21. If you were given the chance to kiss and hug someone, who would that be?
22. What is your favorite dance move when you were a kid?
23. Without calling 911 when you are in danger, what would you do instead?
24. Which of the Seven Dwarfs resembles you the most?
25. What’s the weirdest Halloween you have ever worn in your entire life?
26. What are the things you love the most about yourself?

27. How was your reaction when you found out you were going to be parents for the first time?
28. If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
29. Have you ever been caught while sneaking outside the house?
30. What do you prioritize more: relationship or career?
31. What are the facts about you that you think I would find difficult to believe?
32. What are the things I do that you wish I would stop doing?
33. What syrup do you like with your pancake: honey or chocolate?
34. Who you share the last slice of cake with if there was just one piece left at your birthday party?
35. Do you really care about the Academy Awards, or do you think they’re just dumb?
36. What household chore do you hate doing the most?
37. Which store would you like if you could just shop at one for the rest of your life?
38. If you were given the chance to travel back to the past, where would you go?
39. What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?
40. Will you be willing to move to another country without your friends and family?
41. Where’s the worst-smelling place you have ever been?
42. What would our friendship be called if it was a comedy movie?
43. What usually keeps you up at night when you couldn’t sleep?
44. Do you still remember the place where we first met?
45. What are the foreign languages you’d like to master?
46. What three things did your past relationship teach you?
47. What does your brain try to make you do and you have to resist yourself not to do it?
48. What are the childish acts you still enjoy doing up until now?
49. Have you ever pulled out a tooth just to get money from the tooth fairy?
50. What are the things you wish you could easily forget?
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Deep Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this section we have assembled for you some deep questions to ask someone. Basic questions are the ones that would help you in knowing the statistics of that individual but deep questions are the real game changer. Here you go with some questions to get to know someone deeply.
1. What would you do if one day you woke up and every person was just gone without a trace?
2. What songs can you sing that I’ll know after hearing two words from the song?
3. What options would come up if you could “right-click” people?
4. What do you really wish you knew when you were younger?
5. If everything was quantified, what life stats would like to see for yourself?
6. What do you like to do that is traditionally considered masculine?
7. If you were forced to create a new dance move, what would it be and what would you call it?
8. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
9. What’s the best gag gift you’ve ever seen or gotten?
10. Looking back on your life, what have you done that has given you the most satisfaction?
11. What do you think people automatically assume about you when they look at you?
12. Would you go through a boyfriend’s phone if you could?
13. What would be the worst thing to put into a piñata?
14. What country can you name but besides the name you know almost nothing else about it?
15. Have you ever trusted your boyfriend to buy clothes for you?
16. What’s an innocent mistake you made that had dramatic consequences?
17. What do you wish you could re-live in your lifetime?
18. If you inherited a private jet from a stranger, what would you do with it?
19. What’s the best practical joke you’ve pulled or seen pulled?
20. What kinds of things are normal now but will be highly valued antiques a century later?
21. What do you most look forward to about getting old?
22. What piece of culture or trend has died out, but you would like to see it make a comeback?
23. Do you prefer being warmed when you’re too cold or being cooled when you’re too hot?
24. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?

25. If you were an action figure, what accessories would you be sold with?
26. What was something you ate regularly as a child but now cringe at the thought of eating?
27. What’s something you learned recently that you really should have already known?
28. What’s the best piece of advice someone has given you?
29. If you were given immortality, but there was one condition, what would stop you from accepting immortality?
30. If you could only eat pizza or tacos, which would you choose?
31. If you had to choose country music or rap, which would you choose?
32. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
33. If you were in a high-speed chase, what song would you want blaring on the radio?
34. What great idea would you like to try if you had enough money?
35. What is something you probably should do, but will never do?
36. What would an amusement park designed specifically to make you happy, be like?
37. What event from the past do you most want to see a recording of?
38. What is the strongest animal you could win against with just your bare hands and feet?
39. How often do you go into a room and forget why you went into the room?
40. What do you think aliens would actually look/be like?
41. If you could change your first name, what would be the most epic name you could choose?
42. What’s the weirdest wrong number text or phone call you’ve gotten?
43. What scrambles your brain every time you think about it?
44. How would the world change if health potions existed?
45. If you were forced into a dance competition, what song would you choose to dance to?
46. What crazy things will you do if you ever become rich?
47. What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?
48. What’s something you wish you had never learned how it was made or how it works?
49. What’s the most stress relieving thing you can get/do for less than 20$?
50. If you could switch genders for a length of time of your choosing, would you?
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Good Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have got you some really good questions to ask to get to know someone. These questions are a must ask questions since you would need to know that person beyond the surface level.
1. What are the two biggest lessons you’ve learned from previous relationships?
2. If jobs/careers had slogans what would be some of their slogans?
3. What would an amusement park filled with your biggest fears be like?
4. If when you died, you got put into a room for eternity with people who died the same way, how would you want to die?
5. What was the best thing about how your parents raised you?
6. What gross and unhygienic things do people do that bothers you?
7. What’s the best conspiracy theory you can make up on the spot?
8. What names were ruined for you because you knew someone terrible with that name?
9. If colors had a taste, what would each color taste like?
10. What habit do you have that you think not many other people have?
11. Which fictional villain made you feel real hatred towards them?
12. What unnecessary products or services do you consider necessary?
13. What if you found out that you were the star of the Truman Show?
14. What would you do if you found out you were adopted?
15. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
16. Where is one place you’d love to travel to again?
17. What is something you have accomplished as an adult that your younger self would be proud of?
18. What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends?
19. What’s your favorite way of killing time when you’re not working (aside from checking social media accounts)?
20. What’s a charity or cause that you support?
21. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life?
22. What is something that hasn’t happened yet, but would certainly break the internet?
23. What do you consider as the best gift you could receive on your next birthday?
24. What are you excited about most in your life right now?
25. What TV shows are you watching right now?
26. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
27. Would you rather have 10 hobbies or one passion?

28. What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?
29. If you could erase one event from history, which one would you erase?
30. If you could go back in time ten years and tell yourself something, what would you say?
31. What do you consider a relationship deal breaker?
32. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen?
33. What’s your most hated household chore?
34. What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?
35. Where do you most want to visit in the world?
36. If you could win an Olympic medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?
37. What are three words that best describe you?
38. What would you describe as a perfect day?
39. What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?
40. What superpower would you like to have and why?
41. What is the most interesting thing you have ever tasted?
42. Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal?
43. Which cartoon character do you wish was real?
44. What do you like best and least about school?
45. What does a typical day look like for you?
46. What is your favorite subject at school and why?
47. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in nature?
48. What’s the funniest book you’ve ever read and the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
49. What is the saddest movie you have seen?
50. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
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Juicy Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have brought to you some of the juicy questions to get to know someone. These juiciest questions will help you in getting the wild and witty side of that individual out. Let the person come out of the box.
1. Have you ever had a crush on a boss or teacher?
2. What’s the most inappropriate time you’ve ever laughed?
3. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
4. What’s the biggest prank you’ve ever played on someone?
5. When’s the last time you wanted to hit somebody?
6. Have you ever been caught checking someone out?
7. Would you marry someone rich even if you weren’t in love with them?
8. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in a movie theater?
9. Who would you consider to be ‘the one that got away?’
10. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
11. What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
12. Has anyone ever walked in on you in the bathroom?
13. Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
14. When was the last time you hooked up with someone?
15. What’s the most scandalous photo on your phone?
16. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done while you were drunk?
17. Have you ever stolen anything from work?
18. Who’s the oldest person you’ve dated?
19. What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve been given?
20. Do you get nervous that my body might change if I have a baby?
21. Why is it men ask for nude pictures so much?
22. Do you have a colour preference for the lingerie I wear?
23. Would you ask my parent’s permission before you proposed?
24. Would you live with your partner before marriage?
25. Do the different perfumes I wear turn you on?
26. What’s something I do that gets you in the mood?
27. Do you prefer me to be clean-shaven or hairy?
28. Do you think imperfections can make a woman look better?
29. Do guys focus on a girl’s skin issues (stretch marks etc) when being intimate?
30. Do you prefer I wear lingerie or be naked in the bedroom?
31. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done in front of a mirror?
32. What are you most afraid of in a relationship?
33. What do you consider a red flag when you’re in a relationship?
33. Do you prefer making the first move or for me to make the first move?
34. Would you rather have no intimacy for a year or give up alcohol for a year?
35. Have you ever been in the mood and I haven’t? What did you do?
36. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done or said on a date?
37. What’s something I do that you wish I didn’t do?
38. Do you ever feel like you’re in the mood but don’t say anything?
39. Have you ever farted while doing the no-pants dance?
40. What is the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you?
41. What’s the most random thing that has turned you on?
42. Would you still want to be in a relationship with me if I didn’t want children?
43. If you had to make out with someone from the Harry Potter cast who would it be?
44. What do you think about long-distance relationships?
45. Have you ever bailed while on a date with someone?
46. Would you be intimate with me during that time of the month?
47. Would you date someone who was smaller than you?
48. Do you think there is an age where people should be settling down?
49. What is a quality that your parents tried to teach you but you feel you didn’t learn?
50. What in life are you most passionate about?
51. What is the most important lesson you learned in your last relationship?
52. What is the happiest memory that you have?
53. Is there anything from your past that you regret?
54. Can you remember the last time you cried and what the reason was?
55. What in your life do you feel the most grateful for?
56. What makes you smile when you’re having a bad day?
57. Is there something you think a lot of parents do that negatively impacts their kid?
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Romantic Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have arranged for you some really spicy and romantic questions to ask to get to know someone romantically. These questions will aid you in knowing the sexuality of that individual and if that person can withstand your sexual interests.
1. Why did you start looking for a romantic partner?
2. Have you ever read books about relationship advice?
3. What’s the most important lesson about relationships that you got from your parents?
4. Is kissing or hugging more intimate for you?
5. Do you actively seek to be respected or admired by others?
6. What is the weirdest thing you have dreamt about doing with a girl?
7. What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
8. Do you like the lights on or off during s#x?
9. What do you think about friends with benefits?
10. What’s the sexiest thing someone could say to you in bed?
11. What’s one public place where you would want to do it?
12. What’s the most number of times you’ve done it in a row?
13. What’s the longest you’ve gone without doing it?
14. What’s the best bedroom experience that you’ve ever had?
15. Do you get amorous in the morning or evening?
16. Do you like it when someone pulls your hair?
17. What is your favorite place to be massaged?
18. Which body part are you most proud of?
19. What is the best kiss you have ever had?
20. Do you see a difference between having s#x and making love?
21. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
22. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
23. Have you ever slept with someone you work with?
24. If you could have s#x anywhere in the world, where would it be?
25. When was the last time you had a dirty dream?
26. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
27. What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an org#sm?
28. What’s your favourite time of day to have s#x?
29. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
30. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without s#x?
31. How many positions do you think you’ve tried?
32. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during s#x?
33. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during s#x?
34. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever mast#rbated?
35. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
36. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
37. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be?
38. What’s the best thing a woman can do to you in bed?
39. Have you ever bought lingerie for a woman?
40. Does the thought of recording a video turn you on?
41. What do you do when you’re watching a movie with your parents and a certain type of scene comes on?
42. If your love-making could be described by a weather event or a natural disaster, what would it be?
43. Would you say you’ve been on Santa’s naughty or nice list most?
44. Do you prefer having some fun in the morning or at night?
45. Do you like experimenting with different positions?
46. What kind of music do you like to play in the bedroom, if any?
47. Have you ever taken naked pictures of yourself?
48. Have you ever been inside a gentlemen’s club?
49. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same s#x?
50. What’s the hottest thing you’ve done to someone else?
Intimate Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have got you some really intimate questions to get to know someone. These questions will help you in knowing that person deeply and asking these intimate questions will feed your inquisitive self with the answers it duly needs.
1. How many rounds do you think you could go?
2. How did you find out about what you like in bed?
3. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
4. Did you ever fantasize about your female friends?
5. Have you ever gotten h#rny in a public place?
6. Do naked pictures of a woman excite you?
7. What was your age when you first mast#rbated?
8. What is the perfect way to end a love-making session?
9. What was your age when you started dating?
10. What can be the biggest turn-off for you?
11. According to you, what physical features of a woman make her irresistible?
12. Do you like to explore things in the bedroom?
13. Have you ever been physically attracted to any of your cousins?
14. When was the first time you watched a blue film?
15. Do you like roleplay to set a different mood?
16. Have you ever secretly watched someone taking a shower or changing her clothes?
17. Do you like it when you are held by your neck while making out?
18. Would you love to see your partner in edible underwear?
19. Do you like to look at your partner while you are doing it?
20. Have you ever tried making out in a classroom?
21. Have you ever been in a tub with your opposite gender?
22. Do you like to be seduced by dirty dancing?
23. Are you experimental with different s#x positions?
24. Do you like to go rough with your partner?
25. Does it turn you on if your partner is in wet clothes?
26. Have you ever been sexually attracted to anime characters?
27. Have you ever mast#rbated in a public washroom?
28. What is the easiest item of clothing to remove from the body?
29. Have you ever created a page on social media to sext with anyone anonymously?
30. Have you ever wanted to do it with your neighbor?
31. Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
32. Have you tickled your partner during s#x?
33. Have you ever sent a dirty text to your partner in front of family members?
34. Have you accidentally touched a stranger’s body parts around people?
35. Have you ever licked peanut butter from your partner’s body?
36. Have you ever tried to act like a fictional character inside the bedroom?
37. Would you do it if your partner is on her period?
38. What’s your opinion on s#x before marriage?
39. Have you ever been caught while making out?
40. If you had a pair of x-ray glasses, what would you look at first?
41. How many times do you like to have s#x per week?
42. Have you ever stared at my butt or chest?
43. Where is your favorite making-out spot?
44. Making-out burns calories – want to help me exercise?
45. Is laughing in the bedroom okay, or it has to be serious?
46. Have you ever slept with someone, then woke up wishing you never have?
47. What is the craziest thing you have ever done when banging someone?
48. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
49. Would you ever sleep with your best friend’s ex?
50. Is there anything you’re afraid of in the bedroom?
Romantic Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this section we have arranged for you some more hot and romantic questions to get to know someone. Getting to know the romantics of an individual is not a piece of cake when the person might be a stranger. But since you have to this extra mile, we have some questions for you to ask.
1. Do you like experimenting with different positions, which is your favorite?
2. What times of day do you think about me?
3. What is a s#x position you have never tried, but would love to try?
4. Where is a place you’d really like to have s#x?
5. What’s your perfect scenario of foreplay?
6. Has someone ever given you a bj whilst you were in the shower together?
7. Are you more horny in the morning or at night time?
8. Where is the naughtiest place you have done it?
9. Do you prefer it from the front or from behind?
10. What games do you like to play in the bedroom?
11. What makes a girl beautiful in your eyes?
12. What is one weird thing in life that you find attractive?
13. What is your number 1 bedroom secret you’d wish no one to know?
14. How much do you like s#x with a girl you love?
15. How likely will you make out with a guy on the second date?
16. What information do you feel is bad to share when dating?
17. What is your take between impromptu s#x vs. planned s#x?
18. Have you ever tried it with lubricants?
19. What s#x style do you feel is overrated?
20. What naughty thing have you ever suggested to someone and regretted almost immediately?
21. Do you have memories of your very first date?
22. What is your preference between making out on the bed vs. on the floor or chair?
23. Can you describe your freakiest fantasy in regards to your love life?
24. What is your thought on having a third person join our bedroom?
25. Do you prefer your lady shaved or natural and bushy?
26. Does the idea of recording a clip of us excite you?
27. What is your definition of a sexy lady?
28. How would you like to be called when you are alone?
29. Have you ever made out with someone you shouldn’t have in the first place?
30. Have you ever had moments you feel should not have happened?
31. Can you unhook a bra with only one hand?
32. What the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
33. Have you ever had s#x with someone whose name you never knew?
34. Have you ever mast#rbated in a public bathroom?
35. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
36. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
37. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
38. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
39. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
40. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while hooking up?
41. When’s the last time you org#smed in your sleep?
42. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
43. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
44. What were the three best sexual experiences you’ve ever had?
45. What sort of role play would turn you on most?
46. How would you feel about a threesome?
47. What’s the most reliable way for you to org#sm with a partner?
48. Do you have any fears or concerns when it comes to s#x?
49. What was your first sexual experience like?
50. What’s your preferred form of safe s#x?
Personal Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have assembled some of the private and personal questions to get to know someone. Asking these questions will aid you in knowing the some very private and personal things about that individual.
1. How do you show that you are interested in someone?
2. What are the things in someone that annoy you the most?
3. How different would your family and friends describe you from that of your girlfriend?
4. At the end of the day, what do you think matters most in life?
5. Do you ever think about bringing a change in the world around you?
6. Is there something that not many people like about you?
7. What one quality do you have that you are most proud of?
8. How easy is it for you to express your emotions?
9. Do you think it is good to be ambitious in life?
10. If you had to introduce yourself using 3 adjectives only, how would you do that?
11. Is there anything you are engaged in apart from your main job?
12. What skills do you look for when hiring someone?
13. Do you like the idea of a fixed work hour?
14. What are your professional goals in the long run?
15. How much time do you get for your personal life after your professional life?
16. What do you think about your workplace environment?
17. How would you rate your communication skills on a scale of 1-10?
18. What one professional accomplishment are you most proud of?
19. What are the skills that make you fit for your job?
20. Is there someone with whom you can always share your heart?
21. What are the little things one can do to make you feel cherished?
22. Who is the person with whom you are most attached?
23. Do you have any idea of an ideal partner for you?
24. What frustrates you most in a relationship?
25. What one adrenaline-rushing thing do you like?
26. At this point, what are the major things that matter most in your life?
27. Do you have a secret crush that even I don’t know?
28. Did you ever hide something from your parents?
29. Are you doing your best in your relationships?
30. What would be the best thing to present you?
31. If you could change one thing about the world?
32. Without telling the name, tell who is your hero?
33. Do you have any weird addictions?
34. Did you ever break into a loud laugh at the wrong time?
35. Is there something that freaks you out?
36. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
37. What is the one piece of advice you would like to give someone who likes you?
38. How passionate are you about your job?
39. What is your favorite sensation? Like, a touch, any particular scent, or something like that?
40. How easy it is to make you fall for someone?
41. Do you like making plans or do you prefer going with the flow?
42. Are you someone who prefers to abide by the rules or breaking the rules?
43. Do you like anything artistic like singing, dancing, painting, or something like that?
44. Do you want to be in a relationship now?
45. Are you into any kind of social cause?
46. Do you like the idea of a big family or a small one?
47. What is your idea of an ideal relationship?
48. How do you like to usually spend your day?
49. What warning would you like to give someone who wants to get close to you?
50. What one thing can you tell me about you that would surprise me?
Fun Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this section we have arranged for you some really exciting and fun questions to ask to get to know someone. Asking these questions will let you have a light and quirky fun banter to ease that heaviness after asking some really sharp questions.
1. If you were given the chance to listen to a singer or a band for the rest of your life, who/what would it be?
2. When was the last time you screwed anything up and no one ever noticed?
3. Which film do you want to see turned into a musical?
4. Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?
5. What’s one body part that you wouldn’t even mind losing?
6. Do you want to have a cat as a companion or do you want to be a cat instead?
7. Will you ever imagine having a child named after you?
8. If you could only have one superpower, what would it be?
9. Can you show me your oldest item inside your closet?
10. When was the last time you’ve felt your biggest adrenaline rush?
11. Which do you listen to the most: your heart or your brain?
12. Can you describe to me your relationship with your dad?
13. If you could change your name for a day, what would it be?
14. What has been your hardest goodbye in life been so far?
15. Do you have a close relationship with your parents?
16. What would you like to change in this country if you were chosen as the president?
17. What has been the most flattering compliment you’ve ever received?
18. What quotes do people admire but you think is a total lie?
19. If you could be any type of object, what would you like to be?
20. What are the two things you’d like to ask your pet?
21. If dark chocolate is the only available food in this planet, would you eat it?
22. What is the weirdest superstition you’ve ever heard?
23. What’s the most beautiful country you’ve ever visited?
24. If you could only drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
25. How would you describe me based on my outside appearance?
26. Would you rather have 20 hobbies or a single passion?
27. What is the strangest thing your teacher has ever done?
28. How could you politely end a conversation with a person who is so annoying?
29. What is your main reason for getting out of bed every day?
30. If you could be a Hollywood celebrity, who would you like to become?
31. If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted in this country, what would you like to do?
32. If you could sit next to a famous celebrity in a restaurant, who would it be?
33. What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?
34. If you could have lunch with one person from history, who would it be?
35. If you have a million, what are the things you wouldn’t spend?
36. What movie makes you laugh even after watching it several times?
37. Which would be the smartest animal if they could all talk?
38. What is something your brain wants to convince you to do but you have to fight it?
39. Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal?
40. What period would you travel to if you were given a time machine?
41. If you were given the chance to make your one wish come true, what would it be?
42. What is the worst TV advertisement you’ve seen recently?
43. If you could only teach three things to your future child, what would it be?
44. What’s the first thing you pack during an out of the country flight?
45. What food should taste better than its appearance?
46. What type of cuisine would you serve your customers if you own a five-star restaurant?
47. If you were given the chance to steal something, what would it be?
48. What are the songs that make you sing along whenever you hear it?
49. What is the first thing you do after getting home from a trip?
50. What is one ability that you believe everybody should possess?
Random Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have enlisted for you some of the random questions to get to know someone. Asking these ordinary and random questions out will help you in knowing the basics of that individual a little in the mainstream way.
1. Would you rather always be hungry or always be thirsty?
2. Would you rather never have to use the bathroom again or never have to sleep again?
3. What’s a trend you swore you’d never hop on, but eventually did?
4. Would you rather always smell like B.O. or have to smell B.O. on everyone else?
5. What’s something you think is totally overrated?
6. What is the most useless animal on the face of the earth?
7. Would you rather never be able to cut your fingernails or toenails?
8. What activity do you waste the most time on?
9. Would you rather go to space or explore the deepest parts of the ocean?
10. Would you rather be a character from Harry Potter or the Marvel Universe?
11. What is the most important lesson you learned in school?
12. Would you rather eat sweet foods or salty foods?
13. If you ran for president, what would be your campaign slogan?
14. Would you rather vacation somewhere with a beach or mountains?
15. How long does it take you to decide if you like someone or not?
16. If you could only watch one genre of movies the rest of your life, what would it be?
17. If you could redo one moment of your life, what would it be?
18. What’s a favorite memory you have from the past year?
19. What would you want done with your body after you die?
20. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
21. What is the funniest commercial you’ve ever seen?
22. What condiments do you put on your hot dog?
23. What’s your most repeated movie quote or phrase?
24. Would you swallow hair from the shower drain for $5,000?
25. What is the last photo on your camera roll?
26. How many unposted TikTok drafts do you have?
27. What’s the grossest food combination you secretly love?
28. If you could only use five words for the rest of your life, what would they be?
29. What is the least amount of money you’d accept to eat a spider?
30. If you could live a day as any type of animal, what would you choose and why?
31. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
32. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
33. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
34. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
35. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
36. If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be?
37. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
38. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
39. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?
40. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
41. What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
42. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
43. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
44. What do you want to be when you grow up?
45. What story does your family always tell about you?
46. What is something you learned in the last week?
47. When was the last time you were nervous?
48. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
49. What is your first memory of being really excited?
50. What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
Interesting Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have brought to you some of the interesting questions to get to know someone. Asking out these thrilling and exciting questions will make you let that spark come out which you might be looking for in that individual.
1. When was the last time you had an amazing meal?
2. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
3. What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
4. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
5. What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
6. What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?
7. What is the greatest challenge or struggle you have ever faced?
8. What do you wish more people understand about you?
9. What is something that always makes you smile?
10. What do you enjoy spending money on?
11. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
12. What is the most important decision you have ever made so far?
13. Whose opinion do you care most about?
14. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?
15. Tell me about your longest running friendship?
16. What does your average weekend look like?
17. Where is the coolest place you traveled?
18. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
19. What is the best meal you have ever eaten?
20. If given the opportunity, what book would you write?
21. What is the best idea you have ever had for a business?
22. What do you like that everyone else seems to dislike?
23. What do you dislike that everyone else seems to like?
24. What is the last TV show you binged watched?
25. What was the first concert you attended?
26. What is one question you wish people would ask you less?
27. What is one question you wish people would ask you more?
28. What is one story you love to tell, but rarely get the chance?
29. What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?
30. What kind of elderly person do you hope to be?
31. What is your favorite thing to do with your parents?
32. If you could redesign your bedroom, what would you add?
33. What are you most excited about right now?
34. What is your favorite way to spend an afternoon?
35. What is the coolest thing you ever made?
36. If you could own any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
37. If you could make one rule for everyone in the world to follow, what would it be?
38. What is the bravest thing you ever did?
39. What is the silliest thing you can imagine?
40. Who is your favorite Disney character?
41. What do you think is the meaning of life?
42. Where do you think we go when we die?
43. If you could relive one moment in your life, which would it be?
44. What was the scariest moment in your life so far?
45. How has your perspective on the world changed over time?
46. If you could switch lives with any one person for one day, who would you choose?
47. What area of your life would you most like to improve?
48. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time?
49. If you could change anything about the way your parents raised you, what would it be?
50. What is the worst advice you have ever received?
51.Do you have a dream that doesn’t let you sleep at night?
52. Where do you want to be in the next 10 years?
53. Do you have something that you regret not doing when you had the opportunity?
54. If you could change one thing about your current life, what would it be?
Casual Questions to Get to Know Someone
In this category we have assembled for you some of the casual questions to get to know someone. Through asking these casual and versatile questions you would be able to know the major things about that individual.
1. What is your one bad habit that you don’t think is bad?
2. When did you realize you are not as dumb as you thought you to be?
3. What casual thing makes you all serious?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world but without a single known person, where would you like it?
5. What kind of person would you like to date?
6. If a movie is made about your life, what would be its starting point?
7. In what aspects are you older than your age?
8. Which was your favorite tv show as a child or teen?
9. In what aspects are you younger than your age?
10. What is something that can make you happy almost always no matter what the situation is?
11. What is the most satisfying moment in your life you have ever had?
12. If you get a chance of spending time with your crush as someone else, would you still take the offer?
13. What is the weirdest gift you’ve ever received?
14. Do you like collecting anything? Like, watches, stamps, bags, books, etc.?
15. Do you remember what dream you had today?
16. Can you think about a job in which you will surely fail?
17. What is your usually preferred breakfast?
18. If you had to introduce yourself using three words only, how would you do it?
19. How different would you be from the current you if you were of the other gender?
20. What was the best birthday surprise you have ever received?
21. What did you want to be as an adult when you were a child?
22. What is the first thing you do after waking up in the morning?
23. How likely are you to fall in love with someone like you?
24. Is there something new that you learned recently?
25. Romcoms or scary movies – what sounds more like a perfect evening?
26. What is the best way to eat French fries – dip one in the ketchup or put the ketchup over all the fries?
27. Have you ever been to a date night that ended in the most unexpected place?
28. Suppose you end up in jail. What do you think people would assume you have done to be there?
29. Is there something that makes your inner child come out?
30. What is the funniest thing someone told you while complimenting you?
31. Have you ever been to a school or college reunion?
32. Do you know any perfect way to annoy annoying people?
33. What comes to your mind when you hear the words ‘lots of fun’?
34. Do you have any favorite days of the year?
35. What is one good thing about this season you like least?
36. When did you paint a picture last? Or, did any kind of artistic thing?
37. Have you ever had recurring dreams about something?
38. How do you like to spend your money?
39. What one personal information do you think people should rather not ask?
40. How would you like to be remembered by a stranger?
41. Do you think humans are more important than other living creatures?
42. Which is better – McDonald’s or Burger King?
43. Morning people vs night people – who are more productive?
44. What is the limit of individual rights of free will?
45. What is your one politically incorrect opinion?
46. Who is one famous person, living or dead, that a lot of people admire but you don’t?
47. Is it ethical to use living animals for laboratory experiments?
48. Can we ever justify any kind of torture?
49. Do weapons promote safety or violence?
50. Do we really need wars in a civilized society?
51. If you get a chance to be the most powerful person in the world, would you be?
52. What do you wish for at night before you sleep?
53. If you could lead a life that someone had already lived or is living, whose life would you choose?
54. Do you believe in making goals and plans?
55. What is the one thing that you want most now?
56. Do you think you’ll achieve all your dreams?
57. If you get a chance to fix one thing from the past, what would you do?
58. Suppose this is the last day of your life. How would you spend it?
59. If you could have all your basic needs and wants fulfilling, what would you like to do in life?
60. Do you have any long-term professional goals?
Questions to Get to Know Someone about Favorites
In this section we have brought to you some questions to ask someone to get to know them. Through asking such inquisitive questions you would be able to know the favorite things of that individual.
1. What is your favorite perfume/cologne scent?
2. What was your favorite stuffed animal?
3. Where is your favorite place to relax?
4. What is your favorite type of weather?
5. What is your favorite moment in history?
6. Do you have a favorite sports team?
7. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
8. What is your favorite ghost story?
9. If you have tattoos, which one is your favorite?
10. What is your favorite car to drive?
11. Where would be your favorite place to get married?
12. What is your favorite thing on your bucket list?
13. Where would be your favorite place to retire?
14. Where would be your favorite place to live?
15. What was your favorite thing you learned in college/trade school?
16. What is your favorite goal you’re currently working on?
17. What is your favorite thing to do after work?
18. What is your favorite benefit from work?
19. Where is your favorite place to picnic?
20. Skiing, sledding, or ice skating – which is your favorite?
21. What is your favorite food that you have had while on vacation?
22. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach?
23. What is your favorite thing to bring with you when traveling?
24. What is your favorite mode of transportation to use on vacation?
25. Where is your favorite sports arena/stadium?
26. What is your favorite fictional animal character?
27. What is your favorite brand of pet food to buy?
28. If you have a pet, what’s your favorite thing to do with them?
29. What is your favorite fast-food restaurant?
30. What is your favorite type of cuisine?
Questions to Get to Know Someone to about Family
In this category we have enlisted some get to know each other questions about that person’s family and friends. Through asking these questions you would be able to know about how deep connection that person has with family and what friends does he or she possess.
1. Do you have any nicknames for each other in the family?
2. How different are you from your family?
3. How often do you have arguments in your family?
4. Is there something that you wanted to tell your parents but couldn’t till now?
5. What is your favorite family memory?
6. Which family member are you most close to?
7. Do you have children or do you want to have children?
8. What do you think makes someone your family?
9. How do you manage conflict in your family?
10. What one thing is common in you and your parents?
11. How is your relationship with your extended family?
12. Were you close to your parents as a child?
13. Do you have any weird family traditions?
14. What can always bring your family together?
15. How did your parents (and/or grandparents) meet?
16. What physical traits do you share with your relatives?
17. Has your family ever pressured you to act a certain way?
18. Do you have any friends you would consider family?
19. What’s more important: family or friends?
20. If you have children, how do you want to raise them?
21. How do you deal with arguments between family members?
22. Which family member do you confide in most?
23. What’s something your family would be surprised to learn about you?
24. Who in your family would you describe as a “character”?
25. What’s the most important holiday you spend with your family and why?
26. How do you show your family you love them?
27. What’s your favorite way to spend time with your family?
28. Do you and your family have any nicknames for each other?
29. If you had a family business, what would it be?
30. Did you ever hide anything from or lie to your parents?
31. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you?
32. What TV family most reminds you of your own?
33. What was it like growing up as the youngest/oldest/middle/only child?
34. If you could change your relationship with a family member, would you?
35. Have you ever been to a family reunion?
36. Who in your family makes you feel the safest?
37. What traits are most important to you in your family members?
38. Have you ever mapped out your family tree?
39. Do you wish you had a bigger family, or are you happy with its current size?
40. Which family member has had the greatest impact on you?
41. If you’re close with your family, what’s the hardest part about spending time away from them?
42. How has your opinion of your family changed over the years?
43. How much time do you spend with your family?
5 Tips for Choosing Questions to Get to Know Someone
Getting to know someone may be a daunting process, yet it is one that we all rely on in order to form meaningful connections.
So, what’s the best course of action? In the early stages of a discussion, your body language, inquiries, and replies will leave an impression that may or may not be beneficial to you in the long term.
The consequences will be directly affected by your ability to successfully get to know individuals. So, here have got you some tips to be taken into measure when inquiring about things to ask to get to know someone.
1. When asking these questions to know someone, you need to keep in mind your purpose of asking all of these whether you want a long-term romantic relationship with that person or just a formal alliance.
Take note of how they discuss work and how they spend the majority of their time. What is it that causes people to forget to eat? What projects do they want to work on?
What were their favorite activities as a kid? What do they wish to be remembered for? What type of contribution to society and the world do they aspire to make?
2. When asking questions to ask someone you just met, you would need to know the passions they aspire for. What is their life’s calling? Of course, more than one is possible. What motivates people to get out of bed in the morning. What excites them about being alive. This might take the form of a pastime, a specialty, or a set of interests.
You might inquire about their hobbies or how they like to spend their leisure time. You might inquire as to what one enjoyable activity they schedule each day or week.
3. You have got this list of questions to get to know someone. Ask about what do they do for living as well as this plays a major role in moving towards the next step. You might inquire as to what they do for a career and how they like their employment.
If they’re an entrepreneur, their job might be a combination of purpose and passion. But, once again, this isn’t always the case.
4. You already know what things to ask to get to know someone. Sharing accomplishments that you are proud of will assist the other person get to know you better.
You might also discuss future accomplishments that you want to be proud of. These are the aims and objectives that convert a dream into a reality. Also, please share those.
5. When asking some edgy and deep questions to know someone. You might not want to ask these inquiries since they could be interpreted as disrespectful or presumptuous.
Pay attention instead. Use your senses of sight and hearing to discover what makes them special. We’re all so different, and it becomes evident as we get to know someone more.
Final Thoughts on Questions to Get to Know Someone
These questions to get to know someone for who they are and who they are to you is the simplest approach to avoid superficial small chat.
As you learn about their mission, passion, occupation, pride, and quirks, make sure to provide the same information about yourself.
It takes a two-way street to establish relationship and make a genuine connection with someone. There is a balance of give and take. You don’t want to talk only about them since it might rapidly become an interrogation or an interview. And you don’t want to just talk about yourself because that’s boring.
So, keep that balance in mind when asking these questions to get to know someone or when the next time you go on a self-discovery journey.
Make sure you have these questions to ask to get to know someone on hand if you want to have a meaningful discussion with someone. You’ll be surprised at how much you learn and how nice it feels after asking get to know you questions and share these personal information with them too.