In this article, we are going to share with you an extensive collection of drinking game questions. The game of truth or dare is very high school.
We’re all grownups now, and that means a new edition of everyone’s favorite trouble-making game. Enter the game: Truth or Drink.
The most crucial thing to keep in mind when playing truth or drink game is that they are intended for adults only. At least in the United States, the drinking age is 21 and over.
With that in mind, these drinking game questions were created. The further you go, the more difficult and intimate the questions become. Are you willing to respond? Or are you going to be plastered at home? Drink — and respond — sensibly!
Table of Contents
What Is Truth or Drink Game
It’s one part drinking game, one part chance to divulge mysteries and get to know the individuals you’re playing with. Writing drinking game questions on notecards and mixing them up is the ideal way to play the game.
How to Play Truth of Drink Game
Everyone in the group can take turns selecting from the cards and asking and answering drinking game questions. You have the option of asking the question to everybody in the group or just the individual who drew the card. You don’t want to respond? Take a sip!
Certain questions may necessitate a longer response from the individual playing. In this scenario, it’s an excellent approach for the group to converse. If a person chooses not to share a tale, they must drink and the game moves on to the next player.
Best Drinking Game Questions
Do you want to spice up a boring party? Or perhaps a date that was going well at first, but suddenly the discussion has stalled? Here are some of the best drinking game questions to liven up the mood.
1. Do you believe in soul mates?
2. What is your biggest insecurity?
3. What’s your biggest regret so far?
4. What is your greatest strength?
5. What is your greatest weakness?

6. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from someone else?
7. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve given someone?
8. What makes a relationship toxic in your opinion?
9. What is the one thing you really like about yourself?
10. What is the one thing you dislike about yourself?
11. What do most people think is true about you but isn’t?
12. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
13. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
14. What’s your relationship dealbreaker?
15. What’s your biggest fear in life?
16. When was the last time you cried and why?
17. What was the worst mistake that you’ve made in your life?
18. Have you ever been cheated on?
19. What’s the biggest misconception about you?
20. Have you ever cheated on someone?
21. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at work?
22. What’s something you’re glad your family doesn’t know about you?
23. When was the last time you lied and what was it?
24. What’s your biggest fantasy?
26. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had s#x?
27. Have you ever had a ‘friends with benefits’ situation?

28. What’s your biggest turn on?
30. What’s the best intimate experience you’ve ever had?
31. What’s your favourite body part on another person?
32. What’s the longest you’ve gone without s#x?
33. When did you lose your virginity?
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Funny Drinking Game Questions
The funny drinking game questions are popular for a party game for those over the age of 21. This drinking game, if played correctly, will make your night special and keep everyone on their toes, all while you sip your drink.
1. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought?
2. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?
3. What’s the drunkest you’ve ever been?
4. Who’s the last person you searched on Instagram?
5. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
6. What’s the last thing you Googled?
7. What is the weirdest trend you’ve ever participated in?
8. Who has the best sense of humour in this room?
9. What’s the most embarrassing music you listen to?
10. What is the most gross thing you have done today?
11. What’s the most childish thing you still do?
12. What was the last time you’ve laughed the hardest?
13. What is your favourite movie that you secretly know is actually terrible?
14. What’s the best date you’ve been on?
15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
16. Have you ever broken the law?
17. Have you ever fallen asleep during s#x?
18. What is your favourite s#x position?
19. What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?

20. Have you ever slept with someone then immediately regretted it?
21. If you could only do one s#x act for the rest of your life, what would it be?
22. Have you ever hooked up with a friend?
23. What is the dirtiest text you’ve received?
24. Have you faked an org##m?
25. What is the one mannerism you judge all potential partners on?
26. Would you ever blame someone else for your farts at the office?
27. If you could hire someone to do one thing for you, what would it be?
28. Have you ever danced on a table when you were drunk?
29. Have you ever shared chewing gum with anyone?
30. Do you have a bucket list?
31. Have you ever bribed or flirted with a police officer to get out of a ticket?
32. What is your least favorite part about family gatherings?
33. Did you ever break up with someone just before a public holiday so that you didn’t have to buy them a gift?
34. If anyone in your family could win an award for being the most annoying, who would it be?
35. Have you ever lied about being sick so you could stay home from work or school?
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Good Drinking Game Questions
Those aged 21 and over may enjoy a fresh spin on everyone’s favorite high school hobby. Truth or Drink is a new take on the delicious Truth or Dare that we’ve all grown to love and fear. Consider it an opportunity to relax and enjoy in some scandalous secrets while trying to get to know the folks you’re playing with. Here are some good drinking game questions for you.
1. What is the biggest secret you’ve kept from your parents when you were growing up?
2. Who is your favorite family member?
3. Have you ever wanted to try LARP (live-action role play)?
4. If you suddenly became invisible, what would you do with your newfound transparency?
5. Do you cover your eyes during the scary part of a movie?
6. Would you ever hook-up with someone else’s partner?
7. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? 20. What do your current undergarments look like?
8. What’s your longest relationship?
9. Have you ever gotten in a physical altercation with someone?
10. Have you ever cheated or helped someone else cheat?
11. What would make you immediately swipe left?
12. What kind of underwear do you wear?
13. What’s your dream first date?
14. How many people in the room would you be willing to kiss?
15. What’s your worst habit?
16. What’s your most shallow reason for not going on a second date?
17. What’s your “number?
18. What’s the biggest age gap you’ve had with a partner?

19. What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before hooking up?
20. What s#x act are you best at?
21. What’s your longest dry spell?
22. Who is the most inappropriate person you’ve ever had a crush on?
23. Have you ever been to a strip club?
24. What’s the hardest drug you’ve ever done?
25. What hook-up scene from a movie or TV show would you like to recreate?
26. How far are you willing to go with a cute stranger that you’ll never see again?
27. What celebrity is a no-brainer?
28. Would you sleep with a celebrity if you met them at a bar?
29. Do you secretly want the password for your bae’s phone?
30. Have you ever read your bae’s texts over their shoulder?
31. When was the last time you peed in bed?
32. Would you hook up with your high school crush today?
33. What kind of p##n do you search for?
34. Have you ever joined a hook-up app or any app associated with risky behavior?
35. When watching p##n, what makes you turn it off?
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Dirty Drinking Game Questions
Worry no more if you’re concerned about the dirty secrets of your friends, relatives, or loved ones. Simply play this game of dirty drinking game questions with them and watch them spill all the beans.
1. How many “toys” do you own?
2. What’s the landscaping like “down there?”
3. What’s the dirtiest picture you’ve ever sent?
4. What’s the most outrageous thing you can remember doing while “under the influence?
5. What is something “scandalous” and s#x-related that you really want to try?
6. If you were a s#x worker, how much would each s#x act cost?
7. Have you ever asked for a dirty pic?
8. What about a p##n star?
9. What’s the soonest you’ve ever had s#x with someone after meeting them?
10. What’s your magic number now, and what do you wish it was?
11. Have you ever slept with someone you met online?
12. What’s your favorite body part on a girl?
13. you got to have a threesome with people in this room, who would you do it with and why?
14. What is more thrilling, makeup or angry s#x?
15. Do you like telling your partner what to do in bed, or do you prefer to be told what to do?
16. Do you find your friend’s sibling attractive?

17. If given the chance, would you sleep with your boss?
18. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
19. Have you ever tasted a booger?
20. What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite s#x?
21. Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room?
22. Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
23. What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?
24. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
25. Do you ever talk on the phone while you’re taking a poop?
26. If someone offered you $1 million to break up with your current partner, would you?
27. After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it?
28. Have you ever farted on an airplane?
29. Do you think you’ll marry your current girlfriend/boyfriend?
30. Have your parents ever walked in on you doing it?
31. How many exes numbers are currently in your phone?
32. Have your parents ever given you “the talk”?
33. Wildest thing you’ve ever done?
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Sexual Drinking Game Questions
So far, all of the players have probably had enough alcohol to make them want to talk about sex. And, when it’s a group of adults, why leave this issue out? You’ve gathered to party, and if you can’t get sex tonight, at least you can speak about it and share your unforgettable memories. For that you need sexual drinking game questions. Here are some sexual questions for drinking games that you may find interesting.
1. What’s the most number of times you’ve had s#x in a row?
2. Have you ever had s#x with more than one person in a day?
3. What do you think about when “pleasuring” yourself?
4. What is your favorite part of foreplay?
5. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while having s#x?
6. Do you prefer “rough” or “romantic” s#x?
7. If you could have s#x in public, where would it be?
8. What is your favorite time of day to have s#x?
9. Is there anything you’re afraid of in the bedroom?
10. If not, what would you name it?
11. Have you named your “naughty part”?
12. Do you enjoy experimenting with different positions in bed?
13. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
14. Name a s#x position you’d like to try?
15. Do you prefer to be “dominant” or “submissive” in bed?
16. Do you enjoy car s#x?
17. Are you loud or quiet during s#x?
18. Do you enjoy shower s#x?
19. Do you prefer to be the “giver” or “receiver”?
20. Would you try BDSM?
21. Have you ever had an#l s#x?
22. Have you ever made a s#x tap?
23. Would you/have you ever participated in group s#x?
24. What is a major kink of yours?
25. Would you say your kinky?
26. Would you rather lick someones foot or lick someone’s hand?
27. Have you ever hacked into your partners email account?
28. Would you ever let your partner read all of your Snapchat messages?
29. Did you ever flirt with someone random on social media?
30. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?
31. Did you ever wear your friends underwear?
32. Have you ever ate food while having s#x?
33. Did you ever dance s#xually for someone?
34. Did you ever want to film a d#rty movie?
35. Have you ever had s#x with someone that you barely knew?
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Juicy Drinking Game Questions
The juicy truth of drink questions are a sophisticated spin on the classic Truth or Dare game. Because everyone grew too good at hiding the secrets in Truth and Dare, this version merely got better with you. Here are some questions for you to consider.
1. What’s one secret that you promised you’d never tell?
2. Can you tie a knot with your tongue?
3. Have you ever had a secret relationship or online relationship?
4. What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?
5. What’s something we’d be surprised to know about you?
6. What’s something you’d change about your life right now?
7. Do you believe in a higher power?
8. Have you joined the mile high club?
9. Want to try a massage candle?
10. Can I read you a sexy story?
11. How would you feel about going skinny-dipping?
12. I’m wearing vibrating panties right now—want to control the remote?
13. Have you ever had a hot dream about me?
14. Can we shop for s#x toys together?
15. Can I try to make you org##m without using my hands?
16. Where’s somewhere in our home you’d like to ‘christen’ with s#x?
17. Would you rather have car s#x or shower s#x?
18. What would you do if we were alone together?
19. Have you ever thought about trying tantric s#x?
20. Do you like playing music in the background or silence?
21. Want to try making as much noise during s#x as possible?
22. Is there a sexy song that tends to get you in the mood
23. What’s your definition of amazing s#x?
24. Have you ever tried edible underwear?
25. Does the thought of recording a video turn you on?
26. What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
27. I heard kissing burns a lot of calories. Want to help me exercise?
28. Do you prefer your women shaved or all natural?
29. Have you ever been caught going solo?
30. Do you want to play dirty truth or dare?
31. How would you describe your package?
32. If we were in a movie theater, and I wanted to do it, what would you want me to do?
33. If you had a pair of X-ray glasses, which part of my body would you look at first?
34. Is there a sexy scene from a movie that you want to recreate with me?
35. What do my lips taste like?
Never Have I Ever Drinking Game Questions
The good news is that you don’t need a large group of people to play this game. Two persons are sufficient. You may even use it to entertain your cousins or close acquaintances. Whatever the crowd, if you have a list of amusing never have I drinking game questions prepared, it will never disappoint you.
1. Never have I ever fallen in love.
2. Never have I ever had s#x on a beach.
3. Never have I ever ghosted someone.
4. Never have I ever stood up a date.
5. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of something.
6. Never have I ever donated to a charity.
7. Never have I ever gotten married.
8. Never have I ever been engaged.
9. Never have I ever been blackout drunk.
10. Never have I ever maxed out a credit card.
11. Never have I ever been on a sports team.
12. Never have I ever met someone famous.
13. Never have I ever tried psychedelics.
14. Never have I ever binged an entire series in one day.
15. Never have I ever attempted a trendy diet.
16. Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.
17. Never have I ever spent more than $100 on a top.
18. Never have I ever deleted a post on social media because it didn’t get enough likes.
19. Never have I ever disliked something that I cooked.
20. Never have I ever regretted an apology.
21. Never have I ever pretended I was sick for attention.
22. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter
23. Never have I ever had sleep paralysis.
24. Never have I ever believed something was haunted.
25. Never have I ever participated in a protest.
26. Never have I ever made up a story about someone who wasn’t real.
27. Never have I ever left someone on read.
28. Never have I ever been to a Disney park.
29. Never have I ever relieved myself in a public pool.
30. Never have I ever given/received a lap dance.
31. Never have I ever slept outdoors for an entire night.
32. Never have I ever gotten stopped by airport security.
33. Never have I ever wanted to be on a reality TV show.
34. Never have I ever started a fire.
35. Never have I ever ate an entire pizza by myself.
36. Never have I ever gone on a solo vacation.
37. Never have I ever had to take a walk of shame.
38. Never have I ever gone 24 hours without showering.
39. Never have I ever got on the wrong train or bus.
40. Never have I ever laughed so hard I, um, peed my pants as an adult.
Would You Rather Drinking Game Questions
There may be times when folks you’ve recently met are also playing this game. You wouldn’t want to get too personal with them and would want to keep things professional. Here is a collection of would you rather drinking game questions that can come in handy in these occasions.
1. Would you rather be stuck on an island for eternity all on your own or with someone you hate?
2. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
3. Would you rather it be summer forever or winter forever?
4. Would you rather know how the world began or how it will end?
5. Would you rather have an intelligent partner or a good-looking partner?
6. Would you rather be magical but live on earth or live in a magical land but be normal?
7. Would you rather the ability to change the past or see into the future?
8. Would you rather know how you die or know when you die?
9. Would you rather not be able to taste or not be able to see colours?
10. Would you rather share a bed with a walrus or an eel?
11. Would you rather live in a world where you dance instead of walk or sing instead of talk?
12. Would you rather eat a wet loaf of bread or drink a pint of whipped fish?
13. Would you rather fight a kangaroo or a badger?
14. Would you rather have your name tattooed on your forehead or have no front teeth?
15. Would you rather have no sense of smell or no sense of taste?
16. Would you rather drink soup out of a farmer’s welly or from a binman’s sock?
17. Would you rather have arms as long as Mr. Tickle or legs as short as E.T?
18. Would you rather be able to travel everywhere for free or eat everywhere for free?
19. Would you rather find the love of your life or find a million pounds?
20. Would you rather say your ex’s name during s#x or your partner’s best friend’s name?
21. Would you rather be stuck in a phone box with ten snakes or ten tarantulas?
22. Would you rather give up s#x or give up food?
23. Would you rather accidentally send a naughty picture to your dad or your boss?
24. Would you rather have s#x in the shower or on the kitchen table?
25. Would you rather have s#x with the light on or the light off?
26. Would you rather have unbelievable s#x that lasts ten minutes or average s#x that lasts an hour?
27. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or wait for six months?
28. Would you rather have a cupboard full of s#x toys or kinky outfits?
29. Would you rather dominate or be dominated?
30. Would you rather have your hair pulled or your back scratched?
31. Would you rather a nose that never stops growing or ears that never stop growing?
32. Would you rather be a mad genius or popular but dim?
33. Would you rather be three feet tall or eight feet tall?
34. Would you rather have an abnormally big toe or an abnormally big ear?
35. Would you rather give up your phone or only wear Crocs for the rest of your life?
36. Would you rather have a full-bl#wn moustache for a year or permanently hairy legs for ten years?
Couples Drinking Game Questions
If you play this truth or drink game with your spouse, you can find out the answers to all the couples drinking game questions you hadn’t asked before. You may ask hilarious, romantic, or passionate drinking game questions for couples to find out what they think of you.
1. If you were to describe my body with three words, how would you describe it?
2. What is your opinion on love bites, do you want to give me any?
3. Do you consider yourself more sexy or brainy?
4. How many girls have you been with, before me?
5. What part of my body would you want me to tattoo?
6. Who is your dream girl, if you couldn’t have me?
7. Do you prefer making out or cuddling?
8. What is your position on premarital s#x?
9. I come home from work stressed, how do you relax me?
10. What is the difference to you between s#x and making love?
11. When you had s#x for the first time, what age were you?
12. Would you ever sleep with your ex’s best friend?
13. Before me how many times did you have s#x per week?
14. Would you ever surprise me with lingerie?
15. Is your ideal time for intimacy the late evening hours or the early morning hours?
16. Are you familiar with the concept of nudist beaches?
17. Is it more convenient to talk dirty on the phone or over Facetime?
18. Would you ever consider ripping my clothes off?
19. What are your deepest fears about us?
20. In your opinion, what makes a lady sexy?
21. If you were to bind me, would you prefer blindfolding me or tying me up?
22. Do you enjoy it when a lady massages your body?
23. When you were a teenager doing your first kiss, how did you feel?
24. Do you mind taking a shirtless selfie with me beside a mirror?
25. Which of my non-physical qualities do you like most?
26. Can you recall a time when you were ejected from a public place?
27. Do you have the cheesiest pick up line you’ve ever used while meeting a girl?
28. Which nickname would you choose if you were a biker?
29. What’s the first food that comes to mind when you think of a birthday?
30. Is there anything you love but would hate if it was a Dairy Queen Blizzard?
31. Is it embarrassing to you if I call you a pet name before your friends?’
32. How does it make you feel when I text you?
33. Do you think you could write a poem about me one day?
34. How about writing a song for me someday?
35. How would you like to spend our honeymoon if we get married?
Deep Drinking Game Questions
When you’re among your pals, you either consciously or unwittingly engage in meaningful conversation. However, in order to learn more about others, you’ll need these deep drinking game questions. If you can’t think of anything significant to say after all the booze you’ve drunk, simply ask these.
1. What was the first time you realized you loved/liked me?
2. Do you know how to play Cards Against Humanity?
3. How often do you watch adult content prior to making out?
4. Do you know how wonderful your tongue is?
5. What’s your favorite bl#wjob technique?
6. Do you prefer professional or amateur p##n?
7. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
8. What do you think an orgy would be like?
9. When’s the last time you had a vivid s#x dream?
10. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?
11. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x with their permission?
12. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a s#x goddess?
13. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
14. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
15. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
16. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to f##k them?
17. Have you ever had s#x with someone whose name you never knew?
Flirty Drinking Game Questions
There is no regulation that states you can’t flirt while playing in a group. In fact, such games are the ideal methods to imply that you’re interested in someone. So, if you want to give your crush a sign that you’re interested in them, here are some flirty drinking game questions to get you started.
1. When did you realize you were attracted to me?
2. What’s the most sensitive part of your body?
3. Do you think you can get naked in less than 5 seconds?
4. Do you ever think of me in an inappropriate way?
5. Do you want to help keep my body warm?
6. Who would you most like to kiss in this room?
7. Have you ever read erotic fiction?
8. Which body part are you most proud of?
9. Has anyone ever accidentally seen you naked?
10. Do you like it when I watch you change clothes?
Drinking Game Questions for Friends
You know your buddies inside and out. However, if they have been keeping anything from you all along, you must seize this chance. You may ask them drinking game questions for friends that might turn hilarious, or you can ask them delicate things that you wouldn’t normally ask. Do you have nothing in mind? Begin with these.
1. What do you prefer the most, kissing or hugging?
2. Which clothing item do you feel most comfortable in?
3. Do you prefer to keep your pubic hair or trim it?
4. Do you prefer vibrating or non-vibrating toys?
5. Would you want to try a virtual s#x party?
6. Which is your favorite place to have s#x in your house, and why?
7. What is your definition of a lovely s#x experience?
8. Do you like to scream or moan while having s#x?
9. Do you prefer male condoms or female ones?
10. How do you feel when I bite your neck or earlobes?
11. What makes you wet in seconds?
12. Which is your favorite flavor of condoms?
13. What kind of p##n have you watched recently?
14. Do you like to stay and have breakfast after s#x?
Drinking Game Questions for Adults
The game “Truth or Drink” is intended for adults only. As a result, there may be no danger in posing drinking game questions for adults as well. And what’s the point of playing this game if you don’t ask personal questions?
1. If I wanted to rub your pu##y the entire night, would you allow me?
2. Would you see me in just my underwear or nothing at all?
3. Do you think s#x before marriage is fine?
4. What are your preferred methods of birth control?
5. Do you like playing sexy games?
6. Do you secretly own s#x toys that you haven’t told me about?
7. Do you like it when I go slow, or do you prefer it fast and wild?
8. What’s one thing that you hesitated to try during s#x but ended up loving?
9. What do you think is currently the biggest threat to marriage?
10. Do you want to involve someone else in our s#x life to make it more interesting?
11. How many times a day can you have s#x before your dick hurts?
12. Would you say you’ve been on Santa’s naughty or nice list most?
Drinking Game Questions to Ask a Guy
These truth or drink questions to ask a guy are applicable whether you’re playing alone with a guy or in a group. Simply continue to inquire.
1. Have you ever mast##bated in a public washroom?
2. Have you ever created a page on social media to sext with anyone anonymously?
3. What is the easiest item of clothing to remove from the body?
4. Would you have s#x with a woman 2 times your age?
5. If I had chocolate syrup and whipped cream all over my naked body, would you lick it off?
6. Have you ever slept with more than one person in less than 24 hours?
7. Have you ever been caught in the middle of the action?
8. Have you ever fantasized about a coworker?
9. Will you approve of a one-night stand?
10. Have you ever tried making out in a classroom?
11. Did you ever send a dirty text to your mom/dad by mistake?
Drinking Game Questions to Ask a Girl
Girls are more engaged in gossip and intimate information. So, if you want to elicit a hilarious narrative from a female, these are the best truth or drink questions to ask a girl to get you started. Some of them may appear overly intimate, but depending on your relationship with the girl, you may utilize this list of questions for girls or create your own.
1. What do you prefer, hot showers or bubble baths?
2. What do you prefer, missionary or doggy style?
3. Do you enjoy viewing p##nography?
4. Would you ever go to a nude resort or sauna?
5. What are your favorite p##n movies and categories?
6. What is your favorite celebrity nude/semi nude photo?
7. Would you ever experiment with a glory hole?
8. Have you ever snuck out of the house?
9. Do you like to have s#x with or without a condom?
10. Would you like to have s#x underwater?
11. Where are your top three places, where you would like to have s#x?
5 Tips for Playing Truth or Drink Game
So far, we’ve all had a good time playing this game. However, if you want to spice up the game, you may add your own spin to it. While there are currently a few famous versions, you may make your own version as well. Here are five methods to make this game more enjoyable for you.
1. It’s a simple game of truth or drink. You just need to answer the questions or chug one alcohol shot for each question you don’t answer. This game may be played with just two people in the room, although it is typically more enjoyable with a small group. So, one player asks a highly personal question, and everyone else has to either answer the question or swallow a mouthful of the drink in hand.
2. Before you begin, you should write these drinking game questions down on scraps of paper or even notecards. You may shuffle them in a deck or toss them in a dish. The game is simple to play; everyone may take turns asking and answering questions. Alternatively, you might play a game in which the question is asked to everyone or just the person who drew the question. Don’t want to show your answer? Simply take a drink to solve the problem!
3. Another variant of the game is to pose the question to only one person, and the player then picks who has to answer the following question. This way, you never know what questions you’ll have to answer or when it’ll be your time. Make it a rule not to answer inquiries with ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ This will keep things interesting.
Regardless of the question, you must either tell all of the humiliating stories behind it or take the shot. If you’re trying to be clever by dismissing all the questions with shots of vodka, keep in mind that if you become too inebriated, you could divulge all the remaining humiliating information even without asking!
4. Answer or take two shots! If a player does not wish to react, they might pass one question to another. The passed-over question is now expected to be answered by this other participant. If they reject it, they must take a double shot of the drink. Isn’t it enthralling?
5. While the purpose of this game is to have fun and let loose, please keep in mind that these truth or drink questions are designed to be answered by adults. The longer you play the game, the more personal the questions get. Remember to enjoy yourself, and please drink responsibly!
Final Thoughts on Drinking Game Questions
If you’re spending a low-key evening in with your roommates and another round of PowerPoint night isn’t cutting it, getting to know new people in your dorm, or missing the themed party this weekend, drinking game questions may be a great way to connect.
The principle is straightforward. Simply assemble a group of friends, take turns asking truth or drink questions, and if you don’t want to respond, take a sip.
To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of some of the funniest drinking game questions above to ask when you’re ready to discover a lot about the people you’re drinking with.
These questions can help couples and friends get up and personal, whether you’re interrogating your bestie about her new relationship or discovering the tale behind your girlfriend’s first kiss.