Get to know me questions are perfect ice breakers in between two persons.
It is always hard to start a conversation of mutual interest on a date or a new meet up.
Get to know me questions can easily help you find the mean points to have a conversation about. No doubt these questions are one of the best conversation starters.
Planning a date and being nervous about what kind of questions must be asked? Thinking about how you will get to know about each other’s interests?
Well, no worries! All these get to know you questions mentioned below are here to save your day.
There can be multiple categories of get to know you questions. You can choose the categories as per the situation or the person you want to know about.
Table of Contents
Best Get to Know Me Questions
Here are some best get to know me questions that can be a perfect ice breaker for any conversation. You can also add these get to know me game questions in your random parties.
1. What is your most loving family memory?
2. How do you define the term family?
3. What are your best personality traits?
4. How did you spend your first income?
5. Would you be rather a rich person or a happy one?

6. Are you close to your family or any particular family member?
7. What is your weirdest trait or habit?
8. What is your cutest childhood memory?
9. Are you religious/spiritual or an atheist?
10. What is the most expensive thing you ever bought for yourself?
11. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone?
12. Are you more like your father or your mother?
13. What is your favorite outfit?
14. Is there something that you can’t live without?
15. Which book or movie is your favorite?
16. What is your most comfy sleeping position?
17. Are you more into books or video games?
18. What is the most boring activity according to you?
19. How do you like to spend your weekends and holidays?
20. What is your favorite music or song?
21. Are you more an extrovert or an introvert?
22. What was your favorite subject in high school?
23. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
24. Which season do you enjoy most? Why so?
25. What is the food you can eat anytime?
26. Do you prefer soft drinks or alcoholic drinks?
27. What is your favorite tv show or web series?
28. Do you like cold drinks or hot beverages?
29. What is your favorite hobby or hobbies?
30. Have you ever moved forward in a romantic relationship?
31. What is the first thing that comes to your mind while thinking about your romantic partner?
32. Do you believe in love stories?
33. How do you describe your dream date?
34. What is the nickname you would like to give me?
35. How would you describe yourself in your online dating platform profile?
36. What is the most clever pick-up line you ever heard?
37. Have you ever been on any online dating app?
38. How do you react when someone flirts with you?
39. What are the traits that turn you off instantly?
40. Do you think I am more of a hot mess or a cool nerd?
41. Can you describe my good habits in three words?
42. Would you ever like to have a romantic date with a person like me?
43. If you get to be in a relationship with anyone, who would he/she be?
44. What are the traits in a person that turns you on instantly?

45. How would you tell a person that you are interested in him/her?
46. Which is your most favorite body part?
47. Have you ever kissed someone?
48. If you had a magic stick, what would you do?
49. If you were free to live anywhere in this world, what would be your preferred place?
50. What are the first 3 things in your bucket list?
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Random Get to Know Me Questions
We all love to introduce our friends to each other, right? Random get to know me questions can be great for this purpose. You can arrange a game night with all your friends and play get to know me trivia questions.
1. What aspect of your life do you find as a complete bliss?
2. What is the one moment of your life that you want to relive?
3. If you can give something for a noble cause, what would it be?
4. Who is the person you would like to bring all happiness for?
5. Think that you can change any portion of your life, what would it be?
6. If you had a time machine, where would you visit?
7. What is one thing you would like to change in the world?
8. Would you like to be immortal if you get an opportunity?
9. What is the thing you would like to be if you are free to be whatever you want?
10. If you had unlimited money in your bank account, how would you use it?
11. How would you like to see the world in the next 100 years?
12. What would you do if you had Aladdin’s magic lamp?
13. What would you do if you had to choose between money and health?
14. If you get to meet anyone who ever lived on the earth, whom will you choose?
15. Which marvel hero matches best with my personality?
16. What is the thing in your life you are really thankful for?
17. What is the biggest possession or the most precious thing of your life?
18. Are you satisfied with your life till now?
19. What or who is your inspiration?
20. What makes you proud of being a human?
21. If you can rewrite a page of your life, what would it be?
22. What is the biggest regret of your life?
23. When was the last time you had a hearty laugh?
24. If you can change one thing in your life, what is it?
25. Why do you love your favorite person?
26. Do you think a relationship is more subtle or physical?

27. What do you think is the real accomplishment of life?
28. Are you a karma believer or do you believe in destiny?
29. Have you shown self-compassion in the hard times?
30. Who has done the biggest sacrifice for you in life?
31. Have you ever been in love with someone?
32. Do you think crying is a sign of strength or weakness?
33. What calms you down instantly? Does it always work?
34. What are the 3 things that you would like to unlearn?
35. If you could change a real historic event, what would you change?
36. How do you want yourself to be remembered after your death?
37. What is the one thing that you find worth in your education after all the degrees are lost?
38. Would you like to spend your time with your family or your friends?
39. If you could have only one to be alive, what would you choose – sleep or food?
40. Do you easily get annoyed?
41. What is the trait you miss that was in your childhood self?
42. When is the last time you felt deeply inspired, and why?
43. If you had superpowers, how would you use it?
44. What is the one thing that makes your best friend ‘best’?
45. Do you believe that love can happen twice?
46. What do you think makes a person cool?
47. Are you rude honest or a modest liar?
48. If you have to describe yourself as an animal, which would it be?
49. What is the biggest quality in any person according to you?
50. Would you love yourself if you were another person?
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Interesting Get to Know Me Questions
If you love me around some high knowledge people then interesting get to know me questions is the best source. You can arrange such a get to know me questions quiz with the people you want to be friends with.
1. Which sense (vision, touch, hearing, smell, taste) would you keep if you could have only one?
2. What would you do if one day you wake up and find yourself in the parallel world?
3. Do you cry watching emotional movies or reading such books?
4. Do you believe in this theory of parallel world?
5. What do you think about this trait of yours?
6. What do you think about life outside the earth?
7. Do you believe in paranormal things like spirits, teleportation, etc. ?
8. Have you ever slept at a weird time and place?
9. Have you ever had a strong crush on someone too older or younger to you?
10. Would you like to have a long life or a short one?
11. What would you prefer – home on the hills or on an island?
12. When was the last time you had your heart out crying?
13. Do you think yourself good with long term memory?
14. Are you a serious health-conscious person or an ignorant one in regards to health?
15. Do you have faith in the concept of rebirth or afterlife?
16. Are you immediate water in the morning or do you keep snoozing the alarm?
17. Do you prefer walking on a rain-wet ground or a dry one?
18. Do you feel alone, non-existent, or lost in the crowd?
19. If you have to describe yourself in 5 words, what will be these?
20. Do you have faith in paramedical treatment ways like acupuncture, reiki, etc.?
21. Are you into following a disciplinary pre-planned schedule or do you work as per your will, mood, and the situation?
22. What is a specific part of the day when you find yourself most vulnerable or emotionally volatile?
23. Do you find modesty as a form of internal weakness?
24. Are you an assertive person with bossy traits?
25. Which animal, insect, or reptile do you find most creepy?
26. In times of conflict, do you assume positive intent?

27. Are you interested in any form of art?
28. What is your favorite technology in today’s era?
29. Which book, story, poem, movie or quotes do you find really inspiring?
30. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone?
31. Have you ever slept under a starry sky?
32. If you’re given a million dollars cheque today, how would you spend it?
33. What is the one thing that you have used today that you can abandon for the rest of your life if you have to?
34. While buying an outfit, what matters more for you – comfort or looks?
35. Who is the one person you hated a lot at first but eventually started liking them?
36. Do you think you can easily survive anywhere in the world if your basic necessities are met?
37. What one sound really irritates you?
38. If you could bring a big change in the natural traits of humankind, what would you do?
39. What one thing, according to you, is taken in a very wrong way in general?
40. Have you ever secretly heard someone else’s conversation? When was it?
41. As a child, what was the one thing that made you super proud?
42. What is your one weird trait that is unique to you?
43. If you could choose between being poor with your friends or a lonely rich person, what would you choose?
44. What is the one thing about you that you know is true but you don’t want to accept it?
45. Do you think science is an addiction in the 21st century?
46. If you could change your words from the past, when would it be?
47. Do you think human’s lives matter more than other animals?
48. What areas of your life would you like to grow in, and how can I help support that growth?
49. Have you ever felt something strange or unique that you never felt again?
50. Have you ever met someone in which you can see a reflection of your own?
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Deep Get to Know Me Questions
Wouldn’t it be the best? A date with a list of deep get to know me questions. Before leaving for a new date make sure to prepare a list of get to know me questionnaire. You can always pick some from below.
1. If given another chance, would you still like to be born to lead a life just like now?
2. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad?
3. Do you think life really gives second chances?
4. How often do you fake your smile on a scale of 1-10?
5. What was the weakest phase of your life?
6. Who are the people in your life you’re comfortable crying with?
7. What do you do to earn your living?
8. Do you know any other language apart from English?
9. How many family members are there in your family?
10. Is this your real and complete name?
11. Who is the person who can make you anything and everything?
12. Are you a ‘rom-com’ person or a ‘suspense thriller’ one?
13. Who is your favorite author and what makes them your favorite?
14. Which snack is your absolute favorite?
15. What do you like more – fiction books or self-help books?
16. If you had to describe your face to a blind person, how would you do it?
17. What do you consider the most important incident of your life till now?
18. What is your all time favorite drink?
19. Do you have any piercings in your body?
20. What is your one peculiar food habit that sounds like crazy?
21. What was the last youtube video you have watched?

22. What is the weirdest version of your name you have ever heard?
23. What was the first movie you ever watched in the theatre?
24. And what was your worst mark or grade ever?
25. What was your best GPA in highschool?
26. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your fashion sense?
27. How many nicknames do you have?
28. What is the one realization of your life that shaped you as what you are?
29. Do you believe in listening to your heart or listening to your brain?
30. What was the first profession you thought about taking in your life?
31. If you have to describe me to a stranger without telling my name, how would you do it?
32. Can you tell me any rumors about me that you thought to be true then?
33. What one trait do you think we share?
34. Do you think I am overconfident or under- confident?
35. How often do you think I lie, on a scale of 1-10?
36. On a scale of 1-10, where do I stand in terms of being mature?
37. What is the one relationship advice would you like to give me?
38. On a scale of 1-10, how likely am I to be an alien?
39. If you could change any one thing about me, what would it be?
40. Besides, can you describe my bad habits in three words?
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Funny Get to Know Me Questions
Funny get to know me questions with friends is always a mood lifter. To spark a boring meetup, you all can play a game of get to know me quiz questions.
1. When have you done something outlandish for what you usually do?
2. What is something that always makes you laugh?
3. What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?
4. What is the most adventurous thing that you’ve done?
5. How has your fashion sense changed over the years?
6. What is something you did when you were younger that makes you cringe to think about?
7. What is the most ridiculous thing that you’ve purchased?
8. What is your worst late-night story?
9. What was your worst haircut?
10. What was an embarrassing moment that you experienced?
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Flirty Get to Know Me Questions
Well, everyone has a crush. Maybe not everyone but most of us. We try getting flirty with our crushes all the time. These flirty get to know me questions can be perfect for you to get the attention of your crush.
1. What one misdeed you avoided as a teenager that you regret not doing now?
2. Did you ever bunk your class?
3. What one weird habit you have that you do with your body involuntarily?
4. Are you good at recognizing faces or remembering names?
5. Can you sing a complete song with perfect lyrics without a single fumble?
6. When did you have your first love?
7. What is the weirdest illness you ever had?
8. Can you tell me about the last text message you sent to your best friend?
9. What is the one song that is actually weird but you like it?
10. When did you have your ‘the talk’ with your guardian?
11. Which place in the world do you think of as your soul-place?
12. What was the address of your first mail-id?
13. Can you tell what your favorite word is?
14. What do you think is the most striking change in you in the recent years?
15. Is your love for someone quite visible?
16. What did you want to do in your life when you were in school?
17. Do you feel scared or nervous about the future?
18. Whom do you think about when you feel weakest?
19. How do you calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed?
20. Do you think you are giving your 100% in life?
21. If you could redo all your education, how would you like to do it?
22. Do you feel motivated to wake up every morning?
23. When was the first time you came to know about the concept of s#x?
24. What is the one thing that annoys you a lot in daily life?
25. Have you ever had a fangirl/fanboy moment in life?
26. Do you have a special talent that no one knows about?
27. At the end of the day, what makes you feel alive?
28. What is my favorite movie genre?
29. Do you know anyone who has a crush on me?
30. Do you think I would enjoy a visit to a horror house?
31. Do you remember any of my dumb moments?
32. What is my ideal type in a romantic relationship?
33. If I would ever get a tattoo, where would it be?
34. Do you know what my favorite pizza toppings are?
35. What do I always carry in my bag?
36. How often do you look into a mirror?
37. Have you ever proposed to someone?
38. Do you keep your wardrobe over-filled or minimalist?
39. Who is the someone you are missing now?
40. One thing that you are thinking about now in the back of your mind?
41. Any one word, phrase, or expression that you use a lot?
42. Do you have any birthmarks?
43. One thing about you that you often prefer lying about?
44. What is your wildest food fantasy?
45. What is your favorite type of music?
46. Are you a casual sneakers person or a designer footwear one?
47. Who is your secret celebrity crush?
48. Do you think you give your best in academics?
49. What extracurricular activities do you like?
50. What one financial advice you ever got that turned out to be very useful?
Good Get to Know Me Questions
Suppose you are in a family gathering and it is getting quite boring. Well, if you have a fun family, playing a game of good get to know me questions will not do any harm.
1. Is there any productivity hack that you would like to share?
2. What are your career goals for the next 5 years?
3. Who is admiringly the most professional person among your colleagues?
4. What do you prefer – working at the workplace or working from home?
5. How do you manage your work-life balance?
6. What is the one achievement in your work profile that you would like to share?
7. Have you ever had a mentor in your career?
8. What is your field of interest apart from the one you work in?
9. Do you think you are comfortable with the corporate world?
10. Have you ever had a thought which made you feel guilty afterwards?
11. According to you, what matters most – the past or the future?
12. What is your favorite childhood memory?
13. What is your way of expressing your happiness?
14. What’s something you used to believe in that you don’t anymore, and what changed?
15. Do you think it is better to tell a big truth that might hurt someone or hide it to keep them happy?
16. Do you like it when you get lots of birthday wishes or do you find it overwhelming?
17. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love yourself?
18. What side do you believe in the ‘nature vs nurture’ debate?
19. Do you think that every day brings a different experience or is it the continuation of the same experience?
20. If you could see any one thing about a person written on their forehead, what would you choose?
21. Are you comfortable in stepping out of your comfort zone?
22. Do you think someone’s life partner and soulmate can be two different persons?
23. What would you do if one day you wake up to find yourself in someone else’s body?
24. Do you think you have accepted yourself fully?
25. What is your one flaw that makes you unique?
26. If you could tell your life story in three sentences, what would it be?
27. Do you feel safe with people you’re mostly surrounded with?
28. What is the one thing that you believe you need to get off?
29. What if your all imaginations could turn into reality?
30. If you had a warning sign on your head, what would it be about?
31. What if you could only keep one memory of your life?
32. What if you get an opportunity to meet your doppelganger and exchange your lives for a month?
33. If you could get a chance for reincarnation of your choice, what would it be?
34. If you get the power of not feeling any kind of pain for a day, what would you do?
35. What if one day you wake up in a place you have never been even without your phone or money?
36. What if what you are experiencing now is a mere dream and the world is the reality?
37. If you could exchange your one personality trait from someone else’s, what would it be?
38. What qualities do you admire most in your parents?
39. What’s your absolute favorite way to spend a weekend?
40. Where have you been wanting to travel but haven’t had the chance to visit?
41. Would you like to grab a coffee or go on a walk this week?
42. How do you spend most of your time outside of work?
43. How often do you question your viewpoints?
44. What do you wish you saw more of in society?
45. What is a fundamental principle that you believe everyone should adhere to?
46. If you could change something about the country, what would it be?
47. How has your political position changed over your lifetime?
48. What is something that fills you with purpose?
49. What do you want to accomplish before you die?
50. What accomplishment do you feel most proud of?
Get to Know Me Questions for YouTube
To all the YouTubers, here is a list of some get to know me questions for YouTube that you can make a video about. Your fans will be pretty happy to watch a video of get to know me tag questions about you.
1. What do you think is the most essential quality in a healthy relationship?
2. What would your friends be surprised to learn about you?
3. What is something about your personality that you like?
4. If you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5. What phrase or word do you overuse when you talk?
6. What behavior do you do that is most likely a pet peeve to others?
7. What room in your house most represents who you are as a person?
8. If you wrote a memoir about your life, what would it be called?
9. What fictional world would you want to travel to for a day?
10. What are some of your favourite tv shows?
11. What name would you give your baby if it were a boy?
12. What’s your favorite holiday of the year and why?
13. If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?
14. If you could only remember one lesson to take into your next life, what would it be?
15. If the world order was in chaos, what would you do to survive?
16. If it were possible, would you change your race or gender?
17. Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently if you were born again?
18. What activity do you do only when you are alone?
19. How might you describe yourself to a blind person?
20. Would you want to be a guy or a girl in your next life and why?
21. What’s more important, the journey or the destination?
22. What stereotypes do others have about you that bother you?
23. If you could choose any 3 cars to drive, what would they be?
24. If you could time travel, when/where would you go?
25. If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
26. How would you describe yourself to a blind person?
27. If you found a million dollars on the street, what would you do?
28. What type of footwear do you prefer to wear and why?
29. What habit would you want to stop doing and why?
30. What was a recent situation that made you feel uncomfortable?
31. What is a movie that you could watch over and over again?
32. Would you rather be the smartest, best looking or most athletic guy in school and why?
33. Do you prefer people who are blunt or people who choose their words carefully?
34. Do you prefer hanging out with many friends or a small group?
35. If you could change one bad habit/weakness of yours, what would it be?
36. Who has left a strong impression on you?
37. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
38. What is the strangest thing you have ever seen?
39. What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
40. Where is the furthest you have been from home?
41. Is there someone you cannot live without?
42. If you could choose to be one character, who would you be?
43. Which is your favorite shopping destination?
44. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
45. What do you do apart from being an influencer?
46. Who did you look up to growing up?
47. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
48. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
49. What is your biggest accomplishment?
50. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
Get to Know Me Questions for Instagram
It is an era of Instagram. You do not really need to be a public figure to actually play get to know me questions for Instagram. Instagram even provides an option to add and let your followers ask know about me questions.
1. What is the first amusement park you’ve been to?
2. What is one thing you’d rather pay someone to do than do yourself?
3. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
4. After a breakup, would you rather be alone or be surrounded by friends?
5. At what age did you go on your first date?
6. Have you ever won a trophy or an award?
7. Have you ever visited a country outside your continent?
8. Have you ever taken self-defense lessons?
9. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
10. Have you ever dated two people at a time?
11. Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures?
12. How many days could you last in solitary confinement?
13. Would you ever consider living abroad?
14. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
15. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
16. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
17. How many rings before you answer the phone?
18. How many relationships have you been in?
19. How many oceans have you swum in?
20. How many countries have you been to?
21. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
22. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?
23. What is something you look for in a partner?
24. Who would you tell first if you found a dead body in your garden?
25. Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
26. Who sent the last text message you received?
27. Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for?
28. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
29. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
30. Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
31. Do you save old greeting cards and letters?
32. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
33. Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens?
34. What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement?
35. What is good about how you are living your life right now?
36. Are you an early adopter or late-adopter?
37. Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?
38. How many countries have you traveled to?
39. Have you ever failed at anything and what did you learn?
40. Have you moved from home, where to, and how was the experience?
Get to Know Me Questions for Friends
You have a few month old friendship and now you desperately want to know some more about your friend. Get to know me better questions will be perfect for this. Here is a list of get to know me questions for friends that you can easily ask.
1. What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word crust?
2. What would be the first thing you do after going home from work or school?
3. If you could only do one last thing, what would it be?
4. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
5. What TV show are you currently watching?
6. Do you save birthday cards and other greeting cards?
7. What does the last text message you received say?
8. What is the biggest struggle you overcame?
9. What is one thing you wished people knew about you?
10. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
11. How would you describe your fashion sense?
12. How long was your longest relationship?
13. Do you speak any languages and how well?
14. Have any books you read changed your life?
15. What sports do you play or have you played?
16. Would you rather eat a cat or a dog if you had to?
17. Your favorite memory with a person you can’t get your mind off?
18. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
19. What is the best gift you have ever received?
20. If you had a time machine, would you go into the future or past?
21. If you could share a room with two people, alive or dead, who would they be?
22. According to you, what would be my animal spirit?
23. What is the one thing that you always wanted to tell me but never did?
24. How likely am I to be a psychopath, on a scale of 1-10, according to you?
25. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate my sense of humor?
26. How often do I curse or use slang in everyday conversation?
27. What is my one personality trait that stands out most?
Get to Know Me Questions for Students
Teaching is hard and knowing about your students individually is even harder. Here are some get to know me questions for students that can help you know about your students even more.
1. Do you feel that you are heard enough in class?
2. Do you think exams are good?
3. What are the three things you expend in a teacher for a productive class?
4. Do you think competition in class is good?
5. What are the major distractions you face while you’re studying?
6. What are the three things that make a class boring for you?
7. Do you prefer self-study or study under a guide?
8. What mode of learning do you prefer most – online or offline?
9. Which is your favorite subject in school?
10. What are your expectations from this class?
Get to Know Me Questions for Adults
So what if you are now in your late 20s or 30s. There are still multiple games that you can play. One of the examples of such games is get to know me questions for adults. You can collect some from below.
1. How would you feel about being proposed to in public?
2. How do you handle emotionally challenging situations?
3. What is one non-negotiable rule you uphold in your romantic relationships?
4. If people are gossiping about you, what do you think they’re saying?
5. What would the perfect first date look like for you?
6. Are you the type of person who can commit to a single partner?
7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
8. What song do you listen to on repeat when you’re sad?
9. What is your best attribute or personality trait?
10. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
Get to Know Me Questions for Work
Working full time is a tough thing. Getting all stressed out and drained at work is a routine. To cheer up your colleagues’ mood, here is a list of get to know me questions for work that we can ask and have a fun time around.
1. How do you feel about the environment that you work in?
2. When have you been challenged the most in your professional life?
3. What is one of your strengths?
4. What made you get into your field of work?
5. How passionately do you feel about your work?
6. What is something about your work that you find stressful?
7. What about your work gives you joy?
8. How have your career ambitions changed?
9. What do you want to be doing in five years?
10. How did you end up at your current job?
Get to Know Me Questions about Family
Planning to live together is a hard decision. There must be a series of questions that should be asked before marrying or living with a new person like questions about families. You can try these get to know me questions about family to be more clear in your decision.
1. What relatives had the biggest impact on you growing up?
2. What is a family trait that isn’t necessarily the healthiest?
3. How vulnerable is your family with each other?
4. When you envision your ideal family, what do you see?
5. What does the word family mean to you?
6. When does your family cause you to stress?
7. What is one of the most important lessons that you learned from your family?
8. How has your relationship with your parents changed over the years?
9. How close are you with your parents?
10. What family member are you closest to?
Get to Know Me Questions about Interests
To start a friendship, relationship or even a single conversation, mutual interests are important. So before starting anything new, you can always take help from these get to know me questions about interests to be more clear of what must be the topics of conversation.
1. How have your interests changed over the years?
2. What is a guilty pleasure you enjoy?
3. How do you feel about travel?
4. What do you always have on in the background?
5. If you had to watch a documentary, what would you want it to be about?
6. What is something you wish you did more often?
7. What is something you could spend hours doing?
8. What is something that you’re really passionate about?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. What do you do for fun?
5 Tips for Picking Get to Know Me Questions
No relationship in your life should be one sider. Both the people in a relationship must know about each other perfectly.
Here are some tips that can help you in pricking get to know me questions which will not annoy the other person. You select from all the questions mentioned above to make this game an ice breaker.
These tips are probably the ones you have been looking for all your life! These are just incredible and every tip is something you can easily apply on a friend a coworker or family member!
- One must always pick to get to know you questions according to the situation. Like if it is game night, the questions must be fun. If it is a date, the questions must be in accordance and likewise.
- You should be casual about this game. There should not be any hard and fast rule because it is a simple game of know about me questions and it must be played as it is.
- You must be precise and clear about your questions. There should not be any loophole in get to know me tag questions. The questions must not be very annoying and difficult to understand.
- Stay ready for the answers. The answers might hurt you and may be pretty different to what you have been thinking of that person. Your mind must be open when it comes to get to know me questions. The fun part must remain fun without it being hurting or annoying.
- If it is your first meeting, do not go into deeper questions. Be simple and try asking basic get to know you questions. Getting more into some new life can be pretty annoying for the other person. It is important to keep a margin while asking such get to know you questions.
Final Thoughts on Get to Know Me Questions
From all the things we have discussed so far, it is pretty obvious now that what a perfect ice breaker these get to know me questions can be.
Whether it is your friends, a date, family or any stranger, you can always take help from such get to know you questions to start a conversation. Please be careful, these questions might also make you end a new relationship but for older ones, you need to be more open. Open to accept what the other person is.
Get to know me questions can also help you bring a spark back in your relationship. It can help you get things back in pace with your partner. These questions work like mind readers!
So if you think you need to have a get to know me quiz with any person then we are always open to help you suggest some like mentioned above. Do try these!