The how well do you know me questions are a terrific method to measure a couple’s connection or uncover new information about your spouse you didn’t know before. And how much do you know about me quiz can be a fun way to assess how knowledgeable your partner is about your quirks, interests, and habits.
There’s always something new to discover about the other person, whether you’re just starting to know somebody you’re interested in or have been married for decades. The more you learn about one another, the more intimate you will get and the closer you will be.
Regardless of your position in your relationship, these how well do you know me questions may be a light-hearted and enjoyable method to learn more about your partner.
If you are residing together with your spouse for a long time and feel like you already know a lot about each other, start with more difficult and personal how well do you know me game to make it more of a challenge or turn it into your next date night idea.
Table of Contents
Best How Well Do You Know Me Questions
It can be a great time for you and your loved ones to discover new things about each other by asking these best how well do you know me questions. They can be great conversation starters for your friends and/or partner.
1. What is my favourite part about my family?
2. Do I prefer to visit touristy attractions, or go ‘off track’ (explore where others don’t usually go)?
3. Do I want to join a professional sporting team?
4. What position do I sleep in?
5. Do I have any trophies / medals from the sports I’ve won?
6. Have I ever refereed any matches / games?

7. What, in my opinion, is the best and the worst thing about me?
8. Which feature on my face is the most attractive one, in my opinion?
9. How many cousins do I have, and who is my favourite cousin?
10. If I had to choose between going for a hike and going to the beach, which one would I pick?
11. What is the one thing that I would never admit to anyone anywhere?
12. If I get a bonus at work and decide to take a vacation, where do you think I would go first?
13. If I had the power to bring back one person alive from history, who would it be?
14. What is the most tell-tale sign that I am upset?
15. What is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning every day?
16. Of all the people I know in my life, who do I respect the most?
17. If I got a tattoo, what would it be, and where might I want to get it?
18. Which are the three go-to dress I prefer when I have no time to dress up?
19. How much stress do student loans put on me?
20. What is that one event which had the biggest influence on my life?
21. What is it that which is generally considered easy by most people, but I struggle with?
22. If I had to pick a new nickname, what would it be?
23. What was my first pet, and what was his name?
24. What was my ambition last year, and what is the biggest ambition in my life?
25. What is my current fitness goal for the year?
26. What is my zodiac sign, and how closely do I match its characteristics?
27. Would I rather spend a day with my parents or my friends from work?
28. What was my least favourite subject in school, and what was my most favourite subject?
29. Which music band do you think was my favourite when I was a teenager?
30. Who was my celebrity crush when I was a teenager?
31. Which is the holiday destination that I never want to come back from?
32. If I ever opened a restaurant, what kind of food would I want to serve?
33. If I could have only one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?
34. If I could have lunch with a historical figure, who would that person be?
35. Which family member annoys me most?
36. Do I think looks are more important than personality?
37. Which one of your friends do I think is the cutest?
38. If I could go and live on another planet in the solar system, which one would I choose?
39. What is my most favourite childhood memory?
42. What do I do that makes me feel better when I’m scared?
43. What do I do that makes me feel better when I’m sad?
44. If money was no object, what would I do?
45. What’s the most valuable thing I’ve ever given away?

46. What do I prefer doing in my free time?
47. Do I have any medical conditions that need treatment to be kept in check?
48. Do I like talking with my parents?
49. Can I admit my own mistakes?
50. Do I prefer cooking, ordering, or eating out?
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Unique How Well Do You Know Me Questions
These questions can be used to begin getting to know one another. This is the point of the game: to learn new facts about each other while having fun! Try these unique how well do you know me questions.
1. What is my favorite food and how often do I eat that specific food?
2. Who is the person that I looked up to the most growing up?
3. If I were going to eat the same food every single day for a week?
4. Do I have any allergies to anything?
5. What is the one goal that I have in life that I would like to accomplish more than anything else?
6. What is the one thing in the world that I am most afraid of?
7. How old was I when I had my first romantic relationship with someone else?
8. When we went on vacation together as a family, what was my favorite destination?
9. When the weekend rolls around, what is the one thing that I look forward to doing more than anything?
10. Who is my favorite current celebrity?
11. What do I usually like to do to celebrate?
12. Did I ever get in trouble with the police when I was growing up?
13. What is my favorite clothing style?
14. If the weather is appropriate outside, what do I always wear?
15. If I had a pet growing up, which one was my favorite?
16. Out of everything in the world, what makes me the happiest?
17. When I was in high school, what sports did I play?
18. If I had to choose, who would I like to go on vacation with the most?
19. Out of everything I do, what is my biggest talent?
20. What is the longest relationship I have ever been in?
21. What is my favorite type of music?
22. What is the most annoying trait that I have?
23. What is the one thing that I will always put off if given the choice?
24. What is the best concert that I have ever been to in my life?
25. If I had my choice of alcoholic beverage, what would I get right now?
26. What do you think is the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life?
27. Which parts of my body have birthmarks?

28. Have I had any near-death experiences?
29. Who is my main role model? / Who do usually I look up to?
30. How many times did I move before the age of 18?
31. What house was my favorite?
32. What was my favorite class growing up?
33. Would you describe me as a religious person?
34. Did I have to share my bedroom with a sibling growing up?
35. Did I go to graduate school?
36. Did I have a cell phone growing up?
37. As a child, did I have the chicken pox?
38. Did I have a babysitter as a child?
39. What was my favorite TV show growing up?
40. How did my mother or father punish me as a child if I did something wrong?
41. Have I ever experienced a miracle?
42. What has been my most embarrassing moment?
43. Am I more like my mother or my father?
44. What is my favorite thing about nature?
45. Would I prefer to be my own boss or work for someone else?
46. Who do I get along with better?
47. Do I think I have a great singing voice?
48. What’s my “role” in my group of friends?
49. What’s my exact street address?
50. What does the idea of a perfect day mean for me?
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Deep How Well Do You Know Me Questions
You probably believe you know your closest friends and lover well… But really do you? Playing a small game of deep how well do you know me questions is the greatest way to find out!
1. Did I ever get suspended or expelled from school?
2. How old was I the first time my parents let me stay home alone?
3. What was the very first job I had?
4. How old was I the first time I had an alcoholic beverage?
5. Out of every flavor of ice cream I ever tried, which one was my favorite?
6. What was my favorite color growing up?
7. If I had my choice, what type of dessert would I order?
8. If I were going to choose a superpower, what would my superpower be?
9. How old was I the first time I set foot on a plane?
10. Would you say I was good at making friends as a child?
11. What type of traditions did our family have growing up?
12. What was the name of my high school?
13. If I were to get admitted to the hospital, what do you think would be the likely diagnosis?
14. Who was I named after?
15. Have I ever spent time overseas?
16. What is the most fun I’ve ever had on New Year’s Eve?
17. During high school and college, how many boyfriends and/or girlfriends did I have?
18. How do you think I would react if I or my significant other got pregnant right now?
19. Have I ever been around anyone in my life that I could not stand to spend time with again?
20. If given the opportunity, what could I talk about all day, every day?
21. Do I plan on owning my own business in the future?
22. What is my #1 favourite fast food to eat?
23. What is the most embarrassing thing I have ever done in public?
24. What is my zodiac sign?
25. Who is my favorite sports team?
26. Do I believe in what my zodiac sign says about me?

27. Do I have any insecurities? If so, what are they?
28. Growing up, who was my best friend?
29. Who was my very first girlfriend or boyfriend?
30. Who did I want to spend the most time with?
31. How long did that relationship last and why did it end?
32. When I wake up in the morning, what is the first thing I usually do?
33. Is there anything specific that I have to do immediately?
34. When I was a child, did I have a favorite toy?
35. What was that toy and do I still have it?
36. How old was I when I had my ears pierced?
37. How old was I when I had my first kiss?
38. Did I ever have an imaginary friend as a child?
39. What is my I favourite fast food to eat?
40. Do I believe in Heaven and Hell?
41. What are my biggest insecurities?
42. How do you know when something is bothering me?
43. How do you know when I’m nervous?
44. Do I believe in life on other planets?
45. Do I believe in ghosts?
46. What trip has most affected my life?
47. What experience changed my life?
48. Who do I go to for advice when I need it?
49. Is there a story to my name?
50. What kind of work gives me the most pleasure or satisfaction?
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Funny How Well Do You Know Me Questions
Are you ready for a good laugh? If you want to spice up your chat with some humor, use the following funny how well do you know me questions. Several of these will allow you to point and laugh at yourself or even laugh heartily with somebody who has the same expertise as you!
1. What is the oddest thing that I do?
2. What is the weirdest thing that I eat?
3. Am I a leftover person?
4. Am I a picky eater?
5. Who’s my secret celebrity crush?
6. Would I be the first to go or the last to go in a Zombie apocalypse?
7. Which Disney character am I most like?
8. What’s the one food I despise eating?
9. What’s the craziest/silliest thing I’ve ever done?
10. If I could choose a time period to live in, when would it be?
11. If I could have any superpower, what would it be?

12. If you looked in my back pack (or purse, or bag), what would you find?
13. What noise could always put me to sleep?
14. What noise do I hate the most?
15. What’s my favorite color of jellybean?
16. What did I really want to be as a kid?
17. Have I ever pooped my pants?
18. Who is my favorite book character?
19. If I were an animal, what animal would I be?
20. If I had to choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, what would it be?
21. What makes me laugh?
22. What do you do that makes me laugh?
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General How Well Do You Know Me Questions
How well do your friends know you? Our amazing questions are a quick and entertaining way to find out. We’ve compiled the greatest general how well do you know me questions to test your friends, family, crush, or boyfriend’s knowledge of you.
1. How many people have I dated before you?
2. Which is my favourite ice cream flavour?
3. What is my main ambition for this year?
4. What weight goal do I want to reach this year?
5. What was one of my biggest ambitions last year?
6. What is my dream job?
7. Do I right now care more for money or passion?
8. What do I truly want in this world?
9. Am I a goal-driven person?
10. Do I have a dream car in mind?
11. If I could spend a week in the future, how far ahead would I jump?
12. If I could go back in time, which age or moment would I choose to revisit?
13. Do I want to be buried or cremated when I die?
14. If I had children someday, would I want a boy or a girl?
15. Have I ever had a pregnancy scare?
16. What is my biggest regret from a failed relationship?
17. Do I believe in abortion?
18. Have I ever ridden a motorcycle?
19. Have I ever ridden a horse?
20. Was I on the back or was I driving?
21. Have I ever been engaged and broke it off?
22. Have I ever been skydiving?
23. Did I ever cheat on a partner?
24. If I could bring one loved one back to life for one day, who would I choose?
25. What am I most self conscious about?
26. Have I ever set anything on fire while cooking?
27. If I could be on any game show, which would I choose?
28. If I could step into any band as lead singer, which band would I choose?
29. Do I prefer spicy food over sweet, or sweet over spicy?
30. Have I ever been in a fight?
31. Have I ever drank so much I blacked out?
32. How old was I when I lost my virginity?
33. Have I ever get lost in the city?
34. Have I ever had s#x in a public place? Where?
35. Have I ever gone streaking or skinny dipping?
36. Did I ever shoplift?
37. Have I ever sang karaoke?
38. Have I ever ridden in the back of a police car?
39. Do I want kids?
40. Who is my favorite teacher or professor of all time?
41. What new skill would I like to learn?
42. What do I wish I did more of in my life?
43. What’s one job I would never do?
44. What do I do when I’m angry?
45. What do I love about social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc)?
46. What experience has had the most impact on the way I think?
47. What won’t I eat under any circumstances?
48. What do I admire most about you?
49. Do I have a positive opinion about myself?
50. What’s one talent I have that I chose not to pursue?
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How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Couples
Do you worry that your lover isn’t paying attention to you? These how well do you know me questions for couples will warm both of your hearts. Make this evening special by spending it with your loved ones in a warm environment.
1. What’s my ideal romantic evening?
2. What is my love language?
3. When do I prefer to eat dinner?
4. Where was I born?
5. What do I do to cheer myself up when I’m sad?
6. What do I do when we makeup after a fight?
7. What is something I do that makes you feel loved?
8. What is my favorite gift you’ve given me?
9. Do I have any birthmarks?
10. What is my mother’s maiden name?
11. Am I a coffee drinker?
12. Why did I fall in love with you?
13. What is something I find difficult that others find easy?
14. What is the best thing about being in a relationship with me?
15. How am I different from you?
16. What’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever done?
17. Do I like to go out or be at home?
18. Who was my childhood pet?
19. What is my favorite thing you’ve ever cooked?
20. What would I most like to do with you if we had a night to ourselves?
21. What is an object (food etc.) I will not share with you?
22. Where are my parents from?
23. Did I ever catch my parents having s#x?
24. Am I a sweet talker or do I prefer to give tough love?
25. What’s the best gift I’ve ever received?
26. What is my go-to comfort food?
27. What did I most enjoy about our first date?
28. What’s my favorite indulgence?
29. What’s my favorite type of flower?
30. What’s my favorite time of day?
31. Do I prefer calling someone over the phone or texting?
32. Do I have any “rituals” that I feel like I must do?
33. Do I have a driver’s license?
34. Do I get along with my work colleagues?
35. Would I be willing to change my workplace?
36. What do I think about my boss?
37. Have I ever thought about quitting?
38. How many friends do I think I have?
39. How do I react to unsolicited advice?
40. What would definitely annoy me?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Family
Do you have a close relationship with your family? You can ask your sister, brother, or other relatives the following how well do you know me questions for family. Let’s see how much they really know about your early years!
1. What is the last thing I do at night?
2. What is the first thing I do in the morning?
3. What’s my favorite thing about our family?
4. Do I look like mom or dad?
5. How many pets do I want when I grow up?
6. What are my hobbies?
7. If I could be any character from a show or book, who would I be?
8. What’s my favorite thing to do at the park?
9. What’s my favorite smell?
10. What’s the farthest I’ve driven in a car?
11. What’s my favorite season of the year?
12. Where is my favorite place to read?
13. What’s my favorite thing to do at the beach or pool?
14. What’s my favorite thing to do camping?
15. What’s my favorite thing in my room?
16. Who do I usually hang out with?
17. What’s my favorite chore?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Friends
We all want to think that we know our friends well, whether we’re talking to a long-time buddy or a new friend we’ve just met. Take advantage of the opportunity to discover more about your friends through these how well do you know me questions for friends! Check out this list of how well do you know me quiz for friends.
1. Have I ever collected anything (cards, stamps, toys, etc.)?
2. What’s my favorite type of food (Italian, Chinese, American, etc.)?
3. Do I like music or silence when I work?
4. Do I prefer spicy food or bland food?
5. Do I love being out in nature or do I prefer to be inside?
6. Am I right-handed or left-handed?
7. Do I like to dress up for Halloween?
8. Do I like fiction or non-fiction books?
9. Am I a rule follower or a rule breaker?
10. Do I prefer sweet or salty?
11. What was my favorite cartoon as a kid?
12. Do I prefer comedy or horror?
13. Have I ever had to stay at a hospital?
14. How many languages do I speak?
15. What is a secret talent I have?
16. Who are the three most important people in my life?
17. Do I get my work done quickly or am I a procrastinator?
18. Do I like structure or flying by the seat of my pants?
19. What’s my favorite board game?
20. Who’s the kindest person I know?
21. What’s my favorite fast food meal?
22. What is a strength of mine?
23. Where’s the coolest place I’ve ever traveled to?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Siblings
Asking these how well do you know me questions for siblings will assist you figure out how much your sisters and brothers know about you. How well-versed are they in your childhood, hobbies, and other interesting details about your life? Dive in!
1. What toys do I play with in my room?
2. What stuffed animal do I love most?
3. What bothers me most?
4. Do I prefer listening to music or watching tv?
5. What’s my favorite thing to do at school?
6. Do I like video games?
7. Would I rather wear shoes or not wear shoes?
8. What’s my favorite flavor of toothpaste at the dentist?
9. What’s my favorite app?
10. What is my favorite fruit?
11. What’s my favorite candy?
12. What’s my favorite type of pizza?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Boyfriend
It’s time to put your boyfriend to the test! The following how well do you know me questions for boyfriend will give the conversation a boost and allow it to continue – How much does your significant other know about you?
1. Do I have a fun or serious personality?
2. What is my dream vacation?
3. What was the first impression I usually leave to other people?
4. Did I like or hate eating vegetables as a child?
5. Have I ever been in a car accident?
6. What is my biggest fear?
5. What do I think should be illegal that’s currently legal?
6. Where do I fall on the political spectrum?
7. What achievement am I most proud of?
8. What household chore do I avoid doing?
9. What are my grandparents’ names?
10. Would I want to be kept on life support if brain dead?
11. What do I spend too much money on?
12. Am I like my mother or father?
13. What do I like about you most?
14. What year did I finish school?
15. Do I have any brothers or sisters?
16. What are my parents’ names?
17. What do I like about my job?
18. How often do I exercise?
19. Where’s my favorite takeout restaurant?
20. Do I sort lights from darks in the laundry?
21. Have I ever been in a natural disaster?
22. Have I ever had surgery?
23. How often do I wash my hair?
24. What is my birthday?
25. Did I ever perform in a school play?
26. Have I won any awards?
27. Have I ever had a paranormal experience?
28. What social problem upsets me the most?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions about Interests
It’s a terrific bonding activity to ask these how much you know me quiz about interests. You’ll learn more about each other’s interests or see how well you already know each other. Check them out!
1. If an offer was made between vanilla or chocolate ice cream, which would I choose?
2. What is my favorite drink?
3. What is my best food to eat for breakfast?
4. What is my favorite yogurt flavor?
5. What type of food would I likely not put in my buffet?
6. Do I like processed or natural spices?
7. Do I like scrambled eggs or boiled eggs?
8. What is my favorite cake?
9. Who is likely to cook a better meal?
10. If we’re to be compared, who has a bigger appetite?
11. Do I prefer sugary or less sugary products?
12. What is my favorite cereal to be served with rice?
13. What would I rather do, cook, or wash the dishes?
14. What is the worst food I ever prepared?
15. What recipe would I want to learn if given the opportunity?
16. What kind of food would I be reluctant to give up during my diet program?
17. Do I take snacks at night?
18. Do I prefer deep-fried or steamed?
19. What are the most disgusting habits during dinner time?
20. What is my dream country to ever have visited?
21. What is the most dangerous road trip have I ever taken?
22. Do I prefer to travel by car, airplane, or train?
23. What is my description of the most exciting safari?
24. What do I prefer, hikes or walks?
25. Who was my best friend in primary school?
26. What’s my favorite day of the week?
27. What is the color of my eyes?
28. What was the name of my first dog?
29. What is the registration number of my car/bike?
30. What is my long-term aim in life?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions about Job and Career
You have the right to be curious about your Special One’s knowledge of you in all areas of your life. When it comes to your job preferences or your aspirations of traveling to other countries, don’t leave any stone unturned! Here are some how well you know me quiz about job and career for you.
1. Do I hate my boss / manager?
2. What would I hate to have for a job?
3. What is my favourite part about my job?
4. Do I have any side hustles?
5. What is my dream job?
6. What do I hate most about my job?
7. Do I handle serious situations well?
8. If I got promoted to be a leader in my workforce, do you think I’d accept?
9. What do I love most about my job?
10. What was my first ever job?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions about Personality
This section will provide you with a list of how well you know me questions about personality that will help you and your loved ones know each other’s personality. Continue reading to come up with unique questions to ask your friends, family, or spouse!
1. Did I go to summer camp as a kid?
2. What is the worst trouble I ever got into?
3. What’s one of my biggest quirks?
4. When we’re together, what’s one thing I love doing?
5. Am I the oldest child in my family?
6. Do I prefer to go out or stay home on a Saturday night?
7. How many pets did I have growing up?
8. What are my political views?
9. How many kids do I want?
10. Who is my favorite author?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions about Travel
These how much do you know me questions about travel will test how well you know each other when it comes to road travels, plane trips, and everything else, whether you spent a lot of time travelling together as a kid or not:
1. Where was the last place I traveled to?
2. Have I done anything illegal in another country?
3. Have I been to any sporting events overseas?
4. Do I want to travel overseas anytime soon?
5. What country do I want to travel to?
6. Which countries have I traveled to the most?
7. What was my favorite concert?
8. Do I like to travel by bus or by airplane?
9. Would I rather go on vacation or stay home for the weekend?
10. How many countries have I traveled to?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions about Food
The following how well do you know me test about food might help you start a new Thanksgiving custom, spark a conversation at the holiday dinner table, or provide plenty of topics to discuss over a picnic. Explore them!
1. What type of food is my favorite?
2. What do I have for breakfast during the weekends?
3. What’s my favorite meat to eat?
4. Am I a vegetarian?
5. What’s my favorite vegetable to eat?
6. What food do I dislike the most?
7. Which food makes me sick?
8. Do I like red apples?
9. What is my favorite non carbonated drink?
10. Which seafoods are my favorite?
11. Do I like pasta?
12. What kind of pizza do I like?
13. Do I like cheese?
5 Tips for Playing How Well Do You Know Me Game
Asking how well do you know me questions is a fun game that you can play with your friends. One partner asks the other partner questions. Often, romantic lovers will ask each other these how well do you know me quiz questions.
It’s a chance for them to learn more about one other and to see how well they knew each other. While this how well do you know me game appears to be simple, there are a few different methods to play it. Below are 5 tips for you.
1. Ask the questions same way as they are written: If you use this method, you’ll be asking your loved one to answer questions about you. If you’ve been together for a while, this can be entertaining, almost like a game show. However, if you don’t know each other well, asking them this way can be frustrating.
2. Have a discussion regarding the questions: You can simply say your replies to each other instead of asking them questions. This eliminates the need for anyone to predict or remember the other person’s response. You can both unwind and discuss your responses together. This method eliminates any possibility for error or potential arguments if someone doesn’t respond correctly.
3. Answer all of the questions at once: The how well do you know me questions might turn into a whole date night. Take a date out to dinner and talk about your replies over the course of the meal. You can either have one individual answer all of the questions at the same time or simply answer them all together.
4. Write down your answers: If you don’t want to risk influencing each other’s responses by responding first, you can both go over the questions and write down your responses. When you’re done, you can talk about your answers as a group. If the other person’s response has no bearing on you, you could both be more likely to be honest and upfront about your answers.
5. Pick one question at a time: You can use this as a continuing activity instead of going over the entire list in one sitting. Put a few questions in a jar or a hat, and pull one out once a day or on date nights. Simply take one out of the jar and start chatting when you’re ready to discuss it.
Final Thoughts on How Well Do You Know Me Questions
We hope you enjoyed these how well do you know me questions that are both fun and enlightening. After all, we didn’t want to burden you too much.
However, there are other subjects and questions available to assist people get to know one another better. And, if that’s what you’re searching for, some of them might be rather serious.
There are how much you know me questions for just about everyone! Use this game to actually enhance your connections and what you know about individuals you care about by quizzing those you love.
If you’re afraid to ask how well do you know me questions, you’ll never get the answers you need in life. Thanks for going through this collection of how well do you know me quiz. Stay blessed!