Because science is constantly-changing, no one will ever get bored of answering science trivia questions. Because fresh scientific study and discoveries have shattered many previously held “facts” throughout history, there is no shortage of questions and answers like the ones below.
Science is full of strange and wonderful things, from flasks and funnels to pipettes and particles.
There is so much fuel for an amazing quiz, whether it’s looking into intriguing chemical trivia or the unique science of the human body; that is why we’ve put together hundreds of the finest science trivia questions and answers.
Do your participants see themselves as science masters? Let’s see how they (and you, of course) do in our ultimate science exam, which includes everything from far-flung science trivia questions about the solar system to questions about our favorite planet, Earth.
Table of Contents
Best Science Trivia Questions
In this category we have arranged for you some of the best science trivia questions. These science quiz questions will surely help you to test your and your friends’ or students’ knowledge regarding science.
1. What is the study of the interaction or relationship of living organisms to one another?
2. Who is the father of modern taxonomy?
3. What is the world’s largest Hydroelectric Power Plant?
Answer: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
5. How many cervical vertebrae are there in the typical human body?
6. What is the chemical structure of magnesium sulfate?

8. Mechanical engineer Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was from what country?
9. What does the term ‘PCR’ stand for?
Answer: Polymerase chain reaction.
10. The chemistry of carbon is known as what?
11. The study of human remains is called what?
12. What planet is circled by two moons?
13. What’s the study of materials at very low temperatures?
14. What instrument is used for accurately measuring small amounts of liquid?
15. What part of the body are low-density lipoproteins most likely to clog?
16. What gas is essential in the production of fertilizers and light bulbs?
17. What does “SPF” mean in sunscreen?
Answer: Sun Protection Factor.
18. What is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas?
19. When a gas changes into a liquid, it is called what?
20. What is another name for a tidal wave?
21. A person who studies fossils and prehistoric life, such as dinosaurs, is known as what?
22. Apatosaurus is also widely known by what other name?
23. In terms of engineering software, what does CAD stand for?
Answer: Computer-Aided Design.
24. At what temperature is Fahrenheit equal to Centigrade?
25. Substances that don’t conduct heat are known as what?
26. What is the freezing temperature of water?
Answer: 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).
27. What is the chemical symbol of gold?
28. The Ayers Rock in Australia is also known as what?
29. What islands were extensively studied by Charles Darwin?
30. What is the name of the world’s largest reef?
31. The movement of pollen from the anthers to a flower’s stigma is known as what?
32. The Japanese word “sakura” means the blossoming of what kind of tree?
33. What is the name of a weather instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure?
34. What country experiences the most tornadoes?
35. Someone who studies earthquakes is known as what?
36. What are the three-time periods of the dinosaurs?
Answer: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
37. What do you call molten rock before it has erupted?
38. Along with whom did Bill Gates found Microsoft?
39. In terms of computing, what does CPU stand for?
Answer: Central Processing Unit.
40. The deepest point in all of the world’s oceans is named what?
41. Water is made up of what two elements?
42. What is the earth’s primary source of energy?
43. The most recognized model of how the universe began is known as the?
44. Electric resistance is typically measured in what units?
45. A magnifying glass is what type of lens?

46. The wire inside an electric bulb is known as what?
47. Electric current is measured using what device?
48. What is the seventh planet from the Sun?
49. The process of pasteurization is named after which French microbiologist?
50. Electric power is typically measured in what units?
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General Science Trivia Questions
Here are few of the general science quiz questions. These science trivia questions are based on the general and common scientific researches and studies.
1. A single piece of coiled DNA is known as what?
Answer: Chromosome.
2. What planet is closest in size to Earth?
Answer: Venus.
3. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?
Answer: Mars.
4. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong.
5. What planet is famous for its big red spot on it?
Answer: Jupiter.
6. What is the long pipe’s name that moves food from the back of the throat down to the stomach?
Answer: The esophagus.
7. What is the shape of DNA known as?
Answer: A double helix.
8. What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope?
Answer: Hubble Space Telescope.
9. The innermost part of bones contains what?
Answer: Bone marrow.
10. What are the muscles found in the front of the thighs are known as?
Answer: Quadriceps.
11. Ganymede is a moon of which planet?
Answer: Jupiter.
12. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain?
Answer: The cerebrum.
13. Atoms of the same chemical element but with different atomic masses are known as what?
Answer: Isotopes.
14. A nuclear reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts is known as what?
Answer: Nuclear fission.
15. What is the center of an atom called?
Answer: The nucleus.
16. In which part of the body are the ossicles found?
Answer: The ear.
17. Brass is an alloy of which two metals?
Answer: Copper and zinc.
18. Who formulated the theory of evolution in his book, The Origin of Species?
Answer: Charles Darwin.
19. What is the fattiest human organ?
Answer: Brain.
20. What is the fourth planet from the sun?
Answer: Mars.
21. NaCI is the chemical formula of which common substance?
Answer: Salt.
22. What sense is most closely linked to memory?
Answer: Smell.
23. What condition is singultus?
Answer: Hiccups.
24. The small intestine is made up of jejunum, ileum, and what?
Answer: Duodenum.
25. What is the largest nerve in the human body?
Answer: Sciatic.

26. What scale is used to measure the hardness of minerals?
Answer: Mohs scale.
27. What number on the Richter scale does an earthquake have to reach to be considered major?
Answer: 7.
28. Syncope is the medical name for what condition?
Answer: Fainting.
29. What color has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum?
Answer: Red.
30. What are the four types of adult human teeth?
Answer: Incisors, canines, premolars, molars.
31. What does the human lacrimal gland produce?
Answer: Tears.
32. What metal is the best conductor of electricity?
Answer: Silver.
33. Where on the human body are the most sweat glands?
Answer: Bottom of the feet.
34. What is the second most abundant mineral in the human body?
Answer: Phosphorus.
35. What part of the human body is the axilla?
Answer: The armpit.
36. What is the name of the process where plants lose water in the atmosphere?
Answer: Transpiration.
37. How long is an eon?
Answer: A billion years.
38. How many vertebrae in the human spine?
Answer: 33.
39. What element is named after the Greek word for green?
Answer: Chlorine.
40. What gives onions their distinctive smell?
Answer: Sulfur.
41. What reaction releases energy into its surroundings?
Answer: Exothermic reaction.
42. What are the four states of matter?
Answer: Solid, liquid, gas, plasma.
43. What is the smallest named time interval?
Answer: Planck time.
44. The Arrector Pili muscles are responsible for what phenomenon?
Answer: Goosebumps.
45. What is the only planet in our solar system less dense than water?
Answer: Saturn.
46. What are the four primary precious metals?
Answer: Gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.
47. What is the smallest organ in the human body?
Answer: Pineal gland.
48. Aspirin comes from the bark of what tree?
Answer: Willow.
49. The metamorphism of what rock forms marble?
Answer: Limestone.
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Funny Science Trivia Questions
In this section we got you some of the funny science quiz questions. Here you can get the funniest scientific questions to ask anyone that would spice up the regular scientific approach.
1. About how much of a person’s body weight is lost by the time they feel thirsty?
Answer: 1%.
2. About how many grams of salt can be found in a human’s body?
Answer: 200 grams.
3. What is the most abundant element in the universe?
Answer: Hydrogen.
4. About how far away can a human detect the smell of a skunk?
Answer: One mile.
5. What’s the most famous bird in North America?
Answer: The turkey.

6. What key does a housefly hum at?
Answer: The key of F.
7. How long can the average alligator live for?
Answer: 100 years.
8. What animal can catch a human cold?
Answer: A gorilla.
9. What color does the sunset on Mars appear as?
Answer: Blue.
10. What is the largest planet in our current solar system?
Answer: Jupiter.
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Basic Science Trivia Questions
Here are arranged some of the basic science quiz questions. This science quiz with answers provides you with the random and basic scientific questions followed by the correct answers.
1. Who first proposed the concept of contact lenses?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.
2. What is the only bone in the human body that isn’t attached to another bone?
Answer: Hyoid bone.
3. What is the scientific word for push or pull?
Answer: Force.
4. What was the first sound-recording device called?
Answer: Phonograph.
5. What is the average life cycle of a red blood cell?
Answer: 120 days.
6. What ongoing process allows water to be constantly recycled?
Answer: Water Cycle.
7. How many bones are in a giraffe’s neck?
Answer: Seven.
8. What is the process of breaking down food called?
Answer: Digestion.
9. Between which two planets does the asteroid belt lie?
Answer: Jupiter and Mars.
10. To any astronaut, what is an EVA?
Answer: Extravehicular activity.
11. What gas makes up most of the atmosphere of Mars?
Answer: Carbon Dioxide.
12. A unit of electromotive force is called what?
Answer: Volt.
13. Specialized cells are called photoreceptors. What are the 2 types of photoreceptors in the retina called?
Answer: Rods and cones.
14. What color catches the eye first?
Answer: Yellow.
15. What is the study of plant life called?
Answer: Botany.
16. What scientist proposed the theory of continental drift?
Answer: Alfred Wegener.
17. Who is considered the “father” of organic chemistry?
Answer: Friedrich Wöhler.
18. What part of the brain is responsible for vision?
Answer: Occipital.
19. What are the lower chambers of the human heart called?
Answer: Ventricles.
20. What is the first phase of mitosis?
Answer: Interphase.
21. What layer of the Earth is right below the crust?
Answer: Mantle.
22. What is the calm center part of a hurricane called?
Answer: Eye.
23. Who was the first woman in space?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova.
24. The first vaccine was for which disease?
Answer: Smallpox.
25. How many chambers make up the human heart?
Answer: Four.

26. Which person is known for publishing “The Interpretation of Dreams”?
Answer: Sigmund Freud.
27. What is made by white blood cells to help fight off infection?
Answer: Antibodies.
28. What does the gall bladder secrete?
Answer: Bile.
29. Botulinum toxin is commonly referred to as what?
Answer: Botox.
30. What do you count on a tree to tell how old it is?
Answer: It’s rings.
31. What instrument do you use to measure wind speed?
Answer: Anemometer.
32. What is the sticky part of the pistil called?
Answer: Stigma.
33. What is the splitting of atomic nuclei called?
Answer: Nuclear Fission.
34. What does a conchologist collect?
Answer: Seashells.
35. What was the first planet discovered with the aid of a telescope?
Answer: Uranus.
36. What element is a diamond composed of?
Answer: Carbon.
37. Which constellation are the stars Castor and Pollux in?
Answer: Gemini.
38. What is the galaxy closest in light-years to the Milky Way Galaxy?
Answer: Andromeda.
40. What are the gaps between nerve cells called?
Answer: Synapses.
41. What is a unit that measures force?
Answer: Newtons.
42. What is the main structural molecule in hair and nails?
Answer: Keratin.
43. What does the ER of a cell stand for?
Answer: Endoplasmic Reticulum.
44. What causes the moon to shine?
Answer: Reflection from the sunlight.
45. What flap on your windpipe helps keep out food particles?
Answer: Epiglottis.
46. What part of the brain controls hunger?
Answer: Hypothalamus.
47. What is a scientist who specializes in the study of cells called?
Answer: Cytologist.
48. What is the fin on the backs of fish, some whales, and dolphins called?
Answer: Dorsal Fin.
49. The process of weathered material moving due to gravity is called what?
Answer: Erosion.
50. What is the scientific name for the job or role an organism plays in its habitat?
Answer: Niche.
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Easy Science Trivia Questions
In this category we have assembled some of the easy science trivia questions. This science general knowledge quiz has the easiest scientific questions to ask any age group.
1. The smallest bones in the body are located where?
Answer: The ear.
2. What is the sun mostly made up of?
Answer: Hydrogen.
3. What is the “powerhouse of the cell?”
Answer: Mitochondria.
4. What animal is the closest living relative of a human?
Answer: Chimps and bonobos.
5. Around what percentage of animal species are invertebrates?
Answer: 95%.
6. Which moon of Saturn has a methane cycle?
Answer: Titan.
7. What is the scientific term for peeling skin?
Answer: Desquamation.
8. What is the name of the most recent supercontinent?
Answer: Pangea.
9. Which psychological concept did Pavlov’s dog help him describe?
Answer: Conditioning.
10. How do you calculate density?
Answer: Density is mass divided by volume.
11. What kind of energy does an unlit match have?
Answer: Chemical energy.
12. What is the electrical charge of a neutron?
Answer: No charge.
13. What is the name of the red pigment found in vertebrates that functions in oxygen transport?
Answer: Hemoglobin.
14. Mycology is the scientific study of what?
Answer: Fungi.
15. Which component of an atom might you expect to be orbiting around it?
Answer: Electrons.
16. Frogs belong to which animal group?
Answer: Amphibians.
17. According to Apollo astronauts, the Moon smells like what?
Answer: Burnt gunpowder.
18. What does ‘E’ represent in E=MC2?
Answer: Energy.
19. What is the symbol of the element silver?
Answer: Ag.
20. What is a Geiger Counter used to measure?
Answer: Radiation.
21. The study of the weather is called what?
Answer: Meteorology.
22. What is the medical term for bad breath?
Answer: Halitosis.
23. Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections?
Answer: Bacterial.
24. What planet in our solar system has the most gravity?
Answer: Jupiter.
25. Which two elements on the periodic table are liquids at room temperature?
Answer: Mercury and Bromine.
26. Oncology focuses on what disease?
Answer: Cancer.
27. What is the largest internal organ of the human body?
Answer: Liver.
28. What is the quality of an object that allows it to float on water?
Answer: Buoyancy.
29. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called what?
Answer: Omnivores.
30. Dolly was the first-ever living creature to be cloned. What type of animal was she?
Answer: Sheep.
31. What part of the brain deals with hearing and language?
Answer: Temporal lobe.
32. Optics is the study of what?
Answer: Light.
33. What disease stems from the medieval term that means ‘bad air’?
Answer: Malaria.
34. Where is the world’s most active volcano located?
Answer: Hawaii.
35. What type of bond involves the sharing of electron pairs between different atoms?
Answer: Covalent.
36. What is it called when you make light change direction by passing it through a lens?
Answer: Refraction.
37. What is the rarest blood type?
Answer: AB-.
38. Diabetes develops as the result of a problem with which specific organ in the body?
Answer: Pancreas.
39. How many bones do sharks have?
Answer: Zero.
40. What is the tallest type of grass?
Answer: Bamboo.
41. How many elements are there in the periodic table?
Answer: 118.
42. Which of Newton’s Laws states that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?’
Answer: The third law of motion.
43. What is the largest known land animal?
Answer: Elephant.
44. The earth has three layers that are different due to varying temperatures. What are its three layers?
Answer: Crust, mantle, and core.
45. What is the nearest planet to the sun?
Answer: Mercury.
46. Bronze is an alloy consisting primarily of what two elements?
Answer: Copper and Tin.
47. What inorganic molecule is produced by lightning?
Answer: Ozone.
48. What element did Joseph Priestley discover in 1774?
Answer: Oxygen.
49. What is the most malleable metal?
Answer: Gold.
50. What is the inflammation of the liver called?
Answer: Hepatitis.
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Hard Science Trivia Questions
Here we have arranged few hard science trivia questions along with the answers. This science trivia quiz has quite hard and tricky questions to ask. Only real science enthusiasts can respond correctly.
1. What is the Earth surrounded by after its core?
Answer: Liquid Iron.
2. How long does it take light to travel from the Sun to the Earth?
Answer: 8 minutes, 19 seconds.
3. How much longer will it be until it’s too hot for us to live on Earth?
Answer: 2.3 billion years.
4. What is chalk made out of?
Answer: Trillions of microscopic plankton fossils.
5. How much further does Hawaii move to Alaska every year?
Answer: 7.5cm closer.
6. How much would a teaspoonful of a neutron star weigh?
Answer: 6 billion tons.
7. What metals are instantly tarnished when exposed to air?
Answer: Potassium.
8. How much taller can the Eiffel Tower be in the summer?
Answer: 15 cm taller.
9. How many more bones do babies have than adults in the human body?
Answer: About 100 more bones.
10. Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth: 8 minutes, 8 hours or 8 days?
Answer: 8 minutes.
11. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
Answer: -40.
12. How many bones can you find in a shark?
Answer: Zero.
13. What is currently known as the smallest country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City.
14. Where can you locate the smallest bone in the human body?
Answer: Middle Ear.
15. What is known as the fastest land snake on the ground and based on strike speed?
Answer: Black Mamba.
16. Which planet was first discovered using the telescope?
Answer: Uranus.
17. How long does it take for the light from the Sun to reach the Earth?
Answer: 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
18. Where can you find Olympus Mons?
Answer: Mars.
19. What is currently considered the leading scientific explanation of how the universe began?
Answer: The Big Bang Theory.
20. What country experiences the most tsunamis?
Answer: Indonesia.
21. What do you call the substance that does not conduct heat?
Answer: Insulator or Semiconductor.
22. What salivary enzyme helps digest carbohydrates in the mouth?
Answer: Amylase.
23. What is the name of the first man to see and discover bacteria?
Answer: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.
24. What do you call the sticky knob at the top of the pistil?
Answer: Stigma.
25. Where are the longest and strongest bones in the body located?
Answer: Thigh.
26. What type of bond involves the mutual sharing of one or more electron pairs between two atoms?
Answer: Covalent Bond.
27. What wind speed rate indicates that a tropical storm is turning into a hurricane?
Answer: 74 mph.
28. What do you call the immediate conversion of solid matter to gas without having to pass through the liquid state?
Answer: Sublimation.
29. What are the two units of measurement used to quantify radioactivity?
Answer: curie (Ci) and becquerel (Bq).
30. What is the name of the lunar phase that illuminates less than a full moon but more than a half-moon?
Answer: Gibbous phase.
31. Which animal has fingerprints that closely resemble a human’s fingerprints?
Answer: Koala.
32. Which part of the body is affected with Bright’s Disease?
Answer: Kidney.
33. What system in your body informs the brain of your position in space?
Answer: Vestibular System.
34. How many Earth days does it take to complete one day in Venus?
Answer: 243.
35. Into how many time zones is the world longitudinally divided?
Answer: 24.
36. What is, by far, the fastest identified fish found in the Ocean?
Answer: Sailfish.
37. According to NASA, what mass percentage does the Sun take up in the Solar System?
Answer: 99.8%.
38. Which two elements on the periodic table remain liquid at room temperature?
Answer: Bromine and Mercury.
39. Why do Flamingos turn pink?
Answer: Because of canthaxanthin, obtained from their diet of brine shrimp and blue-green algae.
40. What is both the largest and heaviest solid internal organ in the human body?
Answer: Liver.
41. Which animal’s heart can be used as a replacement for a human heart valve?
Answer: Pig or cow.
42. Which is the largest mammal?
Answer: Blue Whale.
43. Which animal can stay alive without its head for a week?
Answer: Cockroach.
44. Which mammal has the most substantial bite in the world?
Answer: Hippopotamus’ bite is recorded as the most substantial bite among all mammals.
45. Which sea creature is the favorite food of whales?
Answer: Krill.
46. Which animal bagged the Guinness Book of World Records title for the most fearless animal on earth?
Answer: Honey Badger.
47. In which part of a shrimp’s body, is its heart located?
Answer: Head.
48. Which animals’ fingerprints are almost identical to humans?
Answer: Koala bear.
49. Do you know what a rhinoceros’ horn is made up of?
Answer: Keratin.
50. Which animal’s eye is bigger than its brain?
Answer: An ostrich.
Fun Science Trivia Questions
In this section we have enlisted some really fun science trivia questions and answers. These questions would be really fun to ask especially the younger ones.
1. Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes?
Answer: Blondes.
2. What part of the human body serves the purpose of maintaining balance?
Answer: The ears.
3. How many bones are in the human body?
Answer: 206.
4. How many teeth does an adult human have?
Answer: 32.
5. Which blood type is the rarest in humans?
Answer: AB negative.
6. How does fat leave your body when you lose weight?
Answer: Through your sweat, urine, and breath.
7. What is the heaviest organ in the human body?
Answer: The liver.
8. On what continent will you not find bees?
Answer: Antarctica.
9. What does DNA stand for?
Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid.
10. Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician?
Answer: The Hippocratic Oath.
11. Does sound travel faster in the air or in water?
Answer: Water.
12. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
Answer: Diamond.
13. Which is the most abundant element in the universe?
Answer: Hydrogen.
14. What’s the tallest mountain found on Earth?
Answer: Mount Everest.
15. What’s the hottest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Venus.
16. What mountain peak is furthest from the center of the Earth?
Answer: Chimborazo
17. Parent cells and daughter cells reference what?
Answer: A set of cells.
18. How long ago was the solar system formed?
Answer: 4.6 billion years ago.
19. What are the only two non-silvery metals?
Answer: Gold and copper.
20. What is the rarest naturally occurring element on Earth?
Answer: Astatine.
Science Trivia Questions about Space
Here we have specifically arranged a science trivia about space. This section has questions regarding space and sciences. This would be really interesting and informative trivia to ask.
1. What year did the United States land on the moon?
Answer: 1969.
2. Which mission was Buzz Aldrin part of?
Answer: Apollo 11.
3. What was the last Apollo mission?
Answer: 1972.
4. Who discovered “Pandora Charon Nereid Phobos?”
Answer: Triton, Nereid, and Proteus.
5. What is the surface of the moon like?
Answer: Dead volcanoes, impact craters, and lava flows.
6. What type of star is “Betelgeuse?”
Answer: M2lab.
7. What is the approximation of Earth’s age?
Answer: 4.54 billion years old.
8. What is Jupiter’s largest moon called?
Answer: Ganymede.
9. What is the sun mostly made of?
Answer: Hydrogen and helium.
10. Which planet has the most moons?
Answer: Saturn has the most moons.
11. When will Halley’s Comet be visible next?
Answer: It will return in 2061 on its regular 76-year journey around the Sun.
12. How much mass do planets make up in our solar system?
Answer: 0.135% of the mass of the solar system.
13. How many moons exist in the Milky Way Galaxy?
Answer: 53 confirmed moons.
14. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one single orbit?
Answer: 365 days.
15. Approximately how many miles apart are Mercury and Venus?
Answer: 31.1 million miles.
16. Approximately how many miles around is the Earth?
Answer: 24,901 miles.
17. Approximately how many comets are there in our galaxy?
Answer: One trillion comets.
18. How many stars are there in the Andromeda Galaxy?
Answer: One trillion stars.
19. Why did NASA spend millions developing a pen that would work in space?
Answer: Pens could not function in zero gravity.
20. How many planets are there in the milky way galaxy?
Answer: 100 billion planets.
21. How many galaxies are there?
Answer: 200 billion to two trillion galaxies.
22. What is the largest star in our galaxy?
Answer: UY Scuti.
23. What is the number of stars in the milky way galaxy?
Answer: 100 thousand million.
24. Which number planet is Jupiter?
Answer: The 5th planet from the sun.
25. What two days out of the year will mercury/venus be closest at dusk in 2021?
Answer: May 28/29.
26. What second space mission was Neil Armstrong part of?
Answer: Gemini 8.
27. Light years measures what type of distance?
Answer: Time.
28. What type of star can be formed in a supernova?
Answer: A Neutron star.
29. Who discovered the laws of planetary motion?
Answer: Johannes Kepler.
30. Where is the largest volcano in the solar system?
Answer: Olympus Mons.
31. What is the furthest planet from the sun?
Answer: Neptune.
32. What number planet is Uranus?
Answer: The 7th planet from the sun.
33. What is the practice of astronomy?
Answer: Astronomy is the study of objects and phenomena beyond Earth.
34. How many giant planets are there?
Answer: Four.
35. What was the first NASA mission called?
Answer: Apollo 1.
36. When was NASA founded?
Answer: July 29th, 1958.
37. Who was the first astronaut?
Answer: Yuri Gagarin.
38. What is the smallest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Pluto.
39. Who was the first Cambridge professor of radio astronomy?
Answer: Martin Ryle.
40. Where, theoretically, might one find objects squeezed to an infinite density?
Answer: Black Hole.
41. What name was given to the invisible material once thought to occupy all space?
Answer: Ether.
42. What is almost halfway through its 10-billion-year life, will expand to become a red giant and then shrink to become a white dwarf?
Answer: The sun.
43. How many US space shuttles are there?
Answer: Four: Columbia, Endeavour, Discovery, Atlantis.
44. Which was the first space probe to leave the solar system?
Answer: Pioneer 10.
45. Which planet has a day which lasts eight months?
Answer: Venus.
46. Which two planets take less time than Earth to orbit the sun?
Answer: Mercury and Venus.
47. Which planet is named after the Roman god of war?
Answer: Mars.
48. What is the name of the force which keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?
Answer: Gravity.
49. Visible sunspots vary in number according to a cycle of how many years?
Answer: Eleven.
50. Which planet id named after the sky-god who was father of the Titans?
Answer: Uranus.
Science Trivia Questions about Nature
Here we have got for you one really amazing nature and science quiz questions and answers. These are some questions about nature and natural habitat that would provide abundance of never-heard-before information.
1. The Beaufort Wind Force Scale ranges from zero up to which number, representing a hurricane?
Answer: 12.
2. What is the two-letter symbol used to signify the element of iron?
Answer: Fe.
3. Approximately what percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered by water: 61%, 71% or 81%?
Answer: 71%.
4. What would a woman be suffering from if she had hirsutism?
Answer: Excess hair growth.
5. Myopia is the technical term for which condition of the human eye?
Answer: Nearsightedness.
6. The Colorado Beetle is a major pest of which type of crop?
Answer: Potato.
7. What is the standard unit of electrical resistance?
Answer: Ohm.
8. If you suffered from ophidiophobia which animal would you be afraid of?
Answer: Snakes.
9. Saki’ and ‘Patas’ are types of which animal?
Answer: Monkey.
10. What is the chemical symbol for the element mercury?
Answer: Hg.
11. What is the name of the order of insects that includes butterflies and moths?
Answer: Lepidoptera.
12. Which is the longest bone in the human body?
Answer: Femur.
13. The phenomenon of light changing direction when it passes through another medium is known as what?
Answer: Refraction.
14. Chinstrap and Humboldt are species of which type of bird?
Answer: Penguin.
15. Which chemical element is sometimes also known as quicksilver?
Answer: Mercury.
Science Trivia Questions about Body
This section contains science trivia about body questions and followed by answers. These are some exclusive questions about the human body and sculpture, to ask and amaze your audience.
1. What is the name of the gland that secretes the hormone melatonin?
Answer: Pineal gland.
2. How many muscles do we make use of when we smile?
Answer: 17.
3. How many different kinds of colors can our eyes distinguish?
Answer: Around 10 million.
4. The liver is responsible for the production of which vitamin in our bodies?
Answer: Vitamin A.
5. Which enzyme is activated by the bile salts in the liver?
Answer: Lipase.
6. What portion of the pancreas produces and secretes insulin?
Answer: Islets of Langerhans.
7. What is the graphic illustration of the cardiac conduction system known as?
Answer: Electrocardiogram.
8. What is the average duration of our cardiac cycle?
Answer: 0.8 seconds.
9. What are the sinuses of the spleen filled with?
Answer: Blood.
10. What is the total count of alveoli in both of our lungs?
Answer: 700000000.
11. What is the name of the membrane that covers our lungs?
Answer: Pleural membrane.
12. The disorder of which system causes the disease jaundice?
Answer: Digestive system.
13. HCL is produced by which cells in the stomach?
Answer: Oxyntic cells.
14. How much does an adult’s heart weigh?
Answer: Around 220-260 grams.
15. Which muscle is the strongest in us?
Answer: Tongue.
16. What percentage of people are left-handed?
Answer: 7%.
17. What is the scientific name for the belly button?
Answer: Umbilicus.
18. During our average lifetime, how many liters of blood is pumped by our heart?
Answer: Around 182 million liters.
19. At what speed are nerve impulses sent from the brain?
Answer: Approximately 274 km per hour.
20. How much water does our body lose on average per day?
Answer: Around 2 liters.
21. Which portion of the body is stronger than our bones?
Answer: Teeth.
22. What is the name of the spongy substance that fills our bones?
Answer: Bone marrow.
23. What is the only bone in our body that is not connected to another?
Answer: Hyoid.
24. How many bones does the wrist contain?
Answer: 54.
25. What is the total length constituted by all the blood vessels in our body?
Answer: 100 000 km.
26. Which blood cells do not have a nucleus?
Answer: Red blood cells (RBC).
29. How much blood does the adult body contain?
Answer: Around 1.325 gallons.
30. What portion of our body weight is constituted by blood?
Answer: 8%.
31. Higher mental activities are controlled by which part of the brain?
Answer: Frontal lobe.
32. Which part of the human body gets replaced every month?
Answer: The skin.
33. How many dead skin cells do we shed in a minute?
Answer: Around 30,000.
34. Which set of muscles in the human body never rest?
Answer: Heart Muscles.
35. Which blood type has no antigens?
Answer: Blood Type O.
36. Which part is known as the heart of the heart?
Answer: SA node.
37. The two hemispheres of the human brain are connected by what?
Answer: Corpus callosum.
38. Under which muscle does the axillary artery pass?
Answer: Pectoralis minor.
39. Which artery forms the main source of blood in our arms?
Answer: Brachial artery.
40. What is the name of the space that exists within a tubular structure such as the vein?
Answer: Lumen.
41. Sleep is regulated by which part of the human brain?
Answer: Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
42. How many molecules of oxygen can a single hemoglobin molecule carry?
Answer: 4.
43. In our body, which kind of cells are the longest?
Answer: The nerve cells.
44. What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell in our body?
Answer: Around 120 days.
45. What is the hardest substance in our bodies?
Answer: Tooth enamel.
46. Which is the largest organ in our body?
Answer: The skin.
47. How many taste buds does our tongue comprise of?
Answer: 9,000.
48. Where are the smallest set of muscles in the human body found?
Answer: Ears.
49. The smallest bone in the human body can be compared with which real life object?
Answer: A grain of rice.
50. Cells related to which part of the body divide considerably faster when compared to the rest?
Answer: Hair.
Science Trivia Questions about Chemistry
Here we have assembled some chemistry trivia questions and followed by answers. This quiz questions for chemistry can blow their heads away with questions regarding elements and their structure and more.
1. Which is the most suitable temperature for the production of sulfur trioxide from sulfur dioxide and oxygen?
Answer: 450° C.
2. What happens if a reversible reaction continues for a long time as a closed system?
Answer: Both the reactions continue at the same speed.
3. What accelerate the forward and backward reactions equally in a reversible reaction?
Answer: Catalyst.
4. What is the name of process used for manufacturing ammonia direct from Nitrogen and hydrogen elements?
Answer: Haber process.
5. What is the color of solution obtained when hydrolysis of ferric chloride takes place?
Answer: Chocolate.
6. What is the optimum temperature in the manufacture of ammonia?
Answer: 500°C.
7. What is the pressure used in the manufacture of ammonia?
Answer: 1000 atmospheres.
8. Name the reactant used in excess in contact process?
Answer: Air.
9. What must be constant for the system to reach equilibrium?
Answer: Temperature.
10. A factor which is unable to alter the equilibrium state of reactions in which only solids or liquids are present is?
Answer: Pressure.
11. When temperature is decreased the speed of the reaction increases. Which was the action?
Answer: Exothermic.
12. Which substance obtained on cooling the vapor produced on heating ammonium chloride?
Answer: Ammonium chloride.
13. What is the color of Phenolphthalein in sodium hydroxide solution?
Answer: Pink.
14. What is dissociation?
Answer: Reversible decomposition is called dissociation.
15. The process of manufacture of Sulfuric acid is named as what?
Answer: Contact process.
16. The region of space around the nucleus where there is a high probability of finding an electron is called what?
Answer: Orbital.
17. The subshell consisting of dumb-bell shaped orbitals is known as what?
Answer: P-subshell.
18. Electron is looked upon as a cloud of negative charge according to what?
Answer: Wave-mechanics theory.
19. The various orbitals of the same subshell will differ in what?
Answer: In their direction orientation.
20. An electron jumps in to the next lower orbit when loses what?
Answer: One quantum of energy.
21. How many electrons can be accommodated in the M shell?
Answer: 18.
22. The path of the electron according to Niels Bohr’s theory was called what?
Answer: Orbit shell.
23. What is the atomic number of the element which has 3 electrons in its M shell?
Answer: 13.
24. What is the maximum number of electrons in principal energy level?
Answer: K-2, L-8, M-18, N-32
25. The s-orbital of the L shell is represented as what?
Answer: 2s.
26. The element with the minimum atomic number having 8 electrons in the outer most shell is what?
Answer: Neon.
27. On which property of electrons does the electron microscope work?
Answer: Wave nature.
28. How many orbitals present 5f subshell?
Answer: Seven.
29. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an orbital?
Answer: 2.
30. How many atomic orbitals are known? What are they?
Answer: Four. S, p, d, and f.
31. Which series of hydrogen atomic spectrum lies in the visible region?
Answer: Balmer series.
32. What do you mean by Zeeman Effect?
Answer: Splitting of spectral lines by magnetic field.
33. What is the shape of s-orbital?
Answer: Spherical.
34. What is the maximum capacity of d-orbital?
Answer: 10 electrons.
35. Which quantum number gives the shape of the orbital?
Answer: Azimuthal quantum number.
36. What kind of elements form co-ordination compound?
Answer: Transition metals.
37. What is the basis for modern classification of the elements?
Answer: Atomic number.
38. The electronegativity of cesium and francium according to Linus Pauling electronegativity scale is?
Answer: 0.7
39. Which group contains the elements with the largest atomic size?
Answer: First group.
40. The electrolyte is suitable for electroplating nickel is what?
Answer: Nickel ammonium sulfate.
41. A substance which is undergoes electrolytic conduction?
Answer: Fused sodium chloride.
42. Among hydroxyl ions and sulfate ions, which has more electron affinity?
Answer: Sulfate ions.
43. Which is obtained when potassium manganite solution is electrolyzed?
Answer: Potassium permanganate.
44. Chlorine is manufactured industrially by electrolysis of what?
Answer: Aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
45. Which is obtained at the cathode when sodium chloride solution is electrolyzed?
Answer: Hydrogen.
46. Which is not a characteristic of metallic conductor?
Answer: Electrical conductivity increases with increase in temperature.
47. Which chemical reactions take place in a torch cell?
Answer: Chemical energy is converted in to electrical energy.
48. The atoms or groups of atoms that carry electrical charge are called what?
Answer: Ions.
49. Which are the metals manufactured by electrolytic process?
Answer: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al.
50. When a concentrated solution of copper sulfate is electrolyzed which ion gets discharged at the anode?
Answer: Hydroxide ion.
Science Trivia Questions about Physics
In this section we have arranged for you some of the physics trivia questions and answers. These questions specifically revolve around the study of matter that is Physics. Have a great time asking such difficult yet informative trivia.
1. For what is a Pitot tube used in physics?
Answer: For measuring the velocity of fluids.
2. After which scientists’ name is the unit of electric current named?
Answer: André-Marie Ampere.
3. For what does the acronym LASER stand?
Answer: Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
4. Who is the most famous physicist?
Answer: Arguably, Albert Einstein.
5. What are the five main laws of physics?
Answer: Stefan’s law, Coulomb’s law, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Ohm’s law and Avogadro’s law.
6. In which century was physics discovered?
Answer: The fourth century.
7. Which scientist worked on the basic principle for generating an electric current?
Answer: Faraday.
8. What causes the Aurora Borealis (also known as the Northern Lights)?
Answer: The colors are seen when electrical particles from the sun hit the earth’s atmosphere.
9. Can you name the instrument used to communicate by light?
Answer: Heliograph.
10. What is emitted by the hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube?
Answer: Electrons.
11. Which scientist discovered the photoelectric effect in 1887?
Answer: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
12. For what discovery did Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn win a Nobel Prize in 1924?
Answer: X-Ray Spectroscopy.
13. What is the name for the unit of the optical power of a lens?
Answer: Dioptre.
14. What do we mean by velocity?
Answer: Velocity is a measure of speed in a given direction.
15. The discovery of infrared radiation is credited to whom?
Answer: William Herschel.
16. For what discovery did Albert Einstein win his first Nobel prize?
Answer: The photoelectric effect.
17. What is the function of a capacitor?
Answer: It stores electrical energy.
18. Can you state the term used to describe an orbit’s farthest point from Earth?
Answer: Apogee.
19. How are X-rays different to gamma rays in radiation therapy?
Answer: They are manmade.
20. Can you name the tube used to produce X-rays?
Answer: Coolidge tube.
21. Which physicist is more famous for his cat than for his equation?
Answer: Erwin Schrodinger.
22. Name the instrument used to measure gas pressure?
Answer: A manometer.
23. What name is given to the science of sound?
Answer: Acoustics.
24. What liquid can slow down light?
Answer: Water.
25. In 1921 who won the Physics Nobel Prize?
Answer: Albert Einstein.
26. What is a scientist who studies physics called?
Answer: A physicist.
27. About how fast does the speed of sound travel?
Answer: 767 miles per hour.
28. How is energy in food measured?
Answer: Calories.
29. How much volts does an electric eel give off?
Answer: 500 volts.
30. A 200 pound person would weigh how much on Mars?
Answer: 76 pounds.
31. What is a covalent bond?
Answer: Electron pairs that are shared between two atoms.
32. What is commonly used in a rectifier to convert alternating current to direct current?
Answer: Diode.
33. How many colors are there in the spectrum when white light is separated?
Answer: Seven.
34. Which Swedish scientist had a temperature scale named after him?
Answer: Anders Celsius.
35. What is the SI unit of magnetic flux density, named after a Croatian electrical engineer?
Answer: Tesla.
36. What was the name of the unit of heat now replaced by the joule?
Answer: Calorie.
37. Which electronic device magnifies the strength of a signal?
Answer: Amplifier.
38. What name is given to the very serious chain of events which can follow the failure of the cooling system in a nuclear reactor?
Answer: Meltdown.
39. What’s short for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”?
Answer: Laser.
40. What astronomical term gradually replaced the cumbersome “gravitationally completely collapsed object”?
Answer: Black Hole.
41. What element was converted to plutonium in the first nuclear reactors?
Answer: Uranium.
42. What’s a charged atom, with unequal numbers of electrons and protons?
Answer: An Ion.
43. What radioactive element is extracted from carnotite and pitchblende?
Answer: Uranium.
44. What elementary particle’s antiparticle is the positron?
Answer: The electron.
45. What teenager began studying physics after he noticed a chandelier swinging during a 1581 earthquake?
Answer: Galileo.
46. What M-word defines anything that occupies space?
Answer: Matter.
47. What method of arranging elements into related groups was invented by Dimitri Mendeleyev?
Answer: The periodic table.
48. What E-word was the first elementary particle to be discovered?
Answer: The electron.
49. What F-word is defined in physics as a “nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei”?
Answer: Fusion.
50. What do you call a substance containing only one kind of atom?
Answer: An element.
Science Trivia Questions about Biology
This section contains biology trivia questions and answers. These questions are particularly about Biology and nature studies that would be really intriguing to ask out.
1. Name the instrument used to demonstrate geotropism?
Answer: Clinostat.
2. What is the male reproductive part of the flower known as?
Answer: Stamens.
3. What is cladode?
Answer: The modification of stem to carry the function of leaf is called cladode. Example: Opuntia.
4. What is the other name for Nastic movement?
Answer: Sleep movement.
5. What are the three kinds of plastids?
Answer: 1. Leucoplasts, 2. Chloroplasts, 3. Chromoplasts.
6. Name the organelle where photosynthesis takes place?
Answer: Chloroplast.
7. What is the shape of chloroplast in spirogyra?
Answer: Ribbon shaped.
8. What is the source of chemical energy during photosynthesis?
Answer: Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
9. What is the technical name of the natural opening in the leaves meant for gaseous exchange?
Answer: Stomata.
10. In which country the hormone gibberellin was discovered?
Answer: Japan.
11. What is the term used for the occurrence of more than one type of morphologically different leaves on the same plant?
Answer: Heterophylly.
12. Name the process by which terrestrial plant loses water?
Answer: Transpiration.
13. What is Clinostat?
Answer: Clinostat is an apparatus used to demonstrate photoperiodism.
14. Energy is converted from sunlight and released by what?
Answer: Respiration.
15. Why virus cannot be cultured in totally artificial medium?
Answer: Because it lacks machinery to use genetic information.
16. Which cells are programmed to die during embryonic stage?
Answer: Vessel elements.
17. What number of chemicals are present in a cell?
Answer: About 5000.
18. How does the living and nonliving resemble up to the level organization?
Answer: Molecules and compounds.
19. What do you mean by Genetics?
Answer: Genetics is the study of heredity and variations
20. Which is the free living soil bacteria in fixes nitrogen?
Anatomy: Azotobacter.
21. Who was the author of ‘Man’s place in nature’?
Answer: Huxley.
22. What is the name of that branch of Biology which devoted to identifying, naming and classifying organisms?
Answer: Taxonomy.
23. Under what system, organisms are provided with scientific means?
Answer: Binomial nomenclature.
24. What is the technique of separation of disrupted cell components?
Answer: Fractionation.
25. Which is the monocarpic plant which shows gregarious flowering once in 48 years?
Answer: Bamboo.
26. What is the magnification of an electron microscope?
Answer: 100000
27. Where does the primary photo chemical reaction occur in chloroplast?
Answer: Quantasome.
28. What are the two functional groups in an ecosystem?
Answer: Autotrophs and heterotrophs.
29. What is called an animal which eats human flesh?
Answer: Feline.
30. Name four animals which are put to work by man?
Answer: The donkey, the mule, the camel, the bullocks.
31. Which is the aquatic animal with the most developed intelligence?
Answer: Dolphin.
32. What kind of animals lives underground?
Answer: Bees, badgers, earth worms, turtles and toads.
33. Which the animal that has a tongue longer than its body?
Answer: Chameleon.
34. How far can a kangaroo jump?
Answer: It can cover a distance of 7 to 9 meters just in one jump.
35. Which are the mammals that lay eggs?
Answer: Spiny anteaters and the duck-billed platypus.
36. What is Herbivorous?
Answer: Herbivorous is the term used to describe plant eating animals.
37. Which is the animal that never drinks water?
Answer: Kangaroo rat.
38. Which living animal has the longest lifespan?
Answer: Tortoise.
39. What are invertebrates?
Answer: They are a division of the animals which have no vertebral column.
40. What are the other names for dark reaction of photosynthesis?
Answer: Blackman’s reaction or Calvin cycle.
41. What are the types of flagella noticed in Algae?
Answer: Whiplash, Tinsel.
42. What part of the cell’s covering do plant cells have that animal cells don’t?
Answer: Cell wall.
43. What is the lipid membrane model of the cell membrane called?
Answer: The fluid mosaic model.
44. Which organ in the body can process pain but cannot feel it?
Answer: The brain.
45. Which is the hardest bone in the human body?
Answer: The jawbone.
46. What is the phobia of eyes called?
Answer: Ommetaphobia.
47. Who is the Father of modern marine biology?
Answer: James Cook.
48. Which fish was awarded the title of the world’s ugliest animal?
Answer: Blobfish.
49. What is the name of a water dwelling animal that looks like it’s wearing lipstick?
Answer: Red-lipped batfish.
50. What is the enzyme that facilitates the transfer of a phosphate group to a protein substrate?
Answer: Kinase.
Science Trivia Questions about Zoology
Here we have got for you some interesting zoology questions and answers. These questions address the topics of Zoology and wild life sciences that would be unique and wondrous trivia to ask.
1. Why do crickets rub their wings together?
Answer: To attract a mate.
2. How many flowers do honey bees have to visit in order to make one pound of honey?
Answer: 2 million.
3. What part of its body does a butterfly taste with?
Answer: Their feet.
4. How do some female dragonflies avoid mating with undesirable males?
Answer: They play dead.
5. How many stages of metamorphosis do most insects go through?
Answer: Four.
6. What are the three body parts of an insect called?
Answer: The head, thorax and abdomen.
7. What is the smallest known insect?
Answer: Fairyflies.
8. How many babies can a German cockroach produce in one year?
Answer: 30,000.
9. How many different species of ladybugs are there?
Answer: 5,000.
10. How much weight can a horned dung beetle pull?
Answer: 1141 times its own body weight.
11. What insect was the first living creature to be sent into space?
Answer: Fruit flie.
12. What is the loudest insect in the world?
Answer: Cicada.
13. How long have dragonflies been on Earth?
Answer: 300 million years.
14. How fast do a bee’s wings beat a second?
Answer: 190 times a second.
15. Which type of insect produces a special kind of fabric?
Answer: Silkworm moth.
16. What is the only insect that can turn its head?
Answer: Praying mantis.
17. How long does the average housefly live for?
Answer: 28 days.
18. Fireflies are also known by what name?
Answer: Lightning bug.
19. How many legs do cockroaches have?
Answer: Six.
20. How many eyes do caterpillars have?
Answer: Twelve.
21. How are an insect’s eyes different from human eyes?
Answer: They are made up of thousands of tiny lenses
22. What color are elephant hawk-moths?
Answer: Pink.
23. How much weight can ants lift?
Answer: 5,000 times their own body weight.
24. Where are a cricket’s ears located?
Answer: On their legs.
25. What’s the most poisonous frog on Earth?
Answer: The golden dart frog.
26. How far can frogs jump?
Answer: They can jump over 20 times their own body length.
27. Are frogs more active during the day or at night?
Answer: At night.
28. The dusky gopher frog is also referred to as?
Answer: The Mississippi gopher frog.
29. A wart-covered amphibian with leathery skin is a what?
Answer: Toad.
30. How many groups of amphibians are there?
Answer: Three.
31. Do axolotls live in the water or on land?
Answer: In the water.
32. The larvae stage of a frog is called what?
Answer: Tadpole.
33. What’s the maximum amount of time Alaskan wood frogs can survive being frozen?
Answer: Seven months.
34. What covers tree frogs’ toes to help them climb and hang upside down?
Answer: Sticky mucus.
35. Nearly all amphibians undergo a significant change from infancy to adulthood called what?
Answer: Metamorphosis.
36. Why do poison dart frogs often have very brightly colored skin?
Answer: To warn predators that they are dangerous.
37. The top of the turtle’s shell is called what?
Answer: Carapace.
38. What type of reptile can detach their tails when they are in danger and then regrow it?
Answer: Lizards.
39. What reptile is known for the ability to change its body color?
Answer: Chameleon.
40. What type of reptiles are leatherbacks and ridleys?
Answer: Turtles.
41. What’s the name of the largest snake in the world?
Answer: Anaconda.
42. Are most reptiles cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
Answer: Cold-blooded.
43. What feature is visibly different between alligators and crocodiles?
Answer: Their snout.
44. The king cobra is also called what?
Answer: The hamadryad.
45. How many layers of skin does a chameleon have?
Answer: Four.
46. What animal breathes out of its butt?
Answer: Turtles.
47. Which animal can move its eyes independently?
Answer: A chameleon.
48. What does a snake shed a few times a year?
Answer: Its skin.
49. What kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell?
Answer: Sea turtle.
50. A Pomsky is a mixture of what two dog breeds?
Answer: Pomeranian and Siberian Husky.
Science Trivia Questions and Answers
Here we tried to enlist some of the unique science quiz questions and answers. This trivia would be so fun and informative to play with people of any age. Go ahead with this and let the fun begin.
1. Which American agronomist is also known as the Father of the Green Revolution’?
Answer: Norman Borlaug.
2. Who developed the concept of inertia?
Answer: Galileo.
3. In how many colors is the sunlight spectrum divided?
Answer: Seven.
4. Which isotope of hydrogen is also known as heavy hydrogen?
Answer: Deuterium.
5. To make prisms and lenses, what kind of glass is used?
Answer: Flint glass.
6. Why is gypsum added to cement clinker?
Answer: To decrease the settling rate of cement.
7. What are the two major components of glass?
Answer: Silicates and sand.
8. For a petroleum fire, what type of fire extinguisher is used?
Answer: Powder.
9. How many watts are equivalent to one unit of horsepower?
Answer: 746.
10. Arthur Ashkin won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2018 for the invention of what?
Answer: Optical tweezers.
11. Which scientist discovered the main four moons of Jupiter?
Answer: Galileo Galilei.
12. Who is the only woman to have won two Nobel Prizes in two different fields?
Answer: Marie Curie.
13. In which unit is the speed of a ship measured?
Answer: Knots.
14. What is the unit used to measure sound?
Answer: Decibels.
15. What is methane otherwise known as?
Answer: Marsh gas.
16. What causes the green flame in fireworks?
Answer: Barium.
17. In an electric bulb, what is the filament made of?
Answer: Tungsten.
18. What is the common element in all acids?
Answer: Hydrogen.
19. The phenomenon of two organisms deriving benefits from each other is known as?
Answer: Mutualism.
20. Changes affecting the weather occur in which layer of the atmosphere?
Answer: Troposphere.
21. JJ Thomson discovered which subatomic particle?
Answer: Electron.
22. What do fish use to breathe?
Answer: Gills.
23. Which state of matter is related to Boyle’s law?
Answer: The gaseous state.
24. Seawater is purified by which method?
Answer: Distillation.
25. Which substance turns litmus paper blue?
Answer: Alkali.
26. The term Jurassic Period is coined from what?
Answer: A mountain range.
27. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
Answer: Switzerland.
28. Who suggested the idea of a geodesic dome?
Answer: Buckminster Fuller.
29. Papillae are found in which part of the human body?
Answer: The tongue.
30. A chronometer is used to measure which scalar quantity?
Answer: Time.
31. What is the full name of the abbreviation ‘USB’ in terms of computer science?
Answer: Universal Serial Bus.
32. Which planet has the largest number of moons?
Answer: Jupiter.
33. In which matter are atoms most closely packed together?
Answer: Solids.
34. Which element does a pencil contain?
Answer: Graphite.
35. The study of fossils is known as?
Answer: Paleontology.
36. What waves do TV remote controls use?
Answer: Infrared waves.
37. What is the term used collectively for plant and animal bodies?
Answer: Benthos.
38. What are the name of animals who are most active during dawn and dusk?
Answer: Crepuscular.
39. What is the acceleration of a free falling object on earth?
Answer: 9.8 m/s²
40. What is the type of energy found in an unlit match?
Answer: Chemical energy.
41. What two kinds of waves are observed during an earthquake?
Answer: Both longitudinal and transverse waves.
42. What is the study of mushrooms called?
Answer: Mycology.
43. How much of earth is covered by land?
Answer: 29%.
44. Which is the most abundant gas present in the earth’s atmosphere?
Answer: Nitrogen.
45. What is the type of reaction that happens in photosynthesis?
Answer: Oxidation-reduction reaction.
46. What is the powerhouse of a plant cell?
Answer: Mitochondria.
47. What helps the seeds of a dandelion be dispersed?
Answer: The wind.
48. Which part of a plant grows first?
Answer. Roots.
49. What are the conditions in which xerophytes live?
Answer: Hot and arid conditions.
50. From which part of the plant is cotton extracted?
Answer: The fruit.
5 Benefits of Playing Science Trivia Questions Game
Science is fascinating, and answering science trivia questions might help you understand even more about it. Science is not a boring subject and because it has so many branches, you will always find something interesting!
You may learn more about science and the world around you by answering these science trivia questions and answers, which is always a rewarding sensation.
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Whatever the situation may be, these science quiz questions will undoubtedly be fascinating. Following are the benefits of science trivia questions game.
- If you are doing research and want to stay inspired and motivated, these science-based and engaging science quiz questions are ideal. Not only can these questions boost productivity but can also help answer more challenging questions.
- It is simple to make science appealing to children when you use this scientific trivia for kids. Answering these science trivia questions and answers will be a lot of fun for them. It will also help them focus and learn better!
- If you are looking for a challenge, try to attempt these difficult science trivia questions and answers. Even the most expert scientists will be challenged by these scientific problems. But hey! They are not that difficult also. Do give them a try!
- The most spontaneous trivia questions can sometimes be the most thought-provoking. At least try your hand at answering these random and basic but really interesting science trivia questions and answers.
- Trivia questions on science are ideal for an informal night of games and fun. These science trivia questions and answers are sure to make your mind race and work more evidently.
Final Thoughts on Science Trivia Questions
You’ll be stumped by our exhaustive collection of science trivia questions! Professionals have fact-checked each of our trivia questions. And they include all of the questions and answers you’ll need for a great quiz night.
Some of the trivia questions are simple, while others are more difficult. They will put your global knowledge to the test. Science does not have to be a sterile, chilly topic.
You can keep your sense of humor while being a scientist by answering these amusing science trivia questions and answers. Animals are some of the most intriguing contributions to our world, and these fascinating animal trivia questions might help you learn more about them.
When constructing this science quiz questions, it was one really good idea to include a few simple trivia questions to give a break from time to time.
We promise the most entertaining science trivia questions on the internet! You will not only learn new trivia facts, but you will also be a hit at parties.