The iconic series Harry Potter was first introduced to the world in 1992, almost two decades ago. And still, people go crazy not only over this fiction world but on Harry Potter trivia questions as well.
People who belong to the 90s know that Harry Potter was every child’s fantasy. It was their journey from the real to the fictitious world.
They went from a life full of education and duties to one in which they were wizards and witches capable of practically anything. This is why a real potter fan cannot live without Harry Potter trivia questions.
Since the release of the first book, Harry Potter trivia questions came into being, and from then onwards, it’s been years, since the last book got published yet people re-read the series to add more knowledge to their pockets from J.K Rowling’s fantasy.
So, if you claim to be a true Harry Potter fan, keep the ball rolling for Harry Potter trivia questions and answers.
Table of Contents
Best Harry Potter Trivia Questions
To all the Potterheads out there, are you ready for Harry Potter quiz questions? If not, then fasten your seatbelts because we are going to take you through the entire muggle and wizarding world with the help of the best Harry Potter trivia questions. Let’s begin!
1. Why does Rita Skeeter eventually get in trouble?
Answer: She’s an unregistered Animagus.
2. How does Rita Skeeter learn secrets for her sensational articles?
Answer: She turns into a beetle and goes where she’s not allowed.
3. Why does Ron decide he hates Krum?
Answer: Krum takes Hermione to the dance.
4. Who is the seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team?
Answer: Viktor Krum.
5. Who poses as Mad-Eye Moody and teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts to Harry and his friends?
Answer: Barty Crouch, Jr.
6. Which Hogwarts professor was rumored to be dueling champion as a student?
Answer: Prof. Flitwick.
7. What’s the name of Hagrid’s giant half-brother?
Answer: Grawp.

8. What is Hermione’s patronus?
Answer: Otter.
9. What does Harry smell when he sniffs Amortentia?
Answer: Treacle Tart.
10. What does the Mirror of Erised do?
Answer: It shows a person their deepest desires.
11. What does Prof. Lupin offer Harry to make him feel better when the Dementors try to attack him?
Answer: Chocolate.
12. What sort of power do Dementors have?
Answer: They’re able to drain people of their happiness.
13. What wizards are trained to catch dark wizards?
Answer: Aurors.
14. What kind of dragon does Harry fight during the Triwizard cup?
Answer: A Hungarian Horntail.
15. What are thestrals?
Answer: Invisible winged horses.
16. What magical creature pulls students the carriages that take students from the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts?
Answer: Thestrals.
17. Why was being able to speak parseltongue especially troubling to Harry?
Answer: Voldemort was also a parselmouth.
18. What does it mean to be a parselmouth?
Answer: It means you speak parseltongue — you can speak to snakes.
19. What’s the name of Ginny’s Pygmy Puff?
Answer: Arnold.
20. How many points do you get when you catch a snitch?
Answer: 150, game over.
21. How does Harry catch his first snitch?
Answer: With his mouth.
22. Where are the Hufflepuff common rooms?
Answer: Next to the kitchen.
23. Where are the Slytherin common rooms located?
Answer: The Dungeon.
24. What does the Sorting Hat list as two characteristics of most Ravenclaws?
Answer: Wit and learning.
25. How was Hermione able to take extra lessons?
Answer: A Time-Turner.
26. What are the real names of the four marauders?
Answer: James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin.
27. What does the map do?
Answer: Shows you the location and movement of everyone in Hogwarts.
28. What is a Horcrux?
Answer: An object that contains part of someone’s soul.
29. How does Harry get the lightning bolt scar on his forehead?
Answer: He got it as a baby when Voldemort tried to kill him.
30. What’s the name of the dance that takes place in Goblet of Fire?
Answer: The Yule Ball.
31. What are the three forbidden curses?
Answer: Avada Kedavra, Imperius, Crucio.
32. What does Felix Felicis do?
Answer: Gives the person who drinks it good luck for 12 hours.
33. How many staircases does Hogwarts have?
Answer: 142.
34. Who lives at 4 Privet Drive?
Answer: The Dursleys (and Harry, for a while).
35. Name all the Weasley children.
Answer: Ginny, Ron, Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, Bill.
36. Who does Scabbers the rat turn out to be?
Answer: Peter Pettigrew.

37. What keeps the three-headed dog asleep?
Answer: An enchanted music box.
38. What’s the name of the three-headed dog that guards the door to the Sorcerer’s Stone?
Answer: Fluffy.
39. Where does Harry go to teach Dumbledore’s Army?
Answer: The Room of Requirement.
40. Why does Snape protect Harry?
Answer: He was in love with his mother, Lily.
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General Harry Potter Trivia Questions
The parallel, fictional reality of Harry Potter is so fascinating that the reader always feels the need to read it again and live in those moments once more. Thus, Harry Potter trivia questions are an ideal way to put your knowledge to test, if you are an ardent reader of the series and have already answered a lot of Harry Potter questions.
1. How are students sorted into their houses?
Answer: By the Sorting Hat.
2. How fast can a firebolt broomstick reach?
Answer: 150 mph.
3. In the first movie, how does Hagrid describe his job at Hogwarts?
Answer: Keeper of keys and grounds.
4. Who teased Moaning Myrtle about her glasses?
Answer: Olive Hornby.
5. Who is the first character to take Voldermort’s name in the series?
Answer: Ginny Weasley.
6. What is Aragog’s wife named?
Answer: Mosag.
7. During their first trip to Diagon Alley, what flavor ice cream did Hagrid get for Harry?
Answer: Chocolate and raspberry.
8. Who are the only known characters to receive all 12 O.W.L.s?
Answer: Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, and Barty Crouch Jr.
9. Whose name appears on the “Service to the School” trophy next to the quidditch trophy?
Answer: Tom M. Riddle.
10. What does the Hogwarts’ motto — draco dormiens nunquam titillandus — mean?
Answer: Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
11. What is J.K. Rowling’s birthday?
Answer: That’s a trick question, she shares her birthday with Harry Potter, July 31.
12. What does the Mirror of Erised’s inscription read?
Answer: “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi” read backward says, “I show not your face, but your heart’s desire.”
13. For Harry’s 17th birthday, what color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree?
Answer: Gold.
14. What is Harry Potter’s birthday?
Answer: July 31.
15. Where does Dudley go to school?
Answer: Smeltings Academy.
16. Who hosts the radio show Potterwatch?
Answer: Lee Jordan.
17. What was Voldemort’s mother’s name?
Answer: Merope Riddle.

18. What does Dumbledore tell Harry he sees in the Mirror of Erised?
Answer: Socks.
19. What does O.W.L. stand for?
Answer: Ordinary Wizarding Level.
20. What does Romilda Vane ask Ginny about in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?
Answer: Whether or not Harry actually has a tattoo of a Hippogriff.
21. What is the name of Hagrid’s pet, a giant spider?
Answer: Aragog.
22. What happened to Voldemort’s parents?
Answer: His mom died during childbirth and he killed his father.
23. What does the acronym S.P.E.W. stand for?
Answer: Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.
24. Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plants. They are also known as what?
Answer: Aconite.
25. Ron Weasley had a phobia for which insect?
Answer: Spiders.
26. Who becomes Lord Voldemort’s trusted snake and Horcrux?
Answer: Nagini.
27. Which is destructive enough to destroy a Horcrux when exposed to it?
Answer: Basilisk venom.
28. Who is the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?
Answer: Madame Maxime.
29. What is the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry of Magic shaped like?
Answer: The iconic red telephone booths of London.
30. Who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter films?
Answer: Robert Pattinson.
31. Dumbledore bears a scar on his knee that is a map of what?
Answer: The London Underground.
32. How many staircases are located in Hogwarts?
Answer: 142.
33. What’s the full name of Nearly Headless Nick, Gryffindor’s House ghost?
Answer: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington.
34. What is Harry Potter’s date of birth?
Answer: 31st of July 1980.
35. In which book do Harry and Ginny share their first kiss?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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Interesting Harry Potter Trivia Questions
Do you know how many staircases are there in Hogwarts castle? Do you recall your first encounter with Butterbeer? So, if you grew up with Harry Potter and are able to answer the above questions, this Harry Potter quiz with answers is all that you need.
1. In which House did Sorting hat originally want to include Harry?
Answer: Slytherin.
2. What is the password given to the fat lady to enter into Gryffindor tower?
Answer: Pig Snout.
3. How is Bellatrix Lestrange related to Draco Malfoy?
Answer: She’s his aunt (his mother’s sister).
4. How many presents did Dudley get on his 11th Birthday?
Answer: 36.
5. Where does Arthur Weasley work?
Answer: The Ministry of Magic (Bonus point: What department: The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Department).
6. Which two people gift Harry with broomsticks for Quidditch?
Answer: McGonagall (The Nimbus 2000) and Sirius Black (The Firebolt).
7. Who killed Dumbledore?
Answer: Snape.
8. Where does nearly every Hogwarts student go to get their wand?
Answer: Ollivander’s.
9. What is Honeydukes?
Answer: It is the candy store (“sweets shop”) in Hogsmeade Village.
10. What is Harry’s wand made of?
Answer: Holly, with a phoenix feather core.
11. And what’s the name of Hermione’s cat?
Answer: Crookshanks.
12. What about The Weasley’s Rat?
Answer: Scabbers.
13. What is the name of Harry’s owl?
Answer: Hedwig.
14. What are the last three words in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows?
Answer: All was well.
15. What house did Tonks belong to?
Answer: Hufflepuff.
16. On what day were the Weasley twins born?
Answer: April 1, April Fools Day.
17. Who tells Harry he’s a Horcrux?
Answer: Dumbledore.
18. What do Remus and Tonks name their son?
Answer: Teddy.
19. What does R.A.B. stand for?
Answer: Regulus Arcturus Black.
20. Who goes on to become a professional quidditch player?
Answer: Ginny Weasley.

21. How do you free a house-elf?
Answer: By giving them a piece of clothing.
22. Why was the Whomping Willow originally planted?
Answer: To help Remus Lupin escape Hogwarts when he needed to turn into a werewolf.
23. Hannah Abbott is sorted into which house?
Answer: Hufflepuff.
24. After visiting Gringotts, which shop does Harry first go to in Diagon Alley?
Answer: Madam Malkin’s Robes For All Occasions.
25. What is Fred Weasley’s codename on Potterwatch?
Answer: Rapier.
26. What did Ginny name her pet pygmy puff?
Answer: Arnold.
27. What was the name of Hepzibah Smith’s house elf?
Answer: Hokey.
28. In Harry’s sixth year, an apparition instructor joins Hogwarts. What is his name?
Answer: Wilkie Twycross.
29. What is the five digit code that one needs to dial to get inside the Ministry of Magic?
Answer: 6-2-4-4-2.
30. How many Horcruxes were made?
Answer: Eight in total, including Harry Potter himself.
31. Who is the wizard who can be seen teaching the trolls ballet in a tapestry across the wall in the room of requirement?
Answer: Barnabas the Barmy.
32. What was the name of the Irish chaser that scored the first goal in the Quidditch World Cup?
Answer: Troy.
33. Which row houses the prophecy about Harry and Lord Voldemort in the House of Prophecy?
Answer: Row 97.
34. What is the maximum speed that a firebolt broomstick can reach?
Answer: 150 mph.
35. Which man’s statute is located next to the entry of the prefect lavatory that Harry uses in the ‘Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire’?
Answer: Boris the Bewildered.
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Easy Harry Potter Trivia Questions
Though this series was published a long time ago, for some reason, you happen to read it now, we are all here to back you up with an easy Harry Potter quiz. Have a look at this trivia now, and see which Hogwarts house the Sorting Hat would assign you to.
1. Hermione changed the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree into a specific color exclusively for Harry’s 17th birthday. What was it?
Answer: Gold.
2. What does the scar above Albus Dumbledore’s left knee look like?
Answer: A perfect map of the London underground.
3. How many ingredients did the polyjuice potion have?
Answer: Seven.
4. In the game of Quidditch, how many possible fouls are there?
Answer: 700.
5. By what other name are Wolfsbane and Monkshood, also known as?
Answer: Aconite.
6. How old was Nicholas Flamel, the co-creator of the Philosopher’s Stone, when he proceeded to destroy it?
Answer: 665 years old.
7. What does the magical word “episkey” achieve?
Answer: Heals minor injuries.
8. What is the name of Nymphadora Tonk’s Aunt?
Answer: Bellatrix Lestrange.
9. In the Ministry of Magic, for which department does Arthur Weasley work?
Answer: Misuse of Muggle artifacts.
10. In ‘Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban’, to what page number does Professor Snape ask his class to turn to?
Answer: Page 394.
11. What magical act is the word “splinching” connected with?
Answer: Apparition.
12. For how many years did the Weasleys have Scabbers as a pet?
Answer: 12 years.
13. What type of portkey was made use of to transport Harry to the Quidditch World Cup?
Answer: An old boot.
14. In ‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows’, to whom do the two wands belong that Ollivander identifies for Harry?
Answer: Bellatrix and Draco.
15. Who said, “The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.”
Answer: Ollivander.
16. What is Albus Dumbledore’s last line that he utters just moments prior to his demise?
Answer: “Severus…please.
17. In ‘Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire’, against what type of dragon does Harry Potter fight?
Answer: Hungarian horntail.
18. In ‘Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban’, what does Ron do to the Boggart after it takes the form of a spider?
Answer: He envisions it with roller skates.
19. What is the first line in the film, ‘Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone’?
Answer: “I should have known that you would be here.

20. When was the first Harry Potter novel written?
Answer: 26 June 1997.
21. Who are the only known characters to receive all twelve O.W.L.s?
Answer: Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley and Barty Crouch Jnr.
22. Which character is the author of ‘Unfogging The Future’?
Answer: Cassandra Vablatsky.
23. Who gave Ambrosius Flume his first job?
Answer: Ciceron Harkiss.
24. At Bill and Fleur’s wedding, what kind of hat was Elphias Doge wearing?
Answer: A moth-eaten fez.
25. What is the Bulgarian minister of magic called?
Answer: Oblansk.
26. How does Harry view the blast-ended skrewts?
Answer: Deformed, shell-less lobsters.
27. Winky the house elf has eyes of what color?
Answer: Dark brown.
28. How many exceptions exist to Gamp’s Elemental Law?
Answer: Five.
29. Who was the first prisoner to escape from Azkaban?
Answer: Barty Crouch Jr.
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Hard Harry Potter Trivia Questions
Oh, so you are the ultimate Harry Potter expert? Well, we doubt that! Because these extremely hard Harry Potter questions will throw you off, for sure. Explore this hard Harry Potter quiz and compete with your friends to know who is the master in the room.
1. Which professional Quidditch team does Cho Chang support?
Answer: Tutshill Tornados.
2. In what color did the Lovegoods dress up in for Bill and Fleur’s wedding?
Answer: Yellow.
3. Who was Fleur’s partner in the Yule ball?
Answer: Roger Davies.
4. In ‘Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix’ what does Bungy the Budgie do to stay cool during summer?
Answer: Water ski.
5. Which character did Ron impersonate to steal Slytherin’s locket?
Answer: Reginald Cattermole.
6. Which character first takes Voldemort’s name in the series?
Answer: Ginny Weasley.
7. To which character did the sorting hat originally belong?
Answer: Godric Gryffindor.
8. What position did Harry play in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
Answer: Seeker.
9. On the radio show ‘Potterwatch’, what was Lupin’s code name?
Answer: Romulus.
10. Who was the character that teased Moaning Myrtle about her glasses?
Answer: Olive Hornby.
11. Which character was the first user of the room of requirement?
Answer: Albus Dumbledore.
12. What are the names of Professor Snape’s parents?
Answer: Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince.
13. What do you recite to close the Marauder’s Map?
Answer: “Mischief Managed.
14. Where is the secret meeting place of Dumbledore’s Army?
Answer: The Room of Requirement.
15. Who pretended to be Mad Eye Moody in the Goblet of Fire?
Answer: Bartemius Crouch Junior.
16. What spell did Hermione use to free Harry and Ron from the Devil’s Snare?
Answer: Lumos Solem Spell.
17. What is the name of the ‘antisocial’ ghost of the Slytherin house, and is the only one who can control Peeves?
Answer: Bloody Baron.
18. What is Harry’s position in the wizarding sport Quidditch?
Answer: Seeker.
19. What species did Hagrid’s pet dragon, Norberta, belong to?
Answer: Norwegian Ridgeback.
20. Ron Weasley has a fear of which insect?
Answer: Spider.
21. Which of James’ friends escaped the Azkaban, who also turns out to be Harry’s godfather?
Answer: Sirius Black.
22. What animal can Remus Lupin turn into?
Answer: Werewolf.
23. What are the names of James Potter’s friends?
Answer: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew.
24. Who was the first goblin Harry ever met?
Answer: Griphook.
25. Which spell is also known as the Thief’s Friend?
Answer: The Unlocking Charm (Alohomora).
26. How did Harry get the lightning bolt scar on his forehead?
Answer: From Lord Voldemort’s failed attempt to murder him with the Killing Curse.
27. Who brought Harry to the Dursleys?
Answer: Albus Dumbledore.
28. What animal can Harry speak to?
Answer: Snake.
29. What are the names of Ron’s parents?
Answer: Arthur and Molly Weasley.
30. Which platform in the King’s Cross Station was Harry supposed to ride the train to Hogwarts?
Answer: Platform 9 ¾.
31. Where did Harry and Ron meet?
Answer: King’s Cross Station.
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Super Difficult Harry Potter Trivia Questions
We know that, if you can co-relate with everything that occurred in Rowling’s world, you are all here for any kind of Harry Potter knowledge quiz. Then why not, get your hands on this super difficult Harry Potter trivia to level up your game!
1. Which artist played the character of Hermione Granger?
Answer: Emma Watson.
2. What house is Harry Potter sorted into?
Answer: Gryffindor.
3. What is the name of the house elf that Harry befriends?
Answer: Dobby.
4. Who are Harry’s two best friends in the world?
Answer: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
5. What are the four Hogwarts houses?
Answer: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw.
6. Where did Harry live in the Muggle world?
Answer: Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.
7. What are the names of Harry’s parents?
Answer: James and Lily Potter.
8. When is Harry Potter’s birthday?
Answer: July 31.
9. What is the name of Draco Malfoy’s son?
Answer: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.
10. Where did Harry, Ron, and Hermione go after Bill and Fleur’s wedding?
Answer: Tottenham Court Road.
11. Who killed Bellatrix Lestrange?
Answer: Molly Weasley.
12. How did Harry get rid of Aunt Marge when she insulted Harry’s parents in front of him?
Answer: By using the Inflating Charm.
13. Which ice cream flavor did Harry eat at the zoo when he went out with the Dursleys?
Answer: Lemon Ice Pop.
14. Which magical device did Albus Dumbledore use to save and review his memories?
Answer: Pensieve.
15. What is Lord Voldemort’s boggart?
Answer: His own corpse.
16. What statue is placed outside the Prefects’ bathroom?
Answer: Boris the Bewildered.
17. What spell created by the Half Blood Prince did Harry use on Draco Malfoy?
Answer: Sectumsempra.
18. What potion did Harry make in Slughorn’s class, where he received top marks for doing it correctly?
Answer: Draught of Living Death.
19. Who destroyed Ravenclaw’s diadem?
Answer: Vincent Crabbe.
20. What is the secretive radio program set up by the Order of the Phoenix?
Answer: Potterwatch.
21. During Harry’s sixth year in Hogwarts, who is the instructor that taught the Apparition class?
Answer: Wilkie Twycross.
22. What color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley’s crabapple tree into for Harry’s 17th birthday?
Answer: Gold.
23. How much does a ticket for the Knight Bus cost if you include a cup of hot chocolate?
Answer: 14 sickles.
24. What is the name of Hagrid’s three headed dog?
Answer: Fluffy.
25. Who can see through the back of his own head?
Answer: Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody.
26. For which teaching post at Hogwarts School must they need to advertise year after year?
Answer: The teacher for Defence Against the Dark Arts.
27. Who introduces Harry to Tom Riddle’s diary?
Answer: Moaning Myrtle.
28. Who is the Half-Blood Prince?
Answer: Severus Snape.
29. What name is given to the phantoms that guard Azkaban?
Answer: Dementors.
30. What mode of transport do Harry and Ron use to get to Hogwarts at the beginning of their second year?
Answer: A flying car.
31. Who is Harry Potter’s godfather?
Answer: Sirius Black.
32. What is Harry’s position in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
Answer: Seeker.
Hardest Harry Potter Trivia Questions
Are you also the children-turn-adults who are still fancied by Hogwarts created in our mind quite a while ago? If this is so, then the hardest Harry Potter quiz is the perfect way for you to earn a badge of true potter fan. Check it out!
1. What are the three Unforgivable Curses?
Answer: Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio. Repeating one of them can lead lifelong imprisonment in Azkaban.
2. Suitably, what spell would you use when preparing to go on holiday?
Answer: Pack.
3. What does the Legilimens spell allow the user to do to whom the incantation is made?
Answer: Read their mind. In Latin, ‘legere’ means ‘to read’ and ‘mens’ means ‘mind’.
4. What does the spell Alohomora do?
Answer: Open doors.
5. Early in the first film, Hermione Granger uses the spell Oculus Reparo to do what?
Answer: Mend Harry’s glasses.
6. Which house is Draco Malfoy in?
Answer: Slytherin.
7. What is the name of the train station in which a person can board The Hogwarts Express?
King’s Cross Station.
8. What’s the name of the hidden place which has shops for robes, telescopes, and wands?
Answer: Diagon Alley.
9. What was the name of Harry’s first Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Professor Quirrell.
10. What is the name of the bank the wizards use?
Answer: Gringotts.
11. What did Hagrid add to Dudley Dursley’s back end?
A pig’s tail.
12. Who was the first person to tell Harry he was a wizard?
Answer: Hagrid.
13. Which birthday does Harry begin in a shack on a rock in the middle of the water?
Answer: Eleventh
14. When the story starts, where was Harry’s room at the Dursley’s located?
Answer: Under the stairs.
15. What is the last name of the family Harry Potter lives with at the beginning of the story?
Answer: Dursley.
16. What is Dumbledore’s first name?
Answer: Albus.
17. Harry thought he saw birds on the way to the Sorcerer’s stone. What did they turn out to be instead?
Answer: Flying keys.
18. How do you calm down Fluffy, the three-headed dog?
Answer: Play it some music.
19. Which half-man, half-horse creature did Harry meet in the forest?
Answer: A centaur.
20. How did Harry and Hermione get a dragon to the tallest tower of Hogwarts without being seen?
Answer: They used the invisibility cloak.
21. What does the Elixir of Life do to a person who drinks it?
Answer: Makes them immortal.
22. Whom did Harry see in the Mirror of Erised?
Answer: His parents.
23. What kind of cloak did Harry get as a present his first Christmas at Hogwarts?
Answer: Invisibility Cloak.
24. Whom did Ron and Hermione first believe was jinxing Harry’s broom at his first Quidditch match?
Answer: Snape.
25. What color Quidditch robes does Gryffindor wear?
Answer: Red (scarlet).
26. When Harry Potter first attends Hogwarts, who is the boys’ Prefect for Gryffindor?
Answer: Percy Weasley.
27. Which animals fly in the Great Hall on Halloween?
Answer: Bats.
28. How many points are scored if a Seeker catches the Golden Snitch?
Answer: 150.
29. Which position on a Quidditch team tries to get the Golden Snitch?
Answer: Seeker.
30. Which position on a Quidditch team tries to keep the opposing team from getting the Quaffle through the hoops?
Answer: Keeper.
Harry Potter Trivia Questions and Answers
For Harry Potter fans, this is not just any other novel; it’s an addiction, to the author’s words that create magic every time they read it. As a result, we have penned down an amazing collection of Harry Potter trivia questions and answers because Potterheads always want more!
1. What is the name of the magical device that turns off streetlights?
Answer: The Put-Outer.
2. What’s the name of the shop in which Harry buys his wand?
Answer: Ollivander’s.
3. What’s the name of the famous pub in Diagon Alley?
Answer: The Leaky Cauldron.
4. What kind of creatures run Gringotts bank?
Answer: Goblins.
5. On which holiday did Voldemort kill Harry’s parents?
Answer: Halloween.
6. Who said to the Dursleys, “Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh”?
Answer: Hagrid.
7. When Mr. Dursley nailed up the mail slot, where did Harry’s letters come through?
Answer: The fireplace.
8. What kind of snake did Harry talk to at the zoo?
Answer: Boa constrictor.
9. Who had the best grades of all the first year students?
Answer: Hermione.
10. Which house won the House Cup at the end of the first book?
Answer: Gryffindor.
11. Which Hogwarts student had the Invisibility Cloak before Dumbledore gave it to Harry?
Answer: Harry’s father.
12. Who said, “Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself”?
Answer: Dumbledore.
13. What happened to Quirrell’s hands when he tried to seize Harry Potter?
Answer: They burned.
14. Which character is the youngest seeker in a century?
Answer: Harry Potter.
15. Who did Game of Thrones actress Natalia Tena play in the Harry Potter films?
Answer: Nymphadora Tonks.
Final Thoughts on Harry Potter Trivia Questions
If any author has done justice to the literature world in terms of fantasy and literary fiction, is none other than J.K Rowling. It’s because of him that not just 90’s kids but today’s generation are also wild for the Harry Potter series and Harry Potter trivia questions.
Though it may sound melodramatic to you, only true Potterheads can understand; how this series changed their life or helped them to walk through the hard patches, to say at least.
These Harry Potter trivia questions are just meant to be for the real and constant fans, who have crammed these books as if they were a part of their school examination syllabus.
From Harry Potter RPG games on wizarding sites to numerous Harry Potter trivia questions, if you still think you haven’t got enough of wizardness, these Harry Potter trivia questions and answers are all for you.
Therefore, comment below on how much did you score on the Harry Potter quiz questions, and don’t forget to share these detailed questions with all the Rowling’s series fans as well.